rhilex replied to your post: Those days when it feels as if the whole world...
Sending you hugs. <3
Thank you lovely. <3
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I’ll be alright, I’m just having a virtual grump about my very champagne, first world problems, hah.
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“I wish you all the best, and I’ll catch you guys on the midnight radio.”
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What I feel for you can’t be conveyed in phrasal combinations; It either screams out loud or stays painfully silent but I promise — it beats words. It beats worlds. I promise.
Katherine Mansfield (via wordsnquotes)
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Those days when it feels as if the whole world collectively decided to drop everything on you at once and you can’t do anything but try not to drown.
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Yeah. Those days are fun. I’m gonna stage a protest on behalf of my inability to even.
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You know at some point in their marriage, Kurt is going to come home unexpectedly and call out to Blaine and when he doesn’t get a reply the way he usually does when he knows Blaine is home early or had late classes that day, he’ll wander into their bedroom and see his husband folding laundry as follows:
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“Kurt, oh my God. How - how long have you been standing there?”
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a really long, but categorize d, ask meme
*Accidentally spills [[SPECIFY HERE]] on you*
*Slaps you*
*Kisses you on the lips*
*Bites your lip*
*Rubs your shoulders*
*Dumps ice water over your head*
*Winks at you*
*Flips hair at you*
*Throws a ball of paper towards you*
*Hands you a note, inside it says [[SPECIFY HERE]]*
*Slams the door shut behind you*
*Storms out of the room*
*Wraps my arms around you from behind*
*Kisses your neck*
*Nibbles on your earlobe*
*Tucks a strand of hair behind your ear*
*Strokes your hair*
*Caresses your cheek*
*Holds you in my arms*
“You’re cute and I’m horny. You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I see you like cardio… wanna go back to my place and do it together?”
“I’m sorry, but I just received a call for you. From heaven? I think they’re missing an angel.”
“Hold my hand? I’m afraid I’m getting lost in your eyes.”
“Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.”
“Are you a pokemon? Because I’d like to peek-at-chu.”
“If I had a dollar for every beautiful girl/guy I saw tonight, I’d have one dollar. Because the only beautiful girl/guy in here is you.”
“Maybe I could show you my [[SPECIFY ITEM]] collection. It’s back at my house, so we’d have to go there but…”
*Spills a drink on your shirt* “I’m so sorry! But if it’s any reassurance, I think that top would look better on my bedroom floor anyways.”
“I’m sorry, have we met before?”
“I don’t know you, but thanks.”
“You’re a very nice guy/girl, you know that?”
“We only just met… but I’d really like to see you again.”
“Do you think you could move your ass out of my friend’s seat?”
“It’s none of your business. We just met.”
“Hey I’m [[NAME HERE]] and my crazy ex-girlfriend/boyfriend is here and I was wondering if you’d pretend to date me so I can get them off my back?”
“I’m so sorry about that! Let me buy you a new sandwich.”
“Oh shit. I didn’t mean to trip you I swear, I’m sorry.”
“Did you get that email I sent you last night?”
“No, I’m serious. She/he brought a flask to work.”
“I overheard the boss and I think you’re about to be put up for a promotion!”
“I know what you’ve got in that top drawer.”
“I can’t believe you’re drunk at work.”
“You know, most people watch porn at home.”
“Your Netflix binge is using up all the broadband.”
“Stop torrenting, asshole! I have a report to send off to Japan in an hour and I can’t even open Gmail!”
“If you spent half as much time on doing your job as you do on World on Warcraft, maybe you’d have a chance at a promotion too.”
“You’ve been working here for 6 years and you don’t know where the break room is?”
“Didn’t you hear? [[NAME HERE]] and [[NAME HERE]] hooked up last night!”
“We lost the playoffs.”
“The girls team beat the boys!”
“I heard he/she got called into the principal’s office.”
“Apparently the swim team had an orgy after hours.”
“I heard they were fucking in the bathroom.”
“She/he’s been paying people to do their homework!”
“She/he fell running in the hallway and knocked out a few teeth.”
“I can’t believe we’re graduating this year.”
“Being a freshman sucks.”
“I slept with a sophomore last weekend.”
“She/he told me they were a junior!”
“Why are those freshmen staring at you?”
“Is there a reason everyone suddenly knows your name overnight?”
“How come everyone suddenly knows who I am?”
“Did you tell them about my [[INSERT SECRET HERE]]?!”
“I can’t believe you hooked up with my boyfriend/girlfriend.”
“I definitely failed that test.”
“I got an A on my essay!”
“Wow, there’s a stick wedged so far up your ass I don’t think I can even pull it out.”
“I’m sorry, but my number of fucks to give has officially reached a negative number.”
“Uranus called and said I’m huge and in the way.”
“I’m searching… searching… oh. Well would you look at that. I couldn’t find any fucks to give.”
“What’s the difference between a dolphin and you? Dolphins have brains.”
“Just because that’s mistletoe hanging above us doesn’t mean I’m going to kiss you.”
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“At this point you might as well ask for my autograph.”
“You know I’m right! I’m always right!”
“Shut up. Just shut up!”
“I don’t need to listen to this.”
“You’re lying.”
“I can’t believe you’d say that. Even in an argument, that was low of you.”
“I can’t look at you.”
“Don’t fucking touch me.”
“If you say one more word, I swear…”
“Pipe down, you’re making a scene.”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Now I know why people think you’re neurotic.”
“You must be crazy.”
“I’m not backing down.”
“You can’t hide the truth forever, you know.”
“What’s your issue?”
“You make me so angry.”
“This has nothing to do with you.”
“And… and I love you! It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along.”
“I don’t know how to say it. But you know what I’m trying to say, right?”
“I’ve never been good at this. I don’t do relationships. But I… I want to try with you.”
“You’re the one that I want.”
“I don’t care. I don’t give a shit, don’t you get it? I don’t give a flying fuck unless it has to do with you. I love you.”
“Please don’t say that. You know you’re the only one for me. Fuck everyone else.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. Every minute of every day. I could be standing in the shower or cooking breakfast, but you’re still the only thought on my mind.”
“I want to wake up next to you, everyday for the rest of my life.”
“I’ve always been afraid of commitment, okay? That’s why I sleep around.”
“I’ve never wanted to give love a try until now.”
“Please, don’t leave me.”
“I need you more than you will ever know.”
“I love you more than I could ever express in words.”
*Starts singing [[SPECIFY SONG NAME]] outside your door/window*
“I didn’t fuck him/her, I swear!”
“I brought vodka and ice cream.”
“You left your anal beads at my house. Wait… no, they’re just normal mardi gras beads.”
“I can’t believe you went without me!”
“I love you, I love you so much and you just don’t see it. What am I supposed to do?”
“I know you’re sad and upset. Let me be your distraction! I want to be your distraction!”
“I can’t find my apartment and I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“Let me in! I think I’m gonna throw up.”
“What do you think about this outfit?”
“Bend over.”
“It’s not going to get up by itself, you know.”
“I thought you’d be bigger.”
“Where did we leave those damned handcuffs?”
“I can’t find my vibrator.”
“Just set your phone on vibrate!”
“I want to fuck you until you’re raw and shaking.”
“That’s it… do a little striptease for me.”
“You can watch… but you can’t touch.”
“Be quiet! They’re going to hear us.”
“And get this… the new toy? It glows in the dark.”
“I’ve got two flavours. Cherry or fruit punch?”
“I want to be on top.”
“That is one fine ass.”
“You look like a screamer.”
“Let me tie you up.”
“What’ll our safeword be?”
“I love making you squirm.”
“Not my neck! It’s summer, I can’t wear a turtleneck in the sun.”
[TEXT] You dumped me for HIM/HER?
[TEXT] I can’t stop listening to our song.
[TEXT] My pillow still smells like you.
[TEXT] You left your cologne when you moved out. I used it up.
[TEXT] Do you even love me?
[TEXT] What happened to us?
[TEXT] I just want to eat bacon and see you naked. And then eat bacon off of you naked.
[TEXT] You never gave a shit about me.
[TEXT] I couldn’t care less.
[TEXT] Now you know how it feels.
[TEXT] I still love you.
[TEXT] I can’t stop thinking about all the times you told me you loved me… and wondering if they were lies.
[TEXT] You can’t have me if you can’t even get the three C’s. Chocolates, champagne, and candles.
[TEXT] I’m in the bath… come join me?
[TEXT] Don’t tease. You know I like it rough.
[TEXT] Bed, counter, or floor?
[TEXT] If you can get here in five minutes I’ll suck you off first.
[TEXT] What do you think about threesomes? And, what about foursomes?
[TEXT] You’ve been naughty, I’m going to punish you.
[TEXT] I can’t believe you just sent me that. I’m at work/school!
[TEXT] I fell down the stairs and… well, I’m in the ER.
[TEXT] ______ got injured during their game and I’m waiting with them at the hospital but I can’t do this alone.
[TEXT] Did you know your mother/father is at the hospital right now??
[TEXT] I was cleaning out the garage and I’m stuck under some boxes!! Please help before the spiders get me.
[TEXT] I don’t know what happened I was just cooking and then all of a sudden the pasta was on fire!
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chordover: @darrencriss oh Blaine!!! We love you! #powerbottom
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Words to describe someone's voice
adenoidal: if someone’s voice is adenoidal, some of the sound seems to come through their nose
appealing: an appealing look, voice etc shows that you want help, approval, or agreement
breathy: with loud breathing noises
brittle: if you speak in a brittle voice, you sound as if you are about to cry
croaky: if someone’s voice sounds croaky, they speak in a low rough voice that sounds as if they have a sore throat
dead: if someone’s eyes are dead, or if their voice is dead, they feel or show no emotion
disembodied: a disembodied voice comes from someone who you cannot see
flat: spoken in a voice that does not go up and down. This word is often used for describing the speech of people from a particular region.
fruity: a fruity voice or laugh is deep and strong in a pleasant way
grating: a grating voice, laugh, or sound is unpleasant and annoying
gravelly: a gravelly voice sounds low and rough
gruff: a gruff voice has a rough low sound
guttural: a guttural sound is deep and made at the back of your throat
high-pitched: a high-pitched voice or sound is very high
hoarse: someone who is hoarse or has a hoarse voice speaks in a low rough voice, usually because their throat is sore
honeyed: honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice but you cannot trust the person who is speaking
husky: a husky voice is deep and sounds hoarse (=as if you have a sore throat), often in an attractive way
low adjective: a low voice or sound is quiet and difficult to hear
low adverb: in a deep voice, or with a deep sound
matter-of-fact: used about someone’s behaviour or voice
modulated: a modulated voice is controlled and pleasant to listen to
monotonous: a monotonous sound or voice is boring and unpleasant because it does not change in loudness or become higher or lower
nasal: someone with a nasal voice sounds as if they are speaking through their nose
orotund: an orotund voice is loud and clear
penetrating: a penetrating voice or sound is so high or loud that it makes you slightly uncomfortable
plummy: a plummy voice or way of speaking is considered to be typical of an English person of a high social class. This word shows that you dislike people who speak like this.
quietly: in a quiet voice
raucous: a raucous voice or noise is loud and sounds rough
ringing: a ringing sound or voice is very loud and clear
rough: a rough voice is not soft and is unpleasant to listen to
shrill: a shrill noise or voice is very loud, high, and unpleasant
silvery: a silvery voice or sound is clear, light, and pleasant
singsong: if you speak in a singsong voice, your voice rises and falls in a musical way
small: a small voice or sound is quiet
smoky: a smoky voice or smoky eyes are sexually attractive in a slightly mysterious way
softly spoken: someone who is softly spoken has a quiet gentle voice
sotto voce adjective, adverb: in a very quiet voice
stentorian: a stentorian voice sounds very loud and severe
strangled: a strangled sound is one that someone stops before they finish making it
strangulated: strangled
strident: a strident voice or sound is loud and unpleasant
taut: used about something such as a voice or expression that shows someone is nervous or angry
thick: if your voice is thick with an emotion, it sounds less clear than usual because of the emotion
thickly: with a low voice that comes mostly from your throat
thin: a thin voice or sound is high and unpleasant to listen to
throaty: a throaty sound is low and seems to come from deep in your throat
tight: a tight voice or expression shows that you are nervous or annoyed
toneless: a toneless voice does not express any emotion
tremulous: if something such as your voice or smile is tremulous, it is not steady, for example because you are afraid or excited
wheezy: a wheezy noise sounds as if it is made by someone who has difficulty breathing
wobbly: if your voice is wobbly, it goes up and down, usually because you are frightened, not confident, or are going to cry
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Don’t worry. It’s gonna be just like taking a walk in the woods… 65 million years ago.
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So, I have this habit, it’s not the world’s most constructive habit but as a fan of Darren’s I actually like to read sides of arguments and keep an eye and ear out, you could say, about what his self confessed ‘haters’ think of his career post-Glee.
It’s a little like hate reading and while I don’t reblog or condone the act of running a blog purely to hate on someone or something (seriously, why devote energy to that?) I have to say, this tickled me:
I agree that his team his amazing and as much asI dislike him, I must say that he has really kept up his work profile since the end of Glee.I really wish people stopped saying he is not being successful, because being on Broadway was a huge coup, getting that Emmy nomination is defintely keeping his name afloat in Hollywood and is contributing to the narraive of success; doing a film right after Hedwig, and in the lead role, is also great for him. I still don’t like him, but there is no denying he is in a very good place caree-wise.
I’m not going to link to the blog because potential for wank and other things that I don’t wish on anyone but - privately, in my corner, I can’t help the little smile on my face at the fact a very outspoken and long time disliker of Darren conceded, hey, I may not like the guy but he’s doing alright.
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Ask Meme - F•R•I•E•N•D•S version
"Isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch-spit-on-your-neck fantastic?"
"I wanna quit the gym!"
"I wanna quit the bank!"
"You big tree..."
"How you doin'?"
"Wax the door shut. We're never leaving, ever."
"We were on a break!"
"I'm not great at the advice...can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"
"I tell people secrets, it makes them like me."
"[name] doesn't share food!"
"Three failed marriages, two illegitimate children....the personal ad writes itself."
"Well I couldn't tell her I was naked. She's allowed to see me naked."
"Why does anybody have to be naked?"
"Because, sometimes after you sleep with someone, you have to kill a fish."
"Are you sure you peed on the stick right?"
"It's not that common. It doesn't happen to every guy. And it is a big deal!"
"No one ever listens to me. When the package is this pretty, no one cares what's inside!"
"Oh my God. You still have feelings for me, don't you?"
"In my defense, it was dark, and he was a very pretty guy!"
"Whoa, whoa, kindergarten flashback."
"Whoa, whoa, prom night flashback."
"Awww. Oh no, wait a minute. I have no one!"
"I have no idea what's going on but I'm excited."
"I'm so excited I may vomit."
"Hey, if we were in prison, you guys would be like my bitches."
"It was 18 pages. Front and back!"
"You're my lobster."
"Stick out your tongue."
"Take off your shirt!"
"Yeah, I know it must be important to you when you start chattering like a monkey."
"You know what they say, ask your slippers a question...you're going crazy."
"Did you see the kid on that nose?"
"We saw them doing it through the window. Actually, we saw them doing it up against the window."
"Crossed the line? You're so far past the line! The line is a dot to you!"
"I know they call this a loveseat, but I'm not feeling anything special towards you."
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Your First Impression of Me vs Impression of Me Now (Anonymous or Not)
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