Asking Alexandria and 2017 in music
I will try to avoid being a self serving jackass in this post. This is not a hit piece on Asking Alexandria or their 5th album released on Dec. 15 of this year. This is simply a retrospective on heavy music in 2017 and why I feel Asking Alexandria messed up this year.
2017 was stacked with fucking great music this year. With bands like Polaris and Novelists being some of my absolute favorites released this year.
However, somewhere close to the end of summer, probably mid september, Asking Alexandria announced a upcoming release. Naturally, I occasionally will listen to them, but this single "Into the fire" was interesting. It had a hard rock edge to it, was well written and I thought I had made a safe assumption that the rest of the album was going to maintain a similar.
I made a grave mistake that day.
Shortly after another single was released, "Where did it go" quickly asserted itself in my mind and it's chorus was practically on loop in my head until the day of the album was released.
Now let me just say this, I'm an old school kinda guy. When a band releases a song or announces an album, I find the single and base my opinion on the album off of the singles till the actual album is released. I didn't listen to any teasers of the album.
So Dec. 15th comes by, I'm like a kid in a candy store with his moms totally unused credit card. Giddy to the point of losing hours of sleep to just confirm that the album was ready for purchase.
Then I realized something... after listening to the first half of the album, I legitimately felt bored. Like not just going to a bus stop at 7 am so that you can go to another city for school bored. More like watching a river slowly over the course of a few thousand years create a tiny fucking waterfall. Only this was over the course of maybe 23 minutes. And there was no waterfall. Only sadness.
Now being honest I had no expectations of this album. My top 10 albums list was already made so I was not going to spend another 15 minutes typing up a review of this album for that.
My honest opinion of this album is simple. It is a blatant marketing ploy to play into the nostalgia of DANNY WARSNOP (pardon the all caps) making a triumphant return to his home. This album doesn't sound like Asking Alexandria, this sounds like another attempted side project with the brand recognition of Asking Alexandria. There are only 2 or 3 actually good songs. The rest range from mediocre to flat out disappointing. But the crown jewel of this album is the song Empire. This song is the song that I most heavily use as a reference point to say how bad something can be. Using a relatively unknown rapper in a song is usually ok. But this song is literally just his song with the Asking Alexandria logo thrown onto it. I almost feel like Danny shouldn't have come back at this point, because it's fairly clear that he is only using the band to stay moderately relevant since his solo country career failed and WE ARE HARLOT seemingly dead in the water. Minus a couple of call backs to older releases, this album should be avoided at all costs.
listen to While She Sleeps, Architects, Carcer City or hell, even That's the Spirit by Bring Me the Horizon is still more enjoyable than this trash.
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top 10 albums of 2017 (so far)
Rules to qualify
1. Has to be released in 2017
2. Has to have been purchased
3. Has to be at least an 8/10
4. if I get bored of listening to it it is disqualified (during first listen only)
5. Is not boring during repeat listens
List is entirely opinion based, rating I would give each album is based on enjoyment and song quality, all the album's here are either metalcore, deathcore, progressive (core) or punk rock
all the album's on this list I would recommend you listen to in full
10. Shadow of Intent - Reclaimer 8/10
9. Veil of Maya - False Idol 8.5/10
8. Starset- Vessels 8.5/10
7. Wage War - Deadweight 8.75/10
6. Rise Against - Wolves 9/10
5. Oceans Ate Alaska - Hikari 9.5/10
4. Novelists - Noir 9.5/10
3. Currents - The Place I Feel Safest 10/10
2. Make them suffer - Worlds Apart  10/10
1. While she Sleeps - You are We 10/10
List will be updated accordingly as new music by different artists is released
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Scar did nothing wrong
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Accurate whenever I get a crush on someone lmao
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Thoughts on WWEs current roster
The current set up is flawed, with Brock Lesnar as the champ for Raw, the rest of the roster kinda needs to have defining moments but the only stars worth really paying attention to are the champions. NXT is great, but with so many great wrestlers being stuck down on NXT with the men and women that are really quite green in the ring and on the mic, they need to keep these performers looking good because when the main stars on NXT get promoted to the main roster, they tend to either explode in popularity (Kevin Owens, Bobby Roode, and Shinsuke Nakamura to name a few) with a few exceptions, these athletes are quite successful. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we need this "New Era" to have defined main event talent but it seems like WWE is afraid to pull the trigger on a a few great stars
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