imnotsowicked · 1 year
Cold-Killer Curse Jar
I came down with an annoying cold today: sore throat, tired, achy, irritable… So, in addition to the usual extra rest and vitamin C, I thought, why not help things along with a spell?
The following is not a spell for healing; it is a spell for killing the thing that ails you - a curse for whatever virus or bacteria dares sicken you.
- Instructions -
1 small jar
salt(s) (I used a combination of table salt, garlic salt, and a handful of pieces of the large, chunky ice-melting salt that sits in a bucket by the door to my apartment building)
garlic (in whatever form you prefer - I used powdered)
crushed red pepper (or some other spicy ingredient to give the spell more kick)
your own sick self
black thread or candle for sealing
Place the ingredients (excluding yourself, of course) into the jar. Amounts can be whatever seems best to you.
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Looks like some kind of pretty sand garden, doesn’t it?
Now cough, sneeze, spit, or some combination of these, into the jar. Toss those germs into the mix! They shall serve as markers for their brethren. 
Having done that, place the lid of the jar on tightly. Now shake the damn thing. Shake it vigorously. Pour all your anger and frustration and hatred for the germs into that shaking motion. Rattle ‘em up. And while you do, say the following words:
Be decimated, Be desiccated, And trouble me no longer!
Bind the jar with black string and/or seal with wax (I didn’t have a black candle on hand, so I opted for the string).
Keep the jar around, within easy reach, if convenient. You can shake it as often as you like. Look at the salt and imagine the germs shriveling up and dying - a satisfying revenge for the trouble they have caused you.
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Important Note: This spell is meant only to help you overcome what ails you. It is not a substitute for taking care of yourself. You still need to rest, eat, and drink properly. And if the illness is serious, SEE A DOCTOR! Don’t rely on a curse to do it all for you. Being well is about more than killing germs anyway.
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imnotsowicked · 1 year
Coin Jinx
If you’re able to give a coin to someone you dislike, this is a covert way to jinx or hex someone who is annoying you. Take a coin and some black nail polish and paint over the eyes of whoever is on your chosen coin.
If you have a special nail polish or want to change the color you use, that works as well. The point is to just paint over the eyes. Let the paint dry and then take the coin into your left hand and tell it to cause only its very next holder trouble until it gets rid of it.
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imnotsowicked · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast Curse
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This is a curse to show others someone’s true personality until they learn to change their ugly ways.
What You’ll Need:
A Glass Jar (large enough to hold your items)
Dried Rose Petals
Chili Powder
Rose Thorns
Broken Glass (be careful!!)
Something Reflective (like a dime)
Pen and Paper
This spell is best performed on a Tuesday, day of Mars, for the aggression and anger you need to manifest it. This is intended for those who have wronged you, those who have a beastly nature that no one ever sees.
Write the name of the cursed on your scrap of paper. Add it to your bottle first. Take your rose petals and mix them with your ashes and chili pepper in a mortar and pestle. Focus on your target’s face in your mind. Think back on how it made you feel to be treated this way. Feel the anger in your heart move into your hands as you pound your mortar and pestle. Be sure not to make too much of a mess! Put your rose thorns on the bottom of the jar with the name and then add your petal mixture. The broken glass should come next. Top it off with the reflective dime. Make sure it’s a shiny one. The thorns and broken glass’s purpose are to keep your target entangled in their curse and the dime is there to reflect their inner image back at them and anyone who sees them.
Until they learn to change their ways, there the curse stays.
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imnotsowicked · 1 year
Difference between a jinx, hex and curse
I felt like people searching my tags would need a little clarification on the difference between a jinx, hex and curse (according to me).
A jinx is a form of malevolent magic where the subject gets bad luck, minor misfortunes. It’s simple, nasty, but isn’t meant to seriously harm someone. Usually only lasts a little while. A hex is a form of malevolent magic, more powerful than a jinx. Lasts longer, and is usually “broken” when the subject learns their lesson. A curse is the most powerful, and if done well it can last a lifetime or even longer. Can be cast on a person or family, and can last forever or until something is done to atone for whatever caused then to be cursed.
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
Unconventional & Affordable Ingredients for Spells
Here is a list of unconventional and affordable ingredients that can be used in spells and witchcraft along with their correspondences; good for witches “in the woods” and witches on a budget. Many of these can be easily found for inexpensive prices or at home.
Acorns/Acorn Caps: security, abundance, longevity, good luck, youth and brings good health
Animal toys/stickers: relates to correspondences of that animal
Artist’s Charcoal: banishing negativity, protection; cursing
Baby Powder: cleansing, beauty, youth
Baking Soda: cleansing, purification, protection
Birthday Candles: wishes, joy; color magic and number magic depending on their color and/or what number they display
Black Tea Bags (used): earth magic, grounding, strength, stability, banishing negativity; ending, death 
Bottle Caps: prosperity, luck, material gain
Bubble Bath: self-love, relaxation, emotional healing, serenity; plus whatever scent the bubble bath is affects correspondences
Bubbles/Bubble Liquid: wishes, joy, whimsy, imagination, fantasy
Buckeye Nuts: luck, sexual energies, warding
Butter: femininity, flattery, friendship, warmth, happiness; good for fae work
Candy Bars: love, romance, happiness, lust, fertility, emotional healing, healing of the heart, forgiveness, friendship
Candy Corn: courage, imagination, endurance, energy, motivation, happiness, celebration
Candy Foil: sweetness, secrets, protecting one’s emotions; color magic
Chocolate Syrup/Milk: happiness, love, lust, romance, sweetening relationships
Cocktail Swords: strength, assertiveness, competition; cursing, revenge; ending rumors
Cotton Balls: beauty, gentleness, warmth, sleep
Cotton Swabs: cleansing, purification
Dice: chance, opportunity, luck; number magic
Dirt: grounding, earth magic, growth, prosperity, patience, home and family; cursing
Dish Soap: cleansing
Duct Tape: binding, storing energy, cursing
Egg Shells: cleansing, protection, warding
Energy Drinks: energy, motivation
Envelopes: messages, communication, protection during travel
Epsom Salts: purification, cleansing, protection, pain relief, serenity, comfort, stress relief
Fake/Play Money: wealth, prosperity
Fish Sauce: prosperity, water magic, curses
Foil: glamour, protection, storing energy, binding
Glue: sealing, immobility, binding, curses
Googley Eyes: vision, divination, scrying, creativity, protection, imagination; curses, paranoia, nightmares
Grass: growth, nature, learning, healing, new beginnings, recovery from loss
Hand Soap: cleansing, curse removal
Hole Punches: good for cursing
Hot Sauce: motivation, lust, confidence; cursing, anger, revenge, emotional pain
Koolaid: youth, sweetness, happiness; color magic, corresponds with flavors as well
Lip Balm: glamour, confidence in speaking, honesty, beauty
Lollipops: sweetness, innocence, ending rumors and lies, lust and sexual energies, love
Lotion: protection, beauty
Laundry Soap: cleansing, purification
Marshmallows: friendliness, comfort, gentleness, fidelity, sleep and dreams
Metal Crafting Wire: binding
Modeling Clay: poppets, earth magic, grounding, balance, stability, creation, change
Mud: grounding, earth magic; curses
Muslin: poppets, change, creativity
Noodles: Longevity, good health
Pompoms (craft): gentleness, comfort, love, sleep, dreams
Paper Clips: balance, focus, organization; curses, binding
Pennies: luck, wealth
Pickle Juice: curses to sour things
Plastic Bags: protection; binding
Plastic Ribbon (wrapping): happiness, glamour, delight; binding; color magic
Plastic Wrap: binding
Popsicle sticks: poppets
Scissors: offensive magic, curses
Seltzer Water: purification, removing negativity; curses
Sewing Needles: curses, pain
Shaving Cream: cleansing, softness, patience, calmness
Stamps: travel, communication
Sour Cream: cursing
Soy Sauce: protection, banishment; cursing
Sticky Notes: communication, memory
Strawberry Milk: love, self-love, beauty, sweetness, friendship
Syrup: joy, sweetening one’s emotions
Taco Sauce: Focus, Energy, motivation
Taffy: joy, flexibility
Thumbtacks: curses
Tissue Paper: softness, serenity; color magic
Toothpaste: cleansing
Toothpicks: curse
Walnut Shells: protection, warding
Wasabi: Energy; curses, anger, envy
Whipped Cream: beauty, light-heartedness
Whistles: communication, attention grabbing, warding
Other Tips:
Recycle bottles, jars and medicine bottles for jar/bottle magic
Reuse tea bags (though not too long after use) in bath magic
If you do wish to use herbs, it is cheaper to order them online in bulk rather than the supermarket. Trust me, supermarkets and grocery stores really over price most herbs. You can get triple the amount for 2 dollars less online
Make up and toiletries are great for glamours
Its fine to use kitchen knives if you can’t afford am athame
Look at the ingredients in food you eat to see what is in it and determine that food’s correspondences, quick and easy kitchen magic
Crayons, colored pencils, markers and pens are good for easy sigil and color magic
Binders are cheaper than blank books and make great grimoires
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
Bay Leaf Wish Spell
this is a very simple spell that can aide you in a wish you have! 
 what you need: 
• dried bay leaf 
• white candle 
• marker 
• fire-resistant dish 
 1. write your intention out on the bay leaf (ex. Love) 
 2. hold it between your palms, meditating on it putting all your wishful energy into it. 
 3. put it in the fire so it catches, then quickly drop it into the dish. (in my experience it only burns about a quarter, probably because i didn’t hold in in the fire for long enough, but if this does happen flick off the burn part and continue. you can grind it smaller with a mortar and pestle.)
 4. once it is cool to touch, collect all the ashes and place them in a small sack or bottle and carry it around until you feel the spell has worked.
 5. once your wish has happened, you can dispose of the ashes by burring them, letting them off in the wind, place in water, ect. 
 happy crafting my lovelies, and blessed be. ❤️
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
Windvexer’s Wish Board Conjuration
Wish boards are sooo fun. This is a highly creative project and you can form it in almost anyway you desire! A wish board can be as large as an entire wall or as small as an index card. You do not need candles, incense, herbs, stones, or anything witchy for this project. 
Art supplies - pencils, markers, paint, paper
Magazines, photographs, printouts, stickers, stamps, or anything else you would like to include on your board
Hanging supplies like tape or push-pins if you want to put your wish board on the wall
Your wish board can include anything you desire. By creating a physical representation of your wishes, you can regularly focus on them and send those desires energy.
Consider beginning by writing down a list of what you want. Be specific. Shoot for the stars. Let your inner child out to play and don’t hedge your desires. Do you want to graduate, or graduate with a 4.0 GPA? It doesn’t matter if it is realistic. We aren’t in the realm of realism. We are in the realm of magic.
The magic:
Begin collecting or creating images of your goals. I like to cut out images and paste them on paper because I think it is fun. Use photos, images, poems, or whatever you like to visually describe your various goals! You can have as many goals as you want :)
Keep your wish board (or boards) wherever you can see them regularly. Make focusing upon your board part of your regular routine. If you want, do rituals with it during the full moon or send it extra energy whenever you like.
When a wish has manifested, remove it from the board. Celebrate your success and pay it forward through generosity to others.
Miscellaneous: A wish board may be best made or dedicated during the full moon, on Thursdays, or on the hour of Jupiter. 
High-Tech variation: Start a new wish blog and keep it digitally instead!
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
Jar & Candle Wish Spell
A sigil, or a strong, specific statement of intent 
Some birthday candles, appropriately colored for your intent (white works if you don’t have the color you need)
Cinnamon, for an extra boost (optional, but I use it for virtually everything)
Herbs and stones pertinent to your wish (I used allspice and basil for employment, and citrine for success)
A small Quartz
Fill the jar, and seal it. On top of it, burn a candle daily until it comes true.
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
chronic migraine spell jar ☾
jar w/cork (size doesn’t matter, it’ll just affect the amount of each ingredient you use)
orange peel
lemon peel
cinnamon stick(s)
mint leaves
tea leaves/ground tea (preferably chamomile or green)
white candle + lighter
layer the bottom of your jar with tea leaves or ground tea. make this layer relatively thick in comparison to your other layers.
on top of the tea, put down a thin layer of rosemary. this should just barely cover the tea.
next, add your mint leaves. i would make this layer on the thicker side as well, because mint is the strongest ingredient in this other than the tea.
next, add in your orange and lemon peels. the ratio of lemon to orange peel should be 1:1
prop your cinnamon sticks up in the jar. don’t overwork the cinnamon; only use however many sticks comfortably fit in your jar. if you do not have cinnamon sticks, you may substitute it for ground cinnamon*
seal your jar using whatever method you prefer. because i did not have a cork for my jar, i sealed it a bit differently than i normally would.
(optional) charge your jar under the moon with a piece of clear quartz.
orange peel: energy, happiness lemon peel: protection cinnamon: healing, extra power mint: migraine/headache relief, potent healing herb rosemary: strength, protection chamomile/green tea: blessings, good health, energy
* if you use ground cinnamon, you should put your cinnamon between the rosemary and mint layers. this is primarily for aesthetic reasons, but do whatever your heart desires!
disclaimer(s): witchcraft is not a substitute for a doctor. if you have chronic migraines, please see a doctor. this is meant only to aid healing.  the tea i used is a mix that also contains apple, lemon verbena, and pineapple, among other things.
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
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I’ve been working on a way to like… standardize sigil making for myself, this is what I have so far.
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
✨migraine healing spell jar ✨
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As someone suffering from chronic migraine & cluster headaches since I was a child, I understand how absolutely helpless one feels when plagued with migraines. I couldn't find much online in terms of an ani-migraine spell, so I decided to make my own :
small glass bottle with cork lid (you can also make a charm bag if you wish)
any loose tea that contains calming/stress relieving ingredients ( I used tulsi ginger tea)
salt for protection & purification of the body
cinammon sticks for speedy recovery & protection against sudden spells of headache
marjoram for healing persisting pain (you can use lavender or chamomile instead)
bay leaves with petition/sigil for positive manifestation
dried rose petals for self love (optional)
sugar for sweetening the healing process
any essential oil that calms you (optional)
cast a circle or proceed however you normally do before spellwork.
cleanse your jar/tools with incense (I used lavender, but you can use anything that feels right to you)
add the ingredients in whichever order feels right to you, but make sure to use marjoram/lavendar/chamomile generously, as it will act as the primary healing herb
seal with blue or white candle wax (I used both: blue corresponds for healing, & white can be substituted in lieu of any other color)
you could chant/whisper/visualise while doing so, or place crystals around your jar to charge it with intention (amethyst is good for healing, you can also use clear quartz)
place the jar near your window/or within your vicinity
That's it 💗 I hope this will help you heal & make you feel better 🌿
Reminder: please don't use magick as a substitute for modern medicine. if you have serious chronic migraines, please see a doctor & take the prescribed medicines. this spell can be used in conjunction with mundane methods, which include meditation, migraine healing binaural, stress-relieving tea, & gentle head massage.
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
Spells for Health, Healing, and Pain
Updated: March 30th, 2016
Please remember that these spells are not meant to be a substitute or replacement for proper medical care, nor should they be. If you are concerned about your health, your first action should be to visit a doctor. These spells can help and boost any medical treatment, but are not meant and should never be used as an end-all-be-all for any health issues.
[“Afraid of Doctors” Tea Spell]
[All-Pupose Healing Amulet]
[Anti-Migraine Spell Bottle]
[Animist Reset Ritual]
[Aromatherapy Spell For Migraines / Headaches]
[Autumn Stone Healing Spell]
[A Bottle Spell for Healing from Childhood Trauma]
[Charm for Healing]
[Easy Aches and Pains Healing Spell]
[Easy Healing Spell]
[Emotional Healing - Bottle Magic]
[“Feel Better” Charmed Soup]
[Fire in My Bones: A Healing Spell]
[The Forest Spirit]
[Going into the Earth Spell for Emotional Healing]
[Green Light Spell to Speed Recovery]
[Hasten Recovery]
[Heal What Has Been Hurt]
[Healing Ashes of Andraste]
[Healing Candles Spell]
[Healing Fire Candle Spell]
[Healing Herbal Sachet]
[Healing Jar]
[Healing Jar]
[Healing of Mind and Body Spell]
[Healing Oil]
[Healing Oil]
[Healing Pouch for PMS and Cramps]
[Healing Powder]
[A Healing Ritual]
[Healing Sachet]
[Healing Soak]
[Healing Spell]
[Healing Spell]
[Healing Spell: Mint Hot Chocolate for Healing]
[Healing Spell: To Heal Physical Pain]
[Healing Spell Using Earth]
[Healing Spells]
[Healing With Water]
[Health and Vitality Spell]
[Herbal Bath for Pain Relief]
[Herbal Remedies for Cold and Flu Season]
[High Protection Winter Tea]
[Homemade Cough Syrup]
[Hot Brew for Healing]
[Immunity Boosting Noodles]
[Magic Chicken Soup]
[Major Arcana Spells: The Sun’s Vitality Spell]
[Mental and Physical Health Spell]
[“My Throat is Trying to Kill Me” Ginger Brew]
[My Uterus is Trying to Kill Me!: A Healing Spell for Shark Week]
[Natural Pain Remedies]
[Nayru’s Wisdom: Healing Waters]
[Peppermint Healing Spell]
[Physical Healing Bottle Charm]
[Protection and Healing from Abuse]
[Quick and Easy Spell Pouch for Healing]
[Rev-Up-Your-Health Spell]
[Ring for Health and Vitality Spell]
[Rose’s Tears: A Healing Bath]
[Simple Pain Relief Spell]
[Simple Spells to Lessen Pain]
[Smooth Cycle Herbal Tea Blend]
[Spell Bundle: Healing]
[Spell for Good Health]
[Spell for Good Health & Healing]
[Spell for Healing]
[A Spell for Healing Others]
[Spell to: Heal Another]
[Spell to Remove a Fever]
[A Spell to Restore Good Health]
[Stomach Tea]
[Stones and Teas for Healing]
[Upset Stomach Tea]
[White Candle Healing Spell]
[Winter Witchery; A Brief Healing Companion]
[View Post on Blog] | [Spell and Resource Lists // rebloggable]
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
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Witch Tip
This is a crystal charger box. It’s a really simple way for charging your crystals for specific needs. All you have to do is get a box, write what you want the crystal to be charged with on top of the lid - for example promoting sleep, and then place the crystal in the box. Great for charging on the go!
If you want to, here is a tutorial on how to do your own paper box if you feel extra crafty. It’s really good if you have crystals in different sizes; just change the paper’s measurements. Make sure your crystals are cleansed and free of negativity before putting them in the box, so it doesn’t get all clogged up. The same box can be used several times, if you like.
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imnotsowicked · 2 years
Witchcraft for the New Year
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Correspondences and ideas:
Herbal correspondences 
Witchy (and practical) ways to start the new year
Cleansing and preparation for the new year
New Year’s resolution alternatives
New Year’s Traditions (little things to do)
New Year’s Eve and Day Spiritual Practices
New Year’s Wishing Jar
A New Year Spell
New Year’s Blessing
New Beginnings Spell
My New Year Spell
Candle Spell to Welcome the New Year
New year’s
New year sigil set
The upcoming year is peaceful
Peace and blessings come to me in the new year
For entering the New Year with clear mind, soul and general well-being
New Year’s Spread! (3 card)
Seasonal New Year’s Spread (4 card)
Tarot Spread for the New Year! (5 card)
New Year Spread (5 card)
New Year Tarot Spread (8 card)
New Year Tarot Spread (11 card)
The Yearly Spread (11 card)
New Year’s Spread (12 card)
New Year, New You Tarot Spread (12 card)
New Year Tarot Spread (13 card)
The New Year (14 card)
Last updated December, 2021. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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imnotsowicked · 4 years
The Big Twelve
(Small devotional acts)
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imnotsowicked · 4 years
Hello. I'm a devotee of Athena and am pretty new to this. A friend of mine's boyfriend had a seizure earlier today and I heard he had another one a little bit ago. I want to pray to Apollo to ask for him to get better but I don't know how. Can you give me some advice please?
Petitions for aid are pretty simple, and follow the same format across the board for theoi. The only exception really being if you’re praying to an Ouranic deity or a Khthonic deity then the way you make the offering changes a bit. I have a full post on Offerings that includes talk about petitioning the theoi for aid if you want to check it out, but the cliff notes version is easy.
Call on the theoi in question, in this case Apollo/n
Make an offering
Ask for his help
All the standard offerings apply: bread, honey, wine, water, meat, incense. He also favors hyacinths, laurel, and things related to music and poetry.
You can also try appealing to Asklepios, who’s a son of Apollo/n and a theos of medicine.
If you’d like, here’s a petitioning prayer you can use
Blessed Paiêon, With Laurels upon your browI come before you in supplication,Singing your many praises and pouring libations to your honor.Oh ApollonAkesios, Father ofAsklepios,Hear my prayers!Please, Blessed One,Take these gifts I bring you andHelp my friend. Guide his doctors to find what is wrong,Grant him swift treatment and accurate aid.
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