ishtyleq · 4 days
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a stranger with a sly smile.... i caught the hades brainworms so obviously i had to draw scarlet pearl (now with a companion bigb!)
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ishtyleq · 4 days
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made a companion to my hades!pearl design... i think bigb would give the best boons ^_^
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ishtyleq · 5 days
someone I follow on the bird app just announced they're starting a very exclusive private fic server because they and a bunch of other people want to talk about how much they love the fics they're reading, and as an author can I just say that a really great place to talk about a fic you love is in the comments for that fic
I understand that people are trying to create safe spaces, but as the number of comments that I get on my fics dwindles with each passing year, knowing these spaces exist where my fics are being discussed, places that I am excluded from, makes me want to write fic LESS
I mean I guess who cares, right, because if I stop writing, there's 10,000 other people that will continue...but if you participate in a fic "book club" server and you say nice things there about a fic you loved, maybe copy and paste that into a comment on AO3?
the only thing fanfic writers are asking for in return for hours of hard work is attention. please don't rob us of the one thing that we hope for when we hit "post"
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ishtyleq · 5 days
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ishtyleq · 8 days
I got a laptop with Windows 11 for an IT course so I can get certified, and doing the first time device set-up for it made me want to commit unspeakable violence
Windows 11 should not exist, no one should use it for any reason, it puts ads in the file explorer and has made it so file searches are also web searches and this cannot be turned off except through registry editing. Whoever is responsible for those decisions should be killed, full stop.
Switch to linux, it's free and it's good.
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ishtyleq · 10 days
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ishtyleq · 15 days
double checking the pdf im about to send to make sure the invoice i just scanned didn't magically turn into a full frontal nude image
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ishtyleq · 15 days
the current trend of "tumblr users embarrassing themselves by proudly announcing why they don't listen to any music made by black people" is really astounding.
i cannot help but think this is a direct result of liberal White Guilt and how people have interpreted "anti-racism" as form of cultural self-segregation - the kind of person who thinks trying to cook chicken curry is cultural appropriation, or sends white people anon hate for wearing a kimono (yes, this kind of discourse happened). like, "oh, no, i could never participate in this culture, i'd get my evil white hands all over it! it would be more Progressive if I only did White things."
if you're a poc you've seen this, i'm sure - this deer-in-the-headlights stare you can get from white people when you play music / show art / share a story / anything that is Racially Coded, this total refusal to actually engage with it out of fear that it is in some way Wrong for them to have any opinion on it. because they read somewhere that it's bad to use AAVE but the only lesson they actually learned from that is "gotcha, white people are not allowed to interact with other cultures as punishment for my White Crimes. this helps to fill up the gaping pit of my white guilt and makes me one of the Good People." this transforms their discomfort around non-white cultures (black culture, especially, i should add) into a kind of virtue
anyway if you are white and reading this. go listen to some fucking haliu mergia. ethiopian jazz. will knock your dick right off. go listen to rap or reggae or bollywood and have a genuine reaction to it - like, an actual, from-the-heart reaction. you are allowed to not like some of it. but you will definitely like at least a little. yes, you can compare it to lemon demon (or whatever) if that helps you get into it and that's your only point of reference. maybe don't say that part out loud. but don't, like, separate yourself from it, like you are seeing it in a museum and the only polite thing to do is go "ahh, huh, very interesting, so much culture here."
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ishtyleq · 16 days
STOP eating salads because you want to get Skinny✋🚫 START eating salads because theyre yumby plate of leafs ✅🥗
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ishtyleq · 1 month
people are really looking at stats to determine if a fic is worth reading? no wonder fics that never got popular at the first drop never had a chance 💀
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ishtyleq · 1 month
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Apocalypse buddies
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ishtyleq · 1 month
if rpf bothered them that much they would've stopped acting like that
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ishtyleq · 1 month
let’s settle this shit but do NOT reblog if you’re gonna be modest about it like a little BITCH. anyway privilege check tell me which ones apply to you: hot, funny, can dance, can do math, can spell, can drive, can cook
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ishtyleq · 1 month
idk who needs to hear this rn but suffering is not noble. take the tylenol
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ishtyleq · 2 months
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ishtyleq · 2 months
Another AO3 thing I’m curious about, how do yall decide if something is good enough to read? Usually I follow a rule of 1 kudos for every 10 hits. One because it’s easy math and two it’s yet to fail me. Thoughts? Do you just go for it and pray it’s good?
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ishtyleq · 2 months
cw sexual content, hypnosis kink (kind of)
Cub wakes up to Scar standing over him. This is, admittedly, not that weird – well, it’s weird, but it’s not that weird by Scar standards, and also Cub’s got a pretty high weird threshold. He’s got an even higher who gives a fuck threshold, and between those two there’s not a lot that manages to ruffle him. So waking up to Scar, tiny shorts and all, standing over him and apparently having been watching him while he sleeps? Whatever. Just another day on the Hermitcraft server.
The little crystal on the end of a chain is new, though.
“Oh, hey Scar,” he says, blinking sleepily, shifting against the mattress. It’s hot out, has been for the past few days, and when he twitches a lazy foot he finds he’s kicked the blankets off himself down to his waist. A bead of sweat rolls down from the soft peak of his belly across his ribs, catching in the dark hair across his stomach. It tickles. He scratches at it, absently. “What’s up, man?”
“Oooo,” whispers Scar. Moans, really. Like he’s some kind of ghost. Which doesn’t really answer the question. “Oooo.” The crystal starts to swing on the end of its chain, back and forth, back and forth.
“Well. Okay then. Pretty weird wake-up call, but you do you, man. You do you.”
“Oooo.” Scar is, in Cub’s opinion, not going to win any awards for his ghost impressions any time soon. “You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid. Oooo.”
Ah. That answers quite a lot of questions. Raises a whole bunch of other ones, sure, but again. High who gives a fuck threshhold. Really, really useful on the Hermitcraft server.
Especially useful when sex is in the offing. Really useful to not ask too many questions when the alternative to getting answers is sex.
“Aw, hypnosis!” Cub enthuses, watching the crystal swing, watching Scar’s face screwed up with concentration. “Yeah, that’s a good one, man. Real hot. Mind control, consensual non-consent, all that good stuff.”
“You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
“Look, man, I’m all for picking up what you’re putting down, but I’m not gonna lie. Little bit lost. Gonna need a bit more instruction here. Still half asleep.”
“Cub,” hisses Scar, crystal still swinging. “You’re supposed to be getting hypnotised! Oooo, you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid, oooo.”
Cub’s not sure how hypnosis works, exactly. Well, he knows how his hypnosis works, when he’s full vex, but the way that works is it just works and Scar’s always sucked ass at it besides, so. Not that helpful. But he’s pretty sure just repeating the same thing but spookier and in a deeper voice is not how any of this works.
“What. Like, hypnotised as a sex thing, or hypnotised for real?” he asks, curiously, scratching at his belly again. If he does it because he can see Scar watching his hands hungrily, and if he pushes the sheet a little lower down on his hips, then, well. Who gives a fuck.
“Hypnotised for real! For real! C’mon, Cub. I’m really trying here.”
“Not tryin’ hard enough, man. Sorry.”
“Cub!” Scar’s pouting, now. The crystal’s mostly stopped swinging, half-forgotten.
Cub sighs, props himself up onto one elbow, subtly kicks at the sheets. “Well, Scar,” he says, “look. It’s not working. But,” and he sets a hand against the curved side of his belly, slides it down, down, under, exploring skin revealed by the kicked-off sheet, “if it makes you feel any better, my dick is feeling very hypnotised. Like, very hypnotised.”
“Really?” asks Scar, voice suddenly high-pitched, eyes suddenly fixed somewhere at the opposite end of Cub’s body to his face. He might be drooling. It’s cute.
“Aw, yeah, man,” purrs Cub, curling his hand loosely around the thick base of his own half-hard cock, squeezing gently, feeling it plump up in his hand. Scar whimpers. “Very hypnotised. Very hypnotised indeed.”
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