vaggie lowkey lookin like ino yamanaka here
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Vaggie: Adam and Alastor suck.
Lucifer: Would you be interested in being promoted to "Daughter-in-law"?
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ik a lot of people are upset about how vaggie's speaking and singing voices are so different but what if. what if. what if vaggie's singing voice is high pitched and angelic because that's her true nature? because she's actually an angel? singing is a form of self expression after all, and vaggie's songs are when she's at her most vulnerable, when she doesn't have her walls and barriers up.
I also think that her voice adjusts depending on the situation? like when vaggie sings whatever it takes, she sings in a higher pitch because she's singing about protecting the love of her life, charlie. but then in songs like happy day in hell, or you didn't know, where she admittedly only has minimal lines, her voice is a lot deeper.
like think about you didn't know specifically. "careful charlie, keep a cool head" has a deeper tone because vaggie is literally telling charlie to hide away her emotions, her authentic self, and instead present a calm and collected front. we see this again in "don't, adam, please" where vaggie is literally trying to hide her past, and her angelic heritage, begging adam to not expose her.
but then more than anything reprise?? where she's singing her gay little heart out to charlie?? where she's telling charlie she's so in love with her, and that she loves her more than anything?? that's when vaggie's voice is high again, because she isn't hiding anything this time, her walls are down and she's being her authentic self. she's in love with charlie fricking morningstar and she's not afraid to show it.
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ughhhhh vaggie in charlie's jacket feels....
now im imagining Freshly Kicked To The Curb Vaggie and painfully already-in-love Charlie
imagining Charlie wrapping this bleeding dumpster lady in her JACKET (for comfort) (and protection) (Vaggie doesn't figure out the second part until the Oh Shit You're Literally The Princess Of Hell reveal) and Vaggie's just lost a set of limbs / suddenly can't FLY which is a little terrifying so she keeps her back to the nearest wall and is always crossing her arms to hide how she's hugging herself
and Charlie's like Hmmm (wraps Vaggie in jacket) (Vaggie gives it back at the end of the day) (wraps Vaggie in jacket again) (Vaggie gives it back while saying goodnight) (Charlie finds Vaggie curled up in a corner somewhere fitully asleep-> Vaggie wakes up snuggled in The Jacket)
until Vaggie FINALLY accepts the offer to stay with Charlie for a bit while she's healing (Charlie squees) and this is represented with Vaggie NOT giving the jacket back before heading off to bed (Charlie literally whoops and combusts the moment Vaggie's (mostly) out of earshot-)
it's the start of a very sweet friendship BUT
Vaggie secretly planning to try contacting the angels during the next extermination and prove she deserves to come back
holding Charlie at arm's length during this bc
which is scarier???
A.) pretty demon lady is after her SOUL
B.) Charlie having an actual crush on her????? with feelings?
feelings that Vaggie now has to worry about not hurting while trying not to be too flattered by the whole excruciating thing
(the irony of a demon saving her and tending to her and falling for her)
as she's trying not to think about all this Vaggi's getting a little panicked over how her wings still aren't growing back (sign she really isn’t worthy of heaven???)
and Charlie's trying so hard to help her with this! (even not knowing what all of THIS really is)
she knows Vaggie
1.) had wings
(moth instead of angel as per cover story)
2.) is freaking out at them being gone, even more than over her lost eye, feeling like she’s not good enough without them
(pause and imagine Vaggie constantly being found by Charlie on high up places, silently staring up at the shiny star of heaven, and Charlie’s like oh yes this is VERY moth-like behavior i can totally see why you became a moth demon! and Vaggie’s like hahaha yeah sure right definitely…)
(her being shit at lying isn't such a problem when Charlie is so so so ready to assume the best of people) (GUILT)
Charlie spending the year healing Vaggie's physical injuries
slowly discovering the other ones she can't see
trying to let Vaggie know she's perfect even without wings
or her missing eye
trying NOT to come on too hard or fast even through she's on the outs with her dad and her mom hasn't answered a call or been seen in years and
and Vaggie can make her LAUGH with just a dry word or roll of the eye
she just seems to like hanging out with Charlie?
not trying to get anything from her or get her kicks out of making fun of her
sure she's skeptical about the whole "redeeming sinners" thing but
she Listens
and she's skeptical because she's Taking The Idea SERIOUSLY
seriously enough to talk like it's a thing worth trying and if Charlie's gonna try it then she needs to think about this and this and this other problem first-
it's encouragement
it's friendship
it's almost like having someone to rely on
Now it’s extermination eve
And Vaggie is cleaning up the spare room she's been staying in. like she won't be coming back tonight
Vaggie's as healed (physically) as she can be, she's twirling an angelic spear around like it's part of her, crediting her dancing talent for this natural skill, clearly fine keeping herself safe on hell's streets-
Vaggie claims she found the spear behind a dumpster
(doesn't mention she's the one who stashed it there)
Charlie trying weakly to lightening the mood by joking how you can find the best things next to dumpsters sometimes
(she's not joking)
(she's looking at Vaggie when she says it)
(Vaggie just barely pretends not to notice)
Vaggie despairing she isn’t worthy (of heaven or of-?)
she might as well just wander out and let an exorcist judge her wingless back and finish the job in some ironic justice because that would be better than telling Charlie the truth,
(she's done terrible things... and has spent all this time wanting to go back to that)
(there are KIDS in hell!)
(Charlie's in hell)
(it's not all terrible or evil
and Charlie thinks sinners can be redeemed-)
(would she say the same thing about Vaggie if she knew?)
(is all of this doubt just Vaggie being a terrible angel like Lute said...)
she has to go, but she, can’t outright lie to Charlie either (If Charlie asks if they'll see each other around-)
So Vaggie, takes off Charlie's jacket and, hands it back
And Charlie finally accepts Vaggie might not want to stick around.
Thinking Vaggie wants to go do her own thing in hell
(people leaving in one way or another is something Charlie knows about)
but maybe Vaggie also feels indebted to her, to Charlie, for the help
and might be being held back by that
It's not much- being given the chance to tell someone she's loves it's okay to go- it hurts like hell, but it's something. It's something that Vaggie didn't just vanish, and Charlie will hold onto that small thing for dear life
Smiling through her tears Charlie tries hyping her new friend up
(via song of course)
telling her ANYONE should be glad to share even a few seconds of forever with her, they
(hypothetical they totally not Charlie speaking here)
should be grateful to spend all of eternity even with just a memory of her
so she
says Vaggie should go spread her metaphorical wings
because she doesn't need real ones to be amazing
And that’s when Vaggie realizes-her wings- she doesn't want to leave Charlie
(is that why her wings won't grow back..?)
She doesn’t go out during the extermination. Or try talking to the angels.
She turns right around and is there to give Charlie a hug
holds her through the worst of it
goes with her afterwards to help how they can
watches Charlie reaching out to the surviving sinners even as she gets nothing but fear and insults for her trouble
sees how much Charlie CARES about the people of hell   
she finally understands, finally starts to catch a glimpse, of how just much she cares for Charlie herself
And that when she falls harder
when Charlie sees Vaggie totally not hugging herself again she offers the jacket
(offers, instead of just putting it on her)
and Vaggie smiles a little but says nah, she likes how it looks on Charlie better
(charlie VERY glad she has a natural permanent blush)
(not that her little hair twirl doesn't give her away)
Charlie leads her to a roof top later because even with everything else going on she’s noticed Vaggie’s been quieter than usual, and it is the anniversary of her losing her eye and wings, and Charlie knows staring up at heaven is something Vaggie likes doing, so-
But when she glances shyly over, Vaggie isn’t looking up at the sky.
Vaggie’s looking back at HER.
Vaggie smiling and saying something along the lines of
"lending a hand to the souls of the damned is pretty fulfilling work. A girl could get used to this"
Charlie (usually a living firework of emotion) very softly and hesitantly asking,
Vaggie promising her-
"next year, we'll prep better ahead of time"
Charlie smiling with tears again (happy ones) as they look out across pentagram city together, leaning into each other
we will"
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operating under the assumption that adam created vaggie and the other exterminator angels, or that she's heaven born rather than having once been a human, do you think that vaggie was created like purely as a latina who then had to learn english or something? or maybe she was modelled after a latina?
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just a sneak preview of the stupid with love animatic i've been working on, lol
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It's like catholic guilt or something idk
I'm not one for the who fell first who fell harder debate usually, but Charlie definitely fell first based on that flashback. And I don't need to elaborate who fell harder, cuz it's definitely Ms "I'll be your armor, I'll spend my life being your partner".
I like to think Vaggie spent some time kindly brushing off Charlie's advances because she was still holding out hope that she could somehow return to heaven. But eventually she decided that Hell's worth staying for as long as Charlie is with her, and that she'd help her achieve her dream of getting other sinners to ascend instead to make up for all the souls she destroyed.
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need more chaggie wing fics where charlie is just absolutely obsessed w vaggie's wings like look at her face
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she's obsessed and with good reason too
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love the whole idea of vaggie and charlie only kissing on screen AFTER vaggie's true nature has been revealed bc that makes the whole reveal more impactful like charlie still loves and cares for vaggie despite knowing she's an angel and they finally no longer have any secrets between them so they can kiss while being wholly genuine to themselves yk
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Cantonese Swearwords
bitch = 八婆 (bat por)
fuck = 屌 (diu)
fuck you = 屌你 (diu nei)
fuck your mum = 屌你老母 (diu nei lo mo)
dumbass = 粉腸 (fun cheung), 
lazyass = 蛋散 (dan san)  
仆街 (pok gai) – literally means ‘fall on the street’. Depending on the context, calling someone ‘仆街’ means they are a bastard. However telling someone to ‘仆街’ eg. ‘仆街啦你!’ (pok gai la nei) is telling them to go die.   
頂你個肺 (ding nei gor fai) – literally means ‘hit your lung’, roughly means ‘fuck you’
provided to you by: sk8terac
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So what if Dolores just randomly confess about the 5 babies thing just to get another reaction from Isabela
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coming to the conclusion that i desperately need therapy because what am i reading and why am i vibing with it 😭
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