jonthethinker · 3 years
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the pretty boy and the scary lady
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jonthethinker · 3 years
fearne entering the warehouse and freaking out Danas like
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jonthethinker · 3 years
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my favorite floating wizard
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jonthethinker · 3 years
So time for more wild speculation about Imogen, because Laura Bailey has crawled directly into my brain, which seems to be what she was going for with this character anyway.
I sort of reject outright the idea that Imogen is the sad character this campaign, or that she is more morose than the rest. How I would describe Imogen is tired. Just flat out exhausted. And more than a little frustrated.
She's quite polite socially, but in the way that suggests she was raised in an environment that sort of expected it, like many of the southern small towns and suburbs I assume her accent takes inspiration from. It's not necessarily disingenuous, but it definitely feels more instinctual than it does that it's some affect she's putting on to deceive. When she feels relatively comfortable, she's certainly willing to talk shit about people who have wronged or inconvenienced her, but she doesn't ever break from her manners in public or around strangers.
She also appears to have a taste for mischief, and is willing to use her not insignificant psychic powers to play pranks or get a little petty revenge here and there.
Most importantly of all, she seems incredibly driven. She always pushes forward, realistically judging her best options, and while occasionally optimistic doesn't seem the least bit naive about how things work, and freely admits when a topic is outside her depth. She is willing to take risks, even using powers that often have rather large drawbacks for her if it has a chance of getting her closer to succeeding at her goals. And despite her shyness, I don't think she's lacking entirely in confidence, although she does appear to occasionally become a bit self-conscious. A bit of an internal war between practicality and ambition going on here, I'd say.
So if I were to guess anything about her, I'd say she was fairly isolated growing up, probably as a product of her powers developing. Whether her parents/guardians deliberately kept her away from others I can't say, nor if that is the case, whether it was done maliciously or out of genuine concern, or possibly a combination of the two. But that does feel right to me. I can imagine a lot going wrong with a burgeoning psychic coming to grips with what they can do.
But if my instincts are correct, the pranking and other more playful uses of her powers, as well as her willingness to risk their use to get what she wants, are not exactly new developments for her. After the discovery of her powers, they probably played a major role in how she interacted with others, and probably not always with their awareness, or deliberateness on her end. It could have caused some trouble if people caught on, or if she somehow lost control.
All of this is to say boy howdy do I want to see where Laura takes this character. Like real bad. And I'm more than happy to be proven wrong if it means I learn anything new about Imogen.
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jonthethinker · 3 years
What's the over-under on Fresh Cut Grass having been named by one of Sam's kids?
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jonthethinker · 3 years
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jonthethinker · 3 years
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cleaned up and colored some sketches from the first episode!
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jonthethinker · 3 years
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I would die for Pâté de Rolo
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jonthethinker · 3 years
Meeting Pâté de Rolo
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jonthethinker · 3 years
Ashton: “Don’t ever take copper, that’s just kicking someone while they’re down. You take silver if they’re an asshole, and you take gold regardless.”
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jonthethinker · 3 years
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Happy Halloween!! Eat lots of candy and stuff!!!
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jonthethinker · 3 years
It's wild how little this party has actually said, even while being seemingly very open; they've had several heart to hearts over meals, but we actually really haven't gotten anything from them.
Whereas most of the Nein didn't want to offer any information that might identify them, this group is definitely the type to offer a bit of surface level information in order to make you think you're getting to know them, just because they've said a lot of words.
And it does seem that because there are ties to places and people in c1 that didn't exist in c2, fandom is extrapolating a lot more than was possible with any of the Nein's backstories—and obviously Orym does know Keyleth, and Laudna was aware of the de Rolos. But in terms of actual given information? We've gotten a lot less than it seems like we have.
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jonthethinker · 3 years
I’m rewatching the first ep of Campaign 3 in pieces just to see what I missed, since watching live I was a) tired and b) smiling too much to pay attention I was so happy
so anyway, have all of my thoughts and notes on Laudna because I lov her (and maybe there will be another post about Imogen to come, because I lov Imogen too and I think she and Ashton should get to commiserate about chronic migraines). some of it’s under a cut because it got Long.
her name sounds like Laudanum, which is an opium mixture
young-ish, though not as young as Imogen
likes kids, considers herself fun-scary
“surprised” she hasn’t been run out of town yet, implying this is an experience that’s happened to her before
her hair is in a partial updo with a rock chisel stuck through it, and her belt (in addition to the dead rat with a bird skull on it, which she made herself) is also full of tools - I for one am looking forward to seeing what she’ll tinker up with, with Marisha’s creativity
actually. Laudna fixing FCG. I need to see more of this dynamic Immediately.
although, she didn’t specify what tools! maybe she’s not a tinkerer, maybe she’s a sculptor. an artist. maybe she’s a miner. who knows? not me! can’t wait to find out !!!
Keep reading
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jonthethinker · 3 years
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Campaign 3!✨
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jonthethinker · 3 years
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hey it’s Ashton and the Boys!!  Part 2 of my CR3 Fauxnime screenshots ~ 
Bioswear © 2021
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jonthethinker · 3 years
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F.C.G My beloved
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jonthethinker · 3 years
Laudna is what happens when Gomez and Morticia Addams do the fusion dance from Dragon Ball Z.
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