Depression Treatment in Perth
Did you know that depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in Australia? It distorts your thinking, gives you suicidal thoughts and can be experienced as anxiety 65% of the time. If you think that you are showing signs and symptoms of depression, get a proper diagnosis now!
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 For depression treatment in Perth, choose Energetics Institute!
We have an expert team with a good grasp on why depression is manifesting in your mind and body and can effectively provide therapeutic treatment that will help overcome depression. To learn more about the therapy that is suited for you, call 0414897024!
First things first, what is depression? Why do people get depressed?
 Depression is a mood disorder that is mainly characterized by the feeling of sadness, a low mood and loss of interest. It could last from a few days up to a lifetime and can become a serious condition if untreated. However, depression can be treated with medication and therapy.
 Here is a fact. Depression is not about the occasional mood fluctuations people experience in their everyday lives. Those sets of emotional responses do not constitute depression. Nevertheless, get a proper diagnosis to find out about your condition and for early treatment.
People get depressed for many reasons from genetics down to biological reasons, psychological and environmental factors. There are also various factors in the environment that should be looked into to fully understand how and why depression occurs in the human body.
 Such a complex condition!
 To help you understand some of the basics of such a condition, here are some of the common types of depression:
 ●     Unipolar and Bipolar Depression
 People with unipolar depression or major depressive shows a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest to outside stimuli while bipolar depression is characterized as the combination of depression and mania.
●     Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic Features
 Also called psychotic depression. Psychotic depression makes sufferers experience hallucinations and delusions which are far from reality. A traumatic experience or history with depression are said to trigger psychotic depression.
 ●     Major Depressive Disorder with Seasonal Patterns
 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is categorized as depression with seasonal patterns features which happens on a specific time of the year such as winter. People receive less sunlight during winter which makes the body and mind to suffer due to difficulty in adjusting. However, this can be treated through light therapy.
 ●     Postpartum Depression
 Postpartum Depression is often experienced by new mothers which happen due to hormonal imbalance after giving birth. Stress can be the reason why new mothers are suffering from such a condition. Yet, according to studies, adoptive parents may also suffer from postpartum depression.
 Moreover, there are various related factors for depression. Some are known and unknown. To expand your knowledge further, these are some of the depression signs and symptoms that you should be on the lookout for:
 ●     Irritability and sadness
●     Loss of interest in daily activities
●     Social interaction withdrawal
●     Self-loathing
●     Loss of appetite
●     Constant fatigue
●     Abnormal sleep patterns
●     Suicidal thoughts
 If you are experiencing some of the signs and symptoms of depression, get help now! Early diagnosis is better as it will give a higher possibility of effective treatment.
 If you need advice, depression assessment or depression treatment in Perth, Energetics Institute is a phone call away!
 What treatment is best for depression?
 Medication and therapy are the top treatments for depression. It is also important to remember that the treatment will not commence or be effective unless you have decided that you want to get a cure. Medication and therapy will not work if you are not up for it. It is strongly advised to submit yourself wholly to treatment to achieve the best result.
 You can start by engaging yourself to a healthy lifestyle; being more active in the community and discovering other ways on how you can heal yourself naturally.
 Here in the Energetics Institute, we conduct various therapy treatments such as psychotherapy and counseling to help you overcome depression and other mental conditions. We have created an arena for people with depression and other similar conditions to safely express their suppressed emotions to help them feel better and come to realize that they can be cured.
 It is no secret that depression is a mental distortion. Energetics Institute offers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to correct those mental distortions in the brain; talk therapy for emotional awareness; and Body Psychotherapy Depression Treatment for muscle stimulation. The combination of the following is known to be effective in depression treatment. It also helps sufferers understand the nature and aspects of depression.
 We have a long list of clients who believe that CBT, talk therapy and body psychotherapy has helped them recuperate from depression. We have taught them useful breathing strategies to train the mind to focus better as well as the body. What we have noticed most is that depression sufferers tend to have unexpressed anger which is bound to hurt the emotional well-being. Anger is a killer! Stay away from it. With us, you will be taught how to control anger; let it out in a safer way and recover from the emotional stress it causes.  
 Depression is a very complex condition. You can be treated. (if you submit yourself to treatment as early as possible). You do not choose depression. It is not your fault. Do not punish yourself too much.  
 When you’re ready to talk. We are here!
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