imogeneharper-blog · 9 years
Author's Note
Hello Tumblr :) this is the author speaking. I'm sure you know by now that Imogene is a person that, by definition, does not exist in the tangible world that you and I live within and therefore is classified by all you weak-minded robot fools as "fictional." I am here to remind you that, while she occupies no physical space within our universe, my brain is the portal to hers, and I will be recounting her experiences to you in the first person.
Think of me as a "television," if you will.
Her adventures are many and (hopefully) entertaining, and if you're a fan of canon storytelling in a sort-of unconventional setting (Tumblr), perhaps you may enjoy her story :3
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imogeneharper-blog · 11 years
well, i have technology again!
Hey everybody, so I've been suffering from lack of technology for a while, (a.k.a. I had no working computer for 3 months, and lost access to all internets and WIFIs for about two of the latter months) so I've been pretty much off the grid since then. But I just got a new computer, and life is good!
Anyway, there have been a few setbacks in my launch journey, so it looks like I'll be waiting a little longer to take flight over the Pacific. Not to worry though! I'm making some last-minute efficiency improvements in my discharge systems so that my engine batteries will have a little more kick, which means I can go longer on a single charge! There's always an opportunity in every difficulty, and I know how cliched that sounds, but meh. I'm still a flying bird. Woop!
New launch date is set to be sometime in later October, which is in a few weeks! Hopefully I'll be in the air by November at the latest, but we shall see where the tide takes me!
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imogeneharper-blog · 11 years
Tumblr media
Finishing up my electrical work! Everything is in working order. Test flights are all a go.
**guys, my dreams are coming true right in front of my face**
This bird can fly. It's a good day in California.
And David Tennant. All the David Tennant.
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imogeneharper-blog · 11 years
Testing, 1...3... wait, that's wrong
Hello everyone! My name is Imogene Harper. I'm beginning a blog to document my journey around the world in a Cessna 400 (lovingly named "The Apache" to honor my grandmother, a member of the Apache nation). but with a twist! I won't be using a single gallon of gas.
Instead, I will use nothing but ionospheric and solar electricity. I am in the final processes of re-wiring and overhauling the original gasoline power system with an ionospheric generator to charge a dual-battery energy distribution system with a solar electrical assist mounted along the wingspan. Furthermore, I've also built in an osmotic power filter generator where one of my passenger seats should be, in case of engine failure (the premise is that, if I have to make a landing on the ocean due to a system failure from the ionospheric generator, I can refuel my engine batteries with the energy generated from the saltwater osmosis reaction, and get pure drinking water as a bonus byproduct)!
I hope one day to be a pioneer in both the engineering and in the aviation fields, completing a worldwide journey in the air without the leash of gasoline. I plan on beginning my journey in late September, flying out from the desert area just outside of Adelanto, California, and heading westward over the Pacific.
People always talk about wanting to travel, to see the world. But then, life gets in the way. Phone calls have to be made. Bills have to be paid. Work has to be done. The machine has to keep on pumping. The grid has to keep functioning. I don't really know where I'm going with all this. I guess my point is that you are only as free as you choose to be. And I have chosen the ultimate freedom.
For all of those who are supporting me in my endeavor, I thank you lovingly from the bottom of my heart. For those who don't believe in me, or that I can do what I set out to do, die in a fire watch me.
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