jellipuff · 2 months
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you know that meme that went around that was something like "you open ao3 and come out with three kink discoveries" this reminded me of that LOL 😭 the "like what the fuck" made me giggle! but honestly, he's so cute and a pretty prince. his body is so big, strong, and capable of many things.
that sometimes i can't stop the freaky little thought that pops into my head of him being so brainless & horny around you that he just begs to be connected with you, begs for you to knock him up. the subby men rabbit hole isn't easy 😔 LMAO but i want to say thank you sm for reading!! <333
Angels wrapped in bows.
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Pairing: Mingyu x reader
Genre: Smut (18+, Minors dni!).
WC: 2.5k
Summary: Being apart from Mingyu is always a challenge. No matter if for one minute or one week, you always find it challenging for many reasons and you know he feels the same. Yet who knew your pretty prince could get too greedy? Could crave you so deeply?
Warnings: Sub!mingyu, Bottom!mingyu, Dom!reader, Gender-neutral reader (let me know if it's not!), The term cock/strap is used in regards to reader, Gyu calls reader Daddy, Mingyu wants to get pregnant & reader gives mingyu anything he wants, (There is no real pregnancy just the situation being arousing for them both), Breeding kink, Dirty talking, Mingyu gets cockdumb easily, Lots of cum talk, There’s a little cream🥧 scene at the end (Sorry, kinda not & it’s short dw!), Pet names: Mingyu (Angel, Prince, Baby.), Reader (daddy.), Mingyu in a pretty pink nightgown during this. <3 (I think that's it!)
Inspired by this ask!
A/n: Hi guys! I haven’t written in so long so I hope this isn’t too bad! ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) Since I haven't written in forever I'm trying to get back into the groove of it all so please be gentle with me LOL. Btw this might be a lil freaky for some hehe but I hope you like it! Also, don't like, don't read‼️ No need to burn me at the stake friend. Feedback is appreciated :)
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Being away from mingyu is something you'll always consider a challenge. Whether it be he's simply in the kitchen while you are in bed or it is you on a week-long business trip with your phone being your saving grace. No matter the situation the feeling is always the same; you crave mingyu in every sense of the word. 
This week's business trip has finally ended and you couldn't be more relieved. You hate being surrounded by so many people especially those who can't even return a nod your way. You can't say you blame them, with the constant meetings, elders feeling the need to raise either voice and business being the only thing talked about. It would take a toll on anyone, especially when it reoccurs for a week. 
Although boring and uneventful you can't help but feel grateful at being kept busy. The whole time you were gone Mingyu mostly stayed at home by himself. He explained that he can't go out with his friends every day. (you told him you'd want to hang out with him every day, cutie got shy at that.) 
The sight of your front door makes you want to jump for joy. Behind there is a soft bed, a warm shower, and a pretty prince. With it being so late you enter the house quietly, sticking your suitcase to the side, and putting your shoes together neatly. The last time you kicked your shoes off without care you got an earful. Who knew for mingyu to use his size against you all you had to do was be a brat about tidiness?
You open your bedroom door quietly, careful not to wake mingyu if he's already asleep but to your surprise the lamps are on. Though that’s the last thing on your mind when you see him. 
Your prince who you haven't seen in a week stands by one of the walls hanging up new fairy lights while wearing one of his dainty nightgowns. Not just any one though, your favorite one. Pretty pink gown with lace detailing, tiny bows at the hem, and one in the middle of his chest. The lighting from the fairy lights overhead cast him in a glow, making you feel like you had truly walked into heaven.
Walking up to him, you wrap your arms around his waist squeezing him tightly. You kiss his forehead with a hum, satisfied at having him in your arms again. He flinches at the contact, his surprised expression making you snicker. “You scared me!” he says, turning around to face you. His expression is cute though you know he's trying to appear angry.
“You need to be more aware baby, what if I was someone dangerous?” you state amused at his reaction; moving down to nip at where his neck meets his shoulder. You feel him relax at the feeling, already giving into you at such a small action. “You are someone dangerous.” he counters, turning back to the wall. You admire the view because how couldn't you? 
His broad shoulders, and toned back accompanied by his thick thighs is such an art that you'd be crazy to do anything less than admire. His cute ass that peeks from beneath the hem of his gown makes you drop to your knees to seek more. Slipping your hands underneath his gown to squeeze the plump cheeks.
It's so cute how Mingyu’s ass fits him, so biteable and soft. The chocked sound he makes at your teeth sinking into his skin tenderly makes you apply more pressure. You want your mark there, a sign to him and yourself that he is yours.
Mingyu winces at the feeling, the pain is one he doesn't mind. He knows you’ve missed him, in too many ways to count. He doesn't move even at the sting because if there is one thing Mingyu loves, it's being useful for you. A selfish reason lies within that as well, your angel loves being used by you. 
Mingyu loves pleasing, a part of him relishes at not needing to think when you're around. Mingyu loves letting you do whatever you wish because it makes him happy. There's also the other side of the coin that makes him dizzy and that's letting Daddy fuck him wherever and whenever they want.
“Need it, Daddy, s’much” Mingyu whines after what feels like hours of your torment. You’ve been touching him all over, your mouth traveling every inch of him, getting him so close with so little just to stop soon after. He missed you a lot and needs to feel you inside right now!
Throughout the days you were gone all he could think about was: What would you do to him today if you were here? How would you kiss him Thursday morning while he made you both breakfast in the pink sweater you bought too big for him?
He even thought silly thoughts like: What if you cum in him so deep that he got pregnant? 
Mingyu didn't think it was silly afterward with the way the thought made his mind hazy and hole feel too empty. He knows it won't happen, He is not even sure he’d want it to but the thought makes his face hot, and knowing you? You could convince him it would happen. 
Could convince him that if rocked his hips harder it'd work faster, that if he clenched hard enough around you, you'd be milked dry and he'd be so full. He’d listen, he’d listen and be the best prince cause only Daddy uses his hole, so only you know what's best.
He melts into your hold as you finally enter him. The stretch adds a pleasurable pain sedating his burning lust yet he still feels too hot. You bite the shell of his ear before leaving a soft kiss behind it. Taking his hips in your hands as you guide him over your cock. Filthy words leave your mouth, the slight degradation in them said so lovingly that Mingyu considers it praise. 
He's such a slut for cock? Yes, yours makes him pathetic. 
He’s so sensitive he could probably cum with just kisses? Yes, because your lips tease and suck all over, making him yearn.
He's your pretty fucktoy? Of course he is, he's Daddy's pretty toy wrapped up in lace and bows. Daddy’s prettiest present to kiss, bend over and make cry whenever they want.
Your pace quickens, the sound of skin hitting skin egging you both on. The fairy lights above continue to make him glow, casting a halo on his head. Proving that he is Daddy's little angel. 
“Daddy so good..” he groans out; ending his sentence with a small squeak as you seem to reach places he’s only tried to this past week. “Yeah? My poor prince must have been so lonely.” you sympathize. Pulling your hips back slowly you lean to kiss his shoulder blade. “So empty.” you insinuate with a strong thrust. 
Mingyu cries out at the feeling, the power in your movements making him try to grab at something only to fall short at the flat wall in front of him. “Need it s’bad.” he mewls out. The thought that occurred to him while you were away the only thing currently in his mind. “Need what baby?” you ask fondly. He doesn't respond instead he moves one of his hands from the wall to intertwine with where yours lays on his stomach. 
He moves his hips in a circular motion, turning to look back at you. He’s pouting as if you're supposed to know what he needs. You usually do but mingyu thinks you might not know what it is he really wants right now. 
“Been thinkin' about it while you were gone.” he says but doesn't answer you. He rotates his hips in the opposite direction, whining at the feeling. The pretty pink gown swaying with the motion causes you to groan. You lower your free hand to Mingyu’s ass before giving a spank to the left cheek. “Spit it out angel.” you snap, feeling impatient.
You lean back to stand straight and he follows; laying his head on your shoulder. His body is bent erotically the arch of his back causes his chest to push out. You catch sight of his nipples under the slightly sheer fabric, you wish you could touch him everywhere at once.
He wraps his arm around the side of your neck to secure himself. He looks at your lips before licking them lightly. His gaze travels up to lock on your eyes, there's a seductive flutter to them, one that makes Mingyu's eyelashes feel like a trap and his irises capture you.
“You cum in me so deep and it's always really good.” he whispers to you. His eyes never leave yours as he speaks, drawing you in more than he already has you. “Feels so good you'd let me fuck you anywhere, anytime?” you press, voice low as you rut your hips up lightly making Mingyu’s eyebrows furrow in bliss.
“Feels so good I'd let you get me pregnant  Daddy.” he corrects quietly. His words fill you with fervor, images of mingyu walking around the house in more pretty nightgowns while being bred by you. His hole leaking and messy with your cum as he makes breakfast, feeling content as his body glows. No matter how unrealistic it is, your hunger for him is real.
He grins before giving you a feather of a kiss when he sees the light in your eyes dim, now sharing the need with him. You fuck into him faster, his moans suffocating as it hits the wall in front of you. It's suffocating in the way they sound so pretty, in the way it motivates you to keep going, to pull more out of him until his throat is sore. 
Mingyu’s cock bounces between his legs, pretty cock shiny with arousal and frustration. You pull back to grip his hips harder, fuck into him just a little bit harsher until he’s crying. “Daddy, w–wait, t’much!” he sobs out. You slow, beginning to kiss up his jaw, his cheek, and a gentle one on his forehead.
You move a hand to splay on his stomach as you fuck up into him with slow but deep thrust. Making sure he feels every inch of you glide in and out of his walls. You’re making sure to hit his prostate with intention causing your poor prince to grip your wrist. “Pretty body is so big and strong, it already has all of me but it wants more?” you taunt and he only whimpers, pushing his hips back for more. 
Each time you drag your cock out he can't help but whine, even though he knows you'll always give him more, as every time you reenter he gasps. “It wants more of me so much that your hole won't stop pulling me back in.” He can’t reply, your thrust knocking all words and air from him and it's so good. He doesn't have to think right now, doesn't even think he could with all that's clouding his mind is the feeling of you inside.
“Gonna make you even prettier in this gown angel, gonna make you take so well.” you growl. Turning his head to face you, you capture his lips. The kiss is a contrast to your bodies. It's hungry yet soft. So full of care that Mingyu almost misses the way you bite his lip with a grunt, seeming to be caught up in the idea of his body being not only full of your love but also full of you.
And all Mingyu can do is let out pleas. His body finally got what it wanted yet he still begs. “Daddy’s gonna get me pregnant?” he questions, so far gone in his pleasure and you're no better. “You want it baby?” you moan into his ear. “Yes! Yes…” he cries, head nodding along to his words. “Then daddy will give you it angel.” 
You don't know how much time passes by as you both stay in this lustful haze. You came more than once and immediately stopped counting. His hole exposes that fact erotically. Cream around your strap and his pretty hole. The sight alone makes you want to cum again.
“Daddy it's getting messy, t’much cummin out.” He whines. You'd almost think he's complaining if you didn't know how much he loves it like this; with his head empty and his hole dripping.  Angel doesn't even notice his lisp being more apparent. He's so cute, so perfect, so big that you’d be crazy not to stuff his hole until it takes. (Though the thought of pulling out just to see him tear up and babble about putting it back in appeases you.)
“Thought you wanted my cum, pretty prince?” you remind as you guide you both to the bed. Laying him on his back. You lift his legs over your shoulders; moving down to kiss both his nipples lightly. “I do s’much. imagine all of it in here, Daddy, please.” he snivels as he looks down at his stomach before meeting your gaze. His eyes are shiny and his hair is tousled as it sprawls over the pillow. Your pretty prince is the real danger here, despite his claims of it being you. 
You bite back a moan at his words. Holding his hip tight letting your fingers push into the little bit of plush there. Everything feels too much, too little, so good. You almost don't want to cum again, wanting to stay here like this with him forever. Yet you feel the familiar tingle in your skin and your brain fuzzes as pleasure overtakes you once more. Your orgasm is strong even after the previous ones. 
Mingyu reaches down to his cock, finally giving it attention. It only takes three strokes and a weak thrust of your hips for him to shake with a yelp. His orgasm making his breath quicken and his legs tighten around you. 
You both catch your breath before you pull out and Mingyu decides to be a brat as he immediately pulls his legs back to show you all of him. His puffy hole clenches causing cum to squeeze out. God, why is he such a blessing and a curse in the best way possible?
“S’much inside Daddy, look how much is coming out” he slurs softly. He stares at you as he pushes more out and you moan quietly at the sight. He giggles at his effect on you, the power he has to make you feral is something he takes pride in. You avert your eyes from where you both connected to look back at him.
“What do you say baby?” you inquire. Kissing his ankle softly before letting go. He closes his legs making the pink gown fall to lay at his thick thighs.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
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P.s: guys this might be the last pure smut for a little minute as i have a few full fic ideas I'm finally starting to plan and work on! horny writer user @/jellipuff is not out of commission guys, she's just finally going to try, write & finish her fics instead of 1.0k+ smuts. 😞
323 notes · View notes
jellipuff · 2 months
AHHH guys this being my first story posted and having 575 notes?! that's so insane yet so real bc who wouldn't love subby gyu⁉️🫱🏼‍🫲🏽 no but fr thanks so much!! ^~^
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Pairing: Sub!Mingyu x reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut (18+, Minors dni!).
Wordcount: 4.2k
Summary: His interest in you was shocking. Star player Mingyu crushing on you? Who knew two years later that calling him pretty was all that was needed for him to fall deeper and who knew for him to get his way all he had to be was pretty? Short answer: you both knew.
Warnings: sub!mingyu!!, established relationship, football player mingyu, idk if this is gn!reader but i don’t think i mention anything too gender-related, Slight pwp, this is literally just reader fingerfucking Gyu with a side of fluff, anal play (m receiving), he's so spoiled, and a lil slutty, reader records them, slight exhibitionism(no one walks in but there are people in the house while they do this), mingyu just can't be quiet no matter how much he tries to say he can :(, reader teases gyu bc he’s cute, he just wants to be called pretty 24/7. (i think that's it?)
A/n: this is my first time writing in forever & my first time writing for svt. I can barely find any sub!svt fics especially mingyu so I thought let me write em myself 🙄. I hope its okay though LOL. also if you don't like it, don't read‼️ No need to burn me at the stake friend. Feedback is appreciated :)
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You and Mingyu have been together since sophomore year. You both go to the same college and shared a few classes that year. Classes that weren't too important but important enough for it to affect your grade, school is just like that.
You heard about him in freshman year. He was admired by those around him for his athleticism in football. Quickly becoming one of the best players resulting in him being liked by not only his team but others as well. You didn't really know him then though, not caring to honestly. He was a wonderful football player, the crowd around him either being the same or being interested in it. 
Oh, and interested in him.  
Mingyu is a stunner, his looks giving him many opportunities in more ways than one. You would hear about how good in bed he was from people talking a bit too loudly in a library. When you’d go to parties with your friends you'd also see how people would try to get his attention. You’d watch as women threw themselves at him in hopes of being the one he takes to bed that night.
So you could see how you were surprised when he seemed to show interest in you.
You're not knocking yourself, you're beautiful and your personality shines just as much. It's just you and mingyu don't seem to have any compatibility if the things you know about him are anything to go by. “He manhandled me so well”, “Our first date was to see the new Fast & Furious.”, “He's so handsome.”
Sure none of those things are bad per se. You just know yourself well enough to know that when you think about mingyu just a little longer than you should that you want to manhandle him.
That if you were to go on a first date you'd want to take him to a cat cafe just to see how this puppy of a man would interact with them. That when you look at mingyu you know he is handsome but you can only seem to think he’s so pretty. 
When you got paired together in two of your classes for a project you didn't know if you were fine with it or not. You don't know his work ethic or how his grades are, he shows up to class every day but does he actually care about his grades?
Though as he smiled brightly on his way over to you when your names were called together for the second time that day, you didn't seem to care too much about any of those things.
“Seems like fate huh?” he says with a grin as he sits by you. “What does?” you ask while pulling up a blank PowerPoint. “Us being a couple.” he says flirtatiously and you can't help but give him a look. “You mean us being project partners.” you reprimand but he waves you off.
“Same thing as what I said, either way, it happened twice. So that means it's fate.” he says taking your pink glitter pen to write both your names on the paper you were given. You watch as he draws a little smiling puppy and then a grumpy cat side by side underneath. He turns to you with a pretty smile, pleased at his artwork.
“Look it's us! You’re the grumpy cat.” he giggles and you think if he weren't so cute you'd tell him to find a different partner. Yet you don't tell him that nor do you tell him that this professor only allows blue or black ink.
You think that's the first time you realized maybe you got mingyu all wrong. Maybe he isn't just a jock who watches Fast and Furious and is strong in bed. You also realize this another time. 
You and mingyu were doing your meet-up at his place. When he told you he has roommates you almost wanted to cancel on him. An apartment lived in by men sadly only filled your mind with overthinking.
What if it stunk? What if his room was messy? What if his roommates were creepy? You'd like to think mingyu wouldn't let them be weird toward you and that sedates your worries slightly. 
As you walk into his place though you’re met with the smell of food cooking and shouting in the living room. Walking in further you see a game of Mario Kart being played and the smell is from the spaghetti being cooked by a man who smiles when he sees Mingyu. 
The atmosphere was nice, leaving you to relax a bit from before. Mingyu introduced you to them all, telling them you're going into his room to work on a project not to fuck as his friend Seungkwan had joked. The way mingyu seemed to be flustered at his friend's joke is what leaves you amused.
The thought of him getting shy at being accused of something he is apparently good at and known for is cute. You learn the man cooking is Joshua, and you compliment him on the smell. He laughs; thanking you before saying “For once Mingyu’s crush has good taste.” he teases and Mingyu freezes. 
He looks at you with wide eyes cheeks flushing at Joshua's slip of the tongue. “He’s just joking like he jokes like that a lot you know.” he hurries to say and you feel amused. “Uh huh.” you reply and Mingyu feels the need to make you believe he does not like you because what if you find that weird? You haven't shown interest in him at all.
“Yeah, he's dumb you know cause like I could never have a crush on you so what is he even saying?” he finishes with an awkward laugh. He doesn't see the way your smile falls and the way Joshua watches the whole thing unfold in horror. Feeling the need to check if his tall friend hit his head somewhere.
When mingyu does look back at you though he's met with a look he can't read but one that makes him feel like he wants to sink into the floor. “Let's just get this over with okay?” you say coldly and he feels like crying.
Sure he can handle heavy tackles, can handle sometimes getting bad grades, and can handle everyone thinking of him in ways that he isn’t. Right here and right now though? Mingyu realizes he can't handle feeling anything from you that isn't your usual warm sarcasm or soft smile. He realizes that seeing you dismiss him so seriously hurts him, it makes him small in a bad way. 
So when you both get to his room and work in silence he thinks he'd rather die from embarrassment at the confession he's going to give than die from the pain of having you not glance his way once in the past hour. 
“Um..you know I didn't mean that.” You don't look up when you hum in confusion instead focusing on the information you’re typing. “When I said that I could never have a crush on you I…I didn’t mean that because I do…have a crush on you.” he admits shyly but he doesn't look away. Needing you to understand that what he said earlier couldn't be further from true. 
For what seems like forever you finally look at him and just your gaze makes his stomach feel funny. You stare at him, watching him try his hardest to not look away. Seeing his hands fidget from you observing him silently.
You think that right now mingyu looks the prettiest he ever has. His eyes not leaving yours to show his sincerity, blush covering from his ears to his cheeks, and knees to his chest. Leaving his feelings on the table must be scary for him. You know how mingyu feels about this.
He’s told you a few times how people always think they know what he likes, how he feels, and what he thinks. So he never says them, and never is honest with those who aren't close to him. Knowing that with others it's more like they set up what he should like, feel, and think. 
Mingyu watches you smile, the warmest one he’s seen from you. Just that alone has him feeling better and then you shock him. “You're so pretty Gyu.” you say with so much admiration he short circuits.
Pretty? You think he's pretty? He's handsome he knows that everyone always tells him that but.. Pretty? Mingyu has never been associated with that and he feels fuzzy at it.
“Pretty?” he questions aloud and you hum with no hesitation “So pretty.” you repeat and mingyu suddenly feels shy, feeling the need to giggle. “You like being called pretty?” you ask endeared and he nods scooting closer to you. “Yeah, I like it.”
However, dating mingyu for two years has left you being pleasantly surprised constantly. So when you figure out your boyfriend wants you to take him here with people around, you think for what feels like the millionth time that you’re surprised again.
You hear the laughter and bickering outside of the room. The only thing blocking you from all of the noise is the bedroom door or should you say that the door is the only thing blocking them from you.
Your attention is only focused on the boy who has your shirt fisted tightly as he brings you down to kiss him deeper. You feel him trying to bring his groin closer to your thigh but failing because you keep it too far. He whines again after another failed attempt at feeling something against him. 
You pull back from the kiss with a grin, adoration all you feel for the pretty boy beneath you. “No, want more kisses.” he mewls, trying to pull you back down but you don't budge. “But kisses weren't part of the deal, baby.” You remind him and he looks away annoyed at the agreement he agreed to. 
Here on a trip with your boyfriends teammates, friends and some of their partners was a joy. Loving being able to go with him somewhere different even if it's not too far from home. It's the fun that comes from enjoying time with him and being able to see him be complimented by his team.
His efforts and talent being highlighted always leave him with high cheeks that glow from smiling too hard. They all are happy right now. Winning games back to back with a few struggles they overcame felt like a blessing.
Just like having Mingyu underneath you with his cock leaking from just a few kisses is a blessing.
Having to split up into two Airbnbs leaves you and Mingyu with others in the house. Mingyu knew that yet he kept trying to gain your attention. He knew he already had it but he wanted your attention in another way. 
You first caught onto his little game when he wore a pair of shorts that he knew you loved on him. The way they hug his hips and leave little to imagine at his thighs never fails to make you want to take him right there.
The thing is though Mingyu only wears those in your apartment. He never wears them anywhere else so there would be no need for him to pack them. 
When he noticed you staring at him while he looked through the dresser for something he smiled at you before quickly changing. Saying ‘Oh must have accidentally packed these.” While laughing. Yet the throbbing in your core wasn't funny at all.
“Don't be annoyed baby, you were the one to agree, no?” You ask; sliding his underwear down his legs. “Yeah, but I didn't think you’d be this mean.” You smile, enjoying his sulking.
“Mean? Weren't you the one stringing me along all day baby? Until you finally caved in from your own game. Dragging me to the bathroom just begging for me to play with you. And what did I say?” you question watching his ears flush. 
“You..you said only if you get to do what you want.” he replies, causing you to smile. “Mhmm and you said I could do anything I wanted, touch you wherever I would like. Do you remember where I said I wanted to touch you?” you ask and he goes quiet, feeling shy. 
He doesn’t answer, head still turned away from you. That just won't do, will it? 
You grab his chin, turning his face so he can look at you. “Where did I say I wanted to touch Mingyu?” you repeat harsher. Needing to hear him say it out loud. His eyes stay locked on yours before he says “My butt.” he says quietly and you hum, feeling turned on by how he seems so bashful despite this not being abnormal for you both. 
“Good boy. You dragged me to the bathroom just to be told I want to see you spread open for me. You wanna know why?” he nods, wanting to hear you tell him. Yet he feels so needy he beats you to it. “Cause it's pretty, you said I'm prettiest when I take you well.” he answers for you. 
You pat his cheek before moving down the bed. “That's right baby, so pretty when you're full of me. So pretty when you take anything I give you.”
You wish mingyu would have packed your strap, would have thought to bring at least a dildo in his lust-hazed mind but he didn't. So you'll just have to finger fuck him until you feel satisfied.
You grab the lube that Mingyu didn't forget to pack while leaning down to kiss him. “Color?” you ask and he smiles. “Green, just wish I could take something bigger” he pouts and you laugh softly at the confession. “Then you wouldn't be able to be quiet, so be thankful.” his brows furrow in offense. “I'm not that loud, I can be quiet.” he defends. “Well guess you better prove that now then huh?”
You take his hand in yours before kissing the back of it. You guide his hand underneath his right knee, leaning over to do the same with the left. Tapping his thigh to signal for him to pull them back and hold them closer to himself. He understands quickly, leaving him bare to the cold air and bare to you.
You rub your middle finger on his rim lightly causing him to sigh. Moving to open the lube you apply some to his hole and your fingers. “I'm going to put one in okay baby?” you alert him and he shakes his head. “Two.” you look up at him in disbelief.
“No, I need to prep you, don’t be greedy.” You tell him causing him to whine. “Two! I need something bigger. I can take it, I always take it well.” “Mingyu–” you try to chide. 
“Please love, haven't been full in so long. Need to feel you stretch me, miss it.” he bats his lashes, already knowing he has you where he wants you. All he has to do is say a few sweet words, be pretty, and you’d do anything he requests.
“Just tell me if it hurts okay?” you sigh and he smiles, feeling spoiled. 
You go back to rubbing his hole a few times before stopping. He looks to see why but you don't meet his gaze. Lust clouding your vision. You need to record him, need to make sure you get a  video of him like this. “Gotta film you baby, gotta save it. Is that okay?” you question and he nods.
Loving the feeling of you thinking he’s lovely enough to photograph, lovely enough to be recorded for you to look back on.
You grab your phone from the nightstand before kneeling back on the bed. You open the camera before pressing record. Wasting no time, you slowly inch your two fingers into his hole, watching the way it grips your fingers tightly. You hear Mingyu moan softly, the feeling of you inside him too little but too much at the same time.
“It's pretty?” he asks sweetly and you groan quietly. His warmth surrounds your fingers making your brain feel like it's surrounding you. Making you feel like it's you filling him up, not your fingers, and god how you wish it was.
“Yes baby, it's pretty. All of you is so pretty.” he smiles pulling his legs higher. You point the camera from where your fingers move inside of him up onto his torso and face. Moving faster when you see him look up into the camera.
“Look at you, legs spread wide all for me. What do you think the others would think if they walked in here and saw you like this? Big boy Mingyu, the best player on the team getting his ass played with. Do you think they'd close the door? Or do you think they’d see just how pretty you are?” 
His cock jumps at the thought of everyone thinking he's pretty. He only needs to be pretty for you but the thought of them saying it to him makes him groan. At the thought of his teammates, his eyes leave the camera to look at the door, eyeing the knob hoping it's locked only to see it's not. 
“Oh no, you forgot to lock the door baby? It's almost like you want them to come in.” you accuse and he shakes his head. Hips starting to rock down to meet where your fingers move just a little faster, still much too slow for him. It leaves him wanting, leaves him jumping at every slide he does get to feel of your fingers on his prostate.
He knows you're missing it on purpose. He knows that you’re only hitting it when you want to and that makes him needier. Makes him have to guess which stroke is going to have to make him bite his lip to quiet his sounds.
You lean back pointing the camera to be focused on his hole as you take your fingers out. He whines at the loss, his hole feeling too empty. His cock lays hard against his stomach, tip flushing pretty against his tan skin. You slide three fingers back into him, the third adding a stretch that mingyu craved.
The stinging is so pleasurable it has him moaning your name. You and your touch are the only thing plaguing his mind. 
“You gotta be quiet baby remember? I haven't even touched your dick yet and you're being loud. It's like you want everyone to hear you. Like you want them to walk in and watch.” 
He shakes his head quickly even though his cock jumps at the idea. “No!” he whines. You shake your head in faux disappointment. Lifting the camera to his face, his glossy eyes finding it quickly. “Baby told me he’d be quiet and I believed him. Yet he’s such a slut for his ass being stuffed that he can't shut up.” you chastise.
“I c..can be quiet.” he stutters lowly. “Yeah?” you ask and he nods, going to respond yet cut off by you finding the spot that has his back arching off the bed.
You don't relent your movements only seeming to increase. He can't help but cry out, the sounds leaving him bounce off the walls causing you to feel aflame
“Fuck, baby. You look so pretty.” you groan. He doesn’t answer instead putting his hand over his mouth as you abuse his prostate nonstop, his thighs shaking yet never faltering from their position. “Grab your cock Gyu, don't you think it'd feel good baby?” You order him and he looks up at you nervously.
If he takes his hand off his mouth he doesn't think he’d be able to be silent especially if he jerks himself off while you finger him.
Though that's what you want. 
You want to see him cum, want to see his jaw slack and cock twitch when he makes a mess of himself. To hear him cry your name out because that's all that pops into his pretty little head. He removes his hand from his mouth slowly, bringing it down to hold his cock: unmoving. “Go on baby.” his eyes flicker from the camera to his cock before pumping it slowly.
The feeling makes him sigh. Your fingers slow down so as to not overwhelm him. “Feel good?” you question and he looks back to you. Pink lips shining and eyes glossy. “Yeah..” he trails off quietly. You smile, your panties left wet from this. 
His effort, his beauty, his warmth, all of it makes you go crazy.
You pick up your pace again. Fingers fucking against his prostate unrelenting causing pleasure to overtake him so fast he almost forgets how to stroke his cock. You smile as his hand stutters and his eyes roll back. You look at the camera seeing the way his sweat makes his skin shine.
“What's wrong Gyu? Why’d you stop?” you question, voice laced with faux confusion. He looks up into the camera. His face is so pretty you think you could cum just from seeing him like this. 
Even though he's not necessarily staring at you it feels like he only sees you, the phone not even in his vision. 
“Can’t Y/n, can't.” he cries out. His lip quivering, he feels so good, loves you so much. He needs your help. Only you know how to ruin him so good, touch him in a way he never can. “Need my help baby?” You inquire and he nods.
His brain is too fuzzy, all he wants is for you to make him cum. Wants to feel your touch everywhere. You grab his cock tightly before pumping him quickly. “Yes, yes..“ he moans out. Hands pulling his thighs closer, hoping maybe it'll let him feel you more.
Suddenly the noise from in the house gets louder, cheering for something unknown being heard. “What do you think they'd say if they knew they were in our video baby? Knew that their voices could be heard while I film me fingerfucking you?” you question before squeezing him tighter. Strokes gliding easily from how messy he already is. 
“Ahhh, good s’good!” he moans. Not caring about how his voice is getting louder and how the house is suddenly getting quieter.
“Y/n…y/n!” he cries hips moving up and down. Trying to pull more pleasure from wherever he can get it. “Close baby?” you ask lowly.
“Mmm! feels good, feels so good. Wish it was deeper.” he whimpers out. “I’ll just have to keep you stretched till we go home tomorrow then huh? Then I’ll fuck you deep baby, make you feel me here.” You press your palm on his stomach and the action sends him over the edge.
His stomach tenses and his eyes open to find yours once more. He needs to see you while he cums, to see how you look down at where his cum lands on his stomach while some drips down your hand. 
Your name falls from his lips in a sob, letting the whole house know who makes him feel like this. Letting them know who makes star football player Mingyu sound like this. 
You take your fingers out of his hole he whines at the slide of them. Pointing the camera to where his hole is now empty. Watching as he clenches around nothing as if to entice you back in. You moan at the sight, such a pretty hole on your pretty boy. You turn the camera off, throwing your phone to the side. 
“Was I pretty?” he asks when you lean over him to kiss his neck. “The prettiest.” you admit truthfully. He giggles, loving how you see him. 
“Want more kisses now.” he pleads and you smile moving to look down at him “You weren't quiet.” you jokingly remind him. Mingyu whines, feeling frustrated from his lack of kisses. “Don't care. You like it when everyone knows how much of a mess you make me. So shh and give me my kisses.” he vocalizes pulling you closer to him.
You laugh and kiss him lovingly. His lips are always soft and inviting as you press yours to his. Neither of you moves back until your lungs beg for air.
He leans up for one more peck before laying back against the pillows with a pretty grin. “So what I’m hearing is you weren't even trying to be quiet.” you tease; standing up and helping him lean against the headboard. You help him put his clothes on so you can head to the shower. Sure the bathroom is right across the hall but you don't want to risk the chance of someone seeing Mingyu walking; ass out. 
“I was trying.” he replies causing you to roll your eyes. “Sure gyu.” You don't even have to look at him to see his leg bounce. “I was!” you only laugh at his insistence.
“Whatever just be quiet from here to the bathroom, then maybe I’ll give you more kisses.” You open the door and look over your shoulder to see him close behind, mouth shut. You giggle at his cuteness.
He knows it's an empty threat, He’s just too pretty that you'd give him anything no matter what he does. 
You both know that.
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jellipuff · 2 months
hi, guys, i hit 1,000+ likes & 62 jellipuff enthusiasts! (i spent too long trying to say something other than followers cause i feel like being a lil silly.)
thank you all so much hehe! (..◜ᴗ◝..) i'm glad my fics are something ppl can enjoy because being a fic writer can be lowkey anxiety-inducing for me. but then i see ppls reactions, etc and it makes me giggle while also wanting to write more things! sending love back to you all!! 🩵
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jellipuff · 2 months
y’all so “Angels wrapped in bows”is getting attention and i appreciate it so much!! i’m so glad others are enjoying it ^–^ 🩵
but there’s something so funny about what i’ve been seeing with this fic😭 when i tell y’all the amount of ppl who like the story and then eventually unlike it (after reading it i assume?) is so high LOLL idk why it’s making me giggle. to me it feels like what if they’re thinking “nahhh the crew ain’t catching this or me in the likes🗿”
(or they read it & it sucked so they took the heart away🧍🏽‍♀️)
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jellipuff · 2 months
Angels wrapped in bows.
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Pairing: Mingyu x reader
Genre: Smut (18+, Minors dni!).
WC: 2.5k
Summary: Being apart from Mingyu is always a challenge. No matter if for one minute or one week, you always find it challenging for many reasons and you know he feels the same. Yet who knew your pretty prince could get too greedy? Could crave you so deeply?
Warnings: Sub!mingyu, Bottom!mingyu, Dom!reader, Gender-neutral reader (let me know if it's not!), The term cock/strap is used in regards to reader, Gyu calls reader Daddy, Mingyu wants to get pregnant & reader gives mingyu anything he wants, (There is no real pregnancy just the situation being arousing for them both), Breeding kink, Dirty talking, Mingyu gets cockdumb easily, Lots of cum talk, There’s a little cream🥧 scene at the end (Sorry, kinda not & it’s short dw!), Pet names: Mingyu (Angel, Prince, Baby.), Reader (daddy.), Mingyu in a pretty pink nightgown during this. <3 (I think that's it!)
Inspired by this ask!
A/n: Hi guys! I haven’t written in so long so I hope this isn’t too bad! ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) Since I haven't written in forever I'm trying to get back into the groove of it all so please be gentle with me LOL. Btw this might be a lil freaky for some hehe but I hope you like it! Also, don't like, don't read‼️ No need to burn me at the stake friend. Feedback is appreciated :)
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Being away from mingyu is something you'll always consider a challenge. Whether it be he's simply in the kitchen while you are in bed or it is you on a week-long business trip with your phone being your saving grace. No matter the situation the feeling is always the same; you crave mingyu in every sense of the word. 
This week's business trip has finally ended and you couldn't be more relieved. You hate being surrounded by so many people especially those who can't even return a nod your way. You can't say you blame them, with the constant meetings, elders feeling the need to raise either voice and business being the only thing talked about. It would take a toll on anyone, especially when it reoccurs for a week. 
Although boring and uneventful you can't help but feel grateful at being kept busy. The whole time you were gone Mingyu mostly stayed at home by himself. He explained that he can't go out with his friends every day. (you told him you'd want to hang out with him every day, cutie got shy at that.) 
The sight of your front door makes you want to jump for joy. Behind there is a soft bed, a warm shower, and a pretty prince. With it being so late you enter the house quietly, sticking your suitcase to the side, and putting your shoes together neatly. The last time you kicked your shoes off without care you got an earful. Who knew for mingyu to use his size against you all you had to do was be a brat about tidiness?
You open your bedroom door quietly, careful not to wake mingyu if he's already asleep but to your surprise the lamps are on. Though that’s the last thing on your mind when you see him. 
Your prince who you haven't seen in a week stands by one of the walls hanging up new fairy lights while wearing one of his dainty nightgowns. Not just any one though, your favorite one. Pretty pink gown with lace detailing, tiny bows at the hem, and one in the middle of his chest. The lighting from the fairy lights overhead cast him in a glow, making you feel like you had truly walked into heaven.
Walking up to him, you wrap your arms around his waist squeezing him tightly. You kiss his forehead with a hum, satisfied at having him in your arms again. He flinches at the contact, his surprised expression making you snicker. “You scared me!” he says, turning around to face you. His expression is cute though you know he's trying to appear angry.
“You need to be more aware baby, what if I was someone dangerous?” you state amused at his reaction; moving down to nip at where his neck meets his shoulder. You feel him relax at the feeling, already giving into you at such a small action. “You are someone dangerous.” he counters, turning back to the wall. You admire the view because how couldn't you? 
His broad shoulders, and toned back accompanied by his thick thighs is such an art that you'd be crazy to do anything less than admire. His cute ass that peeks from beneath the hem of his gown makes you drop to your knees to seek more. Slipping your hands underneath his gown to squeeze the plump cheeks.
It's so cute how Mingyu’s ass fits him, so biteable and soft. The chocked sound he makes at your teeth sinking into his skin tenderly makes you apply more pressure. You want your mark there, a sign to him and yourself that he is yours.
Mingyu winces at the feeling, the pain is one he doesn't mind. He knows you’ve missed him, in too many ways to count. He doesn't move even at the sting because if there is one thing Mingyu loves, it's being useful for you. A selfish reason lies within that as well, your angel loves being used by you. 
Mingyu loves pleasing, a part of him relishes at not needing to think when you're around. Mingyu loves letting you do whatever you wish because it makes him happy. There's also the other side of the coin that makes him dizzy and that's letting Daddy fuck him wherever and whenever they want.
“Need it, Daddy, s’much” Mingyu whines after what feels like hours of your torment. You’ve been touching him all over, your mouth traveling every inch of him, getting him so close with so little just to stop soon after. He missed you a lot and needs to feel you inside right now!
Throughout the days you were gone all he could think about was: What would you do to him today if you were here? How would you kiss him Thursday morning while he made you both breakfast in the pink sweater you bought too big for him?
He even thought silly thoughts like: What if you cum in him so deep that he got pregnant? 
Mingyu didn't think it was silly afterward with the way the thought made his mind hazy and hole feel too empty. He knows it won't happen, He is not even sure he’d want it to but the thought makes his face hot, and knowing you? You could convince him it would happen. 
Could convince him that if rocked his hips harder it'd work faster, that if he clenched hard enough around you, you'd be milked dry and he'd be so full. He’d listen, he’d listen and be the best prince cause only Daddy uses his hole, so only you know what's best.
He melts into your hold as you finally enter him. The stretch adds a pleasurable pain sedating his burning lust yet he still feels too hot. You bite the shell of his ear before leaving a soft kiss behind it. Taking his hips in your hands as you guide him over your cock. Filthy words leave your mouth, the slight degradation in them said so lovingly that Mingyu considers it praise. 
He's such a slut for cock? Yes, yours makes him pathetic. 
He’s so sensitive he could probably cum with just kisses? Yes, because your lips tease and suck all over, making him yearn.
He's your pretty fucktoy? Of course he is, he's Daddy's pretty toy wrapped up in lace and bows. Daddy’s prettiest present to kiss, bend over and make cry whenever they want.
Your pace quickens, the sound of skin hitting skin egging you both on. The fairy lights above continue to make him glow, casting a halo on his head. Proving that he is Daddy's little angel. 
“Daddy so good..” he groans out; ending his sentence with a small squeak as you seem to reach places he’s only tried to this past week. “Yeah? My poor prince must have been so lonely.” you sympathize. Pulling your hips back slowly you lean to kiss his shoulder blade. “So empty.” you insinuate with a strong thrust. 
Mingyu cries out at the feeling, the power in your movements making him try to grab at something only to fall short at the flat wall in front of him. “Need it s’bad.” he mewls out. The thought that occurred to him while you were away the only thing currently in his mind. “Need what baby?” you ask fondly. He doesn't respond instead he moves one of his hands from the wall to intertwine with where yours lays on his stomach. 
He moves his hips in a circular motion, turning to look back at you. He’s pouting as if you're supposed to know what he needs. You usually do but mingyu thinks you might not know what it is he really wants right now. 
“Been thinkin' about it while you were gone.” he says but doesn't answer you. He rotates his hips in the opposite direction, whining at the feeling. The pretty pink gown swaying with the motion causes you to groan. You lower your free hand to Mingyu’s ass before giving a spank to the left cheek. “Spit it out angel.” you snap, feeling impatient.
You lean back to stand straight and he follows; laying his head on your shoulder. His body is bent erotically the arch of his back causes his chest to push out. You catch sight of his nipples under the slightly sheer fabric, you wish you could touch him everywhere at once.
He wraps his arm around the side of your neck to secure himself. He looks at your lips before licking them lightly. His gaze travels up to lock on your eyes, there's a seductive flutter to them, one that makes Mingyu's eyelashes feel like a trap and his irises capture you.
“You cum in me so deep and it's always really good.” he whispers to you. His eyes never leave yours as he speaks, drawing you in more than he already has you. “Feels so good you'd let me fuck you anywhere, anytime?” you press, voice low as you rut your hips up lightly making Mingyu’s eyebrows furrow in bliss.
“Feels so good I'd let you get me pregnant  Daddy.” he corrects quietly. His words fill you with fervor, images of mingyu walking around the house in more pretty nightgowns while being bred by you. His hole leaking and messy with your cum as he makes breakfast, feeling content as his body glows. No matter how unrealistic it is, your hunger for him is real.
He grins before giving you a feather of a kiss when he sees the light in your eyes dim, now sharing the need with him. You fuck into him faster, his moans suffocating as it hits the wall in front of you. It's suffocating in the way they sound so pretty, in the way it motivates you to keep going, to pull more out of him until his throat is sore. 
Mingyu’s cock bounces between his legs, pretty cock shiny with arousal and frustration. You pull back to grip his hips harder, fuck into him just a little bit harsher until he’s crying. “Daddy, w–wait, t’much!” he sobs out. You slow, beginning to kiss up his jaw, his cheek, and a gentle one on his forehead.
You move a hand to splay on his stomach as you fuck up into him with slow but deep thrust. Making sure he feels every inch of you glide in and out of his walls. You’re making sure to hit his prostate with intention causing your poor prince to grip your wrist. “Pretty body is so big and strong, it already has all of me but it wants more?” you taunt and he only whimpers, pushing his hips back for more. 
Each time you drag your cock out he can't help but whine, even though he knows you'll always give him more, as every time you reenter he gasps. “It wants more of me so much that your hole won't stop pulling me back in.” He can’t reply, your thrust knocking all words and air from him and it's so good. He doesn't have to think right now, doesn't even think he could with all that's clouding his mind is the feeling of you inside.
“Gonna make you even prettier in this gown angel, gonna make you take so well.” you growl. Turning his head to face you, you capture his lips. The kiss is a contrast to your bodies. It's hungry yet soft. So full of care that Mingyu almost misses the way you bite his lip with a grunt, seeming to be caught up in the idea of his body being not only full of your love but also full of you.
And all Mingyu can do is let out pleas. His body finally got what it wanted yet he still begs. “Daddy’s gonna get me pregnant?” he questions, so far gone in his pleasure and you're no better. “You want it baby?” you moan into his ear. “Yes! Yes…” he cries, head nodding along to his words. “Then daddy will give you it angel.” 
You don't know how much time passes by as you both stay in this lustful haze. You came more than once and immediately stopped counting. His hole exposes that fact erotically. Cream around your strap and his pretty hole. The sight alone makes you want to cum again.
“Daddy it's getting messy, t’much cummin out.” He whines. You'd almost think he's complaining if you didn't know how much he loves it like this; with his head empty and his hole dripping.  Angel doesn't even notice his lisp being more apparent. He's so cute, so perfect, so big that you’d be crazy not to stuff his hole until it takes. (Though the thought of pulling out just to see him tear up and babble about putting it back in appeases you.)
“Thought you wanted my cum, pretty prince?” you remind as you guide you both to the bed. Laying him on his back. You lift his legs over your shoulders; moving down to kiss both his nipples lightly. “I do s’much. imagine all of it in here, Daddy, please.” he snivels as he looks down at his stomach before meeting your gaze. His eyes are shiny and his hair is tousled as it sprawls over the pillow. Your pretty prince is the real danger here, despite his claims of it being you. 
You bite back a moan at his words. Holding his hip tight letting your fingers push into the little bit of plush there. Everything feels too much, too little, so good. You almost don't want to cum again, wanting to stay here like this with him forever. Yet you feel the familiar tingle in your skin and your brain fuzzes as pleasure overtakes you once more. Your orgasm is strong even after the previous ones. 
Mingyu reaches down to his cock, finally giving it attention. It only takes three strokes and a weak thrust of your hips for him to shake with a yelp. His orgasm making his breath quicken and his legs tighten around you. 
You both catch your breath before you pull out and Mingyu decides to be a brat as he immediately pulls his legs back to show you all of him. His puffy hole clenches causing cum to squeeze out. God, why is he such a blessing and a curse in the best way possible?
“S’much inside Daddy, look how much is coming out” he slurs softly. He stares at you as he pushes more out and you moan quietly at the sight. He giggles at his effect on you, the power he has to make you feral is something he takes pride in. You avert your eyes from where you both connected to look back at him.
“What do you say baby?” you inquire. Kissing his ankle softly before letting go. He closes his legs making the pink gown fall to lay at his thick thighs.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
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jellipuff · 2 months
Rules and Guidelines.
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→ This is a Nsfw 18+ blog! So if you happen to be under 18, Please Do. Not. Interact.
→ If you don't have your age visible on your blog I will have to ignore your interaction.
→ My blog is always open to chat & stuff! it’s fun & i like hearing from others! ^~^ but with that comes boundaries! If the ask makes me uncomfortable I'll ignore it so neither of us will feel too awkward LOL. I also will most likely block if you’re being too hateful for no reason as this blog is just for writing and being silly!
→ Please do not interact with my blog with ignorance such as: Homophobia, Transphobia, Fatphobia, Racsim, etc.
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I will write about:
• Dominant reader (& sub!reader though maybe not as much.)
• Tall!reader (than idol)
• Chubby!reader
• Gender neutral reader
• Poly relationships
• Threesomes, etc.
• Gender-bent idols(?) (guys with a puss :p)
• Hybrid idols/reader
• A/b/o au's
• I’m open to many different kinks & topics! below happen to be things i am not open to writing. ↴
I won’t write about:
• Strictly idol x idol (though as stated above poly relationships are okay.)
• Anything pertaining to minors inappropriately.
• Ageplay (though mommy/daddy as titles are fine.)
• Incest
• Beastility (don't leave anything crazy in the ask box just cause i write hybrid & A/b/o PLZ)
• Non-con
• Anything with scat
→ I don’t take request at the moment because idk if i’ll be good at it but feel free to spam my ask box with your thoughts. Soft or hard, or simply just rambling about everything & nothing! (..◜ᴗ◝..) Though if i do happen to take request one day, please refer to what i don't write bc if it includes those things i will not write it. Feel free to send anything else though without fear! 🩵
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ᯓ★ Navigation | Svt Masterlist | Bts masterlist | Skz masterlist .
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jellipuff · 2 months
Okay, so I have two questions!
how do posts get community labeled?
how can I avoid getting community labeled?
I want to post fics but I'm lowkey nervous because one story got community-labeled and I don't even know how it did when others didn't? :0 Like is it wording I use, what deceive I post off of? are people perhaps reporting them? I'm just so confused and a little stuck on what to do. ˙◠˙
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jellipuff · 2 months
hihihi your blog said your last update was two months ago :( i hope you're doing alright
i just want to say that i love your writing smmm. your works are truly unique and i'm glad i found your blog. it's totally my thing
i don't have an intention to pressure you to write more or anything. i just want to thank you for all of your amazing works 🤍🤍 have an amazing morning/day/night 💖
hi pretty! yes I was gone for two months, i want to say i'm back now although im kind of a person who works on spurts of energy so who’s to say LOL
before i say anything i just want you to know that your ask is actually what brought me back and i’m not lying at ALL‼️ when i got this i was still questioning if i should continue this blog or even just continue writing in general :( bc i was facing insecurity as well as some anxiety towards it all. while also having the thought that no one may like what i write which is totally fine because I DO but it can be a little disheartening. 
so when i got this ask i was like “YUP this lovely anon won against the voices, shout out to them ig 🙄” (i was extremely excited and happy that you won might i add so ignore the emoji)
i'm so very glad you love my writing! your wording “your works are unique and i’m so glad i found your blog, it’s totally my thing” AHHH ANON DO YOU PERHAPS WANT ME TO PROPOSE??
that has me cheesing so hard because the stories i write aren’t for everyone but i wanted someone to write stories like them because there were none, so now that i get to be plug for the ppl searching is an honor and ily!!
i'm sorry if i'm rambling but this really was just such a sweet ask and i can’t help but gush and be grateful for it! i want to thank you for reading my works and sending something so lovely, i hope you have an amazing morning or night pretty! sending hugs 🩵🩵
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jellipuff · 2 months
Goddd big sub mingyu in a pretty pink gown. Imagine him calling you daddy and probably agreeing on a day when you can free use him whenever you want and just fuck him full of your cum until he's all dumb and begging to get filled and be pregnant 😭
ANON?! Omgg shut upppp because why are you in my head??
Oversharing moment here but i like to be called many things but something about ME being called daddy makes me feel like i'm glitching. Add that to this scenario you gave me and i will DIE.
I love that you love big sub!mingyu in a pretty pink gown because he’s such a lovely prince that he loves it even more! :(( cutie mingyu has the prettiest gowns and daintiest lingerie because he’s your baby whose only job around you is to be happy and fucked full until the mess leaking beneath you both is too much. He’s such an angel knowing just how much Daddy needs him, knows how much you love using him. 
He knows you miss him so much and he misses you even more! it’s not fair that your job keeps you from him when he craves you this intensely. Even if his hole is still puffy from where he begged and pleaded last night for more. More strength, more kisses, more cum, more of Daddy! :< 
Mingyu thinks the people at your job need a reason to let you come home earlier, a reason to give you more days off, and mingyu knows one he can give them. 
so when you step in the door late one night a bit tired yet overjoyed at finally being home, you are surprised that your night is full of mingyu in your favorite pink nightgown of his as he begs for you to knock him. Pushing his hips back as your hands grip them harder; telling you how good it feels. He can't help but keep whining about how messy Daddy’s cum is but not once does he stop asking for it. Even as you pull out, leaving him empty he think it’s the fullest he’s ever been. Panting heavily as drool escapes his mouth; he gazes at you through lidded eyes before smiling. “Hole is s’messy Daddy, thank you.” 
Mingyu knows he won’t get pregnant but with the way you still look so hungry for him despite filling him up multiple times, he also knows you’re going to call in sick tomorrow. So he’ll take his win and maybe if he wakes you up in the morning with his hole and lashes fluttering, you’ll give him another round of whatever he wants, whenever you want. 
( btw i’m sorry for answering this so late!! I saw your ask a bit ago but wasn’t feeling motivated to write and was having a bit of anxiety around writing. I do want to say thank you so so much for sending an ask because I love gushing about things and talking to you all. I also wrote a whole fic around this ask soooo that’ll be out soon hehe! I just need to figure out how to post on here without getting got by the labels (╥_╥). )
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jellipuff · 2 months
heyyy guys your fave pegging men, pretty men crying, dom!reader, sub!svt fanfic writer is BACK to SAVE THE DAY‼️ strap up in more ways than one troops! 🫵🏽🪖
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jellipuff · 4 months
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OH! So you want me dead?? His tits getting revealed as his pretty gown slips further down, the muscle there begging for you to grab or bite.
Also, his tongue lolling out?... Friend I fear you may literally be inside my head because I was so going to write that here LMAOO! Literally imagined him being so cockdumb that he babbles nonsense, tongue peeking out, drool dripping down. Just a big messy baby :(
OMG PRETTY PINK BOW ON HIS PRETTY COCK IN HIS PRETTY PINK LINGERE?!! now you got me feeling fuckin crazyyyy👹
(I'm so so happy you liked it hehe, I loved your feedback fr. made me giggle and happy! ^~^)
omgg this...this is so mingyu that i almost started barking.
Big Mingyu just loves being bigger than you. Such a big man, so big he can take anything you give him! He promises! 
Begging on his knees for you to use the large dildo he bought while thinking of you. He doesn't even see your concerns for him as reasonable because you know how easy mingyu is to stretch, how easy it is to fill him up till you see the large dildo he bought bulge just a tiny bit under his soft muscled tummy.
Your big puppy has no thoughts in his head as he bounces on your cock. Pretty pink lingerie gown making him an angel to your eyes. Poor baby is working so hard that the thin straps of his gown slip down but he doesn't care. Babbling about needing you to cum in him, filling him up till he gets pregnant. Cute moans in between his begging for you to breed him because that's all he wants, your big puppy wants your cum so bad. :( And “Wouldn't I look so pretty?” He questions genuinely and of course, he would.
(when you do cum in him and go to pull out he whines, telling you to push the cum back in. big mingyu just needs to stay filled up, getting sulky if even one drop is wasted. He rolls over giving you a pretty smile as he lifts his nightgown leaving you to admire his sweaty skin and his messy lower stomach from his orgasm. Soft giggles escape him, mind still hazy. “Told you I could take it.” he's gonna be the death of you.)
(sub!mingyu nation, strap up! we're rising! 🪖‼️)
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jellipuff · 4 months
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While you cry yourself to sleep I'll just cry down my leg😞 LMAOO. YOU SAYING IT’S SO GOOD HAS ME KICKING MY FEET! I am so happy you like it hehe ^~^
Also RIGHT?! Like he shouldn't even ask that, he knows he’d look pretty with his hole full yet head empty.
I'm sorry your day was stressful my lovely z :( I hope the days to come are gentler BC U DESERVE THAT SO THE UNIVERSE BETTA LISTEN😾
(also 100/10?!....I will literally cry, that's so nice)
omgg this...this is so mingyu that i almost started barking.
Big Mingyu just loves being bigger than you. Such a big man, so big he can take anything you give him! He promises! 
Begging on his knees for you to use the large dildo he bought while thinking of you. He doesn't even see your concerns for him as reasonable because you know how easy mingyu is to stretch, how easy it is to fill him up till you see the large dildo he bought bulge just a tiny bit under his soft muscled tummy.
Your big puppy has no thoughts in his head as he bounces on your cock. Pretty pink lingerie gown making him an angel to your eyes. Poor baby is working so hard that the thin straps of his gown slip down but he doesn't care. Babbling about needing you to cum in him, filling him up till he gets pregnant. Cute moans in between his begging for you to breed him because that's all he wants, your big puppy wants your cum so bad. :( And “Wouldn't I look so pretty?” He questions genuinely and of course, he would.
(when you do cum in him and go to pull out he whines, telling you to push the cum back in. big mingyu just needs to stay filled up, getting sulky if even one drop is wasted. He rolls over giving you a pretty smile as he lifts his nightgown leaving you to admire his sweaty skin and his messy lower stomach from his orgasm. Soft giggles escape him, mind still hazy. “Told you I could take it.” he's gonna be the death of you.)
(sub!mingyu nation, strap up! we're rising! 🪖‼️)
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jellipuff · 4 months
On the topic of stories, I need to hurry up and start....Woozi x tall!reader who happens to be a cocky sweaty mechanic.
but of course, woozi isn't impressed🙄.
Woozi finds her muscley arms annoying and her stupid pretty grin annoying. He also finds her sweaty face with some little hairs sticking to it annoying cause it has her stupid cat eyes that stare down at him as she speaks to him. He finds her height that smoothers him in all the ways he loves and craves so so annoying!
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jellipuff · 4 months
Mingyu in lingerie is the only thing in my head now and I will be adding that to the massage fic that I started.
because oiled up mingyu in warm lighting whimpering your name as you fuck him from behind. His pretty ass bouncing from your thrust, the oil making the sight even more arousing. The warmth of the room makes everything feel heightened and makes everything feel more, more more.
UGH, I NEED TO FINISH IT! Someone force me to start writing again because the want is there!....yet the adhd prohibits my ability.😞
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jellipuff · 4 months
omgg this...this is so mingyu that i almost started barking.
Big Mingyu just loves being bigger than you. Such a big man, so big he can take anything you give him! He promises! 
Begging on his knees for you to use the large dildo he bought while thinking of you. He doesn't even see your concerns for him as reasonable because you know how easy mingyu is to stretch, how easy it is to fill him up till you see the large dildo he bought bulge just a tiny bit under his soft muscled tummy.
Your big puppy has no thoughts in his head as he bounces on your cock. Pretty pink lingerie gown making him an angel to your eyes. Poor baby is working so hard that the thin straps of his gown slip down but he doesn't care. Babbling about needing you to cum in him, filling him up till he gets pregnant. Cute moans in between his begging for you to breed him because that's all he wants, your big puppy wants your cum so bad. :( And “Wouldn't I look so pretty?” He questions genuinely and of course, he would.
(when you do cum in him and go to pull out he whines, telling you to push the cum back in. big mingyu just needs to stay filled up, getting sulky if even one drop is wasted. He rolls over giving you a pretty smile as he lifts his nightgown leaving you to admire his sweaty skin and his messy lower stomach from his orgasm. Soft giggles escape him, mind still hazy. “Told you I could take it.” he's gonna be the death of you.)
(sub!mingyu nation, strap up! we're rising! 🪖‼️)
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jellipuff · 4 months
there's just something inherently holy about a girl vibing alone in her room
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jellipuff · 4 months
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friend i’m so glad i’m not the only one who wants, no needs more of this jeonghan! Idk it’s something about jeonghan being a dom who is so teasing and caring but also is giving power bottom that makes me dizzy‼️ I just love this lil fic so i’m very happy you liked it too. thank you for reading! 🩵
(i genuinely thought no one might like this cause i don't see many carats writing jeonghan this way so your words are so appreciated ^~^)
Little one.
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Pairing: Jeonghan x reader
Genre: Smut (18+, Minors dni!).
Wordcount: 1.9k
Summary: He lays by you in his silk pajama shirt that’s buttoned a bit too little and hangs a bit too low. His chest suddenly makes you aware of your all too empty mouth. Being the attentive lover he is he can’t have that now can he?
Warnings: Dom!jeonghan, Afab reader (no gendered terms are used.), One mention of reader having a chubby 🐱, this is literally just about sucking his nipples, Marking, Slight mutual masturbation (bc he’s a lil meanie & reader doesn’t even notice bc they looove him.), Pet names: Reader (sweetheart, little one, baby), Jeonghan (hannie.), Mentions of reader telling him not to run his fingers through their hair/undo it, Him finding a way to play with readers hair that leaves them both happy bc he loooves them. Implied bottom!jeonghan, he mentions letting reader fill him up cause is it a story of mine if men aren’t needy for that? Implied pegging/topping. (I think that’s it!)
A/n: Hi guys! this got 🚩so i’m having to repost with a community label bc i think that’s what i’m supposed to do if this happens? (leave knowledge/tips on that if you can plz!!) i love pretty men that give their partners pretty love & guide their partner to their pretty chest. So i wrote about it! this is so soft yet the thought makes me spin. LOL but I hope you like it! Also, don't like, don't read‼️ No need to burn me at the stake friend.  Feedback is appreciated :)
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You lay flat against the pillows waiting for Jeonghan to finish drying his hair. You watch him point the hairdryer underneath causing his long hair to fly up. He focuses longer there and at his ends knowing they take the longest to dry. He finishes and walks over to where you lay watching, giving you a warm smile causing your heart to skip.
You love Jeonghan, everything about him is your comfort. He’s your home in so many ways that you only yearn for him at the end of the day. Not your bed or a hot shower, just his embrace and love.
He hasn’t even laid beside you yet and you can already catch the scent of vanilla with a tinge of spice. The scent itself encapsulates your lover perfectly. He is so sweet and caring, always seeming to know what makes you happy, what makes you laugh, and what makes you feel safe.
Your lover is also very alluring; his existence alone teases you. Leaving you craving at all hours and leaving him; your attentive lover to know what you need. 
Finally, he's by your side lying to your right as he props himself onto his left side making his front face you. From this position you can't help but feel small, jeonghan feels as if he's towering over you even if he's not. His presence alone makes you want only to listen, never to lead. It makes you want to only please him, the thought of your pleasure vacant from your mind. 
He makes the hand that is behind you busy by playing with your hair. He doesn't run his fingers through it, he doesn't pull apart the work you've done because you've told him not to. Taught him other ways to busy himself there. So as he slightly pats your hair in different spots, leaving a bit more pressure here and a small scratch there you can't help but think you’re lucky. 
You notice his silk black pajama top that manages to slightly shine under the dim lights. You notice the way it’s barely buttoned, leaving it to slide slightly off of his figure. His position of lying beside you makes it stay open, giving you a peek inside. 
You've always loved his chest, the slight muscle that has built up there never fails to make you want to bite him. Just as much as seeing his pretty nipples makes your lips tingle with the need to wrap around them.
Jeonghan must see you staring because he calls you. You look up, finding him smiling at you. He scans your face before bringing his hand to it, dragging the knuckle of his index finger across your cheek. His eyes never leave yours as he caresses both. You try to not blink but your mind is against the idea. You want to close your eyes to feel every shock his touch sends through your body. 
“Can I kiss you little one?” he asks. His voice not cutting through the serenity of the quiet only seeming to add to it. You open your eyes to stare into his, feeling his love be conveyed. “Yes.” you whisper out. 
There is no need to be louder when he goes to close in. His lips never fail to leave you floating. The gentle way they take yours has your senses heightened. Leaving you to try and feel more. 
More of their softness and more of the warmth that starts in your lungs reaching your throat until you disconnect.  You are both so close it's as if you breathe in and out the same air, your bodies finding another way to connect. 
“What were you peeking at earlier baby?” he questions as he messes with your baby hairs that have wisped up. “Your chest.” you answer, eyes moving across his face. Admiring the way his skin glows under the moonlight that casts in from your windows.
“Mhm, do you like what you saw?” he asks. You both know the answer, know that you will always like what you see. 
“Yes, your chest is so pretty. Already so handsome and your chest is getting fuller & stronger. It's making me go crazy.” you confess, letting your eyes scan down to where you only see a glimpse of what lies underneath. Jeonghan preens at the hearts he can practically see in your eyes. His baby obsessed with every part of him, your attention nor lust ever straying anywhere else. 
“You wanna see 'em, baby? Want to see how strong they’ve gotten? Feel how warm the shower made them?” he whispers gruffly into your ear, leaning away with a kiss at your quick nod. He leans up to undo the two buttons that are barely holding the shirt together. 
You watch as the last one is undone, his shirt opening to reveal the slight indent forming between his pecs. Showing the efforts of his recent lifting. The slight muscle paired with his pretty nipples is making you needy.
They perk at being fully exposed to the chilly air, a slightly darker shade of dusty rose is what meets the eye. They’re small yet the perfect size to make your teeth itch with the need to bite them. You get lost in the moment of what you consider a reward, you'd go to sleep peacefully even if all you got to do was stare…Horny but peacefully!
“It's almost like you forgot I was even here, so caught up on them.” he laughs as he slips the shirt off of his left arm only. He moves back to your side making his scent cloud your senses once more. “Never could forget you, love you too much” You slur slightly and he smiles. Jeonghan loves you much more. Finding your seriousness to his teasing so cute.
He pulls your head closer to his chest. You immediately try to grab at it but he stops you. 
“Don’t disappoint me, love, What do you say?” he inquires sternly. “Please hannie?” you plead easily, leaving him satisfied with your obedience. “Go on sweetheart.”
You don’t waste any time as you suck on his left nipple. Taking the bud into your mouth earnestly. Laying your tongue flat against it as you move it up and down & using your hand to pinch at the other. 
The warmth of his skin radiates. You being so close makes it seem as if he's warming you up. Under your palm, on your tongue, against your cheek, all of him causing heat to envelop you. 
You hear him sigh, petting your hair back as you switch actions. Taking his right nipple into your mouth; flicking it with the tip of your tongue. “Look at you baby, does it feel good?” he asks and you moan against him. The vibrations seem to add to the stimuli of your mouth on his nipple causing him to whimper softly. 
“You look so cute sucking on my chest sweetheart, almost makes me want to let you fill me up. You’d like that wouldn’t you little one? Filling my ass up and feeling me all around you.” he says between moans, you having started to rub him through his matching pajama bottoms. The thin silk does little to omit any pleasure. 
At the thought of filling him up, you detach yourself from him. Moving around his chest to suck at the skin, watching pretty blotches bloom. You leave bites along with the kisses you press. Leaving a few darker ones in the middle of his pecs, and around his areola. Seeing your teeth indents fuels you to continue. 
“Leaving marks all over me. You want everyone to know I’m yours baby?” he pushes his chest closer to your wandering mouth, seeking your answer and your lips.
“Only mine, pretty chest is only for me.” you groan possessively. Feeling the need to suck harder, apply more pressure to your bite, and make him cum from your touch just to prove a point. He's only yours. Your powerful boyfriend, your attentive lover, your gentle hannie.
Yours, yours, yours.
He spreads your legs, leaving your soaked panties to his eyes. “Look at how needy you are. Is this all for Hannie baby, all for me?” he asks as he slides your panties to the side, chubby lips keeping them at bay. “Always for you, Only need you.” you moan out. 
The way he slides through your folds gently reminds you that if you did that it would feel like nothing. Yet when he does it it's so good, when he does it you would say thank you a million times as you cum from his slender fingers. 
“Sucking on my chest and stroking my dick alone gets you like this? I barely even grazed your clit and you're leaking so much baby, how adorable.” he teases.
In your hand you feel him twitch, from where you lay you can feel his chest rising as his breath quickens. The smell of mint hits your nose as his breath fans against your ear. You want to cum with him, want to feel his cum puddle in your hand. You wanna feel his cock jump as your hole clenches in unison. You, Hannie’s sweetheart, get to cum by him, cum with him.
You go back to biting his nipple, pressing the bud between your teeth before soothing it with your tongue. So tiny, so biteable. Your boyfriend is so alluring, so handsome, making you forget how you even used to cum without him.
You lift your hips trying to seek more pleasure from the feather-like touch but he stops you. Taking his hand away from your heat and replacing where yours held him with his own. Tugging at his cock with a cocky laugh, one you can't get mad at because it's so close to your ear you have to close your eyes.
“Ah ah, little one. You can’t cum yet you know that. I said you could play with my chest, not touch my cock but you did. You were working so hard so I let it slide.” he admits, his breath hitching slightly as he toys with his tip.
“So don't get greedy. I was even thinking about taking your hand and using it to finish. You love it when I use you sweetheart but now you only get to watch me touch myself. How sad.” he berates you, his tone cocky. He wants to be a little mean because he's curious as to what you'll say now that you've been told you can only watch as strokes himself, that you can't make him cum. That you're not allowed to cum. 
Though he only sees your eyes light up, mind only hearing that you were working hard and that you get to watch him get himself off and that's enough to make you happy.
Later that night Jeonghan is the one left craving and he simply can't be left there alone. Telling you to stand up as he goes to get the strap, picking out the dildo he needs to feel you fuck into him right now. He moves to kneel on the bed before leaning down on his hands, back arched pretty and cock leaking below. He turns from where his face is pressed against the mattress; “You know what to do little one, make me cum with your cock, and maybe I’ll give you mine?”
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