innovativesteve · 2 years
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innovativesteve · 2 years
There many ways to make money with marketing;
1. Sell a product or service;
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already thought about what kind of product or service you could sell. But if not, don’t worry! It’s totally okay to start with something small.
Find a physical or digital product or service that you think people would be interested in buying. You can do this by looking at the competition and doing some research on what other companies are selling. Or, if you know someone who sells something similar to what you want to sell, ask them for advice on how they sell their products.
Once you find a product to sell, make sure it’s something people would actually buy because it helps with your email marketing efforts if people actually want what they are buying from your business (you want them to succeed!). If the item is too expensive or not worth buying, then it won’t be ideal for email marketing purposes either!
2.  Sell other people’s products;
You don’t always have to sell your products or services to monetize email marketing. Instead, you can be an affiliate for other businesses’ products or services. As an affiliate, you get commissions from a business that you generate for the company. 
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