jewelthenerd ¡ 10 days
i wanna talk about this shot
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jewelthenerd ¡ 10 days
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The pencils breaking into smaller pencils
And why they treating word pencil like a slur. Reblog to scare ai losers away 🤭
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jewelthenerd ¡ 11 days
i hope you write (i hope we both write)
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jewelthenerd ¡ 18 days
I was bored at 2am this morning and decided I wanted to try and draw an outfit so here ( I am not very good at this lmao )
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jewelthenerd ¡ 18 days
I’m sorry, but I simply cannot betray my writing buddy
@darkstalker1247 we must settle this
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jewelthenerd ¡ 18 days
I voted for Dark <3
@darkstalker1247 we must settle this
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jewelthenerd ¡ 19 days
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jewelthenerd ¡ 19 days
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Oh good lord
On one hand we have Wukong, who would be an AWESOME uncle, but a TERRIBLE parent
On the other we have an overworked gifted kid
I think I’m screwed
@darkstalker1247 @therealranunculus
last fictional character in ur camera roll just adopted u
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(Yes I did do this only because I want him to adopt me. Fuck off)
tags: @cryptidwithaninternetconnection @reggie-the-inferi @gingerbreadeel24 @pickupstyx
and whoever the fuck sees this
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jewelthenerd ¡ 20 days
love you too dark /p
Anyway still on my Candace loving train but can we talk about how in Nerds of a Feather Candace is absolutely humiliated and ashamed to be a fan of Ducky Momo because it's a "kids show"
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To the point where she straight up lied to both Jeremy and Stacy about where she was that day (something we had never seen her do up until that point and then never see her do again)
And then literally as soon as Jeremy found out and reassured her that he didn't think any less of her
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She starts openly talking more about it and her interest in it and the collectibles, to both her friends and her family. And then eventually we get these scenes:
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Where Candace's friends actively participate in this thing she enjoys, even if it's not necessarily something they like as much as she does. (Granted I know Vanessa didn't really CHOOSE to be at the movies 😂 but it still counts)
And they never once make fun of her for it - in fact, no one who she cares about in the show EVER teases her about her enjoyment of the character.
That's all just to say I think it's a really cute way to tell viewers that it's okay to like things that aren't "cool," and that actual friends will happily pursue/discuss your interests with you.
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jewelthenerd ¡ 21 days
negdusjwhsusjxn yeah see I know that logically but sometimes it doesn’t click
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jewelthenerd ¡ 22 days
Decided to try my hand at editing! I think it turned out pretty good for a first attempt-
Song - It’s The Hard-Knock Life
Lowkey want to make versions for other characters-
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jewelthenerd ¡ 22 days
Fanart for @somerandomdudelmao ‘s comic, Marble Sky! ( hope the tag is okay aha- )
Been meaning to draw fanart for… quite awhile- I just kept putting it off and finally found the determination to go for it
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Alcor my beloved ( my favorite character honestly )
I can see so many mistakes in this drawing but i think it’s okay enough- I have quite a few sketches/doodles of some other characters that I didn’t dub good enough to post-
I do hope to draw more fanart for this comic! I really enjoy reading it and I like showing appreciation through fanart
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jewelthenerd ¡ 24 days
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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jewelthenerd ¡ 25 days
T h i s
*points at post* this is exactly how I feel
So, I wrote a Twitter thread on this, but I can elaborate more on tumblr so it’s going here as well.
I woke up after three hours of sleep from watching @swagginmun ‘s stream up to 2am talking about Season 5 and the new animation studio. I’m still upset about losing Flying Bark, of course, but i feel better about it now. Part of that’s just because I got some sleep (even if it was barely any) and part of it was something they said at the very end of the stream.
Closing off the stream, they argued that Season 5 of LMK could be disastrous. Like, jumping from acclaimed movie Prince of Egypt to….not so acclaimed movie King of Dreams disastrous. Or, this could be like going from Aladdin to it’s straight to DVD sequel, Aladdin and the King of Thieves
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If you don’t know it, Aladdin and the King of Thieves is the third of the Aladdin “trilogy” and tells the story of Aladdin reuniting with his father, the king of the forty thieves, and the two navigating their fraught relationship. Now, swagginmun mentioning this movie was kind of a blast from the past for me. I had Aladdin and KoT on VHS when I was a little kid. And yeah, I loved Aladdin, but I had King of Thieves on LOOP.
I loved the story, I loved the songs, Aladdin’s dad as a character was super interesting, the world building went NUTS-like, LOOK at that turtle island on the box art and tell me that doesn’t go crazy.
Yeah, King of Thieves wasn’t animated like Aladdin. But that didn’t stop baby me from having fun. And yeah, I could argue that my grainy TV from the 70s made every movie look bad, but even watching it as an adult, I still see and appreciate the things I’d loved as a kid. Shit- the low budget TV animation had some real charm to it, underneath all the grit.
I’m gonna miss Flying Bark like crazy. Like, so crazy I’m writing about them as I prepare to graduate. But if the heart of the show carries through-the characters, the humor, the emotional story beats-then it’ll be okay that the action’s stumbling on its feet this time around.
Some kid out there might be confused or upset that the fight scenes aren’t as cool as they used to be. But, some kids might be excited to see Sandy’s powers, or Nezha’s character development, or Red Son Even Being There. And kids are definitely gonna want their questions answered. For some child out there, Season 5 is gonna be their favorite season. And maybe, against all odds, it’ll be ours too.
Shut up about the Rise of Jafar I didn’t own it on VHS and tf it doesn’t exist.
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jewelthenerd ¡ 25 days
i did an art
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jewelthenerd ¡ 26 days
very much agree with this
My initial reaction was pretty negative (over dramatically so-) because- i guess I wasn’t expecting the change and it caught me off guard? Anyways I’ve taken a few deep breaths and upon further reflection I think this season is going to be pretty great, the animation isn’t bad, just slightly downgraded
The trailer actually isn't that bad I was just shocked but overall it's not awful a bit of a downgraded but it's not bad bad
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jewelthenerd ¡ 26 days
man this season is going to be fun isn’t it
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they put the fillet back on him oh lord
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