jackie-kline · 11 months
Jack's throat tightened under Laura's gaze, feeling the alpha power resonating in her voice. He had expected her to react with aggression, considering the circumstances they both found themselves in. But Jack remained composed, his own experiences teaching him the value of patience and understanding. With a calm yet resolute tone, he replied, "I understand your wariness, Laura. We haven't formally met, but our paths have crossed in ways you might not remember yet."
His gaze met hers, his eyes holding a hint of sorrow mixed with determination. "You see, Laura, I once stood at the crossroads of being human and something more. I was a Nephilim, a being born of an angel and a human. I'm not here to harm you or anyone else. In fact, I may be the key to unraveling the mysteries that brought us to this place."
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she tensed, body reacting to alter of unknow person that apparently did know her on it's own, making laura's teeth itch even worse, to change into fangs, nails to claws, to push him against the closest wall by throat and get answers for questions she have from the moment she woke up.
instead, she looked at him with one brow raised, slowly moving her eyes to his hand before accepting his grip with firm shake. ❝ ― jack, hm? ❞ she smiled with a corner of her lips, typical hale's smirk. ❝ excuse me, but who the fuck you are? ❞ she asked, head titled a little. he felt... weird to her senses, making her want to flash red eyes at him, to see his reaction. instead, laura turned more to him and asked ❝ and how do you know me? ❞ with just a light touch of alpha voice in her tone.
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jackie-kline · 11 months
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jack with wings :)
for @dakrapatops @slutty-jesus-jack-kline @hollywoodforevercemeterygirl <3
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jackie-kline · 11 months
The billowing waves of fire that greeted Jack's return to Earth swiftly transformed into a comforting haven, cradling his weary body and mind after the stormy descent. Though his thoughts still moved sluggishly, he managed to discern his surroundings. Judging by the scent and the faint traces of life force lingering, he found himself amidst a place akin to a graveyard. Yet, he knew better than to jump to conclusions. "There is no place devoid of life," his thoughts reassured him. Before he could contemplate altering his predicament or embarking on his next venture, as if by some divine orchestration, the clouds swiftly amassed above, cascading down in a deluge to keep him company. However, they were not the only entities drawing near. Though he longed to reconnect with his aquatic brethren, a more urgent and perplexing presence approached from behind. The complexity of the situation made it challenging to discern any individual being from the collective, and apart from the unmistakable essence of femininity, Jack struggled to ascertain how to proceed. Puzzled, he wondered who would venture forth so swiftly, so fragilely. Yet, the torrent of questions dissipated as he couldn't suppress the warmth that spread across his face upon hearing the tenderest of voices addressing him. While he couldn't fully grasp the meaning of the words, he recognized the familiar cadence of his mother tongue. Only now did he realize how long it had been since he last heard a voice, particularly a woman's voice, reaching out to him amidst the cacophony of his chaotic life, much like his earliest memories of this place. Moments slipped by as he found himself ensnared in the labyrinth of his emotions, memories guiding his introspective journey. Slowly, Jack turned his head, acknowledging the presence behind him in his own quiet way, a silent tribute to the enigmatic figure who had emerged in this pivotal moment.
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— 🞜 The sound of revving on pavement sliced through the nightlife in New Orleans on the side of her home. Forcing slow-brainer bystanders loitering around in front of her property to move out of her way! Revving it several times, louder &. louder, as thin whisps of white smoke of exhaust exited the tailpipe the high-pitch scream wailed as the rear tire spun until finally a path was made. Seconds earlier, her mind grappled with reality.
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She'd become a visitor in someone else's catastrophe. Locked inside a horrifying energy warp, she was linked by the Ancestors by force. Falling too fast to scream. Terror clawed at her soul. In the faint moments of the Ancestor's guidance — the flashing visions of what they wanted her to see flooded her as she caught what resembled St. Louis Cemetery. It mattered. It had to. She wasn't so clear about what the Ancestors desired her to do at first.
Now, however, when she stirred out of the stupor, the world appeared tilted &. spinning. She immediately grabbed her mini-red leather backpack. Locked everything up. She followed in pursuit with her motorcycle heading straight for St. Louis Cemetery. Never would she have ever imagined the most visited burial sight — the oldest cemetery in the city — where MARIE L a v e a u herself rested have some nerve to disturb her resting place.
May the VOODOO QUEEN &. the l o a have mercy on her soul. Everything was surrounded by fires scattered &. joined together into a huge firestorm that raced through the heart of where Jack crashed. It wasn't helpful that she might not be the only one at the scene, since a big ball of fire ripped through New Orleans in the middle of the night. Even for their standard of the cryptid &. mysticism standards of Nola, this was just overkill.
Her heart swelled with the fear of what would or wouldn’t happen to her tonight, but she refused to show it. In a rush, she'd run towards the flames head-on. Swirling dust &. dying embers filled her nose, eyes, &. mouth. The fires were worse the farther she got to the centre. The insufferable heat radiating in every direction started to make her feel terribly vulnerable. It was getting harder &. harder to breathe — the sounds of the roaring fires the closer she got to the centre made it impossible to hear anything anymore.
It wouldn't be long as her face was streaked with sweat &. soot. Scorched. Burned. The heat surrounding the Cemetery now felt way too intense to withstand. Bricks, grave markers, &. debris spilt in all sorts of tilted directions around the crater. She was close enough to the heart of the circle, as the air was unbearable. But she couldn't get make it into the centre.
She had to take the risk as she grabbed the zipper being immediately burned, as she felt her cry get stuck in her throat. Digging into her backpack she started throwing raw aquamarines with morganites into the centre unclear if she hit anyone in the process. She ultimately stopped after six of them were in the fiery crater. Jessica coughed several times, as she felt her lungs start to feel like a balloon with a hole in it, the air escaping her with no way to keep them full of air.
Fumbling for a bundle of Bracken. Fern. &. Heather. Throwing it into the crater as it would burn. Trying to release all her emotions, &. feelings, to open herself to receive the Ancestor's help. Eyes closed, concentrating on being here &. the surface of the water. Wisps of magick started to swirl, like fine threads of water. The Ancestor's gave her their divine aid. " ρℓυєт υт єƒƒυη∂αм нσяαм νєℓ αмρℓιυѕ, " howling out each word into the open fires as she felt what little air she had in her lungs truly leave her.
Staggering back from the centre. It was a race against time between getting them out of the fiery crater to safety before human intervention even happened. The stirring of the air would tinge with the scent of rain, as oily black clouds swelled overhead covering everything with darkness. A warm breeze scattered glowing embers over her face as her lip quivered from the sting, as she felt she might burst into tears or just faint. It was only a miracle that heavy rain fell quickly.
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Wiping the first few droplets &. smearing the soot. It didn't take long before she was wet. With the heavy rain, it was becoming easier to breathe, waiting a few moments before slowly going down into the steaming crater. Gently she'd shake the other by the arm? As crazy as it seemed, she was empathetic in her touch being as gentle as possible with her good hand. Intuition told her they were very well alive not that it was easy to explain. " . . . you alive their fire starter? "
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jackie-kline · 1 year
Jack's eyes fell upon the enigmatic figure standing amidst the chaotic scene, her presence exuding a potent blend of resilience and bewilderment. It was a werewolf, freshly woven into the intricate tapestry of this tumultuous tale. As he approached, a flicker of recognition sparked within him, a recognition borne from the shared threads of their extraordinary existence when he used to be one with everyone.
With a gentle voice laced with empathy, Jack addressed her, "Laura, isn't it? I know the feeling, believe me. Life has a way of suprising us." He extended a hand, offering a comforting gesture amidst the swirling storm of uncertainties that surrounded them. "I'm Jack, perhaps we can find solace in each other's company. After all, sometimes it's the unexpected connections that bring us clarity in the midst of chaos."
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the whole thing was a fucking mess. not that laura was a stranger to mess, no. but it didn't mean that waking up in some bloody bushes, naked, with last clear memory of peter's ― uncle, no, please, don't! ― claws slashing her open was something she ever thought of.
and now, in stolen clothes, she stood watching people celebrating in a town she knew nothing about, in a unfamiliar territory that make her teeth itch and alpha senses tingle. ❝ ― this is... i'm getting a freaking headache just looking at it all. ❞ she said offhandedly to person beside her, not really intentionally.
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jackie-kline · 1 year
closed starter: jessica draguar
His limbs succumbed to an inexplicable gravitational dance, an otherworldly force intertwining with the pull of the planet below. Amidst his ethereal ascent from the depths of space, the sonic boom of shattered sound barriers reverberated, echoes of his ever-shifting corporeal fragments weaving in and out of the fabric of material existence.
His purpose was to find Sam and Dean, their distinctive energies beckoning amidst the myriad signatures of earthly life. Yet, the cosmic gears faltered, and like a comet untethered, he found himself propelled aimlessly, drawn towards the coastal shores of the Gulf of Mexico. His powers, still adrift in disarray, refused to yield control, as if mocking his desire for mastery. And to compound his plight, he collided with an invisible barrier, akin to a bullet cleaving through a pane of thick glass, while the piercing crackle of lightning danced where he had just passed.
Before his bewildered consciousness could truly grapple with the enigma that had unfolded mid-air, he was jolted into the stark reality of his landing. A dreamlike haze enveloped him, leaving him uncertain of his precise location, his thoughts swirling in a nebulous fog that hindered any meaningful contemplation.
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jackie-kline · 1 year
Chapter 1: The Fall
Perhaps a mere tick of the clock had passed since the sight of his grandfather's hands upon his head, and in that instant, Jack's mind was thrust into a void of emptiness, a barren slate awaiting inscriptions.
It was as if the gravitational pull of countless cosmic voids, scattered across the expanse of the Universe, converged upon him, beckoning him towards the gravitational center of his own corporeal vessel. In this moment, everything seemed too immense, too colossal to be tethered to the realms of reality. What remained tangible? What was truth?
Once a source of comfort, Amara's soothing voice, resounding within his mind, now hushed into silence. The Alpha and Omega within him had returned to the very origins. However, their departure was not without consequence, for in their wake, they rent and clawed at the delicate fabric of the Universal reality, that intricate tapestry that maintains equilibrium amidst all existence. Unlike the initial transference of these powers, a mere extraction, this time Chuck, in his ingenuity, devised a convoluted conduit to funnel the energy back into himself. Alas, powers of such magnitude were not meant to be toyed with, to be passed around like trifles. And thus, the liberated energies sparked an array of aberrations in their wake.
Within the celestial exchange, lightning crackled, bridging the expanse between the divine forces. Reality, valiantly striving to persist despite this cataclysmic shift in cosmic balance.
Chuck reveled in the restoration of his might, yet apprehension gripped him, realizing that Jack, inundated by an abrupt surge of energies, had transformed into a walking timebomb. To rectify this precarious state, he dispatched Jack to the very core of Heaven's dimension, where the dispersions of his energy could harmonize and power the celestial nucleus that housed the angelic realm.
The heavenly dimension's core revealed itself as a resplendent dome, an ethereal prism awash with cascading rainbows and a sea of luminous hues alien to Earth. Jack's comprehension of his surroundings, tattered and frayed, struggled to maintain a grasp. He found himself thrust into the dome by an unseen hand, his mind, once a blank canvas, now devoid of sensation. The kaleidoscope of subdimensions within Heaven flickered within his mind's eye, marking the boundary where his consciousness reached its abrupt halt.
And then, in a surge of revelation, an image materialized before Jack's consciousness—an image of two Earthly dimensions colliding, their cosmic ballet accompanied by a symphony of resounding reverberations. It was the first inkling of awareness that had graced Jack's being in what felt like an eternity. Yet, in his newfound cognizance, it seemed but a mere breath since Chuck's deceit had stripped him of his powers. Gradually reclaiming the fragments of his consciousness, Jack was unceremoniously expelled from the luminous dome, recognizing the familiar realm as none other than Heaven.
A profound sense of vulnerability enveloped him, stripped of all that had defined him throughout the passing years. Time and space, once abstract constructs he scarcely pondered, now beckoned his attention, their transformations manifest as he distanced himself from the celestial core. In this moment, he realized that his best course lay in reuniting with his fathers, for it was highly probable that Chuck would return to torment them. Seizing the opportunity presented by a colossal rupture within the heavenly dimension's walls, Jack propelled himself through, his destination unclear. Unbeknownst to him, what force had wrought such devastation upon this celestial realm mattered little, as it provided him an auspicious means of escape.
Whereas traversing between Heaven and Earth had once been a seamless journey since his tender years, this time, as he descended, shards of glass seemed to pierce him, a fiery trail tracing his descent through the heavens. His powers, once abundant, had forsaken him midway, leaving him to plummet through the cloud-kissed expanse. Falling, he observed, with a touch of irony, much like his father had fallen before him.
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jackie-kline · 1 year
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Alexander Calvert  :  Supernatural :  man :  he/them :   Everything is Everything by Sevdaliza. Looks like Jack Kline-Winchester has been lured to New Orleans since the collision of worlds. The 18-year-old Nephilim is known for being helpful & kind on a good day and aloof on  a  bad  day.  Makes you wonder what everyone will think once they know that he still dreams of the everything/godhood. Perhaps that will help make sense of what exactly is going on. After all, it’s New Orleans, where you’re bound to pass a good time. 
FULL NAME. Jack Kline-Winchester
AKA. Jackie, Agent Lovato, The Son of Lucifer
DATE OF BIRTH.  May 18th, 2017.
AGE.  12 / 18.
ZODIAC SIGN. taurus.
GENDER.  man.
PRONOUNS.  He / them.
ORIENTATION.  unknown.
SPECIES.  Nephilim (human x archangel)
OCCUPATION. former god, a hunter.
FACECLAIM.  Alexander Calvert.
HEIGHT.  1,77.
BUILD.  taller than average and muscular.
EYES.  human: blue & angelic: golden
HAIR.  brown
SKIN.  light and smooth, neutral.
DRESSING STYLE. casual sometime more formal
background information.
BIRTHPLACE.  apocalyps world
PARENTS. biologically: Lucifer and Kelly Kline. Additionally has 3 fathers: Castiel, Sam & Dean
PAST RESIDENCES.  Everywhere all at once.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  Enochian next to all earth languages
FINANCIAL STATUS.  Little to nothing to his name
EDUCATION. Thought by Sam how to do research and play video games, by Dean how to approach people and deal with monsters and by Cas how to love and care 
Everything on his wiki is canon, in regular nephilim condition, Jack overpowers an Archangel however he is heavily wounded at this time
After Chuck tricked Jack with the help of an angel and regained his powers, he sent Jack to prison in Heaven. Chuck needed all the power of the heavenly realm to contain the dynamic energy of Jack’s drained body. Chuck kept Jack at the center of heaven, where Jack was able to cool down his chaotic body energies with the Heavenly core. 
The collision of the remaining world caused such a significant imbalance in the other realms that Jack was able to come back to Earth. He used his powers to descend from heaven to earth and this proved to hurt him a lot so for now he does not use his powers 
He is heavily wounded energetically as the trauma of not being one with everything anymore takes time to dissipate
Unbeknownst to Jack, the holding back of his powers are causing random life force absorptions and dispersions. This is causing living beings around him to randomly wither/die quicker but sometimes randomly blossom/grow faster. 
Reunion with other canon connections such as his fathers!
Jack came to earth to find his fathers but for some reason ended up in NOLA and can't leave anymore.
Jack has answered many prayers as his time as god, mostly discreetly but in rare occasions he showed himself in dreams or in waking life to people, your character could recognize him... OR Jack recognizes your character or event associated with your character's past
Jack is going through some unusual mental health issues as his trauma is caused by the sudden departure of his sensation of unity with all, he will be dealing with issues especially with all the random energies around him, your character could notice this...
Jack doesn't know exactly what is next in store for him in life so he is open for adventures and new connections!
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jackie-kline · 1 year
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Alexander Calvert shared Jack Kline's volunteer registration form in an Instagram story and I saw he put N down for gender and I thought that was so endearing. It could stand for Neutral or possibly Nougat but the meaning is the same either way. Bless you Alex for maybe making Jack a gender neutral nougat. (x)
the backwards K in Jack!
call Sam or Dean!
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