jameshpuff · 1 year
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jameshpuff · 2 years
The sun transiting your houses (same applies for solar return charts) ♡
It's interesting to observe how each season impacts us. Check this list for every season to see how it resonates. For example, right now libra season just started. Which themes will this bring up for you?
When the sun is transiting houses from 1-8, this is when you will see most inward and less exteriorized change, but also the times when you can be a lot in your comfort zone. Depending on the sign that house is in, these are some of the possible changes you can go through:
Sun transiting:
1st house - change in the way you view your body, working our more or less, changing your style, changing your appearance, building a strong personality, being gossiped about, being more confident.
2nd house - strong self worth, gaining your own money, financial stability, winning a contest, getting gifts, buying yourself gifts, doing better at work, buying yourself a car, a house or an apartment.
3rd house - changes in thinking patterns, being more positive or feeling low and anxious, having social anxiety or socializing to the max, research, learning, short distance travel, being in your hometown, changing the relationship with your siblings, welcoming a new sibling, expressing yourself, standing up for yourself, being bullied, starting a business.
4th house - spending time with your family, taking care of a family member, staying in a lot, reflecting, being emotional, building a family, feeling cozy, getting comfortable, getting lazy, feeling melancholic, focus on the relationship with your mom or a mother figure.
5th house - having a children, spending time with children, going out, remembering childhood memories, socializing, going wild, all eyes on you, being yourself, confidence, shining, finding romance, having a fling, feeling flirty.
6th house - building a new habit, being more disciplined, finding a new routine, doing things you were postponing, feeling bored, feeling uninspired, health checks, health problems, working out, being in nature, being more present, criticizing yourself and others, being nitpicky, getting a new pet.
7th house - changing up your relationships with other people, building a strong long term relationship, finding your soulmate, getting engaged or married, people's behaviors reflected on you, not feeling like yourself, not recognizing yourself, noticing new things about the way you are, networking, working on a project with someone else.
8th house - feeling vulnerable, getting into occult, getting into astrology and tarot, feeling intuitive, having prophetic dreams, thinking about death a lot, opening up to people, building connections, deep conversations, mental health check, negative thinking, obsessions, caring too much, taking things personally, raw growth, a loss, shadow work, transformation, rebirth, sexual fantasies, lots of sex, intimacy, possessiveness, paranoia.
When the sun is transiting houses from 9-12, this is when you will see most outward change in your life and change that gets you out of your comfort zone physically, after you had the initial inward change. Depending on the sign that house is in, these are some of the possible outward changes you can go through:
9th house - travel, moving, changing your belief or religion, adopting a new spiritual practice or somehow commuting, starting a long distance relationship, studying, learning something new, making a big mistake, overlooking things, getting a lot of wisdom, visions of your future self, sports, new life philosophy, being careless, taking decisions on a whim.
10th house - interviews, career change, promotions, bad news career wise, having to deal with authority or changes in the relationship dynamic with your father, showing up into the world, becoming famous, big achievements, reputation or status change, earning money, structuring your life.
11th house - socializing, meeting your friends group, building a community, going to events, going to protests, standing up for a cause, planning for the future, finding your soul tribe, becoming famous or isolating yourself, buying a new phone or any other technological gear, learning a new skill, overthinking, wanting to stand out.
12th house - spiritual awakening, vivid dreams, going wild, showing your shadow side, becoming aware, going to therapy, doing shadow work, having visions, connecting with your ancestors, starting or quitting an addiction, endings, depression, feeling low and lost, giving birth, being born.
These are just major themes, it also depends a lot on the dynamic of your chart, however it's nice to know what to expect, but please do not think bad things will happen or something, take it as they come ♡
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jameshpuff · 2 years
2. High priestess
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The ultimate symbol of balance and manifestation
Astrological sign or planet - The Moon
Element - water
Key meanings - secrets, wisdom and the spiritual world
YES card
represents the principle of the divine feminine
her gift is wisdom
2- she lives in a dual life
unseen change, tides, and seasons, going with the low, spiritual law
♦ Qualities of the card - mystery revelation, secrets, the veil between worlds ★ Associated object and location - a curtain, a border crossing objects associated with the occult, a book, tall pillars
❃Upright meaning
hidden knowledge
time for incubation or privacy
confidentiality - keep your plans secret
a sign to follow your intuition
home - quiet time, relations between family members may be calm but a little distant
relationships - being single for a time; if you are in a relationship you or the partner choose to keep a part of his life secret/separated
career and money - success is coming but contracts and new work takes time to nurture - you can only be patient
health - it is necessary to focus on matters such as reproductive health
❃Reversed meaning
inappropriate mentor
choosing the temporarily wrong path
you might be listening to bad advice
love - attraction is set to high heat, but like flying too close to the sun, this lust comes with its own complications
family - it can highlight an undercurrent of discontentment within the family home
work - If you are currently considering making a big financial commitment, make sure you have full clarity and disclosure before proceeding
health - If you have already had a medical check-up recently you should seek a second opinion
you are too cautious in your decisions
+ Queen of Swords = strength of will, following your path
+ 8 of Pentacles = study, knowledge, reward
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jameshpuff · 2 years
1. The Magician
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You have potential to be a success in many areas of your life
Planet - Mercury - Hermes Element - Air Key meaning - action, creativity, success YES card
he stands for decisions and creativity
success, creativity, skills, ability, self-confidence, initiative, power
♦ Qualities of the card - magic, invention, trickery, communication ★ Associated object and location - a wand, a pen, a satellite dish, a communication cable
✾Upright meaning
time for action, for communicating and expressing ideas/
card of the investor, the traveler
focus on your projects - good time to start new projects
natural abilities and personal strength are high
home - house sale
relationship - if you are single and want love - it is coming; if you are in a relationship -show love in action, you will begin to see a commitment
career and money - finding a new direction in your existing work
health - potential for depression; focus on the good health that you desire and only on that
✾Reversed meaning
trickery - being misled by a charming manipulator
delays to travel plans
not working at your full potential or ignoring your talents when they would be useful
an important opportunity slipped by without notice
relationship - If you are concerned about a partner not being completely truthful, chances are that these feelings are correct
family and home - a lack of direction for household stability
work and finances - lack of communication, resisting advicec,
health - bad habits (such as smoking, drinking, or eating unhealthy foods) are coming back to haunt a person
+ Minor Arcana = which area you should pay attention
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jameshpuff · 2 years
0/22. The Fool
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✧The Fool is the card of wild abandon and new beginnings Planet-Uranus - independence, free spirit Element-Air Key Meaning-Innocence, risk, and beginning YES card
he is the innocent adventurer about to begin an important journey
idealistic rather than practical
dreamer, lead by his needs
entering a new cycle with enthusiasm
✶Qualities of the card - comedy, freedom, weirdness, the unusual ★ Associated object and location - a toy clown, a strange piece of music, a key, a small dog
✵Upright meaning
it’s never too late to begin a new path and follow your heart’s desire
new enterprises and educational courses
brings an opportunity to start over
have courage, commit to your path
home - young person leaving home for the first time,
relationship - new relationship, time to pursue new love, to feel silly with someone, or just to fall unconditionally in love with you
career and money - new opportunity in your current job
health - now is the time to get up off the couch and to pursue an activity that you have never pursued in order to help matters of the circulatory system as well as to strengthen the muscles for overall health.
✵Reversed meaning
negligence, bad decision, carelessness, distraction, stupidity, imprudence, absence, exhaustion, mistakes, hesitation, abandonment, lack of material assets
his mouth works ahead of his brain
you may be lazy and apathetic, you can feel abandoned by spirits or filled with regrets
relationship - new relationships - a false start; for established romantic - impulsiveness and a need to stop and smell the roses and to check in on responsibility in life
family and home - a need to shake up routine
work - a person trying hard in the areas of job or money, but not getting the results they want
health - a time of high activity; focus on stress reduction
+ Ace of Cups = New love
+ Ace of Pentacles = New money
+ Ace of Wands = New initiatives
+ Ace of Swords = New success
+ 3 of Swords = Travel
+ 8 of Wands = Movement, messages, activity
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jameshpuff · 3 years
solar return guide
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㋡ hiiiii everyone i am back with some more solar return content ! in this guide, i will dive more into everything i’ve learned about solar return ♡
disclaimer. not a professional astrologer, just passionate about astrology <3 i’m still learning but i want to share what i know with yall (*´∇`*) + these are not my photos and gifs
➤ i highly recommend you check out my “introduction to solar return” post before reading this if you haven’t ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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what is a solar return chart ?
a solar return chart can give you insights on the general themes & events that might happen in the year ahead
it’s only valid for a year when the sun returns to the exact degree of your natal sun until it goes another round and returns there once again the next year (in which you’ll have to generate another chart)
some things to keep in mind #
since the planets’ movements through the signs are limited (except for mars) & outer planets move sooo slow, house placements are seen more important as they bring more significant differences each year
remember !! planets are energies, signs are qualities, and house are areas
planets show what kinds of energy
signs that the planets fall in show how those energies are expressed
houses where they’re at show which areas of life those energies are applied to
you can already feel your SR year during three months prior to your SR birthday. for some it might be a bit later, but generally what happens near the start of your SR year can predict the overall theme of that year
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your approach to life, first/immediate reaction to situations and people, suggests the main theme of the year, health issues, problems and matters throughout the year, the part of your personality that will rise to the surface
your ascendant will be the first energy/change that you’d feel when entering a new SR year. SR and natal planets in 1H and/or conjunct with SR ascendant will influence this as well
the natal houses that the SR ascendant falls into will show some issues from the area that will be highlighted, as well as the types of people that would be prominent in your year
ex. 3H siblings, 6H coworkers, 7H relationships & business partners
it’s important to note the SR chart ruler, aka ruler of the ascendant.
aries & scorpio ruled by mars
taurus & libra by venus
gemini & virgo by mercury
cancer by moon; leo by sun
sagittarius & pisces by jupiter
capricorn & aquarius by saturn
those are traditional rulers. for modern rulers, the only changes are scorpio by pluto, aquarius by uranus, pisces by neptune, and the rest are the same. again a preference thing, see what relates to you more
aries ⇢ new beginnings, initiative, pioneering, courageous, impulsive, impatient, action-oriented, energetic, straightforward, fiery, argumentative
taurus ⇢ financial security, material possessions, self worth, value, patient, beauty, commitment, stubborn, chill and calm
gemini ⇢ communicative, learning, picking up many interests, sociable, curious, nervous, overthinking, exchanging information, restless, adaptable, hard to pin down/commit
cancer ⇢ more affectionate and emotional, fluctuating moods, caring, feelings, family, responsive to others’ needs, need for comfort
leo ⇢ being confident, hobbies, having fun, being yourself, creativity, romance, children, attracting fame, more self-expression
virgo ⇢ work, routine and habits, health, analytical, planning, be careful of worrying too much or thinking too negatively, tendency to overthink, wanting to be helpful to others, attentive to details
libra ⇢ negotiations, diplomatic, glow up/looking good all year, beauty, aesthetics, lawsuits, partnerships, socializing, maintaining peace in relationships
scorpio ⇢ going through transformations, getting rid of old habits, intense emotions, powerful, shared resources, legacies, obsessive tendencies, having control, occult, sex, psychic, extreme
sagittarius ⇢ traveling, higher education, faith and beliefs, adventurous, freedom, carefree, fun, spirituality, philosophy, exploring, optimistic, deeper understanding, higher knowledge
capricorn ⇢ working towards personal goals, hardworking, responsibilities and burdens, serious, mature, focus on career & reputation, public image
aquarius ⇢ networking, independent, rebellious, innovative, technology, groups and communities, friends, hopes and dreams, revolutionary, unique, online activities, non-conforming
pisces ⇢ dreamy, creative, escapism tendencies, spirituality, sensitive to energies, letting go of habits/relationships/things that don’t serve you anymore, mental health, imagination, selfless, transitioning
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1ST HOUSE. yourself, your personality, identity, ego, self perception, how you view yourself, how you present yourself
2ND HOUSE. your values, finances, income, possessions, money & material life, self-worth, self-esteem, your surroundings
3RD HOUSE. your communication, ideas, learning style, school life, how you interact with others, relationships with your immediate surroundings (siblings, relatives, neighbors, etc), short trips, transportation
4TH HOUSE. your home situation, family, retreat, emotional life, relationship with parents, what’s hidden from the public eye, comfort place
5TH HOUSE. your self-expression, romance, love affairs, creativity, flirting, pleasure, sex, relationship with children, fun, gambles
6TH HOUSE. your daily routine, health, work, habits, responsibilities, service to others, relationship with coworkers
7TH HOUSE. your one on one relationships, marriage, love that is with commitment, business partnerships, co-operation, negotiation, legal matters, open enemies
8TH HOUSE. your transformation, shared resources, inheritance, death, rebirth, regeneration, sex, privacy, finances, other people’s money, intimacy, debt, the occult
9TH HOUSE. your beliefs, opinions, higher education, long-distance traveling, deeper knowledge, mental exploration, public expression of ideas
10TH HOUSE. your career, public life, public image, how others view you, personal aims and goals, profession, reputation, power, status
11TH HOUSE. your long-term dreams and goals, hopes, social groups, friends, acquaintances, organizations
12TH HOUSE. your solitude, spirituality, mental health, peace, foreign lands, secrets, limitations, hidden enemies
SUN. your main focus for the upcoming year, shows where you shine the most, where most of your energy is at
— check which natal house does SR sun falls into
MOON. your emotional side, needs, where you seek comfort, how you express your feelings, habits, the house it’s in shows which area of life you’re emotionally tied to
— check which natal house does SR moon falls into
MERCURY. focused thoughts, what you think and talk about, your way of learning, how you communicate, mental condition
VENUS. love and romance, beauty, your aesthetics, how you spend money, attraction, where you indulge/find pleasure in, financial situation
MARS. where energy is released/lost, what you’re passionate about, where lots of efforts are poured into
JUPITER. brings expansion, growth, exploration, higher understanding, luck and opportunities
SATURN. karmic lessons, brings delays and restrictions, responsibilities, challenges, brings rewards if you keep working hard on it
URANUS. unexpected/sudden changes, out of our control, lessons from attachments and separations
NEPTUNE. illusions, possible deceptions, brings confusion, creativity, service, brings escapism tendencies
PLUTO. brings major transformations, obsession, desires, power and control
RETROGRADE PLANETS. planets that are more internally focused, need review & reflection, need to pay attention to
mercury rx – pay attention and review how you communicate and learn, process information gathered, how you transport (by car, train, etc)
venus rx – review how you love, your values, self-worth, how you indulge in pleasure
other planets take longer to go in retrogradation, so take notice when it changes direction in your SR chart (direct to retrograde/retrograde to direct)
the sun stays in a sign for approximately a month. check the transitioning sun to see which house and sign its in, as well as the planets it conjuncts, to see when an event may occur
for example,
this (non-existent) person has their solar return birthday start when the sun transits into libra, making late september & early october the first month of their SR year
let’s say they SR saturn is in scorpio, which means they will encounter a karmic experience around the next month when sun transits into scorpio, especially when it conjuncts SR saturn
and it would be in regards to the area of life determined by the house that SR saturn is in. so 7H SR saturn = karmic lesson in relationship or business partnerships, 11H SR saturn = lesson in friend groups or social network
tips and resources
reading a solar return chart is just similar to interpreting a natal chart. the more you learn and know about general astrology the easier it is to read a solar return chart
instead of changing the settings to generate a solar return chart everytime, create a natal chart using your solar return info so you can compare them to the transits and also make a synastry chart between your natal and SR charts (to see aspects easier)
look into past solar return charts to see in which way does the planets personally affect you
solar return observations on tumblr ofc tho remember that they’re just observations
solar return interpretations made by other astrologers and that is posted online, such as cafeastrology
my solar return tag - with reblogs of wonderful solar return posts made by amazing astrologers and astro content creators <3 (oh and my SR content as well hehe)
intro to solar returns: a thread by @/austral_taur on twitter
a guide to solar returns by @/tinybluewiitch on twitter
solar return lesson by astrobabie on wordpress
solar return FAQS by mary shea
your solar return: a breakdown by adjust your sails
solar returns: understanding the houses made easy by starcrazypie
solar return read & learn by starsmoonandsun
interpreting the solar return by llewellyn
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© umepnnn 2021 – all rights reserved.
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jameshpuff · 3 years
When is the best time to get a haircut (transits) with an explanation please. Thank you and have a good day 😊.
Venus transiting your 1st House is generally the best for any physical changes as it can show a good outcome.
Transit Jupiter in 1st can also show positive outcome in a physical change.
Transit Venus conjunct your natal Venus - it will feel like it's your time for any beauty and aesthetic-related changes. It could be in appearance, style, general "glow-up" period.
Transit Venus in your 6th can show a good time for changes in a health-related routine, could show self-care on a physical level (the opposing 12th House could show self-care on a mental level)
The New Moon is a good time for a haircut.
What to avoid:
Mercury retrograde (although I'm 50/50 on this, always depends on the other aspects)
Avoid any harsh aspects (square, opposition) to your natal Venus. It can show unpleasant results, dissatisfaction with end result.
Mars or Uranus transiting your 1st. Throughout this time you may be prone to acting on impulse and making fast decisions that you can regret later.
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jameshpuff · 3 years
💢Sun in Partner's 12th House
The placement of the Sun in twelfth house of a partner’s chart suggests a somewhat intuitive ability to communicate. You are well “tuned in” to him, and there is a somewhat subconscious connection. You may be something of a “help-mate” to the other, especially with regard to understanding life as a whole. Frequently, this placement brings a complete change of perspective to this person whose twelfth house is visited.
💢Moon in Partner's 12th House
The Moon in partner’s twelfth house produces a strong emotional and intuitive link, making you extremely aware of one another’s moods and feelings. This denotes sympathetic understanding, empathy and mutual compassion. On the negative side, this placement can also stimulate each other’s self-destructive tendencies and encourage self-deceptions and hangups. In any case, there is a strong psychic link and a deep intuitive awareness.
💢Mercury in Partner's 12th House
Mercury in partner’s twelfth house denotes a mutual interest in the hidden or the occult, psychology, or perhaps even creative endeavours. When Mercury falls in the twelfth house there is a special interest in the partner’s attitude toward life in general, and with this a special understanding of this partner’s vulnerable points, placing this Mercury native in a position to give helpful advice. If aspects are unfavourable, however, this advice giving may be resented.
💢Venus in Partner's 12th House
Venus in partner’s twelfth house denotes close psychic and emotional link in the relationship. You are sympathetic and compassionate toward each other, and this may be the basis of the attraction.
💢Mars in Partner's 12th House
Mars in partner’s twelfth house suggests a good deal of action and interchange, between the two of you, at a subconscious level. You may be involved in behind-the-scenes or possibly secret activities. In some cases, if Mars is badly aspected, each may practice some form of psychological cruelty on the other. On the more positive side, you can work together in compatible ways dealing with charitable service, religion, hospitals and such. However, most of the time the Mars person may think the partner is lost in a dream world.
💢Jupiter in Partner's 12th House
Your partner's Jupiter here can open this up even further. You may feel exposed when your partner's Jupiter falls in your twelfth house, like your mate can see into your unconscious more than you would like. This can lead to forthright conversations about these issues or, in some cases, it can just be too uncomfortable and lead you to run for the hills.
💢Saturn in Partner's 12th House
Saturn can have the opposite effect of restricting this communication. Your partner's Saturn in your twelfth house can cause you to completely shut your partner out of this part of your psyche. Your partner will likely have no clue as to your deeper unconscious motivations and these issues will likely be avoided by you both.
💢Uranus in Partner's 12th House
Uranus in 12th House synastry relationships are based on an active mutual passion for the occult and psychology. A stable intuitive connection arises between the partners. The “Uranian” personality helps the Twelfth House person become more deeply aware of their capabilities at the subconscious level thanks to new worldviews allowing a different take at things and accessing the formerly dormant abilities of spiritual foresight.
💢Neptune in Partner's 12th House
You are psychically connected to where you are not only in tune with one and others feelings while near, you are also more than likely connected at a distance as well. You both will have a lot of compassion for one another, and can help each other get in touch with your more creative sides. The house person may have reoccurring or confusing, dreams of the Neptune person.
💢Pluto in Partner's 12th House
In the 12th house of secrets and the sub-conscious and unconscious. The house of self-undoing, sorrow, regret, healing, and psychiatry, in short, it's not an easy house. It's Neptune's house and things are always vague, unclear, mystical, spiritual.  It's also the house of past lives, and hidden things. It's the house of seeking help and healing. The Pluto person can obtain some great insights into the house person that may or may not be comfortable for the house person. The 12th house is a tricky house well much of Astrology is, but the 12th households, both our soul-mate and our nemesis, our healer, guru or spiritual guides so it's contradictory and complicated. This is typically a very powerful psychic connection where after time, you will notice the relationship happens so much on an unconscious level.
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jameshpuff · 3 years
Astrology Observations - Aries Edition
These are based on my personal observations.
1) What's with Aries placements and not sitting still? I know a person with Aries moon and he can't sit still for even one minute💀
2) Aries sun men can be the most narcissistic of all the zodiac signs. I'm sorry but every experience I've had with one or heard about was like that. @exoaelin2103 Thanks for sharing your views on this!!❤️
3) Aries Venus also have a tendency to be narcissistic too. I know a person with this placement at 0 degree and they are a huge narcissist. They are the type to say whatever they have is the best no matter what it is.
4) Aries placements anywhere in the natal chart is pretty recognizable even when the natal chart contains a lot of fixed signs. The shape of the head is a big giveaway. Every person who has an Aries placement that I've met always had small heads or big heads. There was never a neutral size.
5)I've always seen that the children of parents who have Aries placements seem to closer to them than anyone else. The children seem to be comfortable with the parent that has Aries placements.
6) The Aries risings I've noticed, usually men, were really thin when they were young and then they go through a phase of intense work outs and build muscles. They usually work out due to peer pressure around them.
7) Every Aries Venus I've known have done some kind of martial arts at one point in their lives.
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jameshpuff · 3 years
Mercury in houses
Take what resonates.
Apparantly unless you put it, people will definitely continue to steal your work, so DO NOT STEAL, COPY OR "REWORD" ANYTHING. Get your own shit ya'all.
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Tells about out intellect and how we communicate. Its own signs are virgo and Gemini. It is exalted in virgo, gemini is it's mooltrikona sign and it's Debilitated in pisces. It also signifies learning, business, trading, logic, short term travels, nervous system, skins, arms and intenstines. It also represents the maternal uncles.
(green is the colour of mercury, and I did the header color before I knew this, in sync much ��� wow)
Mercury in 1st:
These are witty and inquisitive. These are the kind to always Google everything. They like to the know the weirdest of shit. They may have a soft looking appearance. Could be slender even. May be soft spoken even. Generally use their words wisely, if mercury is afflicted then they tend to blurt things out. Talkative. Afflicted mercury is prone to constant headaches. Not the best for leadership roles. Fidgets a lot. Restless energy. Cannot seem to relax. Always running late. Has heightened nerves. Can come across the most friendly. May be not so. Has a very youthful persona in general. Can be Careless with themselves. Could have a self depreciating humour. Has a sense of humour in general . Tend to find and make even serious situations funny. If afflicted, anxiety is common. Self critical. Kind to be very interested in personality tests. Does crosswords,sudoku, puzzles often. Laughs a lot maybe. Flirty. If mercury isnt afflicted, thinks on their feet.
Mercury in 2nd:
Puts a lot of thought into earning money. Maybe a reckless spender(if a fire sign especially) or has been a keen saver since young. Even if a reckless spender they they become practical with money as they age. May earn livelihood as a teacher. Could work as a stock trader. Actually could be great with this unless there are bad aspects. Worries a lot about money even they might be spending a lot. Maybe spends a lot on skincare. Has the ability to influence people. Manipulative .Observant. Ability to detect lies, would stare the shit out of you till you confess. Maybe did well in mathematics. Very adaptable with jobs. Kind to be willing to do any kind of work. Maybe an independent learner since young or used to take initiative to gain knowledge since young. Probably reads books a lot, have been an avid reader since young. Someone in their immediate family may have something to do with teaching. I think this is a bit introverted energy preferring their solitude with their books but mask on their social face when occasions calls for so maybe not that introverted but an ambivert. They may have soft facial features. May have sloppy speech if afflicted. Good debating skills. Has a sweet tongue maybe. Banters with family. Has very inviting eyes, idk but something about thier eyes just makes you wanna look into their eyes a lot. Overall a very learned Placement.
Mercury in 3rd:
Effective communication abilities. Sweet voice or has the Ability to convince people easily. Has an influential speech. Has a friendly relationship with their sibling or cousins. Relationship where your cousins are really close. Maybe has been in the same school since young. If afflicted, has fear of speaking or putting out their opinions. Get jittery when they have to speak publicly. Highly intelligent. You don't want to debate them, they will destroy you with facts. Very clever with words. Even manipulative. Probably uses a lot of emojis while texting. Amazing memory. Inquisitive. Tech savy. Believe in solving conflicts with dialogue. Maybe your sibling is intelligent or smarter than you are, especially if it's a younger sibling. siblings may have been really clever. They were probably very athletic as a kid, always playing. If afflicted they may not be the most ethical or have the most high morals. They are youthful, childish and flirty. Smooth talkers. They have to really work hard and put efforts to achieve their goals, things may not come easily to them.
Mercury in 4th:
Playful and youthful childhood. Mother was probably Talkative. Both parents highly educated. Parents may have encouraged a good education, probably went out of their way to provide a good education. Homes that have a library. Either of the parent may have been a teacher once or writes very well. The kid who gets handwriting books as gifts in early childhood. Parents may have put in effort to teach you. Either of the parent has had a very friendly relationship with you. If afflicted, their wasn't much inclination towards education on your part, and this has been a subject to a lot of scoldings from your parents. Parents may be insistent on pursuing a more lucrative career options especially if Saturn has aspect or is in conjunction. You were probably Talkative as a child, who asks a lot of questions. Loves socializing, close with family and relates families, had a lot of fun get togethers probably. If afflicted, they think and worry a lot about their family. The kid who troubles while eating. Varied interests since childhood. May have been parts of various clubs in school. If home life was stressful, they develop anxiety and trust issues. Difficulty in commitment when they age. Impulsive energy. Communication is important when it comes to family matters, they want their opinion to be taken into consideration. Have ideas of businesses. Grows to have a business where they may Operate from their home. Humour they get from their parents, or parents in general were very jovial and friendly. Why am I thinking of amy Poehler from mean girls as the mom. Lmao.
Mercury in 5th:
Multiple hobbies. Kid who participated in many extra curricular. Amazing sense of humour. Flirty. Writer placement. They may financially gain a lot from using their intelligence. They may have a tendency to learn more about, stock market and earning through it. Kindergarten teacher. Teachers in general. The cool teacher. Promiscuous . Could have twins or has a lot of experience with people who have twins. Prodigy child. Spontaneous. Outgoing. If afflicted, nervous speaker in front of an audience. Again they are highly intelligent. And just likes to know various disciplines. Optimistic. Jovial. Very friendly. Probably learnt instrument as a child. If afflicted, may get skin allergies or develop a much sensitive skin after pregnancy if a woman. Or the child may just have a very sensitive skin. Tech savy. Into electronic music, or just really loud music. Observant. Very romantic. Looks for someone who is mentally stimulating, good kind obviously. One of the placement where the emotion and mind is in a balance. They are sentimental yet can think logically. Good entertainers. Artist placement. Make amazing musicians.
Mercury in 6th:
Smart, witty, logical thinkers. Quarrelsome, love debating. Would kill you with logic you can't win against them if they have a developed mercury. They may have some hidden enemies, like they don't know about them, it's more of a two faced situation. They think they are on friendly terms with someone and the next person be developing some devious plan against them. Knows how to use their words. Makes a good subordinate. Not really a leader, they can be but somehow prefer not to. Hates incompetence. Lot of nervous energy. Anxiety prone. Sensitive skin. Quick learners. Teacher's pet. The kid who reminds teacher of homework. If afflicted they can really have some nervous system disease. Practice breathing exercises please. Take your vitamins. Maybe loves documentaries. Comes across as know it all, when they are just trying to help. Updated on latest news. Can get really critical of people. Have a dissing others sort of humour. Can be self critical as well. Extremely helpful. Independent. Hightened Senses, amazing observational humour. Comes across insensitive. All work no play if afflicted.
Mercury in 7th:
The unemotional one in the relationship. Well not 100% obviously but they do tend to behave more logically when it comes to issues of relationships. The kind to tell you to take the job even if it means a long distance relationship. Promiscuous. Good communicators. Thinks a lot about relationships in general. Could be a little insecure if afflicted. Anxious about having a relationship. Puts greater emphasis on communication in a relationship, wants to have a best friend kind relationship with their spouse. Friendly Banters with spouse. Judgmental when it comes to others. Jovial and friendly presence, yet very business like, like they mean work. When it's time to play it's play when it's work, it's work. Can be really critical of others. Very intelligent as it aspects ascendant. Witty and funny. Good leaders, the kind to work as a team rather than an actual boss. Teamworker. Likes bouncing ideas off others, not necessarily in a way of wanting validation, but to just see other options. Mercury here just loves variety. Needs someone intellectually stimulating as a partner. Someone their equal. Also the kind that needs to cared for in a relationship, because they tend to get careless. Can get a younger spouse. Or youthful spouse, who looks younger than their age. They themselves tend to behave a little childish with their partner. Sweet talkers, especially if venus is in conjunction. Not the best decision makers, as in a house of balance they are the one to look at the story from all the angles even the one they don't support to make the best judgement possible, they put a lot of thought into making decisions. Effective decision makers but not the fastest. Entrepreneurial skills. Has good business acumen. Good networkers. Tends to think about others in general. Puts a lot of focus on deciding about their love interests. Has really high standards. Has your back. Kind. Can sometimes pretend fake. Sitcoms, rom-coms.
Mercury in 8th:
Doesn't say much. Fixed opinions. Has a lot of secretive knowledge. Comes across very mysterious, because they doesn't revel much about themselves. Very logical and practical. Trustworthy. Sarcastic and dry sense of humour. Complexity in thought process. Is a step ahead in terms of thinking. Worries a lot. If afflicted, mentally challenging position. Can be harsh with words. Has punch lines up their bags. Has amazing intuition. Doubtful of others. Very cautious. Can be judgmental. Looks for hidden meaning behind things, not easily satisfied with that is provided. Hence a great placement for researchers. They may even go on to study at PhD level. Amazing occult skills if they want to pursue. Easily read other people's mind. Can become arrogant because of this. They tend to feel like they know everything, especially when mercury is afflicted, if in pisces there is this delusion the know everything. On the other hand, this can be exactly opposite they aren't confident in their knowledge. Sees through people's bullshit. Stares a lot, like scanning you for hidden information. A good writer placement. May like horror movies a lot or thriller. Can use knowledge for unethical gains. Very poetic and deep sort of voice. People just love listening to them. Has a serene appearance, they appear weirdly calm, but may not be so. If developed, they don't hurt people as much, because this a very intuitively smart placement. They know what to do when to do. This also makes them very cunning. Would have a friendly relation with their in laws. Can keep a secret.
Mercury in 9th:
Philosophical discussions. Avid learner. Father maybe played an important role in learning. Father may have acted as teacher I some form. Either spiritual, or academic or maybe as a guide or a moral compass. Kinda nerdy. Know it alls. Thinks logically. Can become teachers. If with venus, may make musicians and travel to foreign countries for the same. If someone has a business or chooses to have one, can travel frequently for business purposes. Funny. Travel journalism. Very open minded. Flexible with opinions. May learn many languages. Athiest. Doesn't follow traditions an customs without any significance. Very intelligent. May develop a sense of self righteousness. Wise and can be old souls with a spontaneous personality. Argumentative, doesn't accept defeat easily. Gives a good fight. There maybe a lot of chaos in mind when it comes to doing something, it's always better what they want to do and what is morally Ethical. There is a what's right and what's wrong debate in their head. Maybe many financial gains if mercury is strong because it's placed 5th from 5th house. Indie music. Animes. K-pop.
Mercury in 10th:
Skilled professionals. Amazing networkers. Entrepreneurs. Teachers. Maybe known for their speech or sense of humour. Very jovial and pleasant personality. Good firat impressions. Could be known for intelligence as well. Managing postion, leadership roles. The kid who did majority of the group project. Earns well. May have more one professions. May change their profession frequently. Maybe a lot of focus is on attaining good wealth and respect in whatever they do. Perfectionism when it comes to work. Very accepting and adaptable. Stage fear indicated. Very disciplined. Mother may have been very supportive, or she is herself very analytical. Likes writing. Easily liked by others. Their transition happens from a very extroverted energy to a more preferring solitude kind. As they age they may be the kind to randomly get a kick to study some discipline while at a job. So they may just leave their job and go back to school kind. Has a library in their home or prefers one. Determined and ambitious. Makes well thought decisions. Fast decision makers. Needs a mentally stimulating job or profession. May not like doing mundane work. May engage in pretend games to attain a good social position. Sudoku, crosswords.
Mercury in 11th:
Intellectual friends. A fun social circle. Amiable, jovial and accepting. They tend to value their freed a lot. Generally funny. Long trips with friends. Friends who are family. Very close with their friends. They use their intelligence to earn. Could be a teacher, be involved intl trading. Makes friends online. Does a lot of online courses. Complex thought process. Not very open except with a few people. Good speakers. Tend to be kind and generous as well. Maybe gullible at times. Always learning. Friends may be really supportive. They are really determined when they put their min to something. Beneficial if anyone wants to do business, as its in 5th house from 7th house. Afflicted mercury, gives a lot of nervous energy, skin allergies and even indigestion problems. May gain from multiple sources. If afflicted, may earn from unethical ways.
Mercury in 12th:
Poetic. Highly intuitive. Doesn't revel much. Very secretive. More introverted energy. May have a lot of chaotic thoughts. If afflicted, their maybe difficulty in learning as well, or maybe just not interested in learning. Schooling may have been a difficult experience. Speaks in a low voice. May have had speech therapy. Psychic powers. Interested in Spirituality. Make amazing musicians. Constant vivid dreams. Nightmares. Possibility of dreams that relate to their daily stress. Doesn't handle stress well, if afflicted. Prone to mental illnesses. It's not like their brain don't work. It works a whole lot, there's just too many thoughts. They need some breathing exercises to control their thinking pattern. Very generous. May teach young kids. Art teachers. Healers, spiritual guide. They also tend to get really careless with themselves. If afflicted, subject to substance abuse. Could be manipulative. Decieving. Tends to be lazy as well. Insomnia or sleeps too much. A late sleeper. Finds knowledge in foreign land. May study in a foreign land. Or have a business in a foreign country. Maybe a careless spender.
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Good night!
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jameshpuff · 3 years
Krittika Nakshatra
Nakshatra: Krittika (3rd of 27 Lunar Mansions)
Sidereal Zodiac Location: Aries 26 Degrees and 40 Minutes degrees to 10.00 Taurus Tropical Zodiac Location: Taurus 20 Degrees 40 Minutes to 4 Degrees Gemini Symbolized by: The Knife or Sharp Cutting Tool Ruler: The Sun
Good Traits
Powerful in Appearance, Willful and “Hot” Nature, Of a Strong Ego, Body and Mind, Natural Leader
Independent, Powerful, Energetic, Prideful, Aggressive, Ambitious, Fierce, and Competetive
Sharp Minded, Aware, Cutting Nature, Swift, Witty, Mix of Brains and Braun
Critical, Judgemental, Motivated to Learn, Analytical, Knowledgeable
Straightforward, Honest and Truthful Approach to Life, Sometimes Overly Frank or Unlikable
Capable of Exposing Others Dishonesty, Whistleblower (sorts through false information) “Cutting” to Truth
Skilled at Debate, Overtaking Conversation with Logic and Reason, Intimidating People with Intelligence
Perfectionist Outlook, Inwardly Judgemental, Seeing Truth of “self”, Cutting Away Excess or Ineffective Parts
Fire Nature Seeking purification, Spiritual, Burning Away the Material Self, Burning Away Negative Continuous Ego Transformation with Age, Bringing Brightness and Light to Darkness, Sacrificial
Intimidating Behavior/Presence, Challenging, Can be Aroused to confrontation, Never Backs Down
Temperamental, Sudden Flare-Ups of Anger, Comes and Goes, Returns to Even Temperament when Settled
“Cutting” off Opponents, Defeating situations with Words, Cutting Enemies Apart Piece by Piece
Outside can Appear Tough, Stern, Harsh, Deep inside is Warm, Sensitive, Caring
Protective by Nature, Tough Love, Not Always Tactful, But Done to Help Improve Others
Creative Talent, Creative Talents Are Often Expressive or Physical, Talents Can Become Career
Talent at Design, Fashion, Music, Singing, Painting, EMroidering or Sculpting
Resourcefulness with Cutting Talents, Cutting Knives, Slicing, Chopping, Sharp Weaponry
Talented with Fires and Heat, Cooking, Grilling, Molding with Fire, Tempering, Smithary
Work with Bringing the Heat, Passionate Fields, Competetive Sports, Military, Police,
Talent in Working with Public, Public Servant, Executive, Debate, Lawyer
Challenging Traits
Extreme Ego Issues, Overly Critical, Tough and Possibly Unfriendly,
Lacking Tact, Sarcastic, Blunt, Offending Others, Cutting Others Out, Popularity Issues
Stubborn, Passive-Aggressive, Short Tempered, Can be Violent
Overly Ambitious, Suspect to Disappointment, Self Critical, Results Delayed from Perfectionist Nature
Stubborn, Immovable, Struggles Adjusting, Falls Behind Trends
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jameshpuff · 3 years
Hey, could I also have your thoughts on 7th lord in then9thH in the lagna Vedic chart? I’ve my Venus there.
7th lord in 9th house
🐡 Marriage may bring luck unless lord is a malefic planet
🐡 You may meet spouse at a religious place, in a library, in a foreign country, while travelling, at University, at places of higher learning, near historical places
🐡 Your spouse may be a foreigner.
🐡 Interaction with an audience or peopel may brink luck to you
🐡 If lord is mercury or jupiter, you could become a teacher
🐡 May have a destination wedding
🐡 Stable marriage
🐡 May involve in sexual experiences with people from different cultures or in a foreign land
🐡 Spouse maybe philosophical, intelligent and wise and religious
🐡 Could do business related to foreign items, or in a different country
🐡 May travel a lot with your business or Romantic partner
🐡 Makes a lot of networks with people from different cultures and backgrounds
🐡 Partner may Influence some religious beliefs of yours
🐡 Marriage may affect relationship with father and teachers/mentors
🐡 May enter into legal contracts with mentors or spouse
Results will vary depending upon the planet.
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jameshpuff · 3 years
Progressed Moon: 2020-2021
Where has your Moon progressed into during quarantine? Almost every house could have been/is a trip. Look up your secondary progressions for this information. 
1ist House: Having a personal awakening. Rethink the self. Focus on self-expression. Go after what YOU want. 
2nd House: Change of career, values, mindset around money.  
3rd House: Change in how you think of or experience your education, immediate surroundings, neighborhood, siblings, or extended family. 
4th House: Change, awareness, or focus on family, home, past, and programming. Have a desire to hermit and be a homebody.  
5th House: The House of pleasure, romance, creativity, self-discovery. A time of new hobbies or could be a really hard time to be restricted and stuck home :(
6th House: Changes in career or routine. New ideals towards work or serving and caring for others. Also all about HEALTH.    
7th House: Has quarantine made you focus on your relationships more? Maybe more on yourself? 
8th House: Feeling secretive, sensitive, maybe fearful. Could crave intimacy, a dichotomy between preserving and sharing. Addressing trauma or possibly experiencing it.
9th House: Rethinking beliefs. Might feel stuck as the emotional self wants to travel, learn, explore. 
10th House: Change of career, rethinking place in society, rethinking reputation.
11th House: Missing friends and socialization. Could be rethinking friendships and/or goals. Stressed by the collective worry and trauma.    
12th House: House of isolation and imprisonment, what a time to feel as if you are under house arrest. A time of healing, getting in touch with the spirit, addressing the unknown or secret. Can crave alone time and/or be sensitive to others. Escapism but also insights.
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jameshpuff · 3 years
what the signs struggle with most
aries: impatience. this is a sign that is always moving and doing things, and they are ambitious because they’re a cardinal sign. so it is very hard for them to exercise patience or just wait around for something to happen.
taurus: accepting change. ultimately, routine and security are some of the most important things to them. when their life feels unstable or takes a complete 180 it can be very hard for them. they work to build a certain life and feel very upset when that’s taken from them.
gemini: their mind is always running. this can cause many other problems such as boredom, anxiety when nothing is happening, and a buildup of ideas. they often can’t just switch their brain off and stop thinking. they need to engage or distract their mind.
cancer: they are deeply emotional. they navigate life using their emotions, meaning that they are sensitive to small things, like being rejected and others mistreating them. they feel everything 100% and can’t turn their feelings off.
leo: their pride. what i mean is, when they are really hurt by someone or something, they often hide it because they don’t want to appear weak. they work very hard to develop their skills and talents, and when others attack them for these things it digs deep. they will never admit when they need help.
virgo: they are perfectionists at heart. if they make mistakes or miss small details, they beat themselves up. they are truly their own worst critic. even when others are impressed, they find flaws and vow to improve. this leads to heightened anxiety over little things.
libra: defining themselves through other people. libra is the sign of “the other” because they are so focused on pleasing others, cultivating relationships, and other people liking them. they forget to consider what they want and how they feel in the end.
scorpio: their private nature. they hide their innermost feelings and struggles from other people, due to lack of trust in others or feeling like nobody would understand. it’s a very painful and even lonely experience.
sagittarius: avoiding their problems. this is usually due to not wanting to be toxic and disliking conflict. even when they are hurting inside, they put a smile on and try to forgive or overcome. even those closest to them may not know when they’re struggling.
capricorn: they have a need to be successful and make something of themselves. they are constantly pushing themselves + on the grind to reach the top, which makes it extremely hard to relax. this leads to them overworking themselves.
aquarius: feeling like they’re not accepted. there can be circumstances where others judge or ridicule them, even early on, which can be frustrating at best and detrimental at worst. they want to be accepted for who they are rather than having to put on a mask.
pisces: their desire to escape. being so sensitive to even small things often overwhelms them and they may feel they need to retreat from the world, either through fantasy, addictions they struggle with, or avoiding what is really going on.
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jameshpuff · 3 years
What irritates you in people?
Opposite signs are so different but also have something in common. So they are like scales that can’t be stopped at times. If your Venus sign may show what you like and your taste, the opposite sign of your Venus may show what irritates you the most. Remember that it is not hate! It is just an irritation; this feeling often turns into liking. Remember about unstoppable scales!
Also, check the house your Venus is in and aspects!
Venus in Aries – opposite sign is Libra
You may be really irritated by indecisiveness. You don’t like seeing someone pleasing others and trying to fulfill their wishes instead of their own. Dependence irritates you because you are such an independent and determined human being. You want exact, direct, and straightforward answers to your questions, and an unclear attitude irritates you. You are irritated by the inability of someone to stand up for themselves.
Venus in Taurus – opposite sign is Scorpio
You are irritated by mysteries. You are not so insightful to read thoughts so you dislike when someone tries to show you something through signs and hints. You don’t understand why some people choose to suffer if they can choose not to do that. You can’t fully understand why they do something so passionately without any important reason.
Venus in Gemini – opposite sign is Sagittarius
You are irritated by a straightforward and direct attitude. You are a social butterfly in some way and you can’t understand why some people choose to be abrupt. You are irritated by showing off. You dislike when people don’t think about others at all and when they are too honest and carefree because you think that it is a way to get attention.
Venus in Cancer – opposite sign is Capricorn
You are irritated by dry, unemotional, and cold people. You can’t understand how it is possible not to empathize with everyone and genuinely support them. You are irritated when people act too practically and without heart. You can’t understand why some people are not loving, emotional, and giving.
Venus in Leo – opposite sign is Aquarius
Both signs have ego issues so you are irritated by the uniqueness of some people because you think that they try to get attention. You think that they are not so special and they are just pretending. You are irritated when people are overly free, independent, and not trying to get approval. Because you unconsciously seek for approval of others.
Venus in Virgo – opposite sign is Pisces
You are irritated by chaos. You dislike when everything is not in order and when some people don’t follow rules. You don’t like when people are late, lose their things, or forget something. You are irritated by irresponsible people. Also, sometimes you don’t like when others pretend that they are helping others but actually not.
Venus in Libra – opposite sign is Aries
You are irritated by overly honesty and straightforwardness. You don’t like hurting the feelings of others so you don’t understand why some people just say what they say. You dislike when others don’t choose their words carefully. Also, you are irritated by people who want to win no matter what and it doesn’t matter what it is.
Venus in Scorpio – opposite sign is Taurus
You are irritated by overindulgence. You don’t like lazy and stubborn people. You dislike when someone is too practical, unemotional, and down-to-earth. You are irritated by people who can’t understand hidden motifs. Also, you dislike when they understand information too literally.
Venus in Sagittarius – opposite sign is Gemini
You are irritated by liars. You don’t understand why it is so hard for people to tell the truth. Also, you don’t like superficiality. You are a great philosopher and quickly understand when people know just a little bit but pretend to know a lot.
Venus in Capricorn – opposite sign is Cancer
You are irritated by moody and overly emotional people. You don’t understand why they make drama from everything and play victim. You see things practically so you dislike when others act like a child just because of emotions. You are irritated by showing weaknesses and too personal feelings.
Venus in Aquarius – opposite sign in Leo
You are irritated by people who think that they are the center of the universe. You dislike when someone is showing off and pretending to be the best at everything. You don’t like when people put themselves on a pedestal without asking anyone. You are irritated by immature and childish behavior.
Venus in Pisces – opposite sign in Virgo
Boring and strict people who are trying to be right all the time irritate you. You dislike when someone is too anxious about something. Also, you don’t like when people follow discipline and rules too strictly. You are irritated when people are trying to teach you how to live.
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jameshpuff · 3 years
1st house ruler in 12th house
1st house represents body and personality. whichever house your 1st house ruler is in, will have a big impact on you
you can create your natal chart and find out what your 1st house is simply by going to astro.com, choosing “free horoscopes” and then “extended chart selection”! from house systems, choose “whole signs” and there it is!
for sign rulerships, click here
here we go 💫
1st house ruler in 12th house
pisces vibes! even if you have noooo planets in pisces ✨
very shy earlier in life. while you grow, you find ways to cope with it
anxiety might be a thing you have to deal with frequently, too
however, the planet sitting here might show what your coping mechanism is 💖
strong intuition! you might always be seeking higher meanings of things in life
or your purpose maybe
you have a mysterious aura that people around you feel 🌸
you’re very capable of being alone, but it might feel like you get lost inside your mind sometimes
thank you for reading 🧚🏻‍♀️
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jameshpuff · 3 years
1st house rulers in houses
hey guys, i've been receiving many asks about 1st house ruler in houses, so instead of answering one by one with links i've decided to gather them all in one post 💖
1st house ruler in 1st house
2nd house
3rd house
4th house
5th house
6th house
7th house
8th house
9th house
10th house
11th house
12th house
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