I be makin’ weird shit when I’m alone—
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modern witcher au where geralt is still a witcher and yennefer is still a sorceress
but jaskier is a magician. yenn and geralt have NO IDEA how he does magic. they know it’s not real. they know there’s a trick. but they can’t figure it out and it pisses them off
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i like posting about the witcher bcos if I’m ever unsure how to finish a dialogue post I can just put end it with ‘Geralt: hm’ and let people interpret that however they like
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If you don’t think this scene is better with propeller hats you’re wrong
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okay so... when geralts on the road and doesn’t have a lot of money for a while, his hair grows right? so imagine this: geralt with shoulder length or longer hair, and it’s so long that his classic half down half up doesn’t keep it out of his face anymore. after watching him grumble about it for days, jaskier steps in. he had four sisters and can do hair pretty well, if he does say so himself.
jaskier, watching geralt rip tangles from his hair after a fight and cringing: come here
geralt: what
jaskier: just do it
geralt: fine but wtf
jaskier gently takes geralts hair and brushes through it with his fingers, undoing all the knots and smoothing it out. he then starts braiding it, a single, simple braid that goes down geralts back.
it becomes a tradition. geralt keeps his hair longer, and jaskier does it for him. increasingly complex, multiple braids that end together, messy buns for when they’re camping. jaskier humming his newest song and braiding small strands all over geralts head while geralt sharpens his sword at his feet. it relaxes both of them, a moment of vulnerability after the excitement of the road every day.
heads turn while they walk down the town road and into the tavern because is that a Scary Witcher(™) with dandelions braided into his hair???? what the goddamn fuck. (geralt had been unsure but jaskier insisted he “needed some color contrast because all he wears is black leather honestly geralt” and geralt didn’t want to start that argument plus a part of him was glad, it made the children less scared of him)
geralts hair is always wavy when he takes the braids out at night (jaskier has yelled at him reminded him any many times that he can’t sleep in them because it’s bad for his hair)
and geralt gets used to it. (a part of him loves enjoys it)
and then one day jaskier leaves, and he doesn’t come back.
geralt cuts his hair with a sword and hates it almost as much as he hates himself.
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Pointing out Jaskier’s flaws is allowed for friends and family members only.
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what about a really punny jaskier? like, another bard is talking shit about another instrument and jaskier just goes “wow, what a lyre” and geralt’s unamused as always and jaskier’s all “get it? because he plays a lyre? and i said-” “i get it, jaskier”.
or they get kidnapped or something and they’re being held in a dungeon and jaskier goes “it’s so dark in this castle, probably because it’s filled with knights” and geralt’s like
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and jaskier’s like
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and he goes “because-”
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Jaskier + Hands
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‘jaskier can flirt just not when Geralt is around’ is such an amazing hc tho… strong possibility that Geralt has NO idea… he’s known Jaskier for like 20 years and remains baffled as to how he has so much game when his idea of flirting is to tell someone they have a neck like a sexy goose. he concluded a long time ago that it’s just one of those things he’ll never understand.
but then it comes up around Yennefer and she’s like ‘oh yeah his powers stop working when you’re around’
Geralt: his what now?
Yennefer: his powers of charm & seduction. they stop working when you’re around.
Geralt: ?????
Yennefer: he says your face throws him off
Geralt: jaskier has powers of seduction?
Yennefer: of course he does?? how did you think he got me to sleep with him? he’s very charming. but only when you aren’t there.
Geralt: …
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Join The Witcher fandom!!
We have:
Idiots in love
Bard deep in love with a witcher
Strangers to friends to lovers
Gay romance
Sexual tensions
Himbo™ and Twink™
Gay bromance
and yet, here we are
Love poems to your bEST FRIEND
Real idiots in real love
Immortal Bard™
G a y
Heartbreaking breakup, but fix it tag
we could go to the coast together
The Most Iconic Bath Scene In Cinematic History
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Witcher Cast and their custom cakes
From Jaskier to Ciri
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From Ciri to Jaskier
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From Geralt, Lambert, and Eskel to Vesemir on his birthday
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Lambert had to bring the cake for Thanksgiving. He isnt allowed to anymore
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Jaskier to Yen on her birthday
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Yen to Jaskier on his birthday
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Eskel to Lambert and Geralt after he did did week for the first time and got drunk on his 21st. He did feel really bad.
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Yennefer and Lambert share a birthday. This was delivered to the party. It could be for either of them.
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From Lambert and Aiden after to Geralt when Geralt lost his virginity. He was the last of the brothers to do so.
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Geralt's response
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Geralt, looking at Jaskier, still a little loopy from a surgery: Those are…the PRETTIEST eyes.
Jaskier to the physician: *absolutely giddy* Can we keep him this way?
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Sweet kiss
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Geralt: Jaskier, can I speak to you in private for a moment?
Jaskier: Ooooh, someone's in trouble!
Jaskier: It's me, I don't know why I did that.
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*Internal panicked “Hmms”*
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Love these idiots
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Geralt: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as “Eagle One”. Yennefer, code name “Been There, Done That”. Jaskier is “Currently Doing That”. Triss is “It Happened Once in a Dream”. Eskel, code name “If I Had to Pick a Witcher”. Vesemir is…Eagle Two.
Vesemir: Oh thank God.
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