jhanacagoliodo-blog · 4 years
(Journal Entry # 6) Powers of my Mind: How My Brain Works
Please check your brain dominance by visiting the following websites:
‱ http://www.ipn.at/ipn.asp?BHX
‱ https://braintest.sommer-sommer.com/en/
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jhanacagoliodo-blog · 4 years
Watching Kdrama is one of my stress reliever, its help me to motivate myself, and it can help to relax my mind and someday I will become a doctor like themđŸ„°
(Journal Entry #5)
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jhanacagoliodo-blog · 4 years
My life guide to Become a Responsible and Capable Adolescent.
(Journal Entry #4)
* Managing School and Work
1. Focus on schoolwork. Regardless of how smart you are, excelling at school means being the best that you can be. School can mean a lot of effort and even boredom, but that will all pay off in the end with jobs, education, and perspective.
2. Get a job. You may not want to flip burgers or work retail, but the job is less important than the attitude you bring with you. If you are smart, engaging, and work hard, your employers will notice. That extra money coming in will be pretty useful, too. In addition, Working a part-time job while you're in school can teach you a lot about responsibility and time management. However, it's important to balance your school and work lives so that your grades do not suffer.
* Caring for Your Health and Hygiene
1. Visit your doctor and dentist regularly. When you're a teen, it's a good idea to start practicing good habits, and health is one of them. Visit your doctor and dentist regularly so that you can live your life without worrying about your health.
* Building the Right Attitude
1. Be honest with your parents. Every parent wants what's best for their kids. Believe it or not, your parents were also kids, once upon a time, so they definitely know what you are going through. Being honest with your parents will give them feedback about what's working and what isn't, and it will help you communicate better. Parents appreciate it when you take some time out of your day to tell them what's going on in your life. You don't have to tell them every intimate detail of your life, just let them in on what's important to you.
* Stop making excuses for yourself
1. If, and when you make a mistake , own up to it. Instead of transferring the blame to someone or something else, say the true reason why you failed to do something. By coming up with an excuse, you actually admit to being irresponsible. Moreover, it makes you a coward. If you cannot complete a task such as making it in time for a meeting or something similar, do not make the promise in the first place. You need to think clearly about what you can and cannot do, in order to avoid having to make excuses for yourself. Even better, when you find yourself in this kind of situation, say why you didn’t get that thing done instead of coming up with a pretty little lie.
* Be consistent and keep to your schedule
1. Having a routine is good. Routine means order, and this means that you are on the right track. If you are working, try to wake up at the same time every day. Even on the weekends, you could wake up earlier rather than staying in bed until noon. This will give you some consistency. Being responsible means that you are in control of everything you do. You do not let others take the blame, or forget about your friends and family. Also, you should not let laziness overcome your approach to your work. If you are given a task, you can get through it until the end.
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jhanacagoliodo-blog · 4 years
ACTIVITY 2. “MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER : Dear Significant Other” ( Journal Entry #3)
Dear mom,
You’re my number one supporter, you know that I’m not a showy person to everyone, Im a shy-type person I write this letter for you to show that I appreciate all the sacrifices you did for me and my sisters.
You always sacrifice yourself just to find a job to provide our needs even though you know that we don’t have a lots of money, I know that im not a good daughter to you I am a hard headed to you sometimes I already learn my mistakes . But you always motivate me when we lose our game, you don’t like to see me cry cause you want me to be a strong women that I can do better in my next game, you always in my games even though its to far you always in my side you guide me, teach me to become a better person. Thank you because I have a mom like you to support what we want.
Thank you for the advices I will never forget what you said to me. Someday I can payback all the sacrifices you did for me as your daughter, I am thankful to have you in my entire life, your the best mom ever.
Your daughter,
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jhanacagoliodo-blog · 4 years
(Journal Entry #2)
Narrate your most embarrassing experience through stating what experience it was, what was in your mind during that time (thought/s), how did you feel about that situation (feeling/s), and how did you behave/respond to it (behavior/s). (10 points)
The most embarrassing moment that i have in my life is when we played volleyball way back 2018 and its our championship game in rebisco volleyball league in koronadal city, that time when I inside the court and our game is intense when our opponent spike and its going to my direction and I recieve it, I just shouted “ Huli ka” that time the crowd was silent, after a few minutes they just all laugh even may family I dont know why I shouted that, and we lose the game but its okay that’s a game. We just laugh for what i did that time and also our opponent and they congratulate us for winning the 1st runner up. I felt like shy to everyon . After that I realize what I did, I want to go somewhere to hide them. But its fun after all, thats the most embarrassing moment that I had in my life.
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jhanacagoliodo-blog · 4 years
Activity 2.2. Selfie Project: Then and Now (JOURNAL ENTRY #1)
Present some interesting changes in you through making a collage of pictures. In the first box, collect and post some of your photos when you were still young. In the other box, post some of your current pictures. Be creative. Look how you’ve grown!
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