j-m-angelofdeath · 2 months
Old Josef, again! <3
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j-m-angelofdeath · 2 months
This was on my classroom door. Hahaha
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j-m-angelofdeath · 2 months
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Ilv this photo of Josef
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j-m-angelofdeath · 2 months
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j-m-angelofdeath · 2 months
Old Josef!
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j-m-angelofdeath · 4 months
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Josef with his family
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j-m-angelofdeath · 5 months
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Ilv this photo of Josef
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j-m-angelofdeath · 5 months
At that time the names were translated, he introduced himself with his name but the documents used the Spanish version. For that reason, in many Argentine and Uruguayan documents there is a mixture of both versions of the name
Photos of Josef's second marriage details (Uruguay) If you want I will translate it into English!
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j-m-angelofdeath · 5 months
First photo traduction:
In "Nueva Helvecia" and on the 17th day of July of the year 1958. At 10 o'clock in the morning. At the request of the interested parties I make known: that Don Josef Mengele and Mrs. Marta Maria Will have planned to be united in marriage.
In witness whereof I hereby intimately request those who know of any impediment to the projected marriage to denounce it in writing to this office, making known the causes.
And I sign it so that it may be posted on the door of this office and published in the newspaper "Helvecia" for eight days as required by law.
Civil Status Officer
Second photo (Landscape)
House in Nueva Helvecia where Josef Mengele stayed for at least two days between July 17-25, 1958. According to Marés' testimony, he was once served tea under that laurel tree
Second photo (document)
In the unit of Nueva Helvecia on the twenty-fifth day of July one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight at 10:07 hours before me Pedro Izacelaya officer of the Civil State of the tenth section of the department of Colonia.
Appearing: Mr. Josef Mengele, of German nationality, born on the fourteenth day of March, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany by profession merchant, domicile rotzinger estate.
Son of Mr. Karl Mengele of German nationality, alive, merchant by profession, domiciled in Gunzburg, Germany, and Mrs. Walburga Theresa Hupfauer of German nationality, deceased.
(All the following is information of Marta María Will)
The following photos say almost the same until the last photo
No impediment having been presented and after having read the aforementioned documents and articles 116, 127, 128 of the Civil Code in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, I asked them if they wished to take each other as husband and wife. Both parties having answered in the affirmative, I have proclaimed in the name of the law Mr. Joseph Mengele and Mrs. Marta Maria Will to be united in lawful matrimony. Both declared to have had before their marriage.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set forth and, after being read, it was signed with me by the contracting parties and the witnesses, Mr. Juan Carlos Sergiani
Photos of Josef's second marriage details (Uruguay) If you want I will translate it into English!
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j-m-angelofdeath · 5 months
Christmas in the Third Reich
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These are some facts and curiosities about Christmas in the Third Reich:
Nazi Party ideologues argued that the Christian elements of the holiday had been imposed at the expense of ancient Germanic traditions. They argued that Christmas Eve initially had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ, but instead celebrated the winter solstice and the "rebirth of the sun", that the swastika was an ancient symbol of the sun.
Santa Claus it was a Christian reinvention of the Norse god Odin. Posters were then circulated showing Odin as "the man of the Solstice", riding a white steed, with a long gray beard, a floppy hat, and carrying a sack full of presents.
The traditional nativity scene was replaced by a garden with wooden animals; Mary and Jesus were represented by a blonde woman with her son.
Even the Christmas tree was changed. The traditional names of the tree, Christbaum or Weihnachtsbaum, were renamed in the press as fir, tree of light or Yule tree. The star at the top of the tree was sometimes replaced with a swastika, a Sig rune representing the sun, and light decorations in the shape of swastikas.
Even the Christmas carols were changed. The words of the folk song "Stille Nacht" were changed so that they had no references to God, Christ or religion. The text of the hymn "For us the time has come" was also changed to remove references to Jesus.
The modified version continued to be used for several years even after the war. The most popular song spread by the Nazis was Hans Baumann's "The Glorious Night of the Clear Stars", which replaced traditional Christian themes with the racist ideologies of the Nazis.
The catalogs for purchasing children's toys that were distributed during the holidays showed chocolate SS soldiers and toy versions of tanks, planes and machine guns. As a sign of appreciation, SS chief Heinrich Himmler often gave his members Julleuchter ("Yule lamps"), a kind of decorated candelabra, some of which were made in the Dachau concentration camp.
Traditional Christmas celebrations became a protest against Nazism. “The apparently banal, everyday decision to sing a particular Christmas carol, or bake a holiday cookie, became either an act of political dissent or an expression of support for national socialism,” writes historian Joe Perry.
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it :))
Wikipedia: Christmas in Nazi Germany
History Channel: Christmas in Nazi Germany
If you don't like it go with your life
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j-m-angelofdeath · 5 months
Photos of Josef's second marriage details (Uruguay) If you want I will translate it into English!
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j-m-angelofdeath · 5 months
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photos of Josef with color!
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j-m-angelofdeath · 6 months
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j-m-angelofdeath · 6 months
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My new header! :)
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j-m-angelofdeath · 6 months
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This is Josef Mengele, The Angel of Death, timeline:
1911: He was born in Günzburg.
1931: He joined the paramilitary association Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten.
1933: Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
1934: He joined the SA.
1935: He earned a degree in anthropology.
1937: He became assistant to Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, known for his research in genetics.
1937: He joined the Nazi Party.
1938: He joined the SS.
1938: He graduated in medicine.
1938: He received basic military training with the Gebirgsjäger.
1939: He married Irene Schoenbein.
1939: The Second World War began.
1940: He was called up for service in the Wehrmacht a few months after the outbreak of the Second World War and he volunteered for medical service in the Waffen-SS.
1941: He was awarded the Iron Cross.
1942: He saved two German soldiers from a burning tank and was awarded an additional Iron Cross.
1942: He was withdrawn from the combat troops because he was defined as unfit to fight in the front lines.
1943: He was promoted to the rank of SS captain.
1943: He was transferred to Auschwitz.
1943: He became head doctor of the camp reserved for the Romani.
1943: He ordered the death of 528 women and 507 men to avoid a new typhus epidemic.
1943: He had a kindergarten set up for pre-school children inside the "gypsy camp". It was used for propaganda purposes.
1944: His only son, Rolf Mengele, was born.
1944: He was nominated for a medal for contracting both typhus and malaria as part of his research on the "racial origins of gypsies".
1945: He was forced to abandon the concentration camp, taking with him all the material from his ''research''.
1949: He embarked in the port of Genoa on a ship bound for South America.
1949: He landed in Argentina.
1959: He fled to Paraguay.
1960: He fled to Brazil.
1979: He drowned due to a stroke.
Wikipedia: Josef Mengele
If you don't like it go with your life.
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j-m-angelofdeath · 6 months
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A drawing of Josef that I did! It's the cover of my new sketchbook! :)
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j-m-angelofdeath · 6 months
Josef and Rolf <3
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