iunipersus · 4 years
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                   ❝𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 ? – 𝐢'𝐦 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠                             𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧❞ indie 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 from the l word loved by tootles
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iunipersus · 4 years
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Melissanthi Mahut as Mita Xenakis in Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
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iunipersus · 4 years
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Beautiful, talented, and supportive best friends in Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020).
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iunipersus · 4 years
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iunipersus · 4 years
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iunipersus · 4 years
asperad replied to your post “                                                          @asperad​...”
stella calling out her own mother: juni: ������
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iunipersus · 4 years
                                  “WILL YOU HOLD STILL.” she growled with a mouthful of pins as she pulled the fabric together. “the dress isn’t going to fit itself, and unlike your mother, you have been gifted with an actual chest.” she gave a light snort, nearly inhaling the metal object. spitting it out she grumbled and placed one final pin. “there, lets have a look at you.” 
           her eyes were shining as she looked at kara with both a mixture of love and wonderment. “i can’t believe your getting married... are you SURE you want to go through with it?” trying her best not to project her own fears onto her granddaughter. 
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/ @flyingupward​ / kara
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iunipersus · 4 years
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iunipersus · 4 years
                                                          @asperad​ said:  “ when a child knows that young that her mother doesn’t care for her, bad things happen. “
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                                                 HER THROAT FELT DRY as the words tumbled from the blondes lips, panic starting to set in; surely stella wasn’t suggesting - how could she possibly know about isabel ? she had been so adamant that she had done the best she could, juni was just a child herself when her daughter had come along and although she hadn’t always made the BEST decisions she did everything she could to benefit her child... didn’t she? leaving her had been HEARTBREAKING, but the only way she could possibly provide for her otherwise. 
                   “i - “ oh, but perhaps she wasn’t insinuating anything at all, perhaps something deeper on stella’s behalf. “how does a child know ? that a mother didn’t care ... perhaps a child is unable to see how much love is sacrificed to protect them.” 
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iunipersus · 4 years
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iunipersus · 4 years
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       tina hates being so ISOLATED from her friends. she hates feeling so utterly alone, hates that because she’s alone, she can’t provide for her daughter the way she wants to. and god, she hates that bette’s seeing someone. she knows that she shouldn’t, that she’s probably very nice, but when helena tells her with THAT LOOK on her face… that hesitant, walking on eggshells look she gets when her friends care to see her right now, she wants nothing more than to strangle the woman.
       but she has to try. from what she’s been told, BETTE LIKES THIS WOMAN, so there’s a chance she might be part of angelica’s life. for her daughter’s sake, tina has to try. so when an unfamiliar brunette opens the door of the house she used to live in, she does her best to manage a smile. ❝ hi. you must be juni. um…is bette home ? ❞ she balances angie on her hip before extending her hand. ❝ sorry, I’M TINA. have you met angie yet ? ❞
                                       SHE HAD BEEN SAT AT THE DESK for the best part of three hours, coffee now cold and pen  twisted into her hair, holding it half up while the rest fell out in messy curls. her body twitched when she heard someone at the door and reluctantly she drew herself away, scrawling in shorthand, the thoughts that hadn’t yet made it into paper. 
           well...this was certainly UNEXPECTED as she shouldered her way out onto the door step, folding her arms across her body to hide the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Tina?” her brows lifted slightly and then she was cracking a small smile. “I - no, i’m really sorry, bette isn’t here - did she know you were coming? it was clear that juni didn’t get the memo. 
          eyes drifted to the girl perched on her mothers hips and she smiled even brighter. “no, I haven’t. hello angie - why don’t you both come in ? “ she opened the door wider, stepping aside for the blonde to enter. “i’m not sure when she is back.” you know what bette’s like, she wanted to say. “can i - get you a drink?” 
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iunipersus · 4 years
sharp objects novel sentence starters. TW:     brief mentions of killing self/suicide.
“ look, if you can’t do this, you can’t do it. but i think it might be good for you. “
“ i don’t want this to get out, ____. i have no intention of letting this get out. “
“ sometimes i think we should just burn these woods. seems like nothing good ever happens in them. “
“ it’s all too loud. “
“ i just can’t have that kind of talk around me. “
“ just being polite, ____. we do that where i’m from too. “
“ be human for a second. “
“ you have kids, ____? i don’t even know if you’re married. “
“ so much has gone wrong. i can’t make sense of it. “
“ was the funeral very hard on you, ____? “
“ i can’t believe you can’t remember these things, ____. i think you’d be embarrassed to have forgotten so much. “
“ i wear this for ____. when i’m home, i’m her little doll. “
“ this isn’t some stranger, and i would guess you know it. “
“ everyone has their own version of a memory. “
“ i’d hate to insult the nice people around here. more than i already have. “
“ sounds like we’ve both seen some ugly things. “
“ you said it would all be perfect. you promised! “
“ it’s ruined. the whole thing is ruined. “
“ it’s impossible to compete with the dead. i wish i’d stop trying. “
“ i wish i’d be murdered. then i’d never have to worry again. when you die, you become perfect. “
“ there’s not a speck of evil in you, ____. “
“ we all know each other’s secrets. and we all use them. “
“ this place does bad things to me. i feel… wrong. “
“ i can’t believe this is really happening. in our town, where we grew up. it makes me feel sick to my stomach. just sick. “
“ it’s just that ____ was a real person, you know? “
“ goddammit, i want ____ back. i mean, what now? is this it? “
“ i’m here. i don’t usually feel that i am. i feel like a warm gust of wind could exhale my way and i’d be disappeared forever. “
“ i always feel sad for the girl that i was because it never occurred to me that my mother might comfort me. “
“ ____ has never told me they loved me, and i never assumed they did. “
“ i think you are a parasite. i think you are disgusting. i hope someday you look back and see how ugly you are. “
“ lord, ____, it’d be the most interesting thing that’s happened to me in a whole. “
“ if i see this in your paper, if i see even a hint of this conversation under your byline, you and i will never speak again. and that’s really bad, because i like talking to you. “
“ i had my share of fun. looks and money get you a long way here. “
“ i just think some women aren’t meant to be mothers. and some women aren’t made to be daughters. “
“ come on, do something. you could kill me right now and ____ still wouldn’t be able to figure it out. “
“ oh, now look what you’ve done. i’m bleeding. “
“ look at what you’ve done to yourself. look at it. “
“ i hope you can stand yourself. “
“ i thought i wanted to do this. like i needed a purpose. “
“ being conflicted means you can live a shallow life without copping to be a shallow person. “
“ it seems like part of your heart can never work if you don’t have kids. like it will always be shut off. “
“ take it or don’t. i was just trying to be nice. “
“ i can be nice, you know? sometimes i can’t. but right now, i can. when everyone’s quiet, it’s easier. “
“ you’re a tough one, ____. you don’t have a lot of ‘give’ to you. “
“ you know you’re beautiful, right? i’d tell you, but it seems like the kind of thing you’d brush off. “
“ i think you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. the first time i saw you, i couldn’t think for the rest of the day. “
“ i think i finally realized why i don’t love you. you’re cold and distant and so, so smug. i never said i didn’t love you, that’s just ridiculous. i never felt anything but coldness from you. “
“ you were always so willful, never sweet. “
“ i thought you’d save me. i thought you’d love me. that was a joke. “
“ you’re so hateful. “
“ i learned at your feet. “
“ do what i want; i might like you. “
“ i don’t know that anything would be any good anywhere, so it’s hard to gauge if this is better or worse. “
“ this place is miserable and i want to die, but i can’t think of any place i’d rather be. “
“ you were so sweet with me the other night. now you’re so changed. why? “
“ i wish i could fix it. i do. “
“ i always wanted to be you when i grew up. i think about you, you know? “
“ i’m tired of dying. “
“ i was asking about you. you doing okay down there? you have to tell me, because i can’t see your face. don’t do the stoic thing. “
“ whenever i’m here… i just always feel like i’m a bad person when i’m here. “
“ i’m not decent. “
“ just be a sweetie and fuck off, okay? i’m so tired of all of you. you’re such bores. “
“ sometimes i sit in my room before bed and i write down every single thing i did and said that day. then i grade it, A for perfect move, F for i should kill myself i’m such a loser. “
“ safer to be feared than loved. “
“ i know tons of things i shouldn’t know. “
“ i’ve got to get out of here. i’m bored all the time. that’s why i act out. i know i can be a little… off. “
“ i’m so happy with you. you’re like my soul-mate. “
“ shit. i think you dented my face. “
“ what if you hurt because it feels good? like you have a tingling, like someone left a switch on in your body. and nothing can turn the switch off except hurting? what does that mean? “
“ it’s not safe here. it’s not safe for you. “
“ don’t you dare, ____. i’ll cut you. “
“ ____, a beautiful girl can get away with anything if she plays nice. you must certainly know that. “
“ was my mother… a nice person? “
“ don’t play games with me, ____. that exhausts me. “
“ ____ devours you, and if you don’t let her, it’ll be even worse for you. “
“ i’m scared. i’m vindicated. i want to die. “
“ you look so nice and clean. it’s… it’s so dirty here. “
“ last night. you saved me. that saved me. if you hadn’t stayed with me, i would’ve done something bad. i know it, ____. “
“ one thing i learned about ____, they don’t need a reason to strike out. “
“ are we done? i’m sort of tired of talking about this. “
“ you were never such a good girl when you were little. you were always so willful. maybe your spirit has gotten a bit more broken. in a good way. a necessary way. “
“ don’t turn on me, ____. we hurt each other awfully quickly in this family. “
“ hard night, huh? well, just wait—everything’s going to get worse. “
“ god, i’m so angry. that it ever happened. that it took me this long to figure out. “
“ i’ll never have a home. “
“ isn’t a smile a girl’s best weapon? “
“ i feel sorry for persephone because even when she’s back with the living, people are afraid of her because of where she’s been. “
“ would you be more said if i died or if ____ did? “
“ certain people should die. ____ should die. “
“ when a child knows that young that her mother doesn’t care for her, bad things happen. “
“ you like ____ better than me. “
“ it’s a game. come with me, we’ll play. “
“ i could never have anything to myself. they weren’t my secrets anymore. “
“ a child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort. “
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iunipersus · 4 years
things I miss about not having a relationship: partner not drawing on my back.
that is all.
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iunipersus · 4 years
“You know, you could stay the night if you wanted to?”  / @jcyfulmess​
                                                           SHE HAD BEEN HERE BEFORE, had stayed the night, and then had stayed longer than she intended, a first for a younger Juniper Lind. 
Pursing her lips, blue hues lifted to the brunette, brows raising so very gently as a smile tugged at the corner of her lip. “If I wanted to? If I didn’t know you any better, I would assume you were asking me to stay.” 
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iunipersus · 4 years
                                                           HER SHOULDERS WERE STIFF, tense from her surroundings as her thumb fiddled her studded earlobe, dark lashes hooded with a questionable gaze; it wasn’t that she hadn’t been to a bar before, she was quite frequent to them back home and even before she was the legal age to drink alcohol, no it was more the TYPE of bar she was in that made her nervous. It was perhaps not more for any other reason than this being something that mattered more to her than she liked to admit, that she didn’t just take this story because she was interested in it, but that it was closer to her than she could openly admit - NEW COSMOPOLITAN LESBIANS; her current boss had told her; that this would bring more of a niche to their current readers but Juni had her suspicions that he was more of a dirty old pervert than he was letting on. 
Having been in New York for barely a month, she hadn’t made too many friends, not that it really bothered her, she wasn’t here for that, she was here for one simple thing that would help fuel her career. “Can I have another?” She spoke in a thick accent (thicker than she would years later) and held her glass up to the woman behind the bar with a light smile, pulling a cigarette up to her lips and taking a drag.  
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/ @jcyfulmess​ (BETTE)
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iunipersus · 4 years
jcyfulmess replied to your post “jcyfulmess replied to your post “juni is thirsty af @ all the l word...”
Au’s are here for a reason
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iunipersus · 4 years
jcyfulmess replied to your post “juni is thirsty af @ all the l word characters. i blame @flyingupward...”
Bette : wanna fuck
Juni: if we’re two consenting adults... no strings attached. why not
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