jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
The Business of Being Born
Did the film change your perspective on the process of childbirth in the United States? If so, why? If not, why not?
Throughout the film, I noticed that hospitals aren't very trustworthy. They seem more into having a big paycheck. The nurses would push towards giving the women medicine that is not always necessary. Along with that women felt like they were given a time limit on how long they can be in labor.
Hospitals don't have a good track with the medicine used on pregnant women. Many drugs used in the past had extremely negative effects on the children and the mother. It is only when it happens that they change there is never any prevention.
What are salient cultural points raised by the film?
It is very common outside of North America to use midwives during pregnancy.
There was a cultural shift to end the use of midwives. They were often depicted as "ugly" resembling witches. This kind of portrayal of them leads to pregnant women avoiding the use of midwives.
Be sure to consider the topic of childbirth from an anthropological perspective rather than a biological one.
In the Film the term Designer Birth which is a scheduled birth using a cesarean section cut was a common thing among working class women . An anthropologist would examine the why this trend is so popular. From my observations the media, celebrities, and fellow coworkers have the biggest influence on other pregnant women.
There has been a shift in how children are birthed.
women in American don't know what a natural birth is.
media often depicts women in pain screaming which makes women afraid when going to the hospital
the influence of celebrities has a major impact on childbirth if a famous celebrity chose to have a C-section then it would become more come.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
For this fieldwork assignment I am was tasked with interviewing someone on there immigration experience. I choose to interview a friend of mine. My friends name is Amber a 19 year old female immigrant from San Jose Costa Rica. She currently attends The University of Maryland College Park as a first person in her family to go to college in the North America. Amber was born in San Jose Costa Rica. Growing up she didn’t have much contact with her father. Regardless of that she lived with her mother and half sister in San Jose. Amber her self knew little of what North America had to offer. There where actually more people and media telling Amber , her family , and others like her not to got to North America. She was told that Americans didn’t like her kind and wouldn’t treat them right. Despite this her mother who attended medical school in Costa Rica found job opportunities in America. As a janitor for a medical intuition through hard work she is now a manager for them. She has found opportunities in America but still faces racial profiling.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
Nature Valley Dark Chocolate Bar
cocoa butter, Roasted Peanuts, Corn Syrup, Sugar, Whole Grain Oats, Dark Chocolate Chunks (sugar, chocolate liquor, , soy lecithin, natural flavor), Rice Flour, Palm Kernel Oil, Almonds, Fructose, Cocoa, Vegetable Glycerin, Canola Oil, Salt, Soy Lecithin, Corn Starch, Barley Malt Extract, Milk, Baking Soda, Natural Flavor, Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) Added to Retain Freshness.
Where do the ingredients come from?
Nature Valley bar claim that all there ingredients are natural  “ Nature Valley starts with the best ingredients, like whole grain oats and power-packed wholesome peanuts, almonds, and nut butters”  containing no artificial additives “ Energy you can depend on. No artificial flavors. No artificial colors. No high fructose corn syrup. 0 grams trans fat. No kidding!” There ingredients come from there parent company General Mills.
How are the ingredients produced?
General Mills gets has there ingredients produced in ghana “ We have also continued to  expand our work with key suppliers and NGO partners to provide direct support to cocoa-growing communities in West Africa, where 90 percent of the cocoa we purchase is grown”
What are the working conditions of the people who produce the cocoa?
“This is a statement of the steps General Mills has taken in an effort to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our supply chain or business and covers General Mills’ Fiscal 2021, the period of 12 months ending on May 30, 2021.” Based off of this statement the workers are treated with more care then those in chinese sweat shops. Along with this they have also made steps to support the communities that are impacted by deforestation caused by farming. 
How do the producers get the cocoa to the market?
The produces own the farms that the farmer work on so three produces go straight to General Mills.
How are the prices set?
price based on supply and demand levels
Which international corporations dominate the chocolate trade?
The Hershey chocolate company controls nearly 44 percent of the U.S. chocolate market, followed by Mars with a 30 percent share.
Who regulates the trade?
The U.S. Constitution, through the Commerce Clause, gives Congress exclusive power over trade activities between the states and with foreign countries. Trade within a state is regulated exclusively by the states themselves. The United States, chocolate is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Cacao products regulations are contained within 21 C.F.R. 163 et seq
How is chocolate marketed?
General mills nature valley bars use nature to market there products. Nature valley bars packaging have images of forests and most commercials have the actors eating the bars in nature or in the “wild”.
Where did you buy your chocolate bar?
I buy my nature valley bars at the grocery's stores manly shop-right
How much profit does a store owner make on one chocolate bar?
Snack bars and mixes account for more than 14 percent of the company's sales
Are there hidden costs that are not included in the price you paid? (Consider underpayment of labor; environmental impact; government subsidies that are direct [to the company] and indirect [infrastructure such as roads, ports, bridges, and water systems]; and the healthcare costs created by the harvesting, transporting, processing, and eating of this food.)
Due to the farming of cocoa seeds the environment has been several affected causing deforestation in order to combat that  general mills has decided release there global resbostblity act. 
Now that you’ve gathered some information about the components of this chocolate bar, write its biography. Tell the story of its life from the farming of its ingredients to the production and consumption.
The cocoa bean begins it life its a seed in a bag . For the bean to grow strong and rich in flavor a certain climate is necessary and that is the land of ghana. The warm temperatures  “between 65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit - along with high humidity and ample rainfall (40-100 inches annually)”allow for the beans to grow strong . Before the bean is planted, land is necessary for it to grow. To get this land deforestation takes place creating the land. Now that there is land the seed will no make its way out  of the bag and in to a farmers hand. This farmer now plants the seed 20 ft in to the ground.  After 5 years of growth the seed has now produced cocoa pods. These pods will be harvested and placed in containers in bulk. Now the cocoa pods make there way by pale to Golden Valley, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis The headquarters of General mills. Hear they began the process of creating there bars. once the bars are complete they are shipped out to general mills selected stores for sale. now the make there way in to the consumers hand to be eaten.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
Marx Theory:
This article describes Anti-capitalist tirades going viral in China. Marxism is the struggle between capitalists and the working class. This leads to a revolution in the working class overthrowing the capitalist class. On Douyin chinas version of TikTok, Zeng Shike posted a video addressing Jack Ma an e-commerce tycoon. Zeng Shike said “These big shots are trampling on small merchants,” he said in the amateurish production: just a city scene with a voice-over. “It used to be about serving people and making life more convenient. Now they’re causing financial trouble and harming society.” This shows that Jack Ma is taking advantage of the small merchants. Making it hard for them to make a profit in turn making life harder. Due to that there I small attacks on the e-commerce tycoon.
Bourdieu’s theory:
Bourdieu’s theory of social class defines class as a group of individuals that share the same quality of life as well as living conditions. The article provided above explains the long-lasting effects of poverty on students' education and overall success. Throughout the article, it is explained that children that go to low-income schools do not receive the necessary preparation for them to continue school. Which leads to them dropping out of school. The term low-income can is an aspect of Bourdieu’s theory describing a level of class.
Weber’s theory:
This article describes the 3 levels of poverty class. As presented n the article the Highest class in Class A property is highly valued by investors along with high-income tenants. Class B property has maintenance issues and buildings are usually older. Class C properties need major renovation. This way of classification supports Weber's theory of class level. Individuals are classified by the level of wealth which is a key part of Weber's theory.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
Family Tree
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During this fieldworks exercise I noticed after completing my kinship diagram that there are very interesting patterns that are occuring. I have observed that there a majority females in my family tree. Along with that I noticed that each side of my female only gives birth to one sex. On my fathers side his sibling have only gave birth to males. While on my mothers side her siblings have only given birth to sisters. Both sides of my family have continued to record our family tree which as helped to preserve my family.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
Nick jr.
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For this weeks field works I chose to watch Nick Jr with my 10 year old sister. In total I watched 12 ads which was 10 minutes altogether. At first I noticed that I was getting mainly female oriented ads. The ads I got were very “girlish” for example, Dora and Hair ads 5 in total . I believe the ads I received are influenced by the cartoon I was watch as well as the time. I was watching Shimmer and Shine at 10am on saturday. Shimmer and Shine features two female main characters. This most likely influenced the ads I got greatly. The ads were also targeted towards mothers mostly. Advertising items like Diapers, candles and Burlington. After Shimmer and Shine ended Paw patrol came on. Paw patrol has a boy main character with mostly male dogs and a few female dogs. to my surprise I got more neutral ads then boy targeted ads. I got 2 clear boy targeted ads and 6 neutral ads. The boy ads ads both had blue in the ad and all boy actors. For the neutral ads I got advertised sears, xfinity, and abcmouse.com. These ads all had a similar theme of family. These ads had one main color like red for xfinity and the other colors were plain. I believe that we create our gender roles mostly because young children learn from what they are exposed. From this field works I have found that the cartoon or show you are watching plus the channel will decide weather you receive boy or girl ads and more ads neutral ads play during boy targeted cartoons are on.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
For this assignment you will examine your own family's history and its relationship to ethnicity and nationalism. 
For this assignment I interviewed my Mother and Father. My Mother side of the family are Bennings (last name) which my mother hyphenates with my Fathers last name Waller and  McMicheaux . On my mother's side, my family has lived in North America since 1827. Most of them from Topeka, Kansas  
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My oldest known ancestor I could find is my great Grandmother Lela Bursy. She is Native Cherokee along with being registered on the Dawes Rolls. The Dawes Rolls, also known as the "Final Rolls", are the lists of individuals who were accepted as eligible for tribal membership in the "Five Civilized Tribes": Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles. (It does not include those whose applications were stricken, rejected or judged as doubtful.) Those found eligible for the Final Rolls were entitled to an allotment of land, usually as a homestead.
As well as being in The Dawes Rolls she also walked the Trail of Tears. Which was  In 1830, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, which required the various Indian tribes in today’s southeastern United States to give up their lands in exchange for federal territory which was located west of the Mississippi River. Most Indians fiercely resisted this policy, but as the 1830s wore on, most of the major tribes – the Choctaws, Muscogee Creeks, Seminoles, and Chickasaws – agreed to be relocated to Indian Territory (in present-day Oklahoma In May 1838, the Cherokee removal process began. U.S. Army troops, along with various state militia, moved into the tribe’s homelands and forcibly evicted more than 16,000 Cherokee Indian people from their homelands in Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia. More than a thousand Cherokee – particularly the old, the young, and the infirm – died during their trip west, hundreds more deserted from the detachments, and an unknown number – perhaps several thousand – perished from the consequences of the forced migration. The tragic relocation was completed by the end of March 1839. 
Knowing this information about my Great grandmother I proudly say that I am Native American Cherokee. ALong with that I as embrace my african american ethnicity. My mother has told me stories of the horrors my  Great grandmother experienced at a young age. Those stories remind me to appreciate what I have a lot more. Such as having a safe home to live in with a loving family. 
My Father's side of my family are known as the Wallers and McMicheaux. This side of my family is very diverse spanning from Cuba, Mexico and Germany.
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 This is an image of my Great Grandfather Augustine Rodriguez  and Great  Great Grandmother Nancy Rodriguez. My grandfather was born in Cuba and my Grandmother is from Mexico. After moving from there origin places to Los Angeles California they began to start a family. They also brought there heritage and culture with them to American. During the holidays like christmas my family celebrates buy eating tamales. Along with this we celebrate CInco de Mayo. These celebrations have become more of a tradition in my family. For example during Thanksgiving my all of my family in maryland. Come together to make tamales and other traditional thanksgiving meals. As generations passed my family embraced their own culture as well as others. They identified as afro-americans, afro-latinos and african americans. There is little of my german ancestry it is very present in my father's genes. My family as played a big part in shaping my ethnicity and teaching me there culture.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
For this assignment you will examine your own family's history and its relationship to ethnicity and nationalism. How long has your family lived in this country? Where did they come from? Has your family embraced American Nationalism? If some of your family have migrated from other parts of the world, how do they integrate their American identity with their ethnic identity? The best sources of information for this exercise will be your own family members. Do not hesitate to conduct interviews.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
After reading chapter 5, select six key concepts regarding race or racism. Find relevant examples from the media (pictures, videos, articles, music, etc) for each. Include a brief explanation of how your media example illustrates the concept of race in a particular culture.
1. ”Asians are good at math”
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The image above is shows a common stereotype that “all asians are good at math”. This is a example of racism  “ Asian people aren’t seen as human beings; they are calculating machines. Asians are literally objectified, seen as capable of doing things at a speed and scale that “normal” people can’t do. In other words, they are dehumanized.”( https://theconversation.com/asians-are-good-at-math-why-dressing-up-racism-as-a-compliment-just-doesnt-add-up-128731) This  view of asians pictures them as being higher that another race due to genetics which is not true.
2.”tony hawks”
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The image above is of the Pro Skater Tony hawk. This term is used on the only stream platform twitch in niche communities. This term refers to all white people calling them “tony hawks”. This term is often used by black content reactors. The content creator don't use the term in ill intention which doesn't make it exatible.. What's not exactable is that it is used as a calcification for a white people 
3.”indians only eat curry”
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The image above is of curry from https://www.sbs.com.au/food/article/2017/05/15/indias-most-popular-curry-butter-chicken. Not often by I hear that the stereotype that indians only eat curry. This is an example of racism saying a group of people only eat one thing is wrong.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
This week, choose one meeting of a class in which there is a fair amount of student participation and pay careful, analytical attention to the connections between gender and language in the virtual classroom.
1. Record how many men and women are in the class. Keep a tally of how many times men speak (or post comments) and how many times women speak or post comments. Who speaks more often?
For my field work I chose to do an observation and analysis on my first class Public Health 200. This class starts at 10:00am. Most of the class is in the room around 5 minutes after the start of class. I recorded that there are 30 women and 13 men in the class. Due to there being more women in the the class that group spoke more often. I tallied women spoke 15 to men speaking 7 times. Before this observation I didn't notice how many women where in my class compared to men. 
2. Record the average of how long people speak or the average length of their comments. Record the average of the number of words they use. If they are written comments, you can copy and paste them into a document and count them after class.
On average students spoke for 13 seconds . Students often ask for definitions of a term or for the teacher to clarify something. Which makes the average becomes short. Although there where a good amount of questions of statements students made that became outliers for example a student gave there opinion on a topic which lasted 45 seconds. The amount of time students spent talking also shocked me I thought students where speaking for a much longer a mount of time. 
3. What are differences in body language, eye contact, and style of speaking between the men and women?
There where many differences that appeared between men and women. I big difference I noticed was the tone or how loud someone would speak. Women often spoke in quiet tone. Often time the teacher could not hear what the women said. Which then made others repeat what she said to the teach to hear. On the other hand men where much louder in projecting there voices. This is most likely caused by the l=small amount of men in the class so making you voice heard is important. I also noticed that women would use “um” more than men when speaking. Most question from women were longer than men. Both groups maintained eye-contact with the teacher.
5. Is the instructor a man or woman? How do they encourage or discourage communication? Consider their body language and gaze.
The instructor for my class is man. The instructor is very good with encouraging communication between him and his students. After a student would ask a question he would say “very good question”. This statement encourage students to speak up and as more.Along with that he would ask if there where any question after a long section of instruction. The instructors body language is very open which invites students in to speak.The instructors gender doesn't effect of students interreact with him. He address each student with the same respect and each student returns the same amount of respect. 
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
Quote from Tupac -Keep Ya Head Up
“When you come around the block,
brothahs clown alot. But please don’t cry, dry your eyes never let up.
Forgive but don’t forget, girl keep ya head up.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
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1.What location did you choose? What drew you to it? Describe what you found.
I choose to observe Reginald F lewis school track. This school was founded in 2002 . It was named after now passed Reginald F lewis. He was a very well know African American business man. He was the richest black man in American in 1980s.(https://reginaldflewis.com/bio/). Along with being named after him the school is business focused school. I choose to observe this track because I began my running career there. I have used this track for over 5 years. Although the track is old and beat up I still respect and love it . During observation I found that the smell of car gas was and smoke were dominate smells. The track is located along Pinewood street so many, cars pass by making it smell like car gas. I also observed that many people enter the track smoking and drop the cigar in the trash after entering. Thats what most due but now and then people smoke while on walking around the track. The track is located in a predominantly African American area which results in the visitors being predominantly African American . Although this is true many people of different races come to the track. The visitors of the track consist of families of around 4 on average, runners, walkers, field players . The families usually have small children around the ages of 10 and below. The runners on average run up to 2.5 miles before stopping. Most of the runners stop during the run and walk for a short period of time before running again. Walkers have walk a distance of 1.5 miles on average. They usually stay in the outside lanes out of the way if the runners who are on the inside lanes. The felid players play football with on average 4 other players. They don’t play for long on average the play for 40 minutes which is a drastic difference compared to the others staying for 2hrs.
2. What did you notice in your observations that you’ve never noticed before?
Something new I noticed was how long or short people stayed at the track. When I am at the track I am usually running a strict workout with little recovery.So I am not usually paying attention to how long every is staying. I noticed that there people stay for about 40 minutes on average.
3. What is absent that you might have expected to find?
I expected to see more pople with dogs. When I am usually running I constantly run into dogs chasing me down. I didn’t see one dog go to the track on the day I observed which tells me that dog walks are not that common. Mostly likely due to how crowded the track gets mid day.
4. Can you determine anyways in which this space has been impacted by COVID-19
Covid-19 has made most poelpe spread out more and wear masks while walking . There are 6 lanes on the track and people stay in the 6th lane, sometimes in the grass. This was especially true when covid was at its peak .When I went observes people wear spread out but less mask were worn. The amount of people has decreased compared to pre-covid.Which means people still want to workout .
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
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The image above is a picture of my manga. Manga are Japanese comic books and graphic novels. These books are my least needed things I own in my room. The purpose of me buying these books is to create and complete collection of various titles. Although I real want them they are unneeded. Most manga that is released can be view online for free there for making purchasing them is a waste of money logicly.
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The image above is a picture of my Dell desktop and monitor. Although I did not buy this computer is was donated to my for free. I have been using this computer throughout my school career from 5th grade- present. This computer is my most needed item in my room. It allows me to access the internet which gives you an endless amount of things to learn and discover.
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I have learned that most of the thing that I own in my room are wants. This tells me that I am a very advent consumer. Although most of my items are wants I still believe they are nesssary for my to live.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
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Take a picture of YOUR item (do not use google images) and answer the following questions in your post. The image above is a picture my persona computer mouse I use for my desktop known as IBM MO28UO 3 Button USB Optical Mouse Black . In order to make the familiar unfamiliar I need to learn the origins of the mouse.
What is the history of the item? Many reports claim that Doug Engelbart first thought of the idea for he mouse during a conference lecture. From that lecture he came up with e design for the first ever computer mouse in the 1960s. https://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/input-output/14/350/1546
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http://images.computerhistory.org/revonline/images/500004529-03-01.jpg?w=600 The image above is the patent made for the computer mouse or at the time known as something much harder to remember. Before the iconic name of "mouse" was found. This device was known as the "X-Y position indicator for a display system". Why was it called the mouse then? Doug Engelbart recalled, “No one can remember. It just looked like a mouse with a tail, and we all called it that.” The name is in its appearance.
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https://www.britannica.com/biography/Douglas-Engelbart The image above is the first computer mouse made from 1963-64 . Fashioned at the Stanford Research Institute, it had a carved wood casing and just one button.brick-like mechanism with one button on top and two wheels on the underside. The two wheels detected horizontal and vertical movement. Read more: http://www.madehow.com/Volume-5/Computer-Mouse.html#ixzz761Y8yRcb Where was your item made or manufactured? Most mice are manufactured in chinese assembly lines. New mice of prototypes are first ad in CAD(3D computer editing software) then made by hand. Designing and test of these product take up to 6 months to a year. A good portion of the mouse manufacturing process is manuel. The video below shows the full process of the mouses creation. https://youtu.be/GdwkFLLdgYI?t=449 What impact does the item have on your life? My mouse has slid across my desk countless times. I have clicked my mouse over ten thousands of times. My mouse has helped my navigate the web much more efficient than a finger pad on laptops. The main reason I love this mouse is its durability.The average lifespan of a computer mouse 3 years.I have had the IBM MO28UO 3 Button USB Optical Mouse Black for 6 years and it still gets the job done .
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
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Concept Map - Classwork
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
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The image above is a representation of uneven development of technology that has produced land fills of digital waste.
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jacksonwal ¡ 3 years
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The image above displays survivors fleeing from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. As they flee to the see this struggle represents the increase in migration that has been created though poor living conditions.
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