jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#PhotoGrid #KrewTime #Taxes #Printing #Photography my #MetroPCSPartner Tax Time coming up #Check him out and tell him @jct_4 @metropcs 71 @taxman216 @paperchaser216
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @buenos_dias_america #CornellWest #Arrested #CoincidenceOrNah
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @xx_Illuminati_xposed_xx #HomemadeMosquitoRepellent
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Chemtrails #IfYouThinkTheseAreJustContrailsThinkAgain Here’s What They Really Are April 29, 2013 by #ArjunWalia For more recent CE Articles on Chemtrails and Geoengineering click HERE. #Geoengineering is not a #conspiracy, it’s the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system. Simply put, it is the spraying of chemicals into the air via planes into the atmosphere. Independent testing over the past decade confirms that Chemtrails around the country contain a dangerous and extremely poisonous mix of chemicals that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers. According to those who are responsible for #geoengineering, the goal is to reduce global warming. However, many are beginning to seriously question this goal because for a very long time, authorities denied the idea of chemtrails and geoengineering when people started to figure out what was going on. Humanity is becoming a lot more aware as a whole, we are realizing that the truth is rarely told to when it comes to observable phenomenon, like chemical trails in our sky. Terrorism, financial instability, and global warming are a few on the list of political moves pulled on humanity that are used for alterior motives, 9/11 is also a great example of this. The same people who are  creating are also encouraging a certain reaction before they provide their premeditated solution. As we observe more bizarre trails in our sky, we begin to ask more questions. As we begin to ask more questions, the establishment pushes justification through education and mainstream media. The top Universities in the world are now developing geoengineering programs to supposedly combat climate change. #OxfordUniversity in the UK is one of these universities: http://www.geoengineering.ox.ac.uk, and one technique is the by:
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @nsearchofme #NatualClearSkinRemedy
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @socurlysokinkysostraight #celebratesisterhood with #ClevelandClinic #October25th 730a-5p #MontelWilliams #MarkHymam #6111landerhaven
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @djbone_631 #DrSebi #IfYouDontKnowYouBettaGetToKnow
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @dustins_politics http://www.yelp.com/topic/los-angeles-medical-marijuana-prescribed-to-kids-with-adhd Nov. 23) -- In California, the state with the nation's most permissive medical marijuana law, some children with attention deficit hyperacitivty disorder, or ADHD, are being treated with marijuana -- a fact that has sparked a heated debate over the move.  Reliable figures on the use of marijuana to treat ADHD are hard to come by. Though California says it has issued over 36,000 medical marijuana cards since 2004, the state does not compile statistics on prescriptions for specific conditions, like ADHD. And many doctors and patients are reluctant to talk about it. Still, experts say such prescriptions are becoming more common as the number of pot dispensaries and doctors prescribing marijuana continues to grow.  And not everyone is happy about it. "Let me count the ways in which prescribing marijuana for teens with ADHD is a bad idea," said Stephen Hinshaw, professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley. Marijuana, Hinshaw said, is a "cognitive disorganizer" which produces roughly the same affect in users those associated with ADHD.  "The active ingredient in pot, THC, causes short term memory problems and inattention," Hinshaw said, "the very same things you want a medicine for ADHD to help alleviate."  Since marijuana has not been put through the FDA approval process, very few reliable studies have been conducted to show how it may affect ADHD, Hinshaw said.  #TheForbiddenMedicine."
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @dustins_politics #Aspartame is typically used in sugar-free or low-calorie foods or drinks. There has been a significant growth in the use of this ingredient in the past two decades as the demand for sugar-free options has increased. The safety of this ingredient has been established by the FDA in the United States several times during this time period. It is estimated that 200 million people around the world consume aspartame. It is found in over 6000 products such as frozen desserts, gelatins, puddings, fillings, confections, chewing gum, carbonated or powdered soft drinks, tabletop sweeteners or #yogurt. Some sugar-free pharmaceuticals like cough drops will also add aspartame. Any products that contain aspartame must list it on the label. You can find out more about this at #GumandCandies. A lot of common brands of candy or gum have aspartame as an ingredient. Candies that are labeled sugar free like chewing gum, hard candy, candy chews or breath mints will use aspartame. Gum that tends to have aspartame includes #WrigleysExtra, #Airwaves and #Orbit products. http://www.aspartame.org/aspartame_products.html.
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @njsal #Fluoride #PopulationControl The sad irony here is that the #FDA, which does not regulate #Fluoride in drinking water, does regulate toothpaste and on the back of a tube of fluoridated toothpaste … it must state that “if your child swallows more than the recommended amount, contact a poison control center.” The amount that they’re talking about, the recommended amount, which is a pea-sized amount, is equivalent to one glass of water. The FDA is not putting a label on the tap saying don’t drink more than one glass of water. If you do, contact a poison center… There is no question that fluoride — not an excessive amount — can cause serious harm. #PaulConnett, #TheCaseAgainstFluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @njsal #SpeaksVolumes #Capitalism is an #OrganizedSystem to guarantee that #Greed becomes the primary force of our economic system and allows the few at the top to get very wealthy and has the rest of us riding around thinking we can be that way, too - if we just work hard enough, sell enough Tupperware and Amway products, we can get a #PinkCadillac. Capitalism is against the things that we say we believe in - democracy, freedom of choice, fairness. It's not about any of those things now. It's about protecting the wealthy and legalizing greed. #MichaelMoore Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/capitalism.html#OtMOlFEKyl8Yu9mj.99
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @brandnew3398 #BuildUsUp #NotDestroy we have to get out of the frame of mind of #SuperficialStardom #WorldStarHiphop #Sharkisha #DoYouReallyKnowHowYouLook #ItsNotAGoodLook #Propaganda in the mist of me building my #Empire for my family and other people that want to change their lives... I have people that look at my skin color and belittle me just because this is all they see regarding my culture... Not because they are racist sometimes but because of where they grew up and the only people they see with my skin color are these people destroying each other on the #News or #WorldStarHiphop... we gotta break this and in my heart of hearts I try to be the change that I want to see in this world not just around me #CycleBreakers
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @shantidread #StopWillieLynchingEachOther #SpeaksVolumes
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @cash21684baby when I saw this I had a #LumpInMyThroat so big I had to get a drink of water #SpeaksVolumes
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @mshollyt #PrayForMarysville #AliceTraining #MARYSVILLE Washington -- A student walked into his #Seattle -area high school cafeteria on Friday and without saying a word opened fire, killing one person and shooting several others in the head before turning the gun on himself, officials and witnesses said. Two people were found dead, including the shooter, a male, and a female victim, inside the school north of Seattle. Three other students were critically injured and the shooter, a student at the school, killed himself, according to police, student and hospital reports. The shooter is freshman Jaylen Fryberg, according to students and his family members. Marysville Police Commander Robb Lamoureux would not confirm whether the second person killed was a student or not. All three individuals in critical condition suffered gunshot wounds to the head. All three went into surgery initially, and two were out of surgery, according to Dr. Joanne Roberts, Providence Hospital Chief Medical Officer.
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @the_coupon_diva #ISurvivedDomesticViolence #WhenLoveHurts #October26th #1pm #11809Kinsman #MinisterAltheaCavor
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jctunderscore4 · 10 years
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#Rp @my_t_kutz #BettyBoopOrigin #EstherJones #BabyEsther #WhoKnewThis #IDidnt #EachOneTeachOne
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