ioughta · 8 years
tips for figure skating aus:
definitely theres drama.  most of it’s from the parents
crazy figure skating parents??
No seriously.  i kno a mom who was arrested 4 child abuse because she didn’t let her daughter sleep for a month before regionals so she wouldn’t grow.
there are of course mean skaters.  they’re usually higher level, but not the upper levels.  They’re the ones who are good, but wouldn’t ever be good enough for the olympics.
The ones who are good enough for the olympics are either straight up assholes or balls of sunshine.
the Skating Version of Murphy’s Law:  which is, if there are 20+ people on the ice, no one will run into each other.  if there are 2, you are bound to be seriously injured when u collide- its not an if, it is a when.
coach drama- usually there is one coach that most of em dislike. that they all comment about. (usually to their students)
mocking people’s music as you get annoyed by it. whenever the top tier dancer at our rink does her short to “the lonely goatherder” from the sound of music we both do the biggest fake smile at each other and put our hands on our hips to dance in polka style to it.
that one person who keeps playing their music for 100000 years.
the Discourse over Ice dance vs Freestyle
Horrible ice dance music.  u have standardized music for it.  Please do listen to the abomination called the Hickory Hoedown.
ppl who are still salty about programs to “let it go”.
weird instrumentals of pop songs.  I still remember someone skting to a string rendition of “that’s what makes you beautiful”.
the flamboyantly gay boy who is 100% in the closet
The copious numbers of girls who like girls who have to deal w/ people making cracks about how its ~male figure skaters~ that r the gay ones.
the phrases “Fuck usfsa” and “fuck IJS” and “fuck 6.0″ and most certainly, “fuck THE JUDGES” being used- especially around competition time.
the dumbest falls are the ones you’re seriously injured in.  doesn’t matter if you’re doing like triple jumps.  footwork falls are the worst. 
When you fall most of the time you sit there and look like you’re contemplating what u have done w/ ur life up until this point.
that one person who thinks they r above everyone and yells EXCUSE ME at everyone else, drawing great ire until someone ballsy purposefully gets in their way.
the munchkins who get in the way of everything.  if you collide with them, you’re the one getting hurt, not them.
“sharking”- aka when a skater gets close to u on purpose when they’re trying to get around, and scares the SHIT out of u bc they almost hit u, but not quite.
No one respectable wears a skating dress 2 practice anymore.  they r for competition only.  basically everyone wears pants to the rink and a few will wear like exercise shorts over tights.  
heavily censored pop music playing on sessions.
the wet spot on the ice that you inevitably fall in and get soaked in.
stepping on the ice w/ ur guards still on and falling over like a dipshit.
driving to competitions and feeling like ur ready to strangle ur parents for not buying a plane ticket to a competition that’s a 17 hour drive away.
these r all based around true stories.
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ioughta · 8 years
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❝ oh honey... i’m sure your momma cares about you too. what’s she so wrapped up in that makes you think that?  ❞
when hannah signed up to be a nurse, she never knew that part time therapist apparently came along with it.
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Liir’s nose wrinkles at the mention of his mother. Why should he worry about her worries and why would he be among those worries? She can barely even glance at him, barely knows he’s there and besides Elphaba, he had no other family that he knew of that would be in any type of pain if something happens to him. 
“My momma only worries about herself and her work.” He mutters, pulling his legs up close to himself. “I hate her…” 
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ioughta · 8 years
The first night I spent with you, I found comfort in your heartbeat as my head rested on your chest. Comfort was not a familiar feeling. Now the feeling of waking up at 4am, your limbs tangled in mine; stuck together with sweat, I feel comfort. Comfort is within you, you are my home.
luneenhaut (via wnq-writers)
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ioughta · 8 years
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He listens closely to her, a frown upon his face. He doesn’t understand how getting a needle stuck in his arm would gain him a superpower. And a superpower over fighting off bas sicknesses? Not much of a superpower in his mind.  He’d much rather be able to fly, have super strength among other things. 
“You’re silly. Fighting off bad sicknesses is not a superpower!”
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❝ there is an even more powerful superpower i forgot to mention, liir. being healthy also means making sure your momma doesn’t worry too  much about you. keeping your family from pain, in my opinion, is the most important thing. ❞
hannah’s dealt with reluctant kids before, but most of them fell for the superhero trick. this kid must be a handful, she thought, for being so goshdarn smart.
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ioughta · 8 years
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                         ❝Well, believe me. It isn’t by my                          own choice.❞
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❝ heard that. not too many ladies come out to the middle of nowhere, wyoming on their own account. ❞
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ioughta · 8 years
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“No. needles hurt and I don’t want a needle in my arm. You can’t make me get it.” With that, he tucks his arms under his armpits and looks away from her.
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hannah smiles at the boy, and then bends down so they’re eye level, ❝ you wanna know something? getting shots are kinda like getting a superpower. you’ll be protected and can fight off the bad sicknesses, just like captain american can beat up on the bad guys!! i think that’s pretty neat. ❞
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ioughta · 8 years
@ioughta // starter call
                “Are you also going to judge me because I am German ??”
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❝ war’s over, hon. it -and i suppose the germans as well- didn’t do me anything wrong. ❞
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ioughta · 8 years
my muse knows how to
bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive stick | speak a second language | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | unclog a drain | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry (badly) | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a back flip | play chess | give CPR | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump-start a car | roll their tongue | do magic tricks | do yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read Morse code | pick a lock
tagged by: @paintednew​ tagging: @wcsternskies​ & anyone who wants to do it!
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ioughta · 8 years
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here's a couple mirror selfies feat. my beautiful face to grace your dash on this fine day
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ioughta · 8 years
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❝ y’know, it’s not every day we get a new patient around here. there’s not too many people passing through these parts. ❞
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ioughta · 8 years
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❝ sweetie, vaccinations are rough, but i’m gonna need you to roll up your sleeve. it’ll be over in a jif, i promise. ❞
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ioughta · 8 years
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starter call ??
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ioughta · 8 years
The darkness places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.
Inferno Dan Brown (via lidiazunireds)
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ioughta · 8 years
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TAG DUMP ! ! don’t mind me
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ioughta · 8 years
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“I thought I faced the enemy But I fell in love instead.”
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