josieoh · 1 year
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she can feel the sarcastic retort burning the tip of her tongue, the desire to avoid the reality of the situation and act as if nothing had happened nearly too strong to overcome. she'd been privy to some of the connections dae-eun had made throughout his time in nightrest, however, so she decides to play the only other role she's ( sorta ) good at: the older sister that's actually younger. ❝ that's because there's nothing really for you to do, kid. ❞ josie begins to reach forward before stopping short. this was uncharted waters between the pair and she figured it best if she didn't overstep. when her arm has dropped, she continues, adopting a gentler tone, ❝ there's nothing you can change, or take back, or do differently, or make sense of. all you can do is give yourself permission to grieve and then honour their memories. that's it. ❞
closed / @josieoh / location : anywhere
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"Jesus!" he yelped, twisting around to see Josie standing behind him. "Sorry, sorry, I'm..." He trailed off, waving an arm helplessly, as if gesturing to the fact that his mind wasn't a hundred percent on the conversation right now. "Fuck," he breathed, shaking his head. "I don't know what to do, Josie." He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that it could've been any one of them targeted in that restaurant. For all he knew, there was no reason why was he standing there, and not Sita.
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josieoh · 1 year
she's turned her emotions off, simply refusing to let herself feel any of her own grief. the fact of the matter was that josie never allowed herself to be all that close with anyone, not even the phillips' who had seemed to be around since the crew was in diapers, which is what she continues to remind herself. chi and lany deserve to grieve. lunara deserves to grieve. jacob deserves to grieve. and, especially given the location of the near massacre, hana deserves to grieve---but not josie. despite the truth of what sort of friend she was, however, she can't help but worry about hana in particular. she's seen it too many times throughout cases, the internalisation of incidents as such, which is why she bothered tracking the other down in the first place. also, being one who was never interested in the connections others had or didn't have, she wasn't sure who else the elder had in her life besides her parents and jia.
she allows the pair to sit in silence for a moment after closing the door, sitting down on the edge of hana's bed to ensure she doesn't get too close without receiving permission. ❝ i know it's difficult to believe anything different right now, but i swear to you, none of this is your fault, hana. ❞ the words eventually come, said softly within the quiet of the space, before she leans forward. she repeats herself, though her tone is firmer this time around, spoken as a matter of fact because it's the truth, ❝ none of this is your fault. ❞
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location: hanas parents house open to: @josieoh​
to say she wasn’t okay was an understatement. the shock that night had on her was enough for her parents to have her stay with them for the time being. with her parents helping out with jia too, all hana could go was stay in the bedroom she was in. sitting on the window seat as she looked outside. how could she even leave and face anyone in town? especially after what had happened. to her, it was her fault this had happened. if she had just said no to hosting the event. none of this would have happened.  no one would have had their life taken from them.  but it did. and hana hated knowing that it happened on her watch.
eyes blood shot read, she leaned back against the wall.  legs pulled up to her chest, a small sigh escaped her lips.  hearing a knock before the door opened, hana looked towards it. seeing it was josie, she didn’t know what to say to her.  how could she say anything  though ? she knew though her parents or siblings must have told josie this. how hana didn’t speak to anyone or rarely left her room after that night.   would josie blame her for what had happened? that she didn’t know. would hana ask her? probably not. part of her way too scared to ask. too scared to know what the answer would be coming from her.  all she could do in that moment was just look at her. even if she wanted to speak, nothing was coming to her in that moment.
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josieoh · 1 year
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josieoh · 1 year
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❝  i’m only not having fun because…  ❞  her words trail as she attempts to think of an excuse to offer, particularly one that’s believable, but she seems to be coming up short. after a brief pause, she allows herself to chuckle,  ❝  well, because i’m me. how often do you really see me experiencing any sort of joy unless i’m the center of attention?  ❞  it’s not necessarily false, but it’s not the real reason either. josie’s always willing to ruin joy for everyone, on purpose, for everyone except jacob. at the mention of kat, the younger’s smile grows playful and the distance between them is erased to grant her the ability to nudge his arm,  ❝  oh? look at you finally gettin’ it in.  ❞  she leans against the building next to jacob, the fabric of their sleeves nearly touching,  ❝  i’m not really sure what i’m doing yet, though---probably finley, but that's only if she’s lucky.  ❞
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"Thanks, Jo," he responded with a smile. Truthfully, despite his shoulder still not fully recovered, he'd been feeling better these past few weeks, almost under the belief that he was back to normal. He didn't let himself think about the recent losses too much, heart hurting if he was alone with his thoughts for too long. Being out like this was good, focusing on something like a basketball game for the night. "I guess that's a good reason. You should be having fun too, though. And I can tell you're not," he added. He paused at her question, though he didn't give it very much thought. "I don't know, I'll probably go home with Kat. What about you?" he answered, back leaning against the brick wall.
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josieoh · 1 year
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❝  i know you’re not a real journalist,  ❞  her attention is focused on the bartender, though her dig is directed at dae-eun and spoken with a grin,  ❝  so surprise me with something cheap, but make it fruity.  ❞  josie wouldn’t be caught dead with a beer, even if someone paid her. almond eyes shift back to the other,  ❝  now, what do you think we’ll see happening next?  ❞  she means on the news, but she doesn’t feel the need to specify. nobody else seems willing to discuss one of her current obsessions, especially given that it’s happening to some of their own. ❝ i know you've been thinking about it. ❞
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he stumbles a bit at her tugging, catching himself before he trips as he makes it to the side of the bar. with a laugh, he shakes his head. "i never would," he agrees, grinning. at her request—well, more like demand—he rolls his eyes. "of course," he replies, no real annoyance in the statement as he nods to the staff member. "and for you?"
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josieoh · 1 year
there aren’t many people who have truly earned a soft spot with the youngest oh---truthfully, she can count them on one hand sans her siblings---but hana was one of the first; hence why her heart goes out.  ❝  even with the cheaper stuff, you’re making a killing, huh?  ❞  a manicured finger lifts, forming a circle in the air when her head gestures towards the sea of patrons,  ❝  the turn out’s nice.  ❞  a smidge of pride is felt for the woman she’s adopted as another older sister, her smile growing wider when her attention shifts to their favourites displayed on the table.  ❝  i can’t believe you’re choosing to spend your break spoiling me, thank you!  ❞  her response is offered in jest, sprinkled with a dash of sincerity, before grabbing napkins for the pair.  ❝  now tell me… how’s my lil’ one and when can i steal her for a weekend? i haven’t seen her in awhile.  ❞  which means josie hasn’t spoiled her in awhile, either, and that’s unacceptable. 
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location: rhee’s bar & grill open to: @josieoh​
with a packed house tonight, hana was definitely busy. that was for sure. but with the first game nearing the end, things were starting to slow down a bit, it meant getting a chance to breath. with the food she had made for her and josie done, she placed it on the tray before grabbing it and making her way out of the kitchen.  making her way over to the table josie was at, she soon enough started to place the dishes on there. all favorites that the two of them liked. “finally i can take a break.” she responded before handing one of the waitresses that passed by the tray she was done using. pulling out the open chair, she soon enough sat down. “i made all of our favorites though before coming out here.”
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josieoh · 1 year
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she hears him, even despite all of the noise, but she sees no reason to acknowledge anything. certainly not after he's conceded and given her what she's asked for. ❝ well, colour me surprised, ❞ she grins, ❝ seems you do have some manners. ❞ a beat, ❝ okay, all is forgiven. ❞ josie knows she's only received the apology as a means for him to break away, even before he's told her to move, but that doesn't seem like much fun. ❝ why don't you accept it in a different way, then? ❞ she doesn't bother explaining what it is, figuring he'll understand she's referring back to her charity comment. ❝ looks like you need both a new shirt and a new drink. i can't help you with the former, not unless you think you could pull off a dress, but i'm certainly good for the latter. what do you say? ❞ the woman nudges an elbow in his direction, though she's careful not to make any contact. ❝ my company isn't that terrible. ❞
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For a quick second, Yuto stares at her – and then a genuine laughter escapes his lips. Even though he’s fully aware of where she’s coming from, the conversation is starting to get a little absurd. Annoying, even. “You’re not shouting back, mate, you’re shouting at me. I was completely silent when you decided to pick a fight,” he’s ready to move away, leave all of this hassle behind, and at least try to enjoy the rest of the evening, but she doesn’t seem to let him go, and there’s visibly not enough space to squeeze right through. So he stays in his place. “Look… Do you think I did that on purpose? Do you think I wanted to talk to you? And do you also think I did this –,” he points to the wet spot on his shirt, still ranting. “– just for the laughs? Please, if you want an apology, ask someone here,” his hand points to the right side, full of people oblivious to their quarrel. “That’s where you’ll find that one lucky bastard who pushed me,” he clears his throat and takes a couple of deep breaths. There’s a soft voice in his head telling him to finally bite his tongue and apologise — just so he could finally get away from the situation he got himself into. “I’ll have to decline this gracious offer, thank you. Sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to,” and for this one very short moment, he was being sincere. “Now move.”
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josieoh · 1 year
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❝ it makes me happy to hear that, ❞ if anyone deserves to enjoy themselves, it's her brother. even without everything that's happened thus far, and her being annoyed that he's a favourite of nearly everyone, josie stands firm in that belief. she chuckles at his comment, not bothering to dispute it. he's always known her best, even with the stuff that wasn't outwardly obvious. ❝ why else would i be here? it's kyle's birthday, there's booze, and... well, there's really about it. ❞ she pauses for a beat before adding, ❝ and some of my other friends are here, i guess. ❞ she doesn't bother bringing up her worry that something may happen to him again. it's a big crowd and there's alcohol involved, both of those were true that time, too. ❝ do you have plans after the games are over? ❞
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In many ways, Jake finds it easy to read Josie, sensing when she's upset and sensing when she needs a breather. But maybe he'd partially wanted it for himself too, the inside of the crowded bar feeling stuffy at best despite the lively atmosphere. He lets her guide him towards the entrance, pushing the door open and welcoming some fresh air. "It's loud, for sure, but yeah. We both know I was always the one into sports though," he answers, a content sigh leaving his lips at the cool temperature in the air. "Why'd you come anyway? You hate sports."
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josieoh · 1 year
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finley was on duty for the night, standing from a distance as she watch josie and her surroundings. there isn’t any interest from her to watch the game, only focused on the younger woman whilst the game was playing in the background, too focused apparently that she was taken aback a little bit as the crowd erupts in cheers, and the first thing she does on instinct is walk up to the paralegal to check up on her, especially when her irritation becomes very evident. she puts distance between her and the stranger, shaking her head at them and discouraging them from engaging. “hey...hey...” she turns to josie. “let’s take you somewhere else?”
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her nerves are nearly shot, evident in the way her sharpened gaze flicks towards the other. ❝ somewhere else? ❞ she repeats with an eye roll and empty laugh. ❝ this is precisely why i say i can take care of myself because why did it happen in the first place? ❞ preventing such moments was finley's job, meaning there was no room for excuses. the younger takes a step into the other, arms folding across her chest. it's unwarranted, the attitude josie has, but knowing that does nothing to stop her. it never does. ❝ if you're just gonna treat me worse than you do catherine, then maybe we should just call it quits here? ❞
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josieoh · 1 year
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jacob's sudden presence has her reverting to her child-like ways, a pout lining her lips as shoulders hunch forward, the precursor for her childhood temper tantrums. she's matured since then, however, which is the only reason she doesn't stomp around, and because he came to her rescue. hands reach out, maneuvering him so she can use his broadness as a shield through the crowd until she feels the april breeze. the noise from inside is muffled and she feels the need to outstretch her arms, taking a moment to spin. ❝ oh, thank you, ❞ josie's gratitude is soft and comes when she halts. ❝ what about you... are you havin' fun? ❞
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A naturally athletic person, it made sense that Jacob had always enjoyed sports. Sure, he'd tell anyone that football was by far the best of them, but it wasn't to say that he didn't enjoy basketball as well. Plus, it was nice to support a former student of his, thinking the boy was much better at basketball than he'd ever been in his class. What wasn't his favorite part, was how loud the bar got every time the score rose, ears feeling pierced as the crowd grew louder. Though, no amount of noise would make him deaf to the sound of his sister, approaching her after the man that bumped into her backed off. "You look like you're having fun," he joked, setting an empty beer bottle on the counter and glancing up to see halftime approaching. "Come on, you wanna go get some air?" he asked, offering her a smile.
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josieoh · 1 year
her head lulls, her features mimicking that of the weary emoji before she retrieves the bottle. upon taking a drink, josie looks to her friend, irritation no longer weighing her person. ❝ when you're right, you're right------sorry, babe, ❞ she quickly returns a playful grin, though she doesn't bother following davina's gaze to the screen. there's no interest for her there, they were all much too young as far as she was concerned. ❝ who cares about winning, ❞ she waves a hand, ❝ the best part of this whole thing is that it makes scoring easier for me. ❞ she leans in closer with a raised brow, a playful lilt to her question, ❝ who's got your attention thus far, hm? ❞ depending on the behaviour she sees from finley, she should make backup plans.
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though she would rather be in her home watching the kardashians or anything else, she was having a great time. the hot men on the screens, the bottle of champagne, the fact that kyle looked extra hot in the lighting, and how dreamy dean looked brought the night altogether. while taking a few gulps of her bottle, her eyes closed to enjoy the taste more, she felt herself bumping into someone. her eyes immediately opened along with her mouth to apologize but realized it was josie. “ you clearly need more alcohol in your system cause why you all angry for? ” she handed her bottle to the other. “ you are never this way with me so drink up cause looking at me like that isn’t in the best interest of everyone in here today. ” a bright smile plastered on her face as her eyes shot to a nearby screen, as the crowd got excited that nightrest’s poster boy made a shot. “ we might just win! ”
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josieoh · 1 year
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❝ i'm shouting back, yes. you're a man... you know how you all can get when a women tries to speak naturally. ❞ most of the male species was bilingual, at the very least, fluent in both a language and speaking over women. she's had more than enough practice in counteracting that, especially attempting to break into a profession where ladies were still the minority. josie pivots, now allowing herself to face the other head on while maintaining her place. arms fold, her response spoken through a smile that doesn't reach her eyes, ❝ and, last i checked, being in a crowd didn't give one the right to invade another's personal space. ❞ right or wrong mattered naught to the paralegal, mainly because she was always the former. ❝ it'd be one thing had you offered an apology first, but i had to point out that you bumped into me---and you still haven't apologised. ❞ her words adopt a sugary tone, ❝ should i help teach you some manners? i can add you to the list of charity work i've done for the month. ❞
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He hates being here, and he’s not sure what pushed him to come more – a nagging buddy, or a need to have a drink. It could’ve been both of these, and Yuto despised that it actually worked. He did show up. One beer, he thought, and he’ll head home – unfortunately his idea to go and grab the beverage came at the worst possible moment. As he paid by the bar and turned around with a glass in his hand, the crowd started to cheer and jump, nearly pushing him to the ground, forcing him to pour half of the liquid on himself and bump into a person in front of him. “You’re the one who’s fucking shouting right now,” a snap and a hiss through the teeth. Someone’s snarky remarks were the last thing he needed. As he’s trying to dry the beer off his clean white shirt with a napkin he managed to grab off the nearby table, he’s starting to regret his decision to come even more. “I’ll gladly get the fuck away from you, only if you step aside. Not sure you noticed, but you’re not alone here, you know?”
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josieoh · 1 year
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eyes lift, finally meeting the gaze of the one responsible for her sudden wave of frustration and she feels herself softening upon the revelation---well, mostly the apology. a neatly manicured hand reaches out, grabbing him by the arm to tug him closer to the bar and out of the way. she knocks on the countertop to get the bartender's attention despite looking at dae-eun, ❝ i kinda forgive you, just don't get used to it. ❞ the woman ticks her head towards the awaiting staff member she can see from the corner of her eye, her smile widening, ❝ but you'll get this round, right? ❞
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the crowd is a bit much, even for dae. he'd never really been one for sports, and is mostly just there to have an excuse to hang out with his friends. seriously, who knew someone could get so excited and rowdy by a bunch of people throwing a ball into a net? he winces at the cheer going through the crowd once more, pulling back from the group he was nearing and nearly running over someone behind him. "oh, shit, sorry, i couldn't—" he glances over his shoulder. "oh—josie." he grins. "sorry."
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josieoh · 1 year
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: open 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: rhee's bar & grill for march madness.
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the atmosphere is loud and obnoxious, making josie second guess her decision to show up in the first place. she's never cared about basketball, or any sport for that matter ( except when jacob played football ), nor does she like the majority of the crowd------she's mainly curious whether or not she'll run into kennedy. she's scanning the patrons when the crowd erupts at something, the nearby cheers hurting her ear. her patience is dwindling fast, completely snapping when she's bumped into. ❝ do you mind shutting the fuck up for two seconds!? ❞ she shoots daggers, ❝ and i suggest you get the fuck off me while i'm being nice. ❞
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josieoh · 1 year
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Don’t come back, you fuckin’ bitch! 
HIGH FIDELITY 1.07, "Me Time" DIR. Jeffrey Reiner
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josieoh · 1 year
*puts my hand on your shoulder* listen. I DID mean to make you upset and i DO think your opinions are shit
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josieoh · 1 year
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The Interest of Love Episode 1 (2022) Moon Ga Young as Ahn Su Yeong
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