I want to say that with trans folk now being at risk of the fucking death sentence in Florida....
The time for community is Now. The time to start planning and organizing how to get our rights back is NOW. bring it up at your local LGBT craft events or book club or support group or whatever. Tell your friends. Spread the word. And maybe see which ones will have the safety and resources you'll need should a Lavender Hunt happen in your area.
And on the scarier end of reality....
This is fucking terrifying. Lots of people are at risk. Personally, I'm terrified this rhetoric will spread much like Trumpism did. I'm scared for my gf and I'm fucking scared for myself because we know historically that it isn't just trans folk on HRT or drag performers that they go after.
And you have every right to do whatever you need to protect yourself.
I'm not going to shame folks who quit HRT, who take the rainbows out of their bio, the people who start saying partner instead of revealing a gender, or anyone else taking a few steps towards the safety that the closet provides. WE shouldn't.
I fucking love you. And we'll be okay as long as we're together, okay?
We keep us safe
The most recent reblog on this post has an idea/suggestion for materially aiding the queer ppl in Florida.
And if you're in Florida please, please tell us what we can do and how we can support you. This has so many notes because we want to help. People in the replies want to know too. What can we do?
Reblog that instead please.
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hey!! welcome home fandom!!
i politely ask that you stop scrolling and read what i have to say, please,,!! thank you :)
i'm not so sure how many of us actually follow party coffin (not @'ing them to avoid them getting severely stressed), but there are some things as a fandom that we really need to be made aware of
party coffin is getting very very stressed out, and rightfully so! they're a more small creator with a huge following out of the blue for their work, which has to be an extremely heavy burden to carry (i get overwhelmed just getting a bunch of likes on a post, so i can't imagine--)
not only that, but a lot of of people on social media sites everywhere are not taking party coffin's mental health and boundaries into account, leading to very stressful and quite frankly fear inducing posts being produced. posts where their personal crafts/projects, images including wide shots of their home (namely with the Wally puppet), literal impersonators, people posting nsfw content of their characters before they're ready, etc etc
overall, a concerning amount of the fandom is just... not realizing that party coffin is one person,, a guy behind the screen, just like you and me, who just wants to make something that makes them happy,, but if this keeps going, the things that brought them, and i'm sure a lot of us, joy and comfort will be gone.
party coffin is in a dangerous living situation that i'm sure a lot of us know and relate to all too well, and spreading images of their room can put them in great danger. the wrong people could find that, and find out who they are, and put them at risk. not only that, but the other boundary breaks are just adding to the stress of living in a scary home, and just overall making their mental health decline,,
with all this being said, clown really really needs our help to make welcome home a home again. so here's some things that we can all do to help, if we are able:
i'm sure some of us have done this stuff on accident (i'm going to browse through my own profile to delete/edit any posts that might have crossed a boundary without my realizing). it's incredibly easy to accidentally break boundaries without realizing they're even there. and that's okay; just take down the post, apologize, and move on. that's one of the best things you can do right now.
another thing that you can do (if you are able to ofc; i currently an unable to but i wish to spread the word as much as possible) is to donate to their ko-fi. for just a few dollars, the price of a cup of coffee (i believe?), you can financially support them and assist them in getting out of the situation that they're in. if you can't do that, send kind words to their inbox (but do not spam!!!! be respectful)! make them fanart that will make their day! let them know that we as a community are there for them and have their back!!
one last thing that we can do is to help spread the word to other social media sites. reblog this post. make psas for those only on tiktok or youtube or twitter, etc etc. heck, even politely (emphasis on politely) remind people who made these posts that may not be aware of this. report impersonators and videos that are actively harmful to clown. just remember to be respectful throughout all of these interactions.
of course, there are probably a plethora of things that i might have missed that i urge you to add on to this post with reblogs and comments. but ultimately, we need to remember that welcome home isn't a game, isn't just another piece of media to binge and go crazy for. it's a passion project created by a creator who loves what they do and wants to create a nice home, for them, and for us. so please do whatever you can to keep it that way. make this fandom a safe place. make the neighborhood a nice one. be kind, be friendly, be caring, and be the absolute most.
please do what you can and spread the word!!!!! thank you so much for taking the time to read, and i hope you have a wonderful day :)
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when you get to the "block party" but there's no blocks
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Lil Penguin Studios/Autism Happy
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I love the neurodivergent power of seeing something related to an interest you haven’t touched in a bit and your brain going “oh yeah! *vibrates enough to break the sound barrier*”
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Quick smt smt
Welcome home is a wonderful project Clown made and It hurts to see him so overwhelmed and in a negitive state so please for all that exists and to whatever you worship respect their bounderies and privacy. That's all they wamt and deserve. Love that won't overwhelm them but instead comfort them. Respect that can let him feel safe. It's that simple. That's all he deserved
I don't care if "It's the internet" THE INTERNET EXISTED LONG ENOUGH TO THE POINT I AM PRETTY SURE IT SHOULD BE CHANGING RIGHT ABOUT NOW. No excuses. Just respect and support and love Clown. Please
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PLEASE share.
Everyone need to know
(And Clown if you see this I am very sorry about everything! Take care of yourself and I really hope you get better emotionally, mentally, and physically! You deserve it)
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I think the absolute worst normalized ableist language in leftest spaces is every every term they come up with to mock people with brain damage.
[Brainworms, smooth brain, drooling wojak, ect.]
(It often mocks people who are developmentally disabled as well, because ableist do not care about the difference, or about either group.)
Sorry, mate(/s), but you’re not better then the people who use the, “Reeee,” meme, or otherwise use disability as an insult.
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we are all going to be ookay some day i promise
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stingray blast
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he just want apple :( 
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The big blue dog gets the big bad blues sometimes. Too bad his best friend has trouble expressing some emotions
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Who is the rude person who took this picture of me at the exact moment I was watching this video.
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sometimes when my cat is breaking rules I tell them “stop that’s ILLEGAL”
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The montane large-eyed litter frog  [Leptobrachium montanum] is a species complex endemic to Borneo. These small frogs reach a maximum of 2.5 inches in length, with their tadpoles often exceeding their adult form at 2.8 inches in length or more. These frogs are native to submontane and montane forests at high elevations. Images by Yoyo Freelance.
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My dad gave me adderall once bc he would sell it to ppl and I was like "oh I wanna try" because he had hyped it up and I took it and then just sat down and read a 400 page book in one setting and that's how I learned I had ADHD
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i think “video games aren’t really the violent child-corrupting threat some parents worry they are” and “certain circles of gamer culture are incredibly toxic and can lead people down dangerous/hateful ideological rabbit holes” are ideas that can absolutely coexist
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