indvlgcnce · 5 years
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to say dante is protective over his familiar is an understatement, so once he closes the door behind lannan, his piercing blue eyes are glaring down at him. one thing that he has always been able to do is listen, and oh is he listening intently to lannan’s words ; taking it all in and letting it sink deep. arms cross once more over his chest whilst he contemplates how to go forward, because one thing he knows for certain is that lannan cannot get away with it that easily. not to him at least. “alright,” dante pauses, still for a moment before releases a slow and deep hum. “you say you’re not the same kid as you were before… you need to prove it.” his tone isn’t threatening, not as though he is being forceful, but he is blunt. “you broke my trust the minute you hurt my daughter, and that isn’t something i’m just going to give back.” he doesn’t quite believe lannan loves felicia, but that’s the trust that’s broken coming through. “how many times did you cheat on her?” it’s something he’s always wanted to know, but hasn’t ever fully known ; he’s been skeptical, though quiet about it. 
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      lannan was worried this conversation was going to take a turn for the worst. a turn down the shit past that lannan had. his life was fucked and he knew it. the younger closed his eyes then opened them, looking at dante, “and i understand this, sir and it’d be more than my pleasure to prove that to you, mr armstrong.” he said to the other. the male sighed softly as he breathed in. he was more than terrified, trying to not visibly be shaking in his boots, “if i tell you this, i really really hope that you can understand that i haven’t been with anyone in a long time. because i love your daughter and i want to do anything and everything to make her happy. four different people. i am so sorry, sir.” he wanted to break down and cry because he knew this would fuck over his chances with felicia.
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
“Aren’t the real assholes blissfully unaware, of the fact they’re not God’s gift to the world?” Or that’s how she’d seen it. People who could own up to not being the greatest at least had room to change - but that was a little more on the serious side, which wasn’t what the situation called for. “I’d say I wish you luck, but can’t say I’ve heard any awful stories about anyone around here. Which… Might have something to do with not paying attention, but that’s besides the point.” 
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     “honestly, you’re probably right.” he smirked, raising his brow at her. the male nodded his head as he listened to her words, “hmm, well, that’s a good thing then. someone who doesn’t know about my horrible track record. i’m lannan by the way. lannan lively.”
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
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      he couldn’t help but give the other a strange look .  had lannan really been able to eat all of this food at one point in his life ?  the idea truly astounded him .          ❛   i could never .   ❜          he shuttered as he glanced at the bag containing all the food he ordered .          ❛   i might eat half of one of these meals and a dessert .  leo might eat two at most  &  the rest will probably go to whoever else is up … this amount of food is ridiculous .   ❜ 
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     “when i was in wrestling, the first year, i was a scrawny little child. so i had to learn to bulk up. but nowadays, i couldn’t either.” he took a small breath in and raised a brow. he listened to the other speak, “well, at least someone’s gonna help you eat it.” he smirked, raising his brow, “even more than one person.”
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
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pia smiles and nods her head. she’s grateful for how well they know each other, especially in times like this. the blonde raises an eyebrow, “i mean it, lannan. whether you’re the new guy or not you still need to be careful.” she’s even more worried for her brother now than she was days prior. she laughs, shrugging her shoulders, “i have a tendency to be right sometimes. people just don’t listen to me.” she smiles, “nice to know i’m good for something.”
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      lannan sighed softly, pressing his lips together, “i know i need to be careful. i’m working on it.” he said softly, nodding his head at his sister. she was right. he knew she was right, “i’ve always listened to you, pj. i always will.” he smiled at her, “you’re a great sister. i couldn’t ask for a better person to have as my sister.” compliments from lannan were rare but extremely genuine. especially when it came to his sister and felicia.
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
featuring // @scgacious
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      lannan glanced over at felicia and smirked, “you know you love this! it’s not really that bad?” he shrugged, winking at the brunette, “it’s not like we can stay cooped up in my apartment all the time.” but in retrospect, he probably would have stayed in for solidarity. however, halloween was his favorite holiday, “it’s not like i made you dress up or anything.” he laughed.
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
lannan smirked at the girl and shook his head. he went along with it, “i mean, maybe but i guess i’m just a reformed man.” he kind of chuckled at the thought. he was flirtatious by nature. it’s not something he could really help. the male shrugged, “well, in case you haven’t heard, i’m kind of an asshole. but i’m trying my hardest to break out of that streak and become a somewhat, respected human. we’ll see how it goes though.”
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    “i mean, i don’t regularly go around throwing coins at people, if that’s what you’re asking. he shrugged his shoulders. the male raised his brow and sighed, “noh, it’s all good. i’m trying to break out of my comfort zone. so your coin rolling over to me, probably was a way for me to do that. so don’t even worry about it.”
“Now I feel as though my entire life has been a lie, I thought throwing coins at people was the most popular hobby in the world.” It was dumb, but it wasn’t as though she was a stranger to making herself look stupid in public - if anything it was comfortable at that point. “Breaking out of your comfort zone? Sounds brave… Or horrible, probably a mix of both. Is this an early ‘new year, new me’ - or a late one?”
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
lannan looked at him and pressed his lips together, “yeah, go. fine. but you brought this upon yourself. just so you know.” he shook his head and turned the other way, walking to where he was originally going, to see felicia. the male had some remorse for the situation but the way roarke talked to him, it was bullshit.
roarke can take away one thing from the situation and it’s that the lively household must not have a swear jar. roarke covers his face and groans under the palms of his hands, frustrated by the way lannan is talking to him. while roarke does believe that there’s good in people, and undoubtedly he’s been known to give too many chances, he’s not ready to forgive lannan for the way he treated his little sister. when he pulls his hands away he’s already crying. more tears wasted on boys. he’s practically pleading with the other boy to leave him alone, “i’m going to walk away now? okay, so please… let me do that. i really don’t want to be involved anymore, especially if you’re not going to take me seriously, there’s no point in even including me.”
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
imessage ✉️ flannan
felicia: stupid would be one way to describe it.
felicia: perfect. love you :)
lannan: i know, i know.
lannan: love you too (:
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
“Are you telling me that throwing coins at people isn’t normal?” Feigning surprise may have been strange, but it wasn’t any stranger than accidentally hitting people with coins. At least the words were intentional. “It didn’t annoy you did it? Wouldn’t want my inability to do something basic like a catch a coin, to put a dampener on someone else’s day.” 
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    “i mean, i don’t regularly go around throwing coins at people, if that’s what you’re asking. he shrugged his shoulders. the male raised his brow and sighed, “noh, it’s all good. i’m trying to break out of my comfort zone. so your coin rolling over to me, probably was a way for me to do that. so don’t even worry about it.”
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
imessage ✉️ flannan
felicia: yeah, we tried that once and you said it was too soon
felicia: ask your sister. duh.
lannan: i know.. i'm sorry. i got scared. it was fucking stupid.
lannan: i know, i will :)
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
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scar sighed then, hands loose at her sides. “you should just be a little more careful with what you say next time.” all the time, in her opinion. she hated nothing more than people not thinking before they spoke, her own irrationality her biggest weakness throughout her pregnancy. finding a seat, she lets out a breath of relief at not being on her feet before she glances up at him again. “i just think that if you love her so much, you’ll do whatever’s best for her no matter what it does to you. you can’t be selfish with love otherwise there’s no point.”
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      the male blinked and shook his head. he rolled his eyes looking down at his feet. he didn’t care for people telling him how to live his life or how to deal with his relationship with felicia. he took a breath in and shook his head again, “are you fucking kidding me? what gives you the right to think you can tell me to not be with her? no one gave you the right to be judge and jury. so before you pop off and tell me not to be with the only person who’s making me better, try actually forgiving for a change. instead of having a stick up your ass and judging everything i do, just like everyone else does.”
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
lannan nodded his head and smirked, “thats a lot of fucking food, man.” he laughed. the male was not judging because he could probably eat that much in one sitting. lannan nodded, “i mean, eh, it doesn’t really seem like THAT much food. at least not to me. i could eat that much when i was in high school. probably couldn’t anymore though.”
lannan nodded slightly at the other, “yeah, i like it.” he shrugged his shoulders. the male pressed his lips together, he probably needed to be more friendly. lannan looked at him, “what’d you get?” he asked, smiling at him.
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        he shrugged ,  a slowly faded smile on his lips as he checked the bag he was given for it’s contents before sliding his card over .          ❛   the chicken ,  a burger ,  some sort of pasta and a few desserts .   ❜          he counted the items ,  coming to the conclusion that everything was there .          ❛   i swear it’s not all for me  ––  my boyfriend eats like a monster .   ❜ 
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
lannan pressed his lips together and looked down, “look, yeah, i fucked up in the passed but i’ve fucking changed. i don’t know how people don’t see that. your sister is good for me. i’m trying my fuckin ass off to be better for her. but you would know that if you actually knew the whole story.” he shrugged, “so next time you assume things, be sure you know all of facts because it makes you AND me look like an asshole.” he said, shrugging once again. the man didn’t regret the words he’d said before.
roarke starts backing up the moment lannan brings out the curse words. he knows that he kind of brought it upon himself because of the way he was talking to him, he was just trying to be civil with roarke and he pushed his buttons, but that doesn’t stop the tears from welling up in his eyes because now lannan is being mean to him. he’s never been called an asshole before. quite frankly, roarke’s never done anything to earn the title, but now it’s out there and he doesn’t even know how to response to him. “i’m sorry,” he stammers, still keeping his distance from the other boy, “but you hurt her… um, what am i supposed to do? just pretend like it didn’t happen?“ 
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
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   to do list. because i’m too sleepy to finish my replies... but if ya wanna add to the tiny list, hmu. i’d love more interactions and friends for lannan.
lannan ⇢ sydney
lannan ⇢ mrs. armstrong
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
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pia shakes her head, “wait, wait. how did you get roped into this shit, lannan.” it’s a rhetorical question. she doesn’t really want an answer because she knows it’ll be an answer that she doesn’t like. “you’re welcome,” she says with a grin. “i won’t tell anyone but i need you to be careful. because what if something worse happens to you?” pia sighs. she wants to be able to help but she isn’t sure how. “you say you wanna keep her safe, and i don’t know…maybe it’s the sap in me but i think she’d be safer with you than without you, because then she has you looking out for her.”
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      lannan nodded his head and looked down, “i’m going to safely assume that was rhetorical...” he said, he knew his sister pretty well. the male pressed his lips together, running his hands through his hair, “i’m being as careful as i can be, sis. i promise. nothing worse is going to happen to me. i’m not the new guy anymore.” he said, looking down. he nodded again, “true.. jesus, how is it that you always know what to say and how to make it better?” he asked, “this is the reason i keep you around.” he winked with a soft smirk.
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
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     lannan nodded with a small sigh, “that’s all i’m asking for, man. for the sake of your sister.” he said shrugging his shoulders. hearing the way the other was speaking made lannan’s blood boil. it didn’t seem like he actually wanted to be civil. lannan on the other hand was trying to genuinely make a shitty situation better, “you’re right. felicia will make her own choices. she’s an 18 year old. and if that means being with me, than yeah, it’s her decision.” he said, shrugging his shoulders again. the next words from the other’s lips hit some sort of switch when her heard them, “you know what? i was trying to do the right thing, for your sister. but no, fuck you. i don’t give a rats ass what you think of me. instead of insinuating, try learning the full story because now you look like a fucking asshole. so yeah, you can go. the only people in your family that i care for an opinion from anyway, is your sister and your dad. so bye.”
roarke groans at the mention of approval, “i’ll, um, be civil, but that’s it…” there’s a look of defeat on the armstrong’s face. despite his raging emotions, he doesn’t have the energy to put up with lannan anymore. "we both know that felicia is going to do whatever she wants,” he sighs, “and i guess it makes sense that she would want to get back together with you,” roarke’s heart is racing as he makes a request, swallowing hard before going through with it, “but can you at least be a little more discrete the next time you cheat on her? it really hurts her.” he so badly wants to run and hide from lannan, unprepared for the consequences of his words, but he tries to end their exchange instead, “are we done yet? i don’t feel, um, good, and i just want to go home, please.” 
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indvlgcnce · 5 years
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her brows furrowed, disbelief apparent on her features as she shook her head. “you literally just pulled a disgusted face at the mention of a period.” she pointed out. she was not usually so blunt, but there had always been something about lannan that simply rubbed her the wrong way. “i just think that what you and felicia keep doing to each other does nothing good for either of you. maybe some real space where you don’t see each other for a while would be best. she’s going to need a good environment now that she’s pregnant.”
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     a sigh escaped his lips, “look, i’m not really used to talking to girls about their periods and stuff. so you’ll have to forgive me for my accidental disgust. it was unintentional.” he said to the girl. the male pressed his lips together and looked down, “and you don’t think i’m trying to do that? i want desperately for her to be safe and not have to put up with my shitty self. but i fucking love her, scarlett. i can’t stay away from her. no matter how much i try. it’s not like i can just tell her i never want to see her again.”
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