inkelk · 7 years
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Support a good friends “"mission transition”. 
They made these shirts using prints of their own real chest! (Boobie shirts made from a print of real boobies!) They have made these shirts to help raise money for their double incision procedure aka, top surgery. 
Let's help Jordan part with their parts! Here you can buy different colored versions on their etsy shop! 
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inkelk · 8 years
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Ladyfest Cincinnati was seriously the best weekend we have ever had. And our sound and crowd and performance was also the best we have ever had. Thank you to all of our mates from Louisville that made the drive! And thank you to Rachelle Caplan for making this whole thing possible. why we dont live in Cincinnati, I may never know. ya'll do us good. And also, if you have never heard of the band called, lung, you are missing out on some seriously amazing stuff. And I forgot to mention!! WE MET ONE OF OUR FOLLOWERS FROM TUMBLR IN REAL LIFE!!!!! and we all hung out the whole weekend, and iza and I, of course, made a huge deal about it. Hopefully, we will be able to collaborate with this amazing person. So if you ever see us perform, and you approach us and tell us you are from the internet, we will freak out and fall in love with you. Really. NO joke.
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inkelk · 8 years
Dear people. ink elk has been going through sum weird times, but we are here still, grovin like never before!  we are working on new material, with a grittier and dreamier sound and we are so excited to keep working on it and see where it leads to. here is a sample from our bedroom.  we are now located in asheville, where the mountains rise on the horizon and creeks run in the backyard, birds are singin in the morning and people are smiling as the drive by in their subarus. (new life goal, get a subaru.) this is the beginning of something great. we cant fking wait !
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inkelk · 8 years
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taken by Lou tingle at letter song, in louisville, ky.
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inkelk · 8 years
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prepping the box for busking, and our two favorite cds from this batch.
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inkelk · 8 years
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I know this message is being put out a bit late, but better late than never, right? Hehe.
EUROLAND, we are saddened to say that our adventure amongst your land is complete.
AMERILAND, we’re here. We are now based in Louisville, Kentucky. We havent planned a north american tour yet, but its going to happen, and we cant wait for it. 
So for now, Louisville, its all you.
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inkelk · 8 years
if spotify is your, go to, for listening, here is a link to our new album.
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inkelk · 9 years
INK ELK @ 28:47
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inkelk · 9 years
okay guys, for those of you who dont use spotify or itunes for your music needs, (or for those of you that just right out prefer no "sign-up" streaming) here is the album not me, now released on soundcloud. enjoy. :)
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inkelk · 9 years
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well, voilà i guess. this is it. this is the new, album! and the artwork for it. it is self produced and self made and self everything so we are damn proud of it!!!! and we are so happy to share it with all y’all. enjoy!
links to itunes and spotify:
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inkelk · 9 years
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At the moment we (ink elk) are on opposite sides of the world.(ye.. once again...) BUT cool stuff is about to happen. These pictures are from about a month or so ago when we lived in a summerhouse, recording most of the material for the new album.
During this period we lived right between the ocean and the woods. Biking around on country roads, fishing, swimming and skipping rocks were popular ways of spending our time, while not recording. We had no internet and we were very cut off from the rest of the world. We found a dvdbox of the Matrix, and watched them all.
With that said one might understand that our minds had the time to wander all over the place. Cus as the autumn forces itself around the corner, the people leave their summerhouses in the area to get back doing whatever they do, and this made us pretty much the only people there. It felt as if it wasn’t for the lawn mowers robots, keeping the grass of all the empty properties in perfectly perfect shape, it would have been easy to forget about the existence of other people. But the robot mowers dragged themselves round and around, day in and day out, serving the people whose hands had typed in the code that made this dragging to create the most perfectly perfect lawn their one and only purpos.......... ehm sorry. i kinda. drifted
All I wanted to say is that the album is complete, färdigt, fini, hecho, D O N E.  and now we are only waiting a tiny bit more for it to be uploaded at the different places where you will be able to find it. We will let you know!
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inkelk · 9 years
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hey guys, we just wanted to give an update. we are almost done now with the small album. we should have it out in the next week. :D
we are super excited to finally have out a full album of music that we recorded and produced our self with a decent mic instead of the traditional built in mic on the macbook. We hope someone one out there is as excited as we are to put this music out. Here are some photos of us creating the music and some of the art that will be on the album. 
much love from us to you.
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inkelk · 9 years
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Hey guys, here is official announcement. We are working on another EP and it will be out soon. With it, we will be releasing some strange goodies, so get ready!!! :D
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inkelk · 9 years
Thank you, LePop.
we really needed a live version of Run.
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inkelk · 9 years
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part of a photo shoot that was made in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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inkelk · 9 years
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and here are some photos of iza testing a rain jacket to see if it is truly water proof. and packing for Iceland.
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inkelk · 9 years
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