jjareauprentiss · 3 years
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Jennifer Jareau in 4x26 …And Back
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
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“It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
jennifer jareau’s ponytail actually carried the show
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
i had a thought that i need y’all to know. later seasons jj became the woman that elle taught her to be. argue with me all you want. i just. that’s what i see.
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
if cm does a revival i just want it to be a lesbian buddy cop show starring emily and jj absolutely no men
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
I stg if the criminal minds reboot happens and jemily doesn’t become canon?
i’ll still watch it but I WONT enjoy it.
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
woke up in the middle of the night with a single thought in my mind
jojo siwa is a mini penelope garcia
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
gdi @futuressaved got me in my feelings about the conversion camp episode again i hate it here
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
okay but i was thinking about this a lot watching the season 14 finale last night and now that we’re talking about death, one thing that i find really fun about JJ that I don’t have with a lot of my other more soldier type muses is that jennifer jareau is afraid to die. 
When she was being held hostage and askari came at her with a knife to kill her, that was the one time she really panicked in that situation. She literally started saying “no” out loud. 
When she kicked Hastings off the roof and he pulled her with him, she was terrified. The look on her face was pure fear. 
In the season 14 finale it was REID who decided they should put their guns down and JJ was NOT ABOUT IT. I have a whole long rant about how mad I am ta him for putting them in that situation, but JJ who is always pretty cool and collected is scared and shaky and NOT having a good time. 
When she gets shot, you can see the fear on her face while she’s laying there bleeding out. 
And lastly, in The Forever People when she actually gambles with her own life, and Askari points out to her that she did it, that’s the breaking point with her. Because taking Jennifer Jareau’s will to live would be taking the absolute last thing she has left. 
I’m 200% sure it comes from her being a parent, and worrying about her children and not wanting to leave them motherless, and wanting to see them grow up. But I think a piece of it also probably stems from her sister’s death and knowing that when her sister lost the will to live it simply took her away. And JJ doesn’t want that. She wants to live to be old and see her children grow up and be there for them like her family really wasn’t for her. And anyway, Jennifer Jareau is scared of very little and she’s tough as fuck but she’s really afraid to die. 
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
please expand on the shelby merrick is jennifer jareau as a teenager theory i’m listening 🧏‍♀️
I’m not mentally or emotionally prepared for this journey, but I’m going to do it for you.
Warning: this is a very long post.
Okay, so, I have two (2) pieces of evidence that are just too obvious to ignore (there are more, but these two stuck out):
1. Shelby said something to her mom in 1x19 that is almost identical to what JJ said to Billy Flynn over the radio in 6x01:
Shelby: “You knew what he was doing to me, and you didn’t do anything. He’s a monster! You’re my mother, you’re supposed to protect me. I guess I’ll just have to protect myself.” 
JJ: “If I could somehow go back there and make what was happening to you stop. I could just pick you up and tell you it’ll all be okay. That’s what moms are supposed to do. They’re not supposed to be the cause of your pain, they’re supposed to make it go away. They’re supposed to hold you and tell you everything is going to be alright... There are monsters, and it’s okay to be afraid of them. But it’s not okay to let them win, and it’s not okay to become one.”
Shelby’s stepdad molested her, and Billy Flynn experienced the same thing when he was a kid. Shelby’s mom ignored what was happening to protect her stepdad, and Billy’s mom didn’t stop what was happening to him. Shelby called her stepdad a monster, and then JJ implied that whoever hurt Billy in the past was a monster, too. When JJ said that it’s not okay to let the monsters win, Shelby did that (not let the monsters win) when she said that she was going to take matters into her own hands and protect herself from her stepdad. 
It’s almost like JJ took what had happened to her as a kid (as Shelby), and turned it into advice and love she wish she had gotten back then. She needed her mother to protect her and take away her pain, which is what she said to Billy.
2. Shelby wrote letters to Daisy while she was home, and they’re very similar to what JJ wrote when she left the BAU in season 6:
Shelby wrote: “They say things change, they say time heals all wounds, they say life goes on. But they’re wrong... I never had anything in my life that was good enough to lose, but now I miss everyone. I miss you.”
JJ wrote: “I’m thankful for my years spent with this family, for everything we shared, every chance we had to grow. I’ll take the best of them with me and lead by their example wherever I go. …This isn’t what I want, but I’ll take the high road. …There are things we don’t want to happen but have to accept, things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go.”
JJ’s letter is almost exactly what Shelby said, but worded in a much more mature way. Shelby was angry that she was being forced to go home, and that was obvious by the tone she used and how she talked about her situation. JJ, on the other hand, said she didn’t want to leave the BAU, but she was going to do it with her head held high. Had Shelby written her letter fifteen years later, it would’ve sounded exactly like that. 
Shelby also mentions that, after being at Mount Horizon, she finally has something to miss. She misses her friends. JJ wrote that she can’t live without her team members, but she will, because she has to. That’s exactly what Shelby said, but JJ wrote it in a way that made it seem like she had already learned that lesson at an earlier age. 
I am literally going insane <3
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
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Emily and JJ Talking To Men - 3/?
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
Not Jemily related but I would love some advice from my fellow girls, gays and theys
What is your dream way to be asked to be someone’s SO/gf/bf? like a note? a cute gift? a specific saying?? flowers?
yes i’m asking because I wanna ask this girl and I know she’s someone who loves cheesy and romantic things which I absolutely love about her BUT i want to make this moment as special as I possibly can and I would LOVE some advice!
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
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JJ || 2x19
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
Remember when Spencer said JJ was a mean girl in high school? Do you remember how he got to that conclusion? He looked at her hair and her pant size... he didn’t come to that conclusion because of how she acted he came to that conclusion by looking at her physical appearance. He did not think about how she’s one of the most caring and kind people on the team no he looked at her blonde hair and her waist size.
Do you remember when Spencer told JJ he thought about taking dilaudid again after Emily died? She sat with him for months and comforted him because he was hurting and he turned that around on her and said “if I started taking drugs again it’s your fault” he knew she couldn’t tell him and he also knew that she didn’t have to be there for him but she was.
Do you remember him apologizing for either of those? No cause he didn’t.
Do you remember her holding those against him? No cause she didn’t. She didn’t say mean things to him she didn’t equate his looks to his personality because she cares for him and because she’s loving and kind.
If Jennifer Jareau talked to Spencer Reid the same way he talked to her she would’ve been canceled in less than a second but because Spencer did it it’s okay? Explain that too me.
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
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taylor in gold
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
JJ: Go away for a second. I need to do something.
Emily: You are evil. You are unyielding. You are incapable of love. I am running away. I am packing my rucksack and going out to explore the world as a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this household.
JJ: Emily, I'm going to the bathroom.
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jjareauprentiss · 3 years
okay but
Reasons it makes more sense for JJ to confess her love to Emily than Reid
1. it’s much harder to come out than to confess your love your straight co worker
2. JJ is married to a man so if she said she was in love with a woman that’s one thing but being in love with another man?
3. it just does okay jemily is superior
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