indomitus-ferox · 29 days
[Text: Church] Spartans can be quite flexible, but not like that, no
This was more than a little concerning, if Artemis were being honest. It wouldn't have been Roland doing such a thing. Sure, Infinity's assigned AI could be a troll, but he knew full well how to respect a person's wishes and privacy.
[Text: Church] Hmm. Do you have any suspicions? Anything that might identify the sender, perhaps?
[Text: Artemis] Yeah, I figured you weren't made of rubber.
That'd be fucking wild, though.
[Text: Artemis] Yeah, it basically said to enjoy myself. Why, you think you know who did it?
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indomitus-ferox · 29 days
Oh. Well.
That was certainly not something that she had ever expected to see.
[Text: Church] No, I did not.
[Text: Church] I do not tend to take photographs, and the angle of this is impossible for me to have achieved, regardless.
Which begged the question: who had done it?
[Text: Church] Was there a message as well?
Was he really about to show Artemis a picture of her own ass? Yeah, apparently. What a day.
[Text: Artemis] Sure fuckin' did.
[Image sent]
[Text: Artemis] Gonna go ahead and assume you didn't do this yourself.
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indomitus-ferox · 29 days
@thestupidmeanone || cont. from here
Artemis frowned down at her datapad's screen. A prank?
[Text: Church] I'm not sure I'm following.
[Text: Church] Did something happen?
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indomitus-ferox · 1 month
There is no emotion, there is peace.
Perhaps Asena would have been wise to take heed the tenets of the Code. But on more than one occasion, she had found that her emotions gave her strength— not like the Sith, not to cause havoc and destruction, but to protect. At least, that was what she told herself so that she could sleep at night. Deep down, she knew better: that she was, at times, walking a very fine line. That the Masters would disapprove of her actions.
The Masters, the Council— none of them were here. She was a Knight, and this was war. She would do whatever she must to ensure that the galaxy was not crushed under the heels of yet another Empire— if that was what these Princes truly were.
“Make no mistake... One of us will not be walking away from this.” Death? Capture? Perhaps. Only time and the battle ahead would tell.
Lips peeling back from her teeth in a snarl that was decidedly un-Jedilike, she leapt forwards, her sabers flashing out in a whip-fast strike.
@indomitus-ferox / Asena from here.
If it kills me. If it kills me.
Death surrounded them, poppies in a field, his Knights and Sky Troopers making short work of whatever he and his brother did not. This lone figure, this creature with glowing red eyes and lightsabers that crackled and raged, made him stutter. Glass and rock caught in his esophagus, forcing those words out of him as if the knowledge of a ghost could truly matter.
Words choked up from his throat, caught somewhere in the afterlife of his breath and the mask that hid his mouth, his teeth. Tilting his head, he regarded her with nothing short of disdain, forgoing whatever wisdom the words might hold, for the both of them. Arcann had felt her presence, shivering in the Force like a dying star. Suffocating.
"Of course," words distorted, muffled, like he was drowning. "Come, little Jedi."
Dance with me.
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indomitus-ferox · 2 months
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Some pretty shots of Dromund Kaas.
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indomitus-ferox · 2 months
🐝  *  ―  𝑪𝑶𝑪𝑲𝑻𝑨𝑰𝑳 𝑸𝑼𝑰𝒁. ( send one or multiple of these to learn a little more about my muse(s). )
[ mai tai ]  if they could have any superpower in the world, what would they choose? [ white russian ]  what would they do if they won the lottery? [ grasshopper ]  what / who would they dress up as for halloween? [ tequila sunrise ]  how would they spend their perfect day? [ californication ]  what do they think is their greatest achievement in life? [ caipirinha ]  if they could change one thing about themself, what would it be? [ painkiller ]  what is their greatest regret? [ moscow mule ]  if they could travel through time, where would they go? [ dry martini ]  what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to them? [ tom collins ]  which living person would they most want to meet? [ greyhound ]  if they could have a dinner with just one person ( dead or alive ) who would they choose? [ planter's punch ]  how long does it take to befriend them? [ sangria ]  do they have any special routines they follow every single day? if yes, which? [ whiskey sour ]  what is the biggest lie they ever told someone? [ zombie ] do they believe in life after death? [ margarita ]  what are their biggest pet peeves? [ mojito ]  what is one goal they are working towards? [ appletini ]  who do they consider the most important person in their life? why? [ cosmopolitan ]  what is their happiest memory ever? [ gin tonic ]  who influenced them the most? [ bloody mary ]  what would they do if they only had one week left to live? [ manhattan ]  where would they like to travel the most? [ old fashioned ]  what would their adult self tell their kid self if they could go back in time? [ blue lagoon ]  how do they typically react when faced with something they fear? [ sidecar ]  what type of person are they most likely drawn to? [ negroni ]  what is one piece of advice they would give others? [ hurricane ]  which song describes them the most? why? [ sex on the beach ]  what do they consider red flags in a relationship? [ mimosa ]  which incident shaped them the most? [ long island iced tea ]  if they had the chance to redo their life, what would they do differently the second time around? [ mint julep ]  which was their dream job as a kid? [ singapore sling ]  how do they react to disappointments? [ alexander ]  what would they do with one million dollars / euros / pounds / whatever currency they use? [ screwdriver ]  which habit do they wish they could get rid of? [ gin fizz ]  do they consider a glass half-full or half-empty? [ aperol spritz ]  which is one thing they still think about a lot? [ piña colada ]  how do they show affection? [ swimming pool ]  what is the most important lesson they've learned in recent years? [ b52 ]  how would they describe themselves in as few words as possible? [ daiquiri ]  do they believe in true love? why or why not?
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indomitus-ferox · 2 months
Questions for Characters. A series of questions for all the lovely canon and original characters. Please place the name of the character in the placeholder [name].
What is [name] full name?
Where was [name] born?
Does [name] still live where they were born?
Has [name] a good relationship with their homeland?
Does [name] have family?
How is [name] connection to their family?
Is there a family member [name] doesn't get along with?
Is there a family member [name] miss?
Did [name] have to mourn someone yet? Who was it?
How old is [name] currently?
What is [name] sexuality?
What is [name] current relationship status?
What was [name] first pet?
What was [name] favorite toy as a child?
What was [name] favorite dish as a child?
What was [name] favorite hobby as a child?
Was [name] good in school?
What subject was [name] good at? What did they struggle with?
What wanted [name] be when they were a child?
Were grades important for [name] when they were in school?
Was [name] the popular kid?
How many friends did [name] have as a child?
Does [name] have friendships that last from childhood to now?
Growing Up
Who was [name] first kiss?
Who was [name] first love?
What did [name] wore to prom?
Did [name] ever sneak away?
Did [name] ever try something against of the advise of their parents?
Was [name] always back at the agreed time?
What was the first job [name] had?
When did [name] start their first job?
What is [name] currently working as?
Does [name] want to marry?
Does [name] want to have children?
When did [name] have their first child?
How many children does [name] want?
Does [name] have already names settled for future children?
What pets does [name] want to have?
Is there anything [name] wants to achieve?
Is [name] currently content with life?
Does [name] want to build a house on their own?
Does [name] prefer to live in a city or the country?
What would [name] dream day look like?
Where does [name] want to travel?
Does [name] like to travel?
What languages does [name] want to learn?
What is [name] favorite hobby?
Is there anything unusual [name] likes to do?
What is [name] favorite movie?
Does [name] like to go to the cinema or do they like to stream movies?
What is [name] favorite singer/band/artist?
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indomitus-ferox · 2 months
haven’t you heard the stories ? (( from arcann! ))
Xala’sen’akostro stood poised and ready, twin sabers lit and crackling. Glowing red eyes were narrowed in a frown, head angled to one side. She had expected to meet Prince Arcann in the midst of combat, for him to rush at her with intent to strike her down, just as he had done so many of her fellow Knights. Just as his twin was doing elsewhere on the field.
Instead: this. A statement much akin to something she would hear from the mouth of a Sith, words made to give her pause, to reconsider her actions.
“Who hasn’t?” she shot back, an expression of defiance taking its place upon her countenance. She levelled one lightsaber to point at him. “I am prepared to stand against you no matter if it kills me. Are you prepared to do the same?”
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indomitus-ferox · 2 months
The odds were barely in their favour. The splinter faction was still swooping in from further out in the system. The process of evacuation had already begun, and a sense of calm was being maintained. Only time would tell if everyone would make it out of the facility alive.
Artemis would do everything in her power to ensure that happened.
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It was a reassurance to know that Spock came prepared, that he had a communicator he could utilize. It was nonstandard, she could gauge at a glance, but it would do the job just as well as if it had been of UNSC manufacture. The aliens had a means of tracking them by way of keeping an eye out for human signals of any kind, but here, it would not particularly matter. They were all gathered in the one locale— it was merely a game of chance as to whether or not any of them found themselves playing cat and mouse.
“That’s a good number.” she remarked, surprised and pleased. Surprised, that Spock had estimated the likelihood of completing his task successfully. Pleased, that the odds were better than fifty percent. That kind of data being protected was vital— not to ensure humanity’s survival, but to ensure they continued to survive, to rebuild.
“See you on the flip side, Spock.” The Spartan turned on her heel, and began to jog away from him.
                   In a room full of scientific minds, the crowd quickly disperses, and more evenly than any civilian unit. Briefly, Spock divides his attention to listen — seeking momentary reassurance — for their collected compliance, an ear ticked up to the air as he counts the seconds it takes for the sounds of so many feet to begin to fade. Time is of the essence. And perhaps, he should be more concerned than he feels in the knowledge that his staff will simply be out there — vulnerable and by the dozens — wrangling what is left their crew to the evac points. An attack is imminent, sanctioned to occur at any moment. Surrounded by broken glass and debris, the song of a siren wails in the distance; there is only evidence of this fact all around them. But Spock’s trust in his division extends farther than they will ever know. The silence satisfies him for now.
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                   “ Affirmative, ” Spock plucks a small communicator from his pocket. It is not UNSC supplied, though given the appropriate frequency, the device should function as they need. He tunes it to the same markers they detected in the arrival of the ODSTs, then stows it away. “ I will proceed to the mainframe. ” He turns, angling his body in the direction of the control room. “ Based on the time remaining, I calculate I can execute the self-destruct mechanism with a seventy two point six percent likelihood of success. ”
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indomitus-ferox · 2 months
Neither one of them should have still been drawing breath.
At this rate, it was hard to tell who was the more battered and wounded, out of the two of them. They were both in bad shape, being held together by Biofoam, their damaged armour, and sheer force of will. Perhaps luck was on their side, if one could call it that. Perhaps the universe had a sick sense of humour. Or, perhaps fate was not done with them yet.
Either way, this was an opportunity.
Spartan-IIIs were bred for vengeance. Retribution was their calling, the reason why they had been forged into weapons of war. Their predecessors were humanity’s defenders. They were humanity’s avengers.
( Well, all of them save for herself. But at that point in time, it didn’t matter. She had long ago adopted their very reason for being. )
Artemis backed up a pace, giving the Commander room to stand up. Logically, she knew they couldn’t linger there any longer. That if they stayed to rest, they probably wouldn’t be able to get back up again. It was better to get moving, get somewhere safer, get the hell off Reach.
Her damaged grey helmet snapped quickly in Carter’s direction the moment he began speaking. The fact that he did not view himself as being very capable of command was not surprising. Neither one of them was operating at full strength. And rank held little importance when there was only the two of them left. There was no more fireteam; they were a duo, now.
“A smash and grab?” she echoed, seeking clarification. “What exactly do you mean by that? See if we can steal whatever human transport is left down here, or...?” The second option being: hijack a Covenant vessel. Which, to her, did not sound like a smart move. A dropship, maybe, but anything larger than that would have been out of their realm of capability.
         A pulse of frustration bled through the pain his mind and body both remained saddled with. Telling her commander to be silent - it was gross insubordination at best. But this wasn't the time to stand on rank and ceremony, and as that thought crossed his ailing mind, his irritation subsided. They were probably the only HUMAN life remaining on Reach. Not to mention he'd just crashed head-on into a Scarab and miraculously lived, notably without his helmet; he had to be concussed to some degree.
         He could see it in the sky, that mix of noxious colors, occasional dropships and phantoms soaring overhead. It was official. Reach was lost, and as the words left Six's mouth - Emile's dead - Carter felt for the first time in many, many years of service, that he had failed a mission. That he could have done more. That he had somehow let them down. Hopelessness settled itself in the back of his mind, threatening to overturn his discipline and allow panic in. He balled his right hand into a fist, slamming it with all his strength against the metal beneath him. The strike wasn't hard. He was weaker than he'd been since the augmentations.
         It wasn't hard to bury that feeling. Especially with Six's assurance that he wasn't dead. She was right. As long as he was still breathing, he owed it to Emile, to HIS TEAM to show the Covenant what a poor choice they'd made in opponents.
         As the last of the Biofoam seeped into his wounds, he felt the familiar cool sensation, the wounds sealing, the flow of blood halting. It started with a new rush of pain, excruciating, debilitating; it faded as quickly as it began, the pain lingering, but dulled. Manageable. It wasn't a complete seal; it was a shoddy patch job that would only last hours, and that was if he was supremely lucky. Getting out of here would be difficult. Impossibly so.
         Wouldn't be a Noble mission if it were easy, words he spoke only too recently ringing in the back of his mind.
         The surge of pain mixed with his lungs working properly again brought him fully back to his senses. That inviting darkness, calling him home, calling him to see his comrades again, was ebbing away. He pushed it back. Rejected it. He wouldn't go out that easy. Carter pushed himself up, raising an arm to rip the last piece of metal from his chest; it hadn't hit anything vital, and wasn't as deep as he thought. His vision cleared, the fog in his mind lifted, like a curtain lifting on a play. Tactics began to rush through his mind, playing battle strategies and simulations in his mind like watching a slideshow. They had so few escapes now. Almost every space-worthy ship was already off of Reach. They could go back to that installation, see if there were any Longsword fighter craft left...
         ...or, a plan just crazy enough that Kat would've smacked him for even suggesting it: hijack a ship from the Covenant, and try to follow the Autumn. He'd run simulations, though it'd been years; he was at least semi-confident he could pilot one, if needed. The real dilemma was how they were going to accomplish such a feat while being attacked from all sides, in the shape they were both in. With a deadened, tight-lipped frown, the thought occurred to him that their odds were so staggeringly low, even Noble Team at full strength would be hard-pressed to pull this one off. They'd make it work, though.
         They had to.
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         "Six. I'm not claiming I've ever been infallible, but right now, my calls aren't reliable. It might be best to forget chain of command, for the moment. If I make a bad call, you check me. Getting off of Reach is the only priority, but as it happens, I have an idea as to how we can do that. You up for a smash and grab?"
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indomitus-ferox · 3 months
He had thought she had died.
It made sense. The majority of Alpha and Beta Companies had been nothing but a sacrifice. And those who were pulled from their peers and assigned elsewhere either perished sooner or later. Either because they were deployed deep behind enemy lines as Headhunters, or because they had faced overwhelming odds one too many times and could not come out on top.
She knew little of what kind of stellar communications Onyx received; if any, they would likely have been few and far between. Spartan MIA records would have been slow to update, if at all.
To him, she had been non-existent until she’d shown up out of the blue on Onyx once more.
His words were like a punch to the gut. He’d tried to find her, against all odds, and thought it was his fault that she had been taken.
Artemis shook her head slowly.
“No... Kurt, it’s not your fault. I forgive you, but it’s not your fault. ONI had their claws sunk deep into me long before I was ever taken to Onyx.” Had he ever recognized her Reavian accent? She had spoken her mother tongue little and less through the years, as COLD MOON beat the habit out of her, but in the beginning...
“I was born on Reach. It wasn’t attacked by the Covenant until mid ’52— not that long before I came back to Onyx. And my parents weren’t killed by Innies; they died in a fire at our apartment. ONI got their hands on me three months after their deaths, and something tells me they would’ve found me sooner had I not immediately disappeared into New Alexandria’s streets.”
The elder Spartan shrugged. “As far as I knew, you were dead. I had no reason to think otherwise until I saw you in the flesh. I knew ONI had their eye on you, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about that. You probably already know how tight a leash they had me on. When you disappeared, I looked for you. I searched for days, even when they told me to give it up, even when they told me that you were beyond hope of finding. It wasn’t until I found your rock in the woods that I assumed the worse. Everything around it looked like it had been torn apart and burnt. Kat told me that they had gotten you, but I didn’t believe her. I didn’t believe that they’d go that far, that they’d go above my head. I was wrong. I’m sorry, I really am.”
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indomitus-ferox · 3 months
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Some Padawan Asena screenshots for you all to enjoy <3
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indomitus-ferox · 3 months
// so, I've got the bio & portrayal notes of my SWTOR-era Jedi Knight up.... go have a read, come interact!
the Pilot on the other hand is taking a lil longer to work on, but I'm gettin' there
// y'all i am tempted to add 2 more OCs here (one from SWTOR & one from Titanfall 2)... but what do you guys think 👀👀
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indomitus-ferox · 3 months
Reblog  this  post  to  let  your  followers  know  you're  fine  with  being  tagged  in  random  starters.  Additionally,  reblog  this  post  if  you're  all  right  with  being  sent  old memes,  no  matter  how long ago you reblogged them.
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indomitus-ferox · 3 months
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So. This is a Chiss Jedi adoptable I purchased from @kyjoraven a couple years back on Instagram, and I hadn’t put much thought on what I wanted to do with her... until recently XD
Meet Xala’sen’akostro ( core name Asena ), a Jedi Knight living in the SWTOR era. Because y’know, I’m me, and I adore SWTOR a great deal :P
She’s part of a Force Dyad with a fellow Knight, a Dathomirian Zabrak by the name of Tavhim, and they have... Well. A whole dynamic going on
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indomitus-ferox · 3 months
// y'all i am tempted to add 2 more OCs here (one from SWTOR & one from Titanfall 2)... but what do you guys think 👀👀
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indomitus-ferox · 3 months
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Panorama of the Dromund Kaas monument.
This took far too much time to compile, but it was worth it.
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