josiewe · 10 months
These are your words not mine. " My career has taught me, no matter the political pressure, just do what's right," Willis pledged as she took office." So you're running for re-election Fani Willis? So all the crime in Fulton county isn't important to you? Rather you want to indict Trump? Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, or Independent it should matter what Fani Willis is doing! The Rico act??? O mean that was for the mob & gangsters not a person that was the President of the United States! Are you for real? I feel you waited two years to do this at this time because you thought not only would this get your re-election, but also to try and interfere with a campaign to run for President of the United States of America! But sad I'm a woman and you have a high position and i cannot even admire you. The difference between you and i, I keep my integrity way above high! I never would compromise my integrity, values, honor, respect, or my morals! Sad you're in that position. Instead of doing good you choose to do evil! God bless you. Remember one thing not only will you lose your re-election, but don't be surprised to lose your dignity, honor, respect, and integrity. All at once. I believe good always wins over evil. All of you should try and focus on your job ar hand. And that's making sure the citizens are kept safe. And the real criminals behind bars. Not doing what you're doing. Oh look at me I'm indicting Trump l! Oh look at me I'm so relevant! Truth is you aren't! Sad to believe you would use your power to try and destroy a political opponent! How would you like everyone interfering with your re-election? Remember my words you will lose your case against Trump. And you will lose your re-election. Mark my words today. Always remember you have to do the right thing everyday of your life. What you're attempting to do is morally wrong. Good luck with your life. Whatever you decide to do with it. Good or evil it's totally up to you. Read those and think about what You're about to do. Sending angels to watch over you. Maybe reading these photos will make you see the light.
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josiewe · 11 months
As Thomas Jefferson said,"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted among." As also John Adams said, " quote?
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“To be good, and to do good, is all we have to do.” “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was a politician and the second President of the United States. The close friendship between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams began when they met at the 1775 Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Although different in many ways down to their appearance, the two developed a strong respect and liking for one another. In 1776, they worked together on the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, and in 1784, Jefferson joined Adams in France on diplomatic service. While Jefferson remained in Paris, Adams served primarily in London, from where, Jefferson wrote Abigail Adams, he considered her "as my neighbor."[1] In March of 1786, Jefferson went to England on diplomatic business, though in the two months he was there, he and Adams found time to make a tour of English gardens. They also visited Shakespeare's home — and chipped off a bit of his chair as a souvenir, in Adams's words, "according to the custom."[2
Through their work and play, Jefferson and the Adamses became close friends. Jefferson revealed his affection to James Madison, writing that Adams "is so amiable, that I pronounce you will love him if ever you become acquainted with him."[3] Mrs. Adams once called Jefferson "one of the choice ones of the earth,"[4] and Mr. Adams wrote Jefferson that "intimate Correspondence with you ... is one of the most agreable Events in my Life."[5]
Despite their close friendship, Jefferson wrote that he and Adams were often separated by "different conclusions we had drawn from our political reading."[6] The two maintained their friendship despite their political differences until 1801, the year that Jefferson became president. As Jefferson wrote Mrs. Adams: "I can say with truth that one act of mr Adams’s life, and one only, ever gave me a moment’s personal displeasure."[7] By this, Jefferson was referring to last-minute political appointments made by Adams just before Jefferson succeeded him as president. Jefferson wrote that the appointments "were [selected] from among my most ardent political enemies" who could be counted on to work against his executive authority. Jefferson admitted to "brooding over it for some little time," and during this period, they ceased writing one another.[7
could be counted on to work against his executive authority. Jefferson admitted to "brooding over it for some little time," and during this period, they ceased writing one another.[7]
When Jefferson retired from the presidency in 1809, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration that Adams and Jefferson worked to create, took it upon himself to renew their suspended friendship. He had no success until 1811, when one of Jefferson's neighbors visited Adams in Massachusetts. The neighbor returned to Virginia with the report that he had heard Adams say, "I always loved Jefferson, and still love him." In response to these words, Jefferson wrote Dr. Rush: "this is enough for me. I only needed this knolege to revive towards him all the affections of the most cordial moments of our lives."[9] He asked Rush to persuade Adams to renew their correspondence. A letter from Adams was forthcoming, and they continued to write until their deaths.
This reconciliation began a rich correspondence that touched on myriad topics, from reminiscences about their contributions to the young nation's history, to opinions on current political issues, to matters of philosophy and religion, to issues of aging. Their letters were also lighthearted and filled with affection. Jefferson wrote to Abigail Adams, "I have compared notes with mr Adams on the score of progeny, and find I am ahead of him, and think I am in a fair way to keep so. I have 10½ grandchildren, and 2¾ great-grand-children; and these fractions will ere long become units."[10]
After fifteen years of resumed friendship, on July 4, 1826, Jefferson and Adams died within hours of each other. Their deaths occurred — perhaps appropriately — on the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Unaware that his friend had died hours earlier, Adams's family later recalled that his last spoken words were, "Thomas Jefferson survives."[11]
The written words of Jefferson and Adams, however, survive to this day, preserving the rich legacy of their friendship, thoughts, and ideas. In their later years, Jefferson responded to a reflective question from Adams: "You ask if I would agree to live my 70. or rather 73. years over again? To which I say Yea. I think with you that it is a good world on the whole, that it has been framed on a principle of benevolence .... I steer my bark with Hope in the head, leaving Fear astern."[12
Jefferson on Adams
1783 February 14. (Jefferson to Madison). "His vanity is a lineament in his character which had entirely escaped me. His want of taste I had observed. Notwithstanding all this he has a sound head on substantial points, and I think he has integrity."[13]
1787 January 30. (Jefferson to Madison). "He is vain, irritable and a bad calculator of the force and probable effect of the motives which govern men. This is all the ill which can possibly be said of him. He is as disinterested as the being which made him: he is profound in his views: and accurate in his judgment except where knowledge of the world is necessary to form a judgment. He is so amiable, that I pronounce you will love him if ever you become acquainted with him."[14]
1804 June 4. (Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes). "He and myself have gone through so many scenes together, that all his qualities have been proved to me, and I know him to possess so many good ones, as that I have never withdrawn my esteem ...."[15]
1807 June 12. (Jefferson to William Short). "I have heard indeed that my predecessor sometimes decided things against his council by dashing & trampling his wig on the floor. this only proves what you & I knew, that he had a better heart than head "[16]
1811 January 16. (Jefferson to Rush). "Mr Adams was honest as a politician as well as a man .... I have the same good opinion of mr Adams which I ever had. I know him to be an honest man, an able one with his pen, and he was a powerful advocate on the floor of Congress."[17]
1823 August 30. (Jefferson to Madison). "[T]his however I will say for mr Adams, that he supported the declaration with zeal & ability, fighting fearlessly for every word of it."[18
Ironic both men died on the same day! God bless them both for achieving the Declaration of Independence!
A slow salute! God bless The United States of America forever more!
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josiewe · 1 year
To whom it may concern! No matter the candidate to run for office. If you decide that you will not debate in person in front of your opponent then you will not have my vote! And whomever tells the moderator not to ask any questions then you will not also have my vote. We the people have the right to see the debates in person in front of your opponents! How can you change what has always been? The American people need to see the debates in real time! If not you're not deserving of any vote! Don't care if you're running for Congress, Senate, or any other position including for President of the Untied States Of America! How can the American citizens see how you respond without being in the same room? Im person on a stage? If any candidate cannot do this then you should not run for office! No one deserves special treatment! Moderators need to be neutral period! No softball question to one. No one gets softball questions! If you cannot handle a debate in person on stage with your opponent face to face then you don't deserve the office you're running for! The American citizens deserve to watch the debate without one on zoom! Get a clue that will not fly! I guess what I'm saying is the American citizens are tired of the garbage! And that is saying it politely! God bless our precious country, The United States Of America!
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josiewe · 1 year
Definition of a Prosecutor! Just in case you forgot Alvin Bragg! A Prosecutor that ignores all the crimes being committed against the innocent! Question Alvin Bragg how much money is George Soros giving you to go after Pres. Donald Trump?
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a person, especially a public official, who institutes legal proceedings against someone
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josiewe · 2 years
We were taking photos of the full moon last night. The last photo came out something different. I feel blessed! Comment below let me know what you see?
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josiewe · 2 years
Governor J.B.Pritzker! Are you serious? Bringing up the gun again? Instead of giving emotion to all the lives lost and their families?? I don't get it? You lack humanity and compassion! Disgraceful! Saw you on the news only talking about the gun! Incredible.
I want to send prayers and Angel's to all the victims and their families! May God bless you all and the community.
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josiewe · 2 years
Biden pick a good one? Brian Deese stated out loud after Biden said for Americans to deal with high gas prices! Brian Deese followed up with a statement out loud. And I quote, "Liberal World Order" ? Really??? I say no way!
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josiewe · 2 years
Wow! "LIBERAL WORLD ORDER!? We the people say no to that!
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josiewe · 2 years
My respect, honor, and pride to all that fought this battle! I cannot express how proud and grateful I am to all those that fought June 6,1944! To those that died, and to all that were left with scars! Emotional and physical! The proud men that didn't give up! Precious souls! Sad that Joe Biden didn't acknowledge this date in 2021 and 2022! Finally 2 days later I guess so many people stating this fact! Joe Biden decided to issue one on Twitter! But was it really him? Doubt it! But the least he could've done was to publicly say something!
It's okay plenty of Americans that honor that day! Important date, June 6, 1944! Never forget!
Proud American here!
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josiewe · 2 years
Beto O'Rourke just saw you on the news crashing a press conference over the shootings of 19 children and 2 teachers! And you went in there and made it political! Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, or an Independent! Why would you come in screaming political disgusting statements? During a time when there are parents, family members , and spouses grieving right now! No child or parent should be afraid of going to school! All due respect put law enforcement officers in the schools! Put medal detectors in all the doors! How hard is this,???? We shouldn't lose one more child! One more teacher! One more faculty member! Instead of offering prayers or support you run in to yell! Beto O'rourke that was not only disgusting it was disgraceful! You should be ashamed of yourself! Mr. Beto O'rourke you should of thought about the parents, families, school faculty, and the community! Mr. Beto O'rourke I pray you never hold office anywhere! You lack compassion and humanity! I have been crying over this horrific tragedy! And I pray for every single person affected over this horrible tragedy!
May God give strength to all for their loss! Please God no more.
They need to also build institutions that can give help for the mentally ill! No parent, family, spouse, or friends should ever go through this ever again! This needs to stop.
We cannot continue losing anymore children, teachers, and faculty! May God bless you all and entire families, and faculty members, & community!
Please God bless all of law enforcement officer's! For they will have nightmares over this. God bless also all first responders, nurse's and doctor's! God bless all. God bless America!
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josiewe · 2 years
Pro-Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls
Wow! It never ends! How can any media say something like this? The ignorance! Tell you what NPR. ORG just curious how do you know it's in Trump's counties? Are we now spying? How did you get your info? I mean are you now going into medical records? How do you know it's Trumps counties?
Never amazes me how stupid you think people are? They really should do something about liars! Misinformation! So tired of journalists, anchor's and reporters that have no integrity! Its about time those start losing their jobs! Also how much money did you get from them to write about this?
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josiewe · 2 years
Just curious watching the news and CDC & Biden are talking about a surge again in certain states! Here's a question does that have anything to do with the immigrants coming through the border without masks & vaccines? Getting on planes, trains, buses, and so on? Just curious! Just don't talk to me about masks,vaccines,booster's! Because if you all can do that with the immigrants and think you can do this garbage all over again! You got another thing coming! It's actually disgraceful what governors, mayors, president and so on with masks for children in school. I feel maybe the American citizens should no longer pay taxes for public schools!
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josiewe · 2 years
Because I couldn't help myself laughed so hard!
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josiewe · 2 years
Don't forget it is National Police week! Please don't forget to thank law enforcement. Let them know they're not alone! Send your love & prayers to all law enforcement! Stand proud and back the blue! Sending Angel's to watch every single law enforcement officer's! To all that are on the job! To all that have retired! To all gave the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. Heroes all! To all the families of each law enforcement officer's we thank you all. Stay safe and healthy. Never leave home without yo uth r vest! God bless you all. And God bless America!
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josiewe · 2 years
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Every person should want this. No matter what! To always believe that truth will over prevail! That good will always conquer evil. The truth will always come out.
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josiewe · 2 years
Biden and Harris calling for another 22 1/2 billion dollars for covid???????? I need to ask a serious question when are they going to understand printing more money is not the answer! And Covid! Really??? Open up the keystone pipeline, gas & oil made in the USA! And watch our gas and food prices go down!! WAKE UP! The American citizens are so tired! Stop printing money you IDIOTS! And please God give them a brain, compassion, & love of THIS COUNTRY! I see what you're trying to do! We need a leader that cares and loves this country & the citizens! Build the freaking WALL! please hold up title 42! Please open up keystone pipeline! Please make oil & gas in the USA! Please stop the crime innocent citizens are dying! Please try something new and do something for this precious country!
And for love sake please blaming everyone else for your failures! Stop saying Putin, Replublicans,Maga! I mean take responsibilities for your own failures!
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josiewe · 2 years
Just something to think of! Did I just say think? Reminds me of the song, "If I only had a Brain "? 🤣😂
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