jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
There comes a time when you're losing a fight that it just doesn't make sense to keep on fighting. It's not that you're being a quitter, it's just that you've got the sense to know when enough is enough
Bud, not Buddy
Bud鈥檚 words of wisdom. You have to admit Bud is one special kid for 10-year-old. His knowledge was passed down by his mother. He remembered all her pieces of advice since he was 6. I choose this quote because it shows how smart Bud is, he has great potential. His mom was a good influence聽on him, Bud turned out to be a really good kid for at his age.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
All of a sudden I knew that of all of the places in the world that I'd ever been in this was the one. That of all the people I'd ever met these were the ones. This was where I was supposed to be
Bud, Not Buddy
This feeling was new for Bud, he finally founded the piece聽he was looking for, a family. He looks around to be surrounded by people who actually cared about him, which made him feel loved. This was too surreal for him, he finally found a home and right set of people. I choose this quote because this implies Bud feeling loved and comfortable with people who actually聽care about him. He finally found his puzzle piece.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
As soon as I had the jacket over me the smell of the spice and soap and the sound of the crickets and toady frogs outside made my eyes get real heavy
Bud, Not Buddy
For the first time in forever, Bud felt safe enough to sleep comfortably without worrying about anything. Lefty Lewis gave him that assurance of that warm home feeling for him able to sleep in a long time. His good-smelling jacket made Bud go to sleep adequately. I choose this quote because Bud is just a kid, he has a lot of weight on his back. Bouncing from one foster home to another and beaten up by Todd. At this moment, Bud is protected that's why he's聽so comfortable, all his problems were gone in his sleep.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
My mother said the same thing, that families should be there for each other all the time. She always used to tell me that no matter where I went or what I did that she'd be there for me, even if she wasn't somewhere that I could see her
Bud, not Buddy
Even though, Bud鈥檚 mother isn't聽here anymore. She will always be with Bud in many ways. She was able to raised Bud to handle himself in difficult situations, Bud remembered all the things she said and lessons she taught him. Bud鈥檚 mother will always be a big part of Bud forever in his heart. She gave Bud the motivation to find the family he needed. I chose this quote because this shows a powerful and strong bond between a child and mother even though her physical being isn't here, her sweet soul is big in Bud鈥檚 heart.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Tumblr Discussion Question #1 Are our lives controlled by fate or free will? In other words, do the choices we make determine our futures, or is our life destined to be what it is? How does this perspective affect the way you interact with the world? Cite specific experiences or influences that have led you to your position.
Everything I do has a purpose, Momma would say something like this. Without making my own personal choices, I wouldn't go all the way to Chicago to meet my grandfather, or went on the railroad train with Bugs and meet Deza and those sweet people at Hooverville. For sure, I know everything has a purpose and consequence. However, the choices you make will have effects on your future, but there are aspects of life that are just meant to happen. If I do something wrong, there would be a bad outcome. If I do something right, there would be a good outcome. I have seen people gamble in the streets, some people would gamble high which makes them lose all their money. Instead of having a strategy, they wouldn't lose all their money. You either choose to be successful or be unsuccessful. I did anything I wanted that felt right. Many people who lost their money is because they lost it due to the stock market crash. That was the people鈥檚 fault, but fate does play a role.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Discussion Question #2 Do you believe human nature is essentially good or bad? What I mean is, are we born inherently caring, nurturing, sharing members of a collective group, or are our instincts self serving, greedy and focused on meeting our individual needs. What in your experience informs this belief? How does it manifest in your life.
Not all humans are bad it usually depends on which one you meet, there are plenty of kind and thoughtful souls out there. In my personal experience, people who have offered me friendly remarks, like Lefty Lewis being concerned about my safety and offered me a ham and mustard sandwich. He was a stranger yet so kind and nice. He gave me a ride all the way to the Great Rapids. The people of Hooverville was helpful and friendly as well. Even though they were poor, they offered us food and a place of being welcomed, but I have seen both sides. The hatred I saw in Todd鈥檚 eyes. I still remember the beatings he gave me, they were very unpleasant. Every punch and kick, I could still feel it in my gut. Mrs. and Mr. Amos locking me in the shed still haunts me. Being tossed around foster cares and being bullied every day because of my skin color makes me hate humans in a way. That's a very awful thing, and I have to experience this as a kid. My childhood didn't exist like other kids.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Tumblr Discussion Question #3 How do you define success? Do you believe you鈥檝e achieved success? If so how do you know? If not, what has prevented you?
Success means to me having a big house with your family, and of course money. I have slept under trees as long as I can remember, and I never want to go back. Having a warm and comfortable bed that is under a roof is way better for sure. Three meals a day sounds really comfortable and good if I had money to afford it. I live in the great depression, I look at myself and others and know we all deserve better. Money and jobs are rare now. People are dying from diseases, starvation, and etc...That's why you need money to be successful, but money also doesn't buy happiness, Momma said that once before. That鈥檚 why family and friends are important. They are a big part of my life, and without them, I wouldn't call that successful. Well, I'm one step closer, I found my grandfather he is the only person I'm related to. I鈥檓 only 10, and I know I won't make a lot of money due to my skin color, but my goal is to buy a house for my grandpa no matter how hard it is and a new instruments for his band, They look really rusty and old. To earn rights for African-Americans, no more discrimination.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Tumblr Discussion Question #4 Who are the most important people in your life? Why are they so meaningful to you?
The most important people in my life is my momma, grandfather the band, and Bugs. Even though momma might not be with me, she always is going to be a part of me. Her heart and sweet soul is lingering by my side. She did her best as a mom for a short time, I will remember my momma forever to the ends of the earth. Moreover, I met grandfather recently, he will have a huge impact on me as I grow up. He will be the father figure I never had. I am so grateful to find someone who is related to me. I thought I was the only kid who had no relatives. If momma didn't leave those stack of flyers in my suitcase, I wouldn't have found a grandfather. Grandfather was surprised that I was his grandson, I was shocked as well. I really thought the man in the blue flyer was really my father. Grandfather鈥檚 band members are like my uncles, they are really friendly and welcomed me with big open arms. For sure, I'm going to join their band and learn how to play an instrument like my grandfather. Lastly, Bugs is like my brother from another mother. He stuck with me since foster home, and always made me laugh. We have been together forever, and I really hope we don't separate in the future.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Tumblr Discussion Question #5 If you change one thing in your life what would it be? How would this affect the circumstances of your story?
One thing I would change is for racism to be dead. Due to my skin color, I can't get a higher paying job when I grow up or get a proper education. I can't go to certain places or certain bathrooms. This whole racial system is going to affect every individual on this planet. Everyone will be discriminated by their skin color. If I was white, I bet I would have a better life than African-Americans. I would feel unsafe if I walk in certain neighbors without getting lynched or killed. We all want to be treated the same, why is that so hard to do. Inside and out we are all the same, why can't humans accept that. If I was white, I would be treated with more kindness, no one will be suspicious of me. I would be offered to stay under a roof instead of a tree. Not all people are racist or mean. There are genuinely sweet people out there, like that one lady who gave Bugs and me some stew. That was some good stew. That orange man who offered the food in the first place, that gave me hope we can all come together with diversity as one.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Journal Entry #1
My suitcase is my most prized possession. Even though it's all ratty and old, inside holds the most important things in my life. The bright jazz concert blue flyers, raggy socks with writing scribbles, some change of clothes, and a worn out photograph of Momma when she was a little kid. I remember how Momma always say to appreciate and be grateful for the things you have in life. It has been difficult for me lately, bouncing to one foster home then to another. It seemed like the world wasn't made for me, but I always keep moving forward. 聽聽
I packed up all my stuff in the sleeping room, another family was taking me in. I pray to god, I fit in. According to the lady, my new care parents had a twelve-year-old son. I hope we get along, maybe he could be an older brother figure to me, but it sounds like trouble to me. Ever since Momma died, no foster home seems to match me. I don't have a family to call my own, but looking at the blue flyer gives me hope of finding my father. The enormous fiddle next to him looks heavy, it must be difficult to hold it, his face looks surreal and dim. I have a really good feeling he is my father. He looks like one of those people filled with kindness and really friendly. I put away the blue flyer at the very bottom of my suitcase, afterward I place some change of clothes on top and closed the suitcase. Then I held it together with twine.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Journal Entry #2
The first punch felt like thousand of nails going through your skin. Turns out Mrs. and Mr. Amos鈥檚 son was a rascal. After two weeks of living here felt like locked prison and Todd was my insane cellmate. After getting beaten up by Todd, I was set up to be the evil and wicked guy and he was playing the victim. He was a Momma鈥檚 rich boy who wears hideous red robes worn out and sippers. Todd pretended he was wounded, while I had a face full of blood. Mr. Amos locked me in the backyard shed for the night as punishment. The worst part of it, I didn't have my suitcase and this broken light. Last time I spotted my suitcase, it was beneath the kitchen table.
The shed had a very leaking awful smell, all I had was a thick pillow and a very thin blanket to keep me warm. I should鈥檝e begged Mr. Amos to let me stay in the house. Dark shadows and creepy eerie sounds surrounded the shed. My heartbeat and breathing got faster. Looking around the shed, there was a pile of wood including a window above it. I looked outside and noticed Mrs. and Mr. Amos鈥檚 bedroom lights were on. I put my feet on the sturdy woodpile, and then slide the window open. I slowly climbed out thoroughly and landed outside of the shed. I walked gently to the house and checked the windows if one of them were unlocked, it seems like Mrs. Amos forgot to lock the kitchen window. I pull myself up the window carefully without making a squeak. I grabbed my suitcase and walked past the sink. Somehow, I remembered how Ms. Amos hated bedwetters, so I grabbed a cup of water and quietly walked to Todd鈥檚 room and pour water around his bed. Then, I went through the front door and walked down steps.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Journal Entry #3
A few days later, Bugs woke me up from my sleep under the tree. He greeted me with a bright smile with his face. Bugs is my best friend, we first met from home. I remember one night a cockroach crawled into his ear and got stuck, it was really disgusting. I spit a big glob of saliva on my hand and slapped with Bugs鈥檚 hand in return, it was our way to confirm we are brothers! Bugs told me about his mission about going on a railroad train to Hooverville, I thought to myself maybe I could find my father in Chicago. Next thing you know, we were on the train to Hooverville.
The city was way bigger than I expected, there were these small huts filled with people with various diversity. It was mostly filled with Men and boys, surrounding the campfire. The mouth organ man kindly offered us food. Whatever was cooking in that big pot above the fire sure looks delicious. A woman handed us square flat tin can as a plate and some raggedy utensils. She took us over to the big pots, and scoop some stew for both of us. At this point, my mouth was so watery and was ready to devour. When Bugs and I were done, we went over to wash the dishes. Then a girl around our age came over to talk to us, her name was Deza Malone. 聽
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Journal Entry #4
It has been a week since what happened at Hooverville, but I made it back to Flint. The food line was really short since I went early, but my pretend family wasn't there. After eating, I headed back to my tree until the library was open. Shucks, I can't stop thinking about Deza Malone鈥檚 dimples. The rest of the day, I spent on reading and calculating how many hours would it take to walk to Grand Rapids. It's going to take 24 hours, I better start now.
The next few hours, it started to get dark. I walked and walked and walked. Some of the time a car would come by and I'd have to duck into the bushes and wait till it had passed. Then suddenly, a random car hits their brakes. He stepped out his car and was about 30 steps from me. He slowly walked towards the bushes where I was, I held on my suitcase very tight. Turns out, he was a nice man. He was concerned with my safety, and I came out of the bushes with a promise of food.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
Personal Narrative
Bud, not Buddy, published in 1999, by Christopher Paul Curtis, takes place in Flint, Michigan during the great depression. An African-American 10-year-old boy named Bud Caldwell takes on a quest to find his father. This historical fiction novel portrays real-life difficulties of what people ought to face during the great depression. Bud鈥檚 mother died since he was four-years-old, ever since he been in and out of foster homes. Bud鈥檚 prized possession was his suitcase, his mother left him concert flyers and travels on his own to find a musician, Herman E. Calloway, who he believes is his father. He gets on a railroad train with his best friend, Bugs, 聽hoping to reach Chicago. They stopped at shanty town Hooverville where they were greeted with kind people, then Bud experiences his first kiss with a girl, Deza Malone. The following day police forced the people of Hooperville to move, which causes a crowd of people to get on the train. Bud was left behind, while Bugs got on the train on time. Bud decided to stay back in Flint, he had no place to go, so he slept the Christmas tree next to the library. Still committed to finding his father, Bud walks to Great Rapids, where he met a friendly and concerned limo driver named Lefty Lewis. Bud finally finds Herman E. Calloway and meets his band. Turns out the musician was his grandfather, Bud鈥檚 mother was his runaway daughter. In the end, Bud does find a home with his grandfather and his band.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
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Concert Flyer, the stack of flyers that I have in my suitcase.
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
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My bestfriend Bugs and I, on the railroad train.聽
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jasyvo2002-blog 5 years
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Missions, where sometimes I would get his food from.
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