ink-and-flame · 2 months
I want to write a book called “your character dies in the woods” that details all the pitfalls and dangers of being out on the road & in the wild for people without outdoors/wilderness experience bc I cannot keep reading narratives brush over life threatening conditions like nothing is happening.
I just read a book by one of my favorite authors whose plots are essentially airtight, but the MC was walking on a country road on a cold winter night and she was knocked down and fell into a drainage ditch covered in ice, broke through and got covered in icy mud and water.
Then she had a “miserable” 3 more miles to walk to the inn.
Babes she would not MAKE it to that inn.
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ink-and-flame · 7 months
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For all my NaNoWriMo friends embarking on the yearly craziness with me!
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ink-and-flame · 8 months
Kinktober Day 3 : From Light to Lock
Kinktober Day 3 Prompts: Voyeurism (watching others)~Daddy Dom play~Hairbrush spankings
Fandom: Warcraft
Tags: Daddy Dom play, Dom/sub, Voyeurism, demon sex, hairbrush spankings, Imp shenanigans
Pairing:  DraeneiM/Succubus, Zorul/Estrosia, Drat
[Author's Note: Recent changes in Warcraft have allowed for Draenei to be Warlocks. I haven’t read up on the story/lore reasons behind it. They have also allowed for red skinned Drae to be made so that is my excuse for all of this. It just sounded fun to do and I have gremlins in my DMs encouraging me.]
When Argus had been found to not only still be somewhat intact, or as close to intact as a group of floating plains held together by thoughts and prayers could be, it was an even bigger surprise to find that anything was still alive there. The demons were expected, but no one had anticipated that any draenei would still have survived. Many of those left were paladins and priests, continuing the fight against the legion, locked into battle for eternity if need be. 
The lightforged and all the other non-demonic survivors were invited to come back to Azeroth to live and hopefully flourish. The transition was difficult for most of them, some struggled without a battle to fight, unsure of their purpose now. Zorul faced a different problem. He had lost his family in the battles on Argus, and had continued to fight more for vengeance than anything else. He had been a paladin, but his powers waned slowly over time. His convictions seemed farther away and the light was always just out of his grasp. 
He chose not to flee Argus, desiring to remain behind to protect those that were fleeing to give them a chance as he had nothing left to live for. With his family gone and his connection to the light slowly fading, Zorul accepted his fate and chose to use what power he had left to protect whoever he could. It was all he could really do.
What he had not anticipated was surviving. Despite his tenuous connection to the light, it held up for several thousand years. He wasn’t the strongest with the light, but he was physically imposing and found that he could help in other ways when his powers were not cooperating. His mind was sharp, clever, sometimes a little unhinged. He began to understand the demons, to a degree at least. As chaotic as they were, their actions still had patterns. It wasn’t perfect, the Legion thrived on chaos, but he still learned and used that knowledge to help push them back. 
As time passed and his connection to the light faded, Zorul did not feel as lost as he thought he would. Though, he had considered he was just losing his mind. The voices and whispers grew ever louder as the light faded from him. They were practically screaming in his head when the light was fully gone. Thinking himself insane, Zorul sequestered himself in a building far from the protected locations of his kin. He planned to be alone until the madness took him, but that wasn’t what happened. 
Unsure of how the creature even found him, Zorul was faced with a quite sorry looking imp. Clearly it was lost, far from the battles and others of its kind. Only the absolute patheticness of the creature stayed his hand. Regardless of what it was, harming it felt akin to kicking an already injured puppy. Against his better judgment, and maybe from a little loneliness, Zorul helped the creature. Feeding it, trying to heal its wounds, and giving it shelter. Without realizing it, this was the first step to a new path that Zorul could have never imagined.
It was the beginning of his journey to becoming that which he fought against, a warlock. It wasn’t intentional at first. Him scrounging for books, scrolls, and tomes to teach him anything about the demonic languages was more out of a desire to communicate with the imp than it was to learn how to control it. However, knowledge was absorbed none-the-less and soon Zorul was on his new path. 
Drat, as the imps name turned out to be, was a source of both comfort and madness. The creature was trying at times, but he also helped keep Zorul’s loneliness at bay. Though at times it was a wonder if it was worth the price. Drat got into everything, caused more problems than he should have been worth, and frequently set their belongings on fire. 
As time passed Zorul became attached to the imp, and without realizing it had quite literally attached himself. He bonded with the imp, or perhaps the imp had imprinted on him. While he never summoned the creature, they were still able to form that same bond regardless. He found he could leave Drat at home, and while foraging could summon the imp to his side as needed. After that it was mostly unintentional advancement in his learning until it wasn’t.
After a particularly vicious attack Drat suggested Zorul summon some protection. Hunting down the specific books that would teach the fledgling warlock the spells and runes needed to summon a voidwalker. Without really thinking it through Zorul did exactly that, and after a few failed tries, one explosion, and a burned tail, he finally managed to summon A rather grouchy voidwalker that clearly wanted to be anywhere else. 
Gazkoth was a chore to deal with on even the best of days, but he kept Zorul and Drat alive and that was all that mattered. Even if Zorul was starting to feel a bit off about his decision to fraternize with demons. This was about survival, not picking sides. 
Hundreds of years turned to thousands as Zorul settled into his solitary life. His demons kept him company and as he studied and learned more spells he found he became quite adept at it. There was no creature he could not best with his new powers and with nothing else to do but study and practice, he honed his new craft. Zorul was fully a warlock without even realizing it until his first re-encounter with one of his own kind. 
It wasn’t a memory he was fond of dragging up, the fear at the sight of him and how hard it was to explain what happened and how he ended up this way. The only reason no one died is because Zorul forbade his demons from causing harm. It was that act that not only saved their lives, but gave him a new purpose. Soon he was dragged off to an encampment to help the lightforged fight off the legion. He was little better than a prisoner, but it was acceptable to know that he was able to help his own people again. 
This was how he found himself on Azeroth most unintentionally. Packed off with others of his kind and supplies. No one really asked him what he wanted, it was just all assumed, and now he was on a new world, surrounded by curious and strange individuals, and feeling more lost than he ever had in his life. 
Apparently draenei warlocks were simply unheard of and it took some convincing to allow him freedom of movement throughout the alliance territories. Really the only upside to this change of scenery was the freedom, but it was also somewhat daunting. When he was a prisoner everything had been provided and he had routine. Now he had to fend for himself and everything was chaos. 
Thankfully Zorul found others like him, warlocks that tried to use their abilities for the betterment of their people, even if they knew their souls were damned for it. His story was quite unique but not so far off as to alienate him. He found that there was still so much he didn’t know about demons and being a warlock, despite his thousands of years of study. Though some of that study had been severely limited once he was captured by his own kind. They did not want him learning anymore than he already knew unless it was necessary.
Zorul found there were other kinds of demons he could study and summon, powers he didn’t even realize he already had and just never used, and for the first time in a long time he found community and friendship. Something he had longed for but never dared hope could be. 
It was through these bonds, and the freedom to study and learn that he found Estrosia. He was taught the spells and runes to summon a succubus, and due to his nature and the weakness of his abilities, he summoned a rather young and not so powerful one. She was shy, uncertain, and clumsy. Constantly tripping over her own tail and miscasting her spells. The other warlock suggested banishing her and trying again, but ever the softie Zorul refused. Rose was perfect. 
It was a trial, teaching Rose. She did not catch on to spell work quickly. She was intelligent, an avid reader, but something was missing. It also didn’t help that she tripped over her own hooves any time she had to walk any kind of long distance, or that she would get tangled in her own tail and have to be freed from it. Drat enjoyed tormenting her when she was stuck like that and more than once Zorul had found her in tears with her tail around her stuck in some awkward position. 
He sought the advice of other warlocks and they just suggested he banish her and try again, she was clearly newly created and did not have all the skills a succubus should. Zorul wasn’t having it and decided that he had no choice but to try and teach her. Something he anticipated would take a while, but not nearly as long as actually ended up taking. Getting her through the basics took months, almost a year really, however that was the best milestone. Once she had the basics down her coordination improved and she didn’t trip nearly as much. 
There were still aspects of her powers that Zorul hesitated on. Succubi were meant to seduce but Rose was innocent in his eyes. Even if she was a demon, he hated the idea of someone taking advantage of her. Though that wasn’t how her magic worked. In reality she was the one that should be taking advantage but having Zorul for a master really hampered that ability. She never wanted to break away, she had no desire to flee, Rose wanted to stay with Zorul and she made it clear. It was unusual and he got the side eye from other warlocks on the regular. It was unusual to have close relationships or friendships with your demons.
Though the reality was that many warlocks used their demons to relieve their sexual needs. It was known, but never discussed as not all warlocks participated in that sort of thing. Many did, more than would be expected, but not nearly as many as was rumored. Zorul had never even considered it, at least not at first. 
As time ticked by, he found his emotions towards Rose changing and he saw her differently than his other demons. Drat, was as always a bit of a pain. An instigator, a menace, and since Rose came along a bit of a pervert. Something Zorul tried to correct but had no success in curbing, not fully anyway. His voidwalker was their protector and had remained mostly the same over the thousands of years, his grumpiness was now directed towards outsiders instead of Zorul himself.
Life with his demons moved on, changed, and grew. It was less lonely now, at least in some ways, but now Zorul had a new problem. His lust for Rose grew and with each incident he found his control slipping. It was always something innocuous. She was always the target of Darts pranks so she would often end up covered in some substance and require a washing, usually with assistance. Or she would end up naked when she shouldn’t be. The worst was when she was naked and her tail had gotten wound around her in a compromising way and Zorul found her like that. Those were the hardest days.
Recently he had taken to punishing Dart and Rose when they acted up, something that hurt him when he saw how much it upset Rose. It did nothing to deter his imp, who honestly was picking up behaviors from the local goblins in the area. Zorul often spent time in neutral cities as opposed to purely alliance ones. He was tired of fighting and honestly just wanted to spend time with his scrolls and books. He just wished Dart would find better friends.
The fact that he let his demons run around loose was unusual, but so far no one had complained, though he did have to hide a few bodies when some men got a little too handsy with Rose. There were lines that were not to be crossed, not by him, not by anyone. Still they had settled into a weird sort of routine and Zorul became complacent with  what his life was now.
As days moved to months, and months turned into years, Zorul saw change in himself. He realized that his lust for Rose wasn’t the worst part of it, no it was the love he felt for her. She mattered to him and he knew she couldn’t return those feelings. All the research he had done, every book, tome, scroll, every story he could find, went back to one simple truth. Demons could not feel love, not the way mortals could. Though one would argue that Draenei were technically immortal. 
As the time had moved he did his best to teach Rose to be strong, to build her powers, and to a degree it worked. She learned some of the arts of seduction, even if it was awkward at times. Her clumsiness continued to lessen, and she grew in strength and personality. If only he could shake his feelings for her. Often he would have to punish her for simple things that he felt she should know better than to do. It hurt, but at the same time, he wondered if she did it on purpose. It almost seemed like attention seeking behavior as opposed to genuine problems. It gave him pause, did Rose want punishment? Was this some weird succubus thing he was somehow unaware of? Either way he needed to find a way to get her to stop.
Never were his punishments physical. It was always chores, or extra studying, or just the most boring thing he could think of like counting the nails in the floorboards. Anything that could feel like a punishment but wasn’t physical harm. That was a line he would not cross. It was dangerous and could make demons strike back against their masters. Something he wasn’t too keen to experience. 
This time Rose had done it. Zorul had been working on that potion for three weeks. It had complex stages, steps that had to be followed exactly. Ingredients that were difficult to source, and some that he wasn’t sure he could even get again, and there Rose was. Tangled in her tail again, the vial shattered on the floor at her feet. 
“Dammit all Estrosia!” He had used her full name, a rare occurrence reserved for serious times and true anger. “Sometimes you frustrate me beyond all reason. If you were a child I would spank you!” He hissed his eyes glowing with anger. 
Rose shrank under his glare, she knew she had messed up, that was apparent on her face. Without Dart around he knew this wasn’t a frame job, this was entirely her fault. “You will clean up this mess, then you will begin researching where to get more components and then this time, you will have to join me! Danger or no danger you will fix this mess!” Zorul stomped out of his study and moved to his private room, his hooves heavy on the floor.
Sinking into his chair he sighed, face in his hands as he fought back the darkness that followed his anger. Sometimes, something within him craved violence and other dark things but he fought, he would not lose himself to this. He was a warlock, not a monster and he wasn’t going to hurt innocent people. Not out of anger, not for any reason. 
It took almost an hour for Zorul to calm his mind and his temper. Slumped into his chair he contemplated trying to sleep when he heard the sound of his door being pushed open slowly. In stepped Rose, looking quite pitiful and holding her brush in her hand. Sometimes, he would brush her hair and those were the times it was hard to hold back desire, but she liked it and it helped them bond. 
“I am in no mood Estrosia. I will brush your hair another day.” Zorul watched her and waited for her to leave but became curious when she didn’t and only handed him her brush. “You realize being obstinate is not going to help you right now.” 
Then she did something he did not expect. She draped herself across his lap and just laid there face down. She didn’t say anything, just stayed still aside from some minor trembling. 
“I… couldn’t find a belt.. Or a switch.. It was all I had.” 
It took Zorul several long moments to comprehend what she was even saying. Why would she need a belt or a switch, why bring a hair brush if not for. Oh, oh. Well, that was certainly new. She must have taken his statement to heart and assumed he was actually going to spank her like a child. Not a fully horrific idea, but a dangerous one. 
“I am not going to spank you Estrosia. You are not a mortal child and you know that I do not use physical punishments on my demons. I refuse.” 
“I earned it. I won't attack. I was bad, you have to punish me.” As far as she was concerned this was logic and he needed to follow it.
Zorul sighed deeply, rubbing a hand down his face. “Estrosia, get up and go to your room. I am not in the mood for games.”
Zorul looked down at the succubus draped across his lap in shock. Dart was the one that sassed him and talked back. Never Rose. She would to the line with disobedience but she had never outright refused an order. He was shocked into silence, trying to conjure up a response.
“You won’t forgive me if you don’t punish me, then you will hate me and banish me. You keep using my full name. You don’t love me anymore.”
Well now the draenei was perplexed. Beyond perplexed really. She was behaving like a mortal child who had upset a parent, not like a demon at all. This was disturbing, upsetting, and weirdly funny if it weren't so very weird. 
“Rose, you know as well as I do this is not how demons work. I am angry but I will not banish you, I promise.” He waited for a response. She didn’t move, she didn’t even try to move. She just laid there and Zorul was a little lost on what to do next. 
“You should spank me anyway.” 
There was something in her voice. Something different that he couldn’t quite place but that tickled at his mind in a way that he wasn’t sure he was ok with. That was the voice he often heard her using when practicing her seduction spells. Well, now he was in a bit of a pickle. This could easily get out of hand, but if she actually wanted it then was it really so wrong?
“Well then, since you insist, you have earned this Rose.”
Zorul lifted the brush in his hand and brought it down gently on her rump. He couldn’t bring himself to hit hard, not at first. He had to test to make sure she wouldn’t actually attack him, and that she wouldn’t be genuinely harmed. A few more test taps with the brush had her wiggling in a way that was a little too distracting. This went on for a few minutes as he warmed her up and found he liked how she squirmed. Before long he gave her a good smack that had her making a noise that went straight to his dick. Something he would have to address later but for now he was a little too far in to stop. 
What Zorul had not realized is that Dart had been watching them. At first it was curiosity to see what was going on, but then, well, he was a much older demon and he had learned a lot of new things from his mortal friends. Mostly how to spy on people without them noticing him. He wasn’t sure what he expected but this was absolutely worth watching. 
The spanking continued as Zorul lost himself a little to it. The sounds she made, the way she moved in his lap. It was intoxicating and all that lust began to boil up inside of him again. He feared what he might do next if this kept going, if his lust remained unchecked. Honestly things might have gone farther if Rose had not spoken.
“I’m sorry daddy! I promise to be a good girl!”
Zorul stopped, full stopped. He looked down at her and just stared before he found his voice again. “I’m sorry but what?” At his age, maybe it was just his hearing finally beginning to go. He wasn’t young anymore, not even close, he had to have misheard.
Now her voice was hesitant. “I.. I promise to be a good girl.”
“Yes, I heard that part, but the other thing?” Zorul waited, hoping it was his old ears, because this was not something he was sure he was prepared to deal with.
“Um.” Rose hesitated, squirmed a bit, then somewhat deflated in his lap. “Daddy?”
“So, I did hear that right. Is this something you would like to explain?”
After a pause. “No, not right now. Later, just, can we keep going? I was almost there.”
Zorul sputtered and dropped the brush in surprise. Why the little minx was, how dare she. Of course he ignored his erection and his own lust, because this had to be dealt with. He was absolutely not a hypocrite by any means. 
That gave him pause. There was something genuine in her tone. Zorul realized that while this would change things, it would change everything. He did not have the will power within him to deny his Rose anything. 
“For that you are getting extra, move your tail.” Zorul pulled away the bottom of her little body suit, throwing the tatters on the ground. His hand met bare flesh as he continued her spanking bare bottomed. If he needed it would be easy to retrieve the brush but for now he wanted to feel her skin heat up under his hand. 
Oh the sounds she made woke something in him and he found his control slipping easily as he spoke to her, admonishing her like a petulant child who had displeased an actual parent. “You will learn not to break other people's things. Naughty girl. Daddy is very displeased.” The words came easily as his hand struck over and over again. 
The sounds from the closet should have alerted him that they were not alone, but he was too engrossed to notice them. Dart was enjoying the show in a carnal fashion and he wasn’t about to be shooed from his hiding spot. He had plans for Rose later if he could talk her into it. For now his hand would have to do. The show was hot and seeing how much Zorul had changed gave him some ideas to help push this new corruption along. 
“Are you going to be a good girl for daddy from now on? I want to hear you say it Rose.”
“Yes daddy! I will be good, I promise I will be, ooh, oh I will be so good.” Rose wiggled and squealed “harder daddy! I deserve it” She was so close now. If he stopped she would be so put out. Right on the edge. 
Zorul slapped her ass harder, watching it bounce. He could feel the wetness against his hand. He could feel that she was close. There was so much more he wanted to do, things he was imagining that were wrong, but he couldn’t stop. He would give her this, just this once, and never again. They would have a talk and this would not escalate. 
“That’s right sweetheart, be a good girl and cum for daddy.” 
Rose cried out loudly, her body arching in his lap and she trembled from the pleasure. Finally getting the attention she had wanted from him for so long. She spread her legs, hoping for more, wishing for more before her orgasm had completely finished. “Yes daddy!”
Zoral was panting, desperately trying to reign in his own desires, his own lust. She was beautiful like this. Maybe, maybe it could happen again. Just a spanking when she misbehaved, nothing more, nothing past this. Already that never again was fading into the background. As he caught himself licking the moisture off of his hand. 
Dart had finished before Rose did, he watched them quietly, plotting. He would proposition Rose. Promise to help her seduce their master fully, if she gave him something in return. Yes this would work out nicely for him in the end. After all, this was a warlock of his own making, a master that he knew would never abuse him. Dart actually liked Zorul, and in his own weird demonic fucked up way, he genuinely thought that this was helping. Afterall, it was him that suggested the brush to Rose when she couldn’t find a belt.
0 notes
ink-and-flame · 8 months
Kinktober Day 2 : Delicate Pleasure
Kinktober Day 2 Prompts: Vibrator on genitals~Riding the horse~Slutty clothing (private)
Fandom: Original [Auchendale Archives]
Tags: Sex Toys, Riding the horse, slutty clothing, dom/sub
Pairing:  Lucien/Ember
[Author's Note: Getting back into the world of Auchendale and starting off with something outside of the main story. Don’t worry Darnok & Lia have some stuff planned for this month. So we will get back to it when those days pop up. ]
Ember was relaxing in the VIP lounge on one of the smaller loveseats, mostly keeping to herself. She had a glass of wine she had been nursing for an hour, mostly just people watching. She missed Lia, but understood that her friend needed a break and it was nice that she wasn’t just moping around but off visiting family. A welcome event that Ember hoped would not only raise her friends spirits, but would give her the space she needed as well. 
The temperature nearby had changed and suddenly, as if out of nowhere, Lucien was perched on the couch with her. Ember raised a brow. She had known him a long time, considered him a friend. Well, in so much as anyone really could anyway. The man was a true enigma and someone that Ember hadn’t really spent too much alone time with. It was almost always with the group, or he was an observer. He watched her sessions enough that it had made her curious.
“And what brings you my way tonight Lucien? I don’t have a scene planned.” It was an easy enough question and she just blinked a bit when he shifted in his seat, his eyes seeming to glow and change colors though that just as easily could have been a trick of the light.
“I am aware. You looked somewhat bored dearest Ember. Perhaps you would be willing to indulge me tonight?” 
Raising a brow slightly Ember knew better than to blindly agree. “Depends on what you are asking of me. I don’t want to be tricked into cleaning up gear, again.” She chuckled, it was years ago, but she wasn’t going to let him live it down. Prank or no, which was a little strange as he didn’t seem the type, she still wasn’t going to give him a chance to trick her again.
“No worries my dear, I simply require company for the evening. Would you be interested? I promise I won't bite unless you ask me to.”
Ember paused and thought about it for a moment. Company could mean anything with him. She had seen him playing cards with a group of subs once, so anything was on the table, but he had been correct. She was bored and now she was curious. “Ok, Lead the way handsome, but this best not be a trick!”
“Never my dearest, I have learned my lesson on that. Well for now anyway, I really do desire company. Follow me please.”
Lucien led Ember to the private rooms that only the VIP guests could use. There was more equipment available and the rooms were just nicer. It was also quiet and there was less chance of someone interrupting them should they take too long. The room had a variety of kink furniture, a box of toys, and a wardrobe full of outfits. 
“What I desire is, a bit more than what you might be used to from me Ember. I would like to see just how many orgasms your body can handle, is that play you would be agreeable to engage in?”
Ember paused and tilted her head at him. “What do you get out of this, exactly?”
“Why, your pleasure of course. By now you should know how I work, Ember. This is how I play, it is what brings me the most joy, the most pleasure.” He paused. “Well, that and I want you to pick the absolute sluttiest outfit from that selection that you can find. Are you comfortable with this?”
It took her a moment to consider the offer. Honestly, it sounded easy, but that was the problem. Nothing was ever to be taken at face value with Lucien. Still, she had not ever tested just how many times she could cum before. It could be fun, intense, but fun. “I agree.”
“Delightful, please, pick something. Color is not important, though it would be better if it had easy access, but I will let you choose. I want you to be comfortable, we could be here for a while.”
Ember laughed lightly, she knew he was not joking. Lucien enjoyed drawing things out, taking his time. He was patient, more so than anyone she had ever met. In a battle of wills she was certain he never lost. It was something she admired about him, and it didn’t hurt that in her eyes he really was quite handsome. She had never found his appearance frightening, a little off putting at first, but never scary. Now that she knew him, well, she just stopped that train of thought right there. Best to go pick out a nice outfit. 
After sorting through a variety of options Ember settled on a mix up of items. No one set really worked. It was either too cliche or not nearly nasty enough. She wore a collar with a leash that also had chains running down to clamps that were on her nipples. For panties she picked a nice teal crotchless set that had pearls that were strung to slide on either side of her inner labia, they felt really good on and she imagined this would be fun for Lucien. Along with those she found some matching thigh highs and some heels. To add just a bit of nasty to the look, she added a skirt that was barely long enough to be considered so. It left little to nothing to the imagination, but it hid just enough to have that tantalizing feel. 
“Delicious, oh Ember you do know how to dress to please. Come here, let me enjoy the sight of you.” Lucian had been sitting in a large chair, watching Ember choose her outfit. It was part of the pleasure for him. Just observing as she fell into her own thoughts and seemed to forget he was there. Honestly anything would have worked. He had stocked this room only with items he liked, but she had chosen so very well. The skirt was his favorite addition to the look, something about it just elevated the outfit and he planned to enjoy this for as long as she could hold out. 
Patting his thigh Lucien gestured for Ember to join him. “Sit darling, let me look at you.” Guiding Ember into his lap Lucien let his eyes linger on her body, the fire within them growing as he felt that need twist within him. Oh yes, this was perfect. Leaning in he nuzzled at her neck, taking in the scent of her. So unique, but then everyone was. He loved her scent, the undertones of ink, spice, something deeper. Exhaling he kept his eyes closed for a moment until he was certain they were back to normal.
“Very good, let's get you over to the bed. I will not be tying you down, I feel it might be too much and I want you to feel free to move as much as you would like.” Lucien guided Ember to the bed and had her lay back in a relaxed position. Stepping away he made a selection of toys from the chest and brought over a few bottles of lubrication, it was always best to have a decent selection. 
Lucien waited for Ember to get comfortable, his eyes roaming over her body slowly, taking in every curve, every small detail on her form. How soft her skin looked, the contrast of her colorful tattoos against the paleness of her skin tone. The bounce of her breasts as she moved. Even her scars were beautiful to him. The imperfections of the human form were part of what drew him in. He wasn’t interested in dolls or statues, he wanted something warm and real. 
Selecting a small bullet vibe, Lucien decided to start slow. Teasing it up her arm, and in small circles around her stomach until she giggled. He smiled at her, his sharp teeth glinting in the low light. Gently he traced around her breasts, avoiding her nipples for now. Watching her squirm was delightful and he was tempted to tickle her more, but that wasn’t what he was after today. 
Moving to one nipple, then the other, he could tell when the mood changed and Ember became focused on the pleasure. Her breathing was a bit more erratic, she moved to chase the sensation as opposed to pull away from it when it tickled. Her thighs squeezed together as if she was trying to dislodge some sensation there. It pleased him and he leaned in again to take in her scent and nuzzle her neck. “Oh how lovely your pleasure is my dear, but I want more, so much more.”
As patient as he was, he also had desires to fill and they did have somewhat of a limit on their time. Leaning back, he moved the toy down her stomach and over the skirt to her exposed thigh. His grin grew as she spread her legs for him, the invitation obvious. Pushing the skirt up out of his way Lucien licked his lips at the sight of her. Those panties were perfect and the pearls would absolutely help later. 
Gently, slowly, teasingly, Lucien slid the vibrator over her mons, the outer lips, then her inner folds, avoiding the clit for now. The teasing would go a long way to getting that first orgasm much quicker, and once she started, he intended for it to go on for as long as her body would allow.  The vibrator was set to medium for now, a nice middle range of intensity. Not too low, not too high. Pushing it between her folds he let it vibrate at her entrance, watching the subtle almost restrained buck of her hips, as if she was trying to control her movements and not give away how much she liked it. 
Lucien could hear Ember begging in her mind for more, it was so loud it was as if her thoughts were screaming. At least that is what her body language had given him. Whether or not he could actually read minds was a secret that would probably follow him to the grave, though some people just thought louder than others and wore their thoughts on their faces. This time it was Embers whole body screaming at him for more even though she hadn’t uttered a word.
The sound of her whimpering made him give in and Lucien finally touched the vibe to her clit. It was electric, seeing her arc into it, her hips arching up off the bed as her thighs shook. She was so close he could taste it. Quickly he turned the vibe up to high and watched in delight as her first orgasm washed over her. Face contorted in beautiful pleasure as her whole body tensed then relaxed. It was intoxicating and he hovered over her, taking in the pleasure that was radiating off her body.
Lucien did not let up, keeping the vibrator on its highest setting he kept it pressed to her clit, testing to see how easily she could be pushed to a second orgasm after the initial one and he was not disappointed. It took only a bit over a minute for that pleasure to crest and wash over her again, he could see the clench of her core as she went over the edge again. He felt his control slip just slightly as the desire to taste almost overwhelmed him, but Lucien remained firmly in his spot. 
“Your pleasure is exquisite, my dearest Ember.”  Pulling the small vibrator away and turning it off he leaned down to check on her. “Are you interested in clitoral only, or would you like penetration as well?”
Ember gave Lucien a long look, she was genuinely thinking about it because she was curious what might feel better. “I think a couple with penetration would be nice, but if we want to max out my orgasms, clitoral is going to be the way to go.”
“Excellent, I do want you to be nice and sensitive before you ride the horse.” He stated with a smile as he grabbed a couple of new toys. From the bedside table. One was a phallus shaped toy that had vibrations and thrusting motions. Lubing it up Lucien slowly slid it in, letting Ember get used to the sensation and leaving it in while turned off. Then he grabbed a butterfly vibe and used some clips to help secure it to her panties so it would stay seated on her clit. Both toys remained off for now. “Did you need anything before we begin again?”
Ember shook her head and tried not to brace herself or clench up from anticipation. She knew it wasn’t going to hurt, but the excitement was getting to her. Chewing on her lip she watched Lucien as he finished situating the toys, his hand holding the dildo vibe as he turned the butterfly vibe onto low. It buzzed pleasantly against her clit and felt nice after two orgasms. Then he turned on the dildo, and at first she didn’t feel much, just a light vibration, until it began thrusting slowly. 
It didn’t take too long for the pleasure to build as Lucien slowly dialed up the intensity of both toys. It was at the midway mark that Ember felt herself becoming eager for more. She wanted something she couldn’t put into words. There was this intense need, no, craving inside of her that she felt could never be satisfied. She found herself begging for things she didn’t understand and watched as Lucien’s eyes stayed locked on hers. They were glowing, it was no trick of the light. Even if the shadow on his face moved, his eyes glowed bright. 
Ember begged for him to turn the toys up higher, she was so close to another orgasm and she needed it so badly. The thrusting of the toy hit just right, and so much harder than before. The highest setting had her thighs shaking as she came hard, squirting on the toy, but it didn’t stop. As one wave of the orgasm felt like it would subside, she felt another building, this time focused more in her clit and she came again. Four more times she would cum from these toys and the relentless pace Lucien set, even when she tried to pull away he made sure the toys stayed perfectly seated.
Ember was drunk with pleasure and lost track of how much she had cum. After the penetrative toy soaked her and the bed, Lucien had pulled it out and taken away the butterfly only to break out the wand. She knew how powerful this toy was as she had one at home, there was no doubt that her orgasms would climb to the double digits easily. She had seen long term couples play this way,and the number of orgasms the sub experienced with this toy alone was what sold Ember on it in the first place. 
She was positively cum drunk, damn near delirious and unable to form a full sentence when she realized she had not felt anything for a few seconds. Opening her eyes, not being sure when she closed them, Ember looked curiously at Lucien and was shocked. He did not look like himself. His face, something about it was off. In this moment there was no way anyone could have mistaken this man for a human, but what he was, well that was still a question. He was clearly fighting with his own control and in a blink, he was almost back to the Lucien she knew. Ember could almost argue that what she saw was just a hallucination caused by her pleasure-addled mind.
“Why did you stop?”
Lucian’s voice was deep, a haunting echo to it. “You were overwhelmed, and I was becoming lost in it.”
His voice did something to her. Fear wasn’t the right word, but it also wasn’t the wrong one. Ember laid there, panting as she began to feel her body coming back to her. She wiggled her fingers and toes just to test, and slowly her limbs responded. She was gradually feeling more like herself, though still weirdly eager to continue.  “I never got to ride the horse.” Ember pouted.
His laugh broke through the tension easily. It was a deep laugh, that echo still on the edge but not filling his voice anymore. “You are easily my favorite person Ember, easily. I do admire your eagerness, but are you sure you are up for that? It can be intense in the best of situations.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time. I know the ones we have here have comfort padding so it isn’t actual torture.” 
“You are correct, and I would never. I am not interested in causing pain, only pleasure. Here let me help you.” 
Lucian moved to lift Ember and carried her over to the bondage furniture. It had already been prepared for his use and the horse had the optional riding wedge added on top, he chose the one with the nice padding so that it would add to the comfort. It took a few moments to get her legs strapped in, he needed to make sure she wouldn’t fall if her balance was lost, or if the feeling in her legs went. The pearls added pressure to her outer folds and clit as the ridge of the riding wedge pressed along her slit and pushed against the center of her clit more firmly. 
“There my dear. Now ride. I want you to rock your hips, I want to see you chase your own pleasure first. After that I will help you.”
Ember felt energized again, which was a little strange, but she wasn’t going to look this particular gift horse in the mouth. She rocked her hips, riding the padded wedge on top of the bondage horse. It put intense pressure on her clit as well as between her inner folds, she could feel it rubbing against her slightly swollen and sensitive opening and it only added to her pleasure. Ember did as she had been commanded and chased her orgasm. Crying out as she came hard her hips rocking and grinding into the firm wedge beneath her, her cum dripping down the sides. 
She was panting as she felt Lucien holding her up. She turned to see that glow again. This time it was his breathing that was erratic. He looked wild, almost possessed. Then his lips were on hers. A kiss that was passionate but somehow felt dangerous. Ember tasted the barest hint of blood as Lucien suddenly pulled back, his lips slightly pink as he stared at her. 
“Ember, I.. I did not mean to.” Lucien never lost control. Well, almost never. This was becoming dangerous. The longer he played with her, the more he wanted and there were lines he knew he could never cross. “I apologize for the lapse in my control.”
Ember smiled gently at him. “It's ok Lucien, we are friends, I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt me. You have sharp teeth, the risks of making out with you I suppose, But I think it is worth it.” She laughed lightly, “Unhook me from this thing and take me back to the bed. We can try this one again later, but I don’t have the leg strength to stay upright on it right now. Maybe we should have started here.”
Lucien looked a bit perplexed but just smiled that enigmatic smile as he unhooked her from the bondage straps and carried her to the bed. Laying her down gently, he hovered over her. Hoping she couldn’t read his thoughts through his expressions, his mind was a swill of conflicting emotions. 
“So, is this the part where we finally have sex?” Ember waggled her eyebrows at him and barked a sharp laugh that she covered up quickly at the sight of Lucien’s expression at that question. Clearly he had not seen that one coming and it was almost comical how shocked he actually looked. Ember had never seen his composure rattled in such a way. For the first time he actually almost looked human, though just as quickly as it had happened it was gone again as he cleared his throat. 
“Ember, I am quite certain you do not want that. Also, and more pertinently, that is not what we agreed to during negotiations. I was after your pleasure. As I stated, your pleasure is my own.” 
Cryptic as always, Ember just regarded him for a moment. Her expression was guarded. “Is it me that is the problem?”
“No” Lucien spoke softly. “Believe me, the temptation to give in to that request is damn near overwhelming, but for both our sakes and your safety, I must decline. At least this time, maybe in the future we could negotiate something in that realm, but not tonight. We still haven’t seemed to have hit your limit and I have a few more ideas if you are interested.”
Ember smiled gently, she wasn’t hurt or insulted. She knew Lucien had his ways about him and this was just one of them. Somehow she doubted that future date would ever come, but for now, she was happy with what he was willing to give, and she trusted him. Ember nodded and relaxed back against the bed. “Let's see if we can break some records ok?”
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ink-and-flame · 8 months
Kinktober Day 1: The Violet Snail
Kinktober Day 1 Prompts: Cum Inflation (fantasy)~Gang-bang~Prostitution (actual)
Fandom: Warcraft
Tags: Prostitution, Gang Bang, Cum Inflation, Size Difference, weird dicks,  slight m/m, anal sex,
Pairing:  OrcM/GoblinM/DwarfF/WorgenM/NagaM
[Author's Note: I don’t really play Hearthstone anymore and do not have anything from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan collection, but I like the idea of the premise. I see it as a sort of semi modernized noir sort of setting within Warcraft, so that is where this little story is going to be based. If I get anything wrong about the setting it is not intentional, I just haven’t read everything from the wiki on it yet.]
Nestled back on a dark street surrounded by bars and shops was a large almost unassuming building with a bright glowing purple sign. The Violet Snail was a popular tavern, mostly because it was also a brothel and had some of the best brews and entertainment to be had this side of Gadgetzan. The owners of the the tavern were a goblin and a dwarf. The goblin ran the brothel side of things, and the dwarf kept the tavern running and always stocked with brew.
Tonight's crowd was rowdy as always, but it was rare for fights to start here. There were strict rules and no one wanted to get banned, not even on a temporary basis. If they weren’t addicted to the entertainment, then it was the unique brews and snacks the bar offered. Tulvir, the dwarven owner, went out of his way to source unique brews from all over Azeroth, having many imported from far away isles. Standard dwarven brews were a staple on the menu, but the exotic brews were what kept people coming back. Always curious what would be new on the menu.
Tulvir did the same with food. Sourcing recipes from all over and working with the cooks to determine what would work and what wouldn’t. Not all food made good bar food and even some of the most delicious recipes didn’t make the cut just because they were too complicated to serve to drunk people. It also came down to ingredients, if it wasn’t something that could be reliably sourced, it wasn’t considered. 
Maggie, on the other hand, dealt with the entertainment and ran the brothel portion of the tavern. The whole upstairs was dedicated to it and she had her work cut out for her most nights. The set up was clever. A patron could put in their requests downstairs, pick from a book if they were inclined to something specific. Prices were negotiated, and when the room was available they were escorted up. No one got upstairs without an escort. This kept the talent and the patrons safe. 
Business was good, the crowd was a bit loud but joyful. They were being entertained by some dancers as booze was sold in bulk. The kitchen was not quite overwhelmed but working at a steady pace. It was nice to see, and Maggie knew it would be a profitable night. She eyed a couple of the tables, wondering which groups would end up looking to buy some company and head upstairs. If she were a betting woman she would be certain the table of orcs would be the first to ask for the book. To her surprise, it was the mixed table that requested it. An odd group to be sure, but there really wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen here in Gadgetzan. The naga was a little different, but he wasn’t the first she had seen in their tavern, it was just a rare occurrence. 
Stepping over to the table she addressed them “Finding anything you like, we are running a couple of specials this week. We have a deal where if you book two girls the second is half rate, and we have a 25% discount on group scenes. Let me know what you are interested in.” Maggie stepped away to let them converse amongst themselves. The specials never impacted the talent, anything taken off came from the house side and rarely did it affect profits. 
Glyx glanced sideways at Corbin while Vosh continued to flip through the book. "So, just wanna get two girls to double team?" he said to what was a near uncomfortably long silence. It was a stark contrast to how they were in the tavern a few hours prior.
"I'm fine with whatever. One gal, a couple, one for each." Corbin finally answered to break the pregnant pause, looking over to the orc who still thumbed through the pages. He went through it twice, and now was on his third. If there was ever a more selective person than Vosh, Corbin hadn't met them yet.
"It would be easier if I was paired with someone less… easy to unnerve." Nalzas said, his eyes sitting on Corbin with a not so subtle implication. "Will you be staying as a human, or shifting?" The naga asked curiously. Corbin was probably the most relaxed individual Zas had ever known. A very go with the flow type, but he was dangerous when his mood shifted, as rare as the situation was.
"Vosh. Vosh, pal, buddy, Vosh. Dude. Pick. Please. We don't have all night, I definitely don't got all night, and I'm pretty sure we don't have the coin for one of each." Glyx' large green ear flicked, annoyance clear on him as he was about ready to to swipe the book from their very picky friend, and pick at random.
The orc glared at the goblin, and as his hands lifted, the book was shoved over into the hands of Corbin. "Here, you can choose. We aren't exactly a normal group, and I doubt you could ask some gnome to take what we have going on."
Corbin just took it with little more than a hum, flipping pages faster than Vosh was doing. Unlike Vosh, he actually had considered their differences, and what would be exciting for them. It was easy enough to pass over several options, and with a few details to look through the profiles, it took him a great deal quicker to settle on a woman that looked interesting to him. "So." He finally said looking up. "How do you all feel about a dwarf?"
Glyx got a little gleam in his eye “Oh, I do like dwarves. They fit the whole ‘taller’n me’ thing without bein so tall that it’s a pain in the ass. She cute?” The goblin tugged the book away from Corbin and glanced at the picture. Oh yeah, she was cute. Just the kind of girl he would have hit on naturally. Clearly his friend knew what he liked. It was Vosh, the ever picky one, that needed to agree. 
“What say you Vosh, ya like?” Glyx pushed the book towards the orc and glanced over to Zas. “you good with a dwarf lady, not gonna be a problem fer, eh, yer junk?” Nalzas narrowed his slitted eyes at Glyx. “Oh honestly Glyx, so crass. I am fine as long as they are. Dwarvish women tend to be rather sturdy, so I haven’t really had any issues, though it was only the one time. I am sure we can all make it work as long as Vosh is interested.”
“Yeah, it works. She looks fun, profile fits our needs. Nothing popping out at me that could be an issue. I like her red hair.” Sometimes being picky paid off, and sometimes it caused situations like this. Vosh knew it drove his friends nuts, but it was just how he was. When it came to non orcish women, he was exceedingly picky and refused to apologize for it. 
Turning around he waved the goblin lady over, it would suck if they went through all this and she wasn’t even available. “Her, uh, Branwen? Yeah, her name shows as Branwen. She free? It would be all four of us.”
Maggie took the book back and nodded.  “Yes, Branwen is available. I will have security take you up to the room and she will be brought in after you read over the rules for the room. Enjoy your time gentlemen.” Maggie gestured for them to follow the large serious looking orcs standing near the stairs. 
Corbin picked up the little booklet with the rules and began reviewing them as the others got settled, reading aloud anything that he thought the others needed to know. It was standard stuff really. Mostly to protect the talent and to prevent harm to everyone involved. “Seems basic, I mean if I was looking for some of the more extreme stuff I certainly would not have come here. Glyx, that means you are going to have to reign it in a bit until we know how much this girl can handle your mouth.”
“I am hurt and offended Cor, that you would besmirch my very character with such slander.” Glyx stated in the most clear and enunciated speech they had ever heard, his accent completely gone for that moment. He was, of course, being sarcastic, but it did hit home as the others began laughing.
“Just, tone down the dirty talk until we know she is into it ok?” Corbin rolled his eyes and got comfortable with the others as they waited for the woman to arrive, which she did in short order, and she was far more beautiful than her picture had shown. 
“Well, look at this lot. I’m Branwen, looks like I have quite the selection tonight.” She smiled at the men and was intrigued to see such an unusual group. The orc and goblin she expected, but the human and naga were curious. Still, you got all types here and she wasn’t going to question it. As long as they followed the rules, this was going to be fun. “So, who’s first, or all at once?”
Corbin stepped up, wanting to take the lead to make sure everyone got what they wanted from the evening. “Whatever is going to be easier to start with for you. I know Glyx is quite excited, but Nalzas here is a little nervous.” He gestured to the goblin and naga in turn. “Also, full disclosure, but I am a worgen. I can stay in human form if that is less strange for you. I know not everyone is, well, into it.”
Branwen looked a bit confused. Worgen were rare in these parts. They showed up, but tended not to be seen much on this side of town, so this would be a first. She wasn’t sure what he was getting at until something tickled at her thoughts. “Strange? I, hmm, ye wouldn’t mean that somethin is different?” She had heard rumors that some worgen not only were incredibly hung, but had odd shaped or knotted dicks. When the man flushed she smirked and decided to test the waters with how playful she could get with this group. “Are ye insinuatin that yer a bit… knotty?”
At this, Corbin was bright red, his face in his hands, and both Vosh and Glyx were howling with laughter. “Oh, oh I like her, she is a keeper!” Glyx chimed in and sauntered up to the dwarf. “Sweetie, I promise we are gonna make yer night it ya let us. With humor like that, this was meant to be. So, who first?”
“Why don’t we start on the bed. All holes are available as long as yer willin to use lube. No slidin in the back door dry loves, we’ll have none of that.” Branwen stripped off her simple dress. She hadn’t worn anything underneath, she assumed with a group session they would want to get to it and not waste too much time.
Hopping up on the bed she waited for them to finish talking amongst themselves and was not shocked that the goblin crawled up on the bed first. He was quite handsome. Dark hair, bright eyes, light green skin, and more well hung than she was expecting. He winked at her as he grabbed the lube. “Hope ya don’t mind me knockin on the back door ta start?” 
“What position would make this easier?” Branwen paused as the orc slid onto the bed and lifted her in the air, turning her to face him and placing her on his lap. 
“Ride me? That way Glyx can stand up and we don’t have to worry about hurting you.” Vosh pushed some loose strands of hair from her face, stroking her cheek with a knuckle. “That, and I want to see your face. Condom or no?”
Branwen flushed at the attention, she was not expecting this. The orc was the one she was worried about. He looked so angry, but now, there was this tenderness in his eyes she had not expected and she found herself feeling some sort of way about it. She shook her head. Condoms would not be needed. She had taken her preventatives so pregnancy shouldn’t be an issue and they had a healer on staff just in case someone caught something. She had charms as well to help prevent anything unwanted getting into her system.
“Beautiful. We’ll start slow, but you never answered our friend Corbin over there. Human form or full worgen?” Vosh wanted to make sure that consent was clear before things started and the heat of the moment could change minds. He wanted her clear headed for this choice.
“I’m curious, so let's go worgen.” Branwen smiled over at Corbin who was still flushed. Though, she had not expected for him to shift right then, and oh was he quite large. Though his blue eyes still seemed so kind even if his face was now a little more frightening. 
Vosh ended up distracting her when she felt herself lifted into the air and something nudged at her entrance. She locked eyes with his as he pushed in, her’s closing first. The stretch was something, it burned just a bit, but in a good way. That good feeling just kept coming as she slowly took more and more of him in. She wasn’t sure it would fit at first, and now she was hoping to take all of him. That stretch started to feel a little too good and it was taking a lot of will power for her to sit still.
Branwen opened her eyes when she felt the bed move and saw that the worgen had joined them, off to the side a bit. It was a good thing all the furniture had been double reinforced last year. After a selection of furniture had broken, the bosses paid more to have better stuff built. Hopefully it would hold up with this group. “You ok there lovely?” Vosh asked in a deep rumbly voice, it was quiet, not quite a whisper, but close. He had turned her face to his and was looking at her with concern.
“Yes, just staying relaxed. You are bigger than I thought, trying not to get too excited. Wouldn’t want this to be over before it starts.” She smirked at the orc as she felt large hands on her hips and a warm slick nudge between her cheeks, glancing back over her shoulder she nodded at Glyx, letting him know he could go ahead. She wasn’t sure if he was hesitating for any particular reason, but sometimes reaffirming her consent helped.
“Ya got a great ass beautiful, just want ta make sure yer ready for it.” Glyx pushed his hips forward carefully, keeping the lube nearby to add more as needed. He wasn’t all that into causing pain. Yeah he was kinky, but this wasn’t really the time for it. Adding a bit more lube the goblin pushed just a bit more til he felt her relax a bit as was able to get a couple inches in. Biting back a groan and forcing himself to pause he just stood there for a moment to center himself and calm just a bit. 
Corbin and Nalzas watched as their friends found a nice rhythm. Zas slithered over to the bed pushing up on his coils to be taller. Both of his cocks were out, slick with arousal and he caught Branwens curious eyes. Smiling gently at her shocked expression. He wasn’t sure how this would work out for him, but even just watching was enough sometimes. 
Branwen glanced towards Corbin and saw that he too was erect and he indeed did have a rather large dick with a noticeable knot in it. It wasn’t too large one she was certain she could take if she tried, but she was curious how he tasted. “If’n ya lean up here, I could suck ye off.” She offered and caught the glances between the orc and worgen. If they were communicating she was unaware but something must have been agreed upon as she felt a gentle hand on the back of her head as he lifted up on his knees. 
“Only take as much as you feel safe doing. Trust me, it will feel good regardless.” Corbin teased her lips with the tip of his cock and sucked in a sharp breath as she eagerly took him into her mouth. He had anticipated that she would be nervous, hesitant even, but no, she was already almost to the knot and he was finding it difficult to keep control.
Nalzas watched as the group found their rhythm, moving as one. It was strange and beautiful at the same time. His friends knew his proclivities and had not expressed any problems with them in the past, so he helped himself. Leaning down he wiggled closer, his long tongue flicking out to tease Branwen’s clit. He tasted both her and Vosh, it was delightful. Snaking his tongue out farther he teased and flicked along her slit and back to her clit. Vosh didn’t indicate any discomfort so he continued, his tongue teasing both on occasion, but mostly focusing on Branwen. She tasted lovely and he considered paying for a private session with her if she would allow it.
Branwen was almost delirious with pleasure. She felt incredible. Every part of her body was tingling. She was almost overwhelmed with it all. The snake tongue had been a surprise, but a welcome one and she had all intentions of exploring that more later. For now she was getting close to that edge, the only thing helping her stave off an orgasm was her focus. The cock in her mouth was just a little too big and she had to concentrate on her breathing to make sure she didn’t get too light headed, oh it was glorious though. So thick and musky, she wanted to take that knot, but simply wasn’t able to. Not yet, maybe she could convince this group to become regulars. 
Glyx was the first to reach orgasm. Crying out sharply as he fought the urge to bite Branwen. She felt so good, so tight, and he continued to thrust through his orgasm, drawing out every bit of pleasure he could. They were going to go broke, he just knew it. She had enchanted the whole group, he was certain of it, and honestly wasn’t going to complain, at least not yet. 
Corbin followed with a sharp moan that started to transition into a howl. He pulled back, not wanting to accidentally choke or drown Branwen with his cum. He barely managed to miss her face and his friends, who would have been annoyed but most likely would have forgiven him. Stroking himself the rest of the way through his orgasm, squeezing his knot in a way that made his toes curl. If she was up for more, he very much wanted a ride. Panting he backed off a bit to give the others space. 
Branwen came hard, her core clenching around Vosh’s cock, as the orc followed close after. Nalzas pulled back allowing them to cum together. It was almost sweet, they looked like they belonged. He was a softy and a bit of a romantic at times, but there was something about this woman that seemed to have enchanted all of them. He helped brace her and pulled her gently off of Vosh, settling her safely in his coils to rest. 
It took Branwen a few minutes to come back to her senses and she found herself enjoying the feeling of scales against her skin. She looked up at the naga curiously. “Ye know, yer the only one that didn’t get a happy endin, it would be a damn shame ta leave it like that.”
Zas laughed, a slight hiss in his voice. “Only, if you are certain. One or both?”
“Oh, it had better be both ye sweet serpent. I got two holes.” She glanced at the bed, “Oi, be a sport and toss us the lube will ye?”
Glyx chuckled heartily and shrugged before tossing the lube. “A’ight. Lemme get my pants on, I’ll go pay fer another hour. Eh, lets make it two.”
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ink-and-flame · 8 months
Kinktober Writing Challenge 2023
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Kinktober Writing Challenge
Doing something different this year I have a spreadsheet with 269 kinks listed on it, however only the first 116 were considered for this list. This is an alternate version of the list that is limited to 3 categories of kinks based on my ranking of each kink from 1 - 5, only the top 3 rankings were used, and unlike before I allowed for duplicates. So if something doesn’t work one day you still have a chance for it to show up again. Pick 1 to 3 kinks from each day and write a drabble, story, poem, or really anything. Participation is always voluntary and don’t feel bad if you miss a day.
Cum Inflation (fantasy)~Gang-bang~Prostitution (actual)
Vibrator on genitals~Riding the horse (crotch tort.)~Slutty clothing (private)
Voyeurism (watching others)~Daddy Dom play~Hairbrush spankings
Cock worship~Body hair growth~Body hair worship
Voyeurism (watching others)~Kneeling~Breast bondage
Bondage (public, under clothing)~Homage with tongue (non-sexual)~Lectures for misbehavior
Exhibitionism (strangers)~Wooden paddles~Over the-knee spanking
Forced nudity (private)~Public exposure~Serving as waitress
Corset training(waist reduction)~Pussy whipping~Strap-on-dildos (sucking on)
Orgasm denial~Bondage (public, under clothing)~Japanese rope bondage
Lactation Play~Role Play~Breeding
Spanking~Wearing symbolic jewelry~Breast Whipping
Daddy Dom play~Throat Fucking~Video (being recorded)
Pussy worship~Leather clothing~Praise (physical)
Double penetration~Forced nudity (private)~Excessive Lubrication (Natural)
Hand jobs (receiving)~Skinny-dipping~Erotic dance(public)
Collars (worn in public)~Excessive Lubrication (Natural)~Corsets (wearing)
Orgy~Clothespins~Being bitten
Outdoor scenes~Punishment Scene~Branding
Masks~Topless Beaches~Triple penetration
Slutty clothing (private)~Video (watching others)~Protection (condoms, etc)
Leather restraints~Pussy whipping~Bondage (multi—day)
Gang-bang~Blindfolds~Strap-on—dildos (wearing)
Excessive Lubrication (synthetic)~Following orders~Forced masturbation
Hair pulling~Blindfolds~Dildoes
Being bitten~Collars (worn in public)~Competitions (with other Subs)
Skinny-dipping~Pony slave~Serving others (supervised)
Cuffs (metal)~Outdoor scenes~Exhibitionism (strangers)
Forced nudity (around others)~Hair pulling~Bondage (light)
Exhibitionism (friends)~Including others~Double penetration
Vaginal dildo~Strap-on—dildos (wearing)~Orgasm denial
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
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For all my NaNoWriMo friends embarking on the yearly craziness with me!
155 notes · View notes
ink-and-flame · 2 years
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By oh.juliette
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
me, feeling confident about my writing:
grammarly, ready to tell me about the 700+ mistakes i made:
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4K notes · View notes
ink-and-flame · 2 years
Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse.  It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms 
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable.  As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of.
www.refseek.com - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines.
www.worldcat.org - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need.
https://link.springer.com - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols.
www.bioline.org.br is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
http://repec.org - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science.
www.science.gov is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
www.pdfdrive.com is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names.
www.base-search.net is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
Writing fight scenes
masterlist. main navigation.
@bluebxlle_writer on Instagram
1. Pacing
A fight scene should be fast-paced and intense. Unless it's a final battle with numerous parties, a fight scene that's too long tends to take away suspense. To speed up your pacing, use active voice to describe movement and don't overdescribe your characters' thoughts. Excessive inner monologue will be unrealistic, as people usually have no room to think during intense combats.
2. Character mannerisms
Here's a point that people often overlook, but is actually super important. Through fight scenes, you should be able to reveal your characters' contrasting mannerisms and personality. A cunning character would play dirty - fighting less and making use of their opponent's weakness more. A violent character would aim to kill. A softer one would only target to disarm their enemies, using weakened attacks. A short-minded character would only rely on force and attack without thinking. This will help readers understand your characters more and decide who to root for.
3. Making use of surroundings
Not only the characters, you also need to consider the setting of your fight scene and use it to your advantage. Is it suitable for fighting, or are there dangerous slopes that make it risky? Are there scattered items that can help your characters fight (e.g. nails, shards of glass, ropes, wooden boards, or cutlery)? Is it a public place where people can easily spot the fight and call the authorities, or is it a private spot where they can fight to the death?
4. Description
The main things that you need to describe in a fight scene are :
• Characters involved in the fight
• How they initiate and dodge attacks
• Fighting styles and any weapons used
• The injuries caused
Be careful to not drag out the description for too long, because it slows down the pace.
5. Raise the stakes
By raising the stakes of the fight, your readers will be more invested in it. Just when they think it's over, introduce another worse conflict that will keep the scene going. Think of your characters' goals and motivations as well. Maybe if the MC didn't win, the world would end! Or maybe, one person in the fight is going all-out, while the other is going easy because they used to be close :"D
6. Injuries
Fights are bound to be dirty and resulting in injuries, so don't let your character walk away unscathed - show the effect of their injuries. For example, someone who had been punched in the jaw has a good chance of passing out, and someone who had been stabbed won't just remove the knife and walk away without any problem. To portray realistic injuries, research well.
7. Drive the plot forward
You don't write fight scenes only to make your characters look cool - every fight needs to have a purpose and drive the plot forward. Maybe they have to fight to improve their fighting skills or escape from somewhere alive. Maybe they need to defeat the enemy in order to obtain an object or retrieve someone who had been kidnapped. The point is, every single fight scene should bring the characters one step closer (or further :D) to the climax.
8. Words to use
• Hand to hand combat :
Crush, smash, lunge, beat, punch, leap, slap, scratch, batter, pummel, whack, slam, dodge, clobber, box, shove, bruise, knock, flick, push, choke, charge, impact
• With weapon :
Swing, slice, brandish, stab, shoot, whip, parry, cut, bump, poke, drive, shock, strap, pelt, plunge, impale, lash, bleed, sting, penetrate
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
((Disgruntled muttering))
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
On the topic of humans being everyone’s favorite Intergalactic versions  of Gonzo the Great: Come on you guys, I’ve seen all the hilarious additions to my “humans are the friendly ones” post. We’re basically Steve Irwin meets Gonzo from the Muppets at this point. I love it. 
But what if certain species of aliens have Rules for dealing with humans?
Don’t eat their food. If human food passes your lips/beak/membrane/other way of ingesting nutrients, you will never be satisfied with your ration bars again.
Don’t tell them your name. Humans can find you again once they know your name and this can be either life-saving or the absolute worst thing that could happen to you, depending on whether or not they favor you. Better to be on the safe side.
Winning a human’s favor will ensure that a great deal of luck is on your side, but if you anger them, they are wholly capable of wiping out everything you ever cared about. Do not anger them.
If you must anger them, carry a cage of X’arvizian bloodflies with you, for they resemble Earth mo-skee-toes and the human will avoid them.
This does not always work. Have a last will and testament ready.
Do not let them take you anywhere on your planet that you cannot fly a ship from. Beings who are spirited away to the human kingdom of Aria Fiv-Ti Won rarely return, and those that do are never quite the same.
Basically, humans are like the Fair Folk to some aliens and half of them are scared to death and the others are like alien teenagers who are like “I dare you to ask a human to take you to Earth”.
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ink-and-flame · 2 years
Hey, if you have no choice but to infodump, always use characters, never the narrator to tell things to the reader.
This way, if you got something wrong and someone points it out later, you can argue that this character in particular was lying/misremembering/was ignorant of the exact details. You, the author, obviously knew what the real facts were all along.
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