its-apolloxx · 1 month
So I have never posted on here before but I guess I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences since I’m dealing with a lot.
7 months ago it was discovered by my new primary doctor that I had hypothyroidism which if you aren’t aware is an autoimmune condition or I guess disease that consists of your immune system attacking your thyroid which is a butterfly shaped organ(idk the term) that is in your throat. And this thyroid controls your hormones and a lot of your body functions. So my levels are too high which means my body isn’t producing enough hormones. If it was the opposite and it was producing too much it would be called hyperthyroidism. Ok so now the basics are out of the way.
I’ve been dealing with a lot of pain in my body and my legs and my back and in my arms mostly especially in my right arm anytime I do something little with it. It just starts to flare up and hurt like extremely badly. I can barely even hold my phone in my right hand without it starting to hurt. I’m starting to use heat pad more often and I’m still getting pain in my chest and in my back and no matter how many hot baths shower take it feels like the pain doesn’t go away . I feel faint anytime I come out of the shower or bathroom in there too long with the door shut I have to have it open or I start to feel like I need to pass out. Sitting down I’ll get pain in my chest and upper body, and it hurts so bad. My hands hurt, my legs hurt, my arms hurt my body is just constantly in pain.
My pain has been bad, last month I was sick for an entire week physically and mentally was just drained and weak, it was eye opening and I had to make the decision to not go to college because I wasn’t 100% ok. I’ve had my lows and my highs and I’m trying to take it one day at a time but it hurts a lot. I bought vitamins to help me, I’ve bought compression gloves for my hands and I take baths and showers to help but it’s more of a chore than a relief. I’m looking into mobility aids to help me but I wanna talk to my doctor to get some advice. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I know there’s have it worse than me but I’m still struggling, I can’t even walk around or lay down without any pain. I know I could have it worse but I feel like I’m a mess and I can’t do anything. I can’t even be myself anymore. I’m 17 and almost 18 my birthday is this month and I feel like such a failure and a waste of space.
Is this normal? Or am I just over reacting.
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