incyray ¡ 1 day
Yooo I’d love to see some research on that… would be really cool if they were doing a symbiotic thing, like pistol shrimps and gobies or tarantulas and frogs. But, it could also just be that they are habituated to each other on an individual level, which would also be interesting!
Rare images of a leafcutter bee sharing its nest with a wolfspider:
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These photographs were taken in Queensland, Australia, by an amateur photographer named Laurence Sanders.
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The leafcutter bee (Megachile macularis) can be seen fetching freshly-cut leaves, which she uses to line the inner walls of her nest. The wolfspider moves aside, allowing the bee to enter the nest, and then simply watches as the leaf is positioned along the inner wall.
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After inspecting the nest together, they return to their resting positions -- sitting side-by-side in the entryway to the nest.
The bee seems completely at ease in the presence of the wolfspider, which is normally a voracious predator, and the spider seems equally unfazed by the fact that it shares its burrow with an enormous bee.
This arrangement is completely unheard of, and the images are a fascinating sight to behold.
Sources & More Info:
Brisbane Times: The Odd Couple: keen eye spies bee and spider bedfellows in 'world-first'
iNaturalist: Megachile macularis
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incyray ¡ 2 days
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“Rebirth, alteration, evolution, a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.”
(Print Available)
Keep reading
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incyray ¡ 2 days
Yeah a lot,
I saw somebody in the comments say something like ‘yeah it’s called derealization’ and well they’re not wrong
There’s a sort of in between, of perpetual semi derealization, and almost clarity (but not too clear, or else existence becomes unnerving)
And, also, an appreciation for brutalism and liminal spaces
do you ever feel like this?
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incyray ¡ 5 days
I like to call this ‘Don’t Starve Crockpot Cooking’, because I am literally cooking like they do in Don’t Starve, I am shoving ingredients into the UI slots of a pot and making Something out of them.
I literally only need the one pot. It boils. It steams (if I put a lid over it). It sautĂŠs. It stir-fries. It fries. It toasts bread. What else do I even need.
This must be how Warly makes such good food using the one crockpot and whatever random survival scenario forage he’s able to get.
When you’ve been cooking for long enough, you stop making recipes and start making “shit in a skillet” and “whatever soup”
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incyray ¡ 5 days
Reminder to PLEASE get your pets vaccinated for rabies, and then keep up with their booster shots. Rabies vaccines for pets can last for 1-3 years depending on the specific vaccine they get, and it will protect them AND others from one of the most horrific diseases known to mammal kind.
Rabies is Very difficult to treat. It makes Covid look like the sniffles. Pretty much the only ‘treatment’ for rabies is to immediately administer the vaccine the instant you suspect you have been merely exposed to it (this is why they are saying to immediately seek treatment if you have been scratched or bitten by an animal, even if you are not sure it has rabies or not); once it becomes symptomatic, it is already too late. Re: the ‘treatment’ is Prevent It NOW Before It Sets In.
If your pet is still very young, give your vet a call to ask when is best to vaccinate them.
At least where I live, documented rabies vaccination is also required BY LAW to be able to take your pet to the grooming salon. So that’s another reason to get it, since especially if you have a long or curly coated animal, you’ll want to take them to groomers’ fairly often to maintain their coat and help prevent matting or skin conditions. (You would be frightened to know how gross a dog’s skin can get underneath its hair if it becomes matted and then left like that)
RABIES ALERT: New York, United States
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A Rabies-infected Stray Cat Attacked at Least One Person on Staten Island; NYC Officials Issue Warning
Shared from SILive | May 20th 2024
A rabies-infected stray cat recently attacked at least one person in Travis, and city officials now want residents to be on the lookout for other possibly-infected animals, a Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) spokesman said Friday.
A flyer being circulated by the Health Department shows a picture of the male brown tabby domestic shorthair cat that officials believe was living near Travis Avenue and Victory Boulevard for over a year.
The flyer recommends that anyone who may have come in contact with the cat before May 2 seek medical attention. Additionally, there may be other infected cats or wildlife in the area, so anyone scratched or bitten by a wild animal should also seek medical attention. People with pets who were bitten should also contact their veterinarian.
After authorities located the cat with the confirmed rabies infection, they caught it before later euthanizing the animal, according to the Health Department. Animals cannot be tested for rabies while alive, so the cat’s euthanasia was a necessary step.
The attacked individual received treatment after the exposure, and a human case of rabies hasn’t been reported in the five boroughs since 1947, according to the Health Department.
According to DOHMH, rabies is a fatal virus transmitted to people and other mammals through the bite of an infected animal. The virus can also be transmitted if a rabid animal’s saliva or nerve tissue gets directly into another animal’s eyes, nose, mouth or an open wound.
Most commonly found in raccoons in the five boroughs, only 600 animals have tested positive for the virus since the city began conducting surveillance in 1992, according the Health Department. Last year, only four raccoons and a cat tested positive for the virus, the Advance/SILive.com reported.
The city set up bait stations with rabies vaccines multiple times last year in the Island’s wooded and marshy areas.
Symptoms of rabies usually start to appear one to three months after exposure, but in rare cases, symptoms have not shown up for several years, according to the Health Department.
Modern post-exposure treatments for rabies using vaccines and antibodies have been almost universally effective in preventing death among humans in the Western Hemisphere.
According to a March 2023 report from the Infectious Disease Society of America, an 84-year-old Minnesota man became the first person to die in the U.S. from rabies in 2021 despite receiving those treatments. Scientists concluded that the failure of those treatments was most likely due to an unknown impaired immunity in the man.
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incyray ¡ 5 days
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I could think of no better way to share the news than this!
So when I was 17, my cat went missing and I'd given up hope of ever seeing him again.
Until on Monday, 27th of May, 2024, my friend sent me a FB post asking 'isn't that your mother?' about the person named on the microchip.
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Here he is! 16 years old, and found safe, twelve whole years after he went missing!
Yesterday (Tuesday the 28th of May, 2024) I went to the rescue that had him, and I reclaimed my boy, renaming him Artie! (He'd originally been called 'Cat' because my mother and I couldn't decide on a name)
He's home safe with me now, currently inhabiting my bathroom and purring up a storm every time someone goes in there!
I'll be doing slow introductions between him and my current cat to give them the best possible chance of living in harmony!
Here's some pictures of Artie once we let him out of the carrier:
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incyray ¡ 5 days
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They De-Tumblrized Ms. Frizzle
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incyray ¡ 5 days
"There's no such thing as a fish because you can't define it phylogenetically without also including things that aren't fish"
Man I have bad news for you about lizards. And reptiles in general. And wasps, but I guess that depends on your opinion on wasps. And I don't think you're ready for trees.
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incyray ¡ 6 days
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refsheet comm for Sugaraddiction + custom comm for Yuetchi! super fun to do lil sheets like this
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incyray ¡ 9 days
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incyray ¡ 12 days
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incyray ¡ 13 days
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I wanted to draw something nice and fresh for a desktop wallpaper on my laptop
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incyray ¡ 13 days
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The revamping is done! Ten years after their inception I feel like they make more sense to what I had been wanting to go for. They're called Taurics as they resemble centaurs in a way. If centaurs were large, arthropod-ish, and their upper torso was actually their head and they had an extra secondary head on top of it like a weird hat. I'm still working out the kinks of their internal anatomy and touching up on revamping their culture and such from what I'd done back in the day (most of it lost thanks to the original document file being corrupted, boo). But for now, have this polished sketch set.
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incyray ¡ 16 days
Ooooh I like the subtle oil shine sort of wavy texture to the shading, very interesting
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Experimental comm for ProjectRedEye !
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incyray ¡ 17 days
Custom formline commissions are now open!!!
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I was hoping to wait until I had an established new job to post this but the job hunt is still gonna be going for a week at least, so I'm opening these now!! All prices are in CAD, and I'll be accepting 3 slots to begin with!! If you want to see more examples of my formline art check out my portfolio website! You can also check the tag #telekitnetic art on here!!
Check below for more details; shares/reblogs are appreciated!
Details to keep in mind:
Consider your character's design and my style before you submit an enquiry! Some details like overly complicated designs, clothing, etc. may not translate well to formline! When it comes to animals and animalistic characters, the formline will keep the main animal the design is meant to be based on in mind (Ie, semi-canine designs may lean towards traditional canine shapes, etc.)
Because of this, I recommend sending an enquiry only if your character leans towards the animalistic or anthropomorphic side. No NSFW/R18 enquiries.
Payment is to be made via Square, Stripe, or Interac E-Transfer. Due to issues I've seen happen to other artists using PayPal, I'm hesitant to use that service for commissions of this price amount. If PayPal is the only possible service that you can use, please let me know in your enquiry and I can make an exception.
Estimated turnaround for this commission type is 3 weeks to a month and a half depending on the size and complexity. This may change depending on my job search, and I will update commissioners personally if the commission timeline changes!
Also important clarification: these custom designs are not intended to be tattoo designs, please don't send an enquiry with the intent of using them as such!
These are not first come first serve; I'll wait about a day before getting in touch with commissioners.
Be sure to check out my full terms of service here as well!! It includes a graph for a public look at my queue and progress!!
Feel free to DM me if you have any questions or want clarification on something, but please only submit enquiries and commission requests to my email address ([email protected])!! EDIT: I forgot discord is also a thing so if you want to send an enquiry via discord, my username is TeleKitnetic and my number is 3556!
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incyray ¡ 18 days
Hey shout out to every custodial/sanitation worker taking out and cleaning up literal hot garbage so that the rest of us can go about our summer days like it doesn’t exist
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incyray ¡ 21 days
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