jessybib · 2 years
I will be very disappointed tomorrow if I don't see new episodes, it's already so annoying when there are no new episodes for almost TWO MONTHS, it's too much. I'm just afraid that I'll waste any interest in the new season, even when new episodes come out. I DON'T WANT THIS, I don't even hear from Lego about the new season, it's terribly sad. I'm holding back (as well as those who are waiting for episodes) a little hope that, well, at least post 13-14 episodes, because it's already too much to delay episodes for so long😬💀
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jessybib · 2 years
Yesterday I came across a video about ninjago crystallized. Russian dubbing was there, I understand the Russian language, not very well, but I understand it anyway, I watched a couple of episodes in Russian, and I can say that there will be an official dubbing. There was a small spoiler from the actors about further episodes. I can say that Cole told Jay if he touches the crystal, he can become the crystal itself. I don't think I'll explain much, I'll just give you a link if you're interested, there are subtitles, but automatic.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0d7cMSUimo
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jessybib · 2 years
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I love this furry girl
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jessybib · 2 years
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My old fanart since May 2021. I remember well how I suffered with this fanart aaaaaaaaa
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jessybib · 2 years
I'm just mad at the way directors treat Zane.
They brought back the Overlord, who would be 100 percent defeated by Lloyd. It turns out that the Overlord can be defeated with Oni's power, as well as with golden power. There is no doubt about who will win.
It seems to me that the directors forgot what happened in the season 3 finale. Zane entered the battle with the Overlord at his own risk, he was not the Golden Ninja, they were not half Oni (okay, it only became in season 10, but how does Garmadon know how to defeat the Overlord? Why didn't he say this before? Maybe I'm missing something?)
Zane didn't expect anything, but he knew he would die, die with the Overlord.
The directors were so cheeky making Zayn's death meaningless, he did it for what? They are already trying to kill him, ignoring his psychological trauma, (Well, maybe with the exception of Decoded, the directors said there that it hurts Zane to remember what happened to him when he fought the Overlord)
I'll hate 16ns if the Overlord doesn't scold Zane for destroying him lol.
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