jaigeyed · 2 years
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Gonna try and do some clones with their Force Signatures as described in @alamogirl80’s Mandalore Cody AU story “And I’ll Follow the Light in You”
Good story, highly recommend!
First up is Commander Wolffe
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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Captain Rex | The Clone Wars 7.03
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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jaigeyed · 2 years
reblog if you want to receive angst inducing anons
e.g. asks about tough subjects for your muse, blaming/guilt-tripping, bringing up fears, pointing out insecurities, etc.
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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     ★ +18 ★ Indie ★ Selective ★ Private (mutuals only) ★
Like or reblog for me to check you out! Info can be found on the pinned post! Non-RP blogs, don’t interact with this post!
credit: x
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jaigeyed · 2 years
living with parrots is a lot like what life with the 501st/Skywalker/Tano/[occasionally]Kenobi must be like for rex.
too much silence? suspicion.
too much noise? suspicion.
not paying enough attention to them and hear a whole new kind of noise? suspicion.
if i fail to give them the attention they feel they deserve, they will cause problems on purpose.
Tiny tyrants under the cut.
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jaigeyed · 2 years
     @jaigeyed​ started following you 
     Without a single word, Ahsoka was running forwards and hug tackling Rex in a tight embrace. No she wasn’t letting him go for a few hours. No matter how much she told herself she didn’t miss this life she couldn’t deny she missed him. Sometimes it was just nice to feel he was real. To hear his heart beating still was a comfort unlike any other.
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“Hey.” Came to her soft murmur against his shoulder.
Even on a galactic scale, time was passed by the tempo of beating hearts, and it was no different for a Clone cursed for the half-life of any human. However, Captain Rex was not just any human or any Clone; he was a Clone Trooper, a Captain in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic, which meant that as little as he was seen in the eyes of the people, he did mean something.
If nothing else, he meant something to her.
From that first moment, the scrawny Padawan looked at him and tried to perform some comparative rank and file math to figure out that she was technically his superior officer, to the moment when she led Torrent into battle with her strategies scored into the Captain’s memories, and all those precious little moments in-between, Ahsoka Tano might as well have hung for the firmament and held it together with her force of will along, at least as far as the Clone Captain was concerned.
She was his ad’ika, his Jetii’ika, and his friend—The place she held in his heart would have no comparison, not even for his Ori’vod, Commander Cody, or for his last surviving Vod’ika, the resurrected Echo.
A warm surprise of laughter bubbled out of his broad chest, and he indulged himself with a single arm around her shoulders and the curl of his arm to pull her just a little closer into his chest plate.
All it took was this moment for Rex to forever decide that he would, as long as allowed, never ever reveal to her the heartbreak he had when General Skywalker stood in front of the 501st and announced that the Commander would not be returning. Of course, it wasn’t just his heart to break, but the whole of the battalion, and Torrent took it the worst.
Rex had not been the only clone to leave his fingerprint on her, to burn the score of his memory into the Little Learner that became the young woman she was now. With so many gone, Ahsoka would be their living memorial long after Rex’s bones would turn to dust. She had the mischief of Hardcase, the sharp, independent wit of Fives, the gentleness of Tup, the strategic mind of Echo—oh! He would have to tell her that Echo was alive! That was one good thing among so many losses—
When she had left the 501st, gone without a word to the boys behind her back, she had taken a piece of every single man with her, and Rex knew she probably had no idea how large the pieces were. More significant than any other had been the Captain’s heart himself.
Not that it was evident for her, not when he pulled away and held onto her biceps under the grip of his black gloves. For his pale gold eyes shined with the warmth of safak light, and his smile was of dusk before the twilight; Cody had always said that Rex was their golden boy.
He shined brighter for one else but her.
“Commander Tano—” he said, beaming his crooked grin while he drank up her sight from head to toe; he had the compulsion to count for all ten fingers and ten toes, make sure she had gained weight along with her height.
For her, he played amusement and joy in his voice. For the first time in so long, it was genuine when he said, “I see Coruscant couldn’t you drag into its underworld; good to see you haven’t become one of the undead.”
If Ahsoka alone couldn’t light up the dark, then the beaming love from her best Clone friend sure could, now that she just knew that she was there, alive, with proof of her safety. His affable temperament radiated off of him in waves through the neoprene bodysuit, down the plastoid moldings of his armor, and pierced through the cold with the depth of his golden eyes.
“It’s good to see you, kiddo. What have you been doing to pass the time?” He asked, not even daring to make her feel the burden he carried by the loss of her from his life. It was warm and gentle through him, the same they had always had.
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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A sketch that turned out better than expected
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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reblog this post to be added to the STAR WARS MASTERLIST with your muse’s name, whether they’re canon or original character, or if they’ve got a SW verse.
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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Fox with a fox!
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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Neon Lads!!
Honestly, this is the longest I've stuck with a series and I've had so much fun doing these!! They're in mostly chronological order; I started rex after rewatching john wick and getting hyped on all that neon. Here's to many more!
rex | cody | fives | echo | wolffe | fox | bly | hardcase
fives tutorial
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jaigeyed · 2 years
Good evening, irrelevant headcanon time:
Rex is one of those people that sneezes like 6 or more times in a row rapidly and is completely incapacitated for the entire duration. Kix started counting them outloud once during one of Rex's sneezing fits and now its just a thing - they count how many times he sneezes and cheer at the end of his sneezing fit and no matter how many times Rex tells them to just fuck off its a tradition now and they wont.
Cody can suppress a sneeze because he has strength of a fucking god but he pulls the worst faces while he does it. Boil does an incredibly accurate recreation of this expression that he pulls out as a party trick.
Commander Wolffe sneezes like a weapon of mass destruction and pretends he isnt embarassed about it
No one has ever heard Doom sneeze since he was a cadet. Has he sneezed since then? If commander doom sneezes in a forest and theres no one around to hear it did he really sneeze at all? (He has mastered sneezing quietly. He can disguise it as clearing his throat. Why? Just seemed polite)
Fox sneezes and swears immediately afterwards, every single time. Usually under his breath. Sometimes very loudly.
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jaigeyed · 2 years
An I ask for a drawing request? Maybe Anakin and Rex?
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Heya! Thanks for the sketch request x
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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sergeant-hunter’s 1k celebration
> for @vanilla-chip-101 ‘s request
make me choose: rex or howzer
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jaigeyed · 2 years
This is actually a re-draw of an old post of the same title I shared a while ago. I've copy pasted/attached the same caption as the original post. You know the drill---click photos for higher resolution
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The commander rarely sleeps in his quarters. In fact, he rarely sleeps at all. He pulls rank to dismiss Thorn's concerns, saying he has a lot of work to finish. But really, he doesn't want to face the nightmare he's been having since the warehouse incident. So he works till he can't see straight, and he lets exhaustion knock him out into a dreamless slumber. Most of the time, fatigue keeps the dream away. But every now and then, no matter how bone-tired he is, he sees ARC-5555 and the gaping chest wound he gave him.
ARC-5555 never speaks. He just points towards him and the voices of brothers he can't see start to chant, "Vod'kyramud, vod'kyramud, vod'kyramud" (brother killer, brother killer, brother killer). The whispers are steady, monotonous, emotionless. Not accusatory or condemning; simply resigned. Vod'kyramud. That's me, Fox thinks.
But then the whispers grow strained, agitated, distorted. The many voices morph into one till the quiet, familiar chorus is replaced by a booming, sinister rasp. Good soldiers follow orders.
Pain erupts in his head. Fire and ice run through his veins at the same time. He feels everything, and nothing all at once. He can't breathe. Good soldiers follow orders.
Fox gasps and jolts himself awake. He's in his office chair. The lights are still on. His chrono says it's 0400. It's quiet.
Fox sighs. He reaches across his desk for his caf thermos. It's a new day. His stack of yesterday's flimsi's is still looming over the agenda he assigned for today. Work, pass out, rinse, repeat. Repetition of the same orders to the brink of insanity. Such is the life of a soldier of the Republic. But Fox is a good soldier. And good soldiers follow orders. 
Mando'a Text: Vod'kyramud (brother killer)
Basic Text: Good soldiers follow orders
I seem to keep drawing the same scenario ft. the same people, but what can I say? Fox and Fives are my (dis)comfort characters 🙃
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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jaigeyed · 2 years
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my talented partner back at it again with some stylin CODYS!!
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