jovishark · 8 hours
People who have never taken public transit before seem to be under the impression that everyone on a bus is ready to stab you meanwhile I have never had that problem and I get to read while I’m stuck in traffic and they don’t.
Also I don’t get stuck in traffic much anyways because the drivers keep going on the freeway even though it gets clogged up with traffic and it’s literally faster to drive on the surface streets where the busses go but whatever I don’t need to pay for a gym membership because I walk to the bus and meanwhile what are you spending your money on? Oil changes so you can keep getting stuck in traffic?
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jovishark · 21 hours
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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jovishark · 1 day
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jovishark · 1 day
reddit, how do I make my firstborn stop playing with the fans, the ornaments, and the makeup when he is supposed to be a warlord. I fear I shall raise a poet.
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jovishark · 1 day
i don't understand why body builders go to the gym and lift the heavy weights when the lighter ones are easier to pick up. are they stupid?
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jovishark · 2 days
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jovishark · 2 days
i say this every year but tumblr didn’t start doing april fools’ gimmicks until 2014. one year previous, April 1st, 2013, was a certain Incident that i am CONVINCED caused @staff to think “we have to make an april fools’ theme ourselves, because if left to their own devices, they’ll do… That”
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jovishark · 2 days
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jovishark · 2 days
animated one of funnywes’ videos, her voicework below:
edit: made another animation featuring wes again :) [x]
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jovishark · 4 days
The children are learning about the US Civil War. I can’t say it’s going well. (On the bright side, they’re very clear about slavery. We’re solid on that front. It’s the actual war we’re having trouble with.)
“Ms. T, why would his parents name him that?”
I frantically flip through the possible Civil War leaders they could be referencing. “… Well, you know how Stonewall got his nickname, and we’ve talked about Tecumseh, so there’s Sherman, and -”
“No, not them.” They roll their eyes at my ignorance, then pivot back to the point at hand. “That other guy. Useless.” As this describes a number of Civil War leaders, I blink uncomprehendingly at her. “You know, Ms. T, Useless. Useless Grant.”
“Um. … Well -”
Another child raises their hand. “Ms. T, I don’t understand number three.”
Number three is a question about the Battle of Bull Run, asking for explanations about a Confederate victory despite Union advantages. “What paragraph are you looking in?” I ask in a monotone, because I’ve been fielding this question all day.
The student points at the correct paragraph, even focuses in on the quote about Jackson holding off a Union advance. “It says Jackson and the men ‘screamed like furries,’ Ms. T, but why would that help?”
I cough. I cover my mouth with both hands. “That’s ‘furies,’ sweetie,” I inform them, still wheezing. “Like they’re insane with anger,” I elaborate, deciding to skip describing actual furies at this point in time. “Not … not like furries.”
So, here’s how the war is going, one week in: Useless Grant has been made general of the Union forces, but a bunch of furries are preventing him from gaining much ground.
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jovishark · 4 days
There's no getting out of the family photo young man
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At least he masters the art of them a few years later at New Years 1926.
Even managed to make sure he and Viktor had matching outfits XD
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jovishark · 4 days
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jovishark · 4 days
y'all missing the whole point of stardew valley. it's supposed to be slow paced. you're a farmer. crops do now grow instantly and you wont be making millions in a season. enjoy the fucking game, take your fucking time. take days off to just forage and talk to people. aren't yall tired of the grind from real life??? do you want to experience burnout in a farming game too??????
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jovishark · 4 days
better to have a fitted sheet than shitted feet
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jovishark · 5 days
okayyyyyy. Wet Snorting creature.
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jovishark · 5 days
as a knitter, you start to notice how rare it is for characters in tv shows and movies to knit correctly. from worst to best, it ranges from:
- laughably incorrect, just flinging yarn around
- knitting the most basic scarf incredibly slowly because the actor Learned How To Do It For The Role
- old lady actresses casually knitting an intricate lace pattern while doing a monologue
- gromit from wallace and gromit
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jovishark · 7 days
Vivian's theme - Paper Mario: The Thousand Years Door (Remake)
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