juicyblocks · 3 months
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What do you need:
A piece of paper
Pen (you can choose any color but red is better)
Red candle (you can use a white candle if you don't have a red one)
Empty bottle
Red thread or ribbon
What to do:
Don't think of a particular person, think about calling for someone in your life that you don't know.
Take the piece of paper and write a love letter to this person, write what do you want to say to this person and describe the type of person that you want in your life.
Roll up the piece of paper and knot it with the string, use your intentions and visualize them.
seal the scroll with the red wax.
Take the scroll and put it in the bottle, then seal it with other wax.
Take the bottle in a fast flowing current of water (like a tub or a sink) and let the intention flow with the water to your soulmate.
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juicyblocks · 8 months
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juicyblocks · 9 months
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juicyblocks · 1 year
Hey everybody, so the votes are in and I'll be posting the pool fucking fic for bill today or tomorrow!!
Anyways pookies, look at my man while you wait 😍
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328 notes · View notes
juicyblocks · 1 year
Beautiful lady fr
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Have you ever imagined Zhang with his hair down?
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juicyblocks · 1 year
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Made it safely 🤍🐰
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juicyblocks · 1 year
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Me when
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juicyblocks · 1 year
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So the 4k version of the movie came out. I made almost 13 GB of screenshots with Quaritch and Recoms. Watching the movie at a speed of 0.02 was fascinating, I spent a whole week… You can see all the screenshots at the link below link -https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QgjjEFaoggAMKwsxTzVSh09VHBKh2OVj?usp=share_link
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juicyblocks · 1 year
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How cute are they
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juicyblocks · 1 year
How I think the recoms act / how I’d portray them
Yeah so, I don’t know if I’m ever going to finish this but I may as well put some content out for y’all! Unedited, and I’m too tired to edit it at the moment.
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Prager is commonly always tired, there is never a day this guy gets more than 5+ hours of sleep each night. Hell, sometimes he doesn’t even sleep depending on how busy the squad is during certain days. While struggling with the lack of sleep and one of the side effects being higher levels of anxiety, he’d be quite timid and on high alert whenever walking through the jungles of Pandora with his team. He tends to get on the team’s nerves with his frequent “what was that?” to the slightest noise then gets told to shut up, leaving him in silence making him one of the few team members that are quiet. Even though he looks like an ashamed puppy with his head hanging low because of every time he’s told to be quiet his eyes are always darting around everywhere, watching his surroundings and listening carefully with his new hearing ability in his new body. Whenever the Deja Blu team returns back to Bridgehead he’s the first to be found asleep and resting.
Zhang isn’t afraid to speak his mind but he isn’t aggressive either, he’s quite collected but he’s easily annoyed when things are supposed to be quiet or in general. I feel like he really enjoys to read and spends half of his time reading over things on the holographic tablet for Quaritch, knowing he isn’t the best at operating it. He doesn’t let his emotions get ahold of him, he keeps a stern look all the time and even when he’s at bridgehead he’s still doing something to keep his mind busy. Sometimes Fike questions why he still decides to not nap or sleep but Zhang just ignores him.
Oh Fike, I love you but damn you get annoying like Wainfleet sometimes. Fike is like the little brother to the recoms, he’s always chatting or whispering, asking questions but he’s also loud if not being yelled at to shut up like Prager. Though unlike Prager he shows attitude and yells back, saying that they’re being loud too only to be scolded by Z-Dog or Zhang. (Quaritch is always ahead of his recom team to not listen to their bickeirng). Though while being the loudest and most chaotic he’s one of the recoms to hide most of the time during a battle, clutching his gun close to his chest as he unsteadily breathes in and out. Fike would never admit to it but he’s easily scared, he’s scared of dying again and losing his chance at living while also trying to get used to this new body he didn’t really want to be put into. The avatar program and RDA sort of were like “well, we already made your avatar so you have to use it.” and he’s been with it ever since.
Lopez is quite calm and laid back, he’s very chill. Honestly he gives off chill uncle vibes where he’ll let a kid do whatever he wants but will still monitor what they’re doing, just to make sure they don’t get hurt. He’s an excellent cook (Mansk refers to Lopez as his personal taste tester)! When it comes to him growing concerned about someone he’ll usually check up on them, or sometimes he’ll pull the person away from others to have a private chat with them so that the person feels more comfortable in sharing. Personally, when he’s comforting I feel like he puts his hands on the person’s shoulders to let them know that he’s always there for them.
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juicyblocks · 1 year
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some sketches with recoms🔥
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juicyblocks · 1 year
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Would be lying to say I am not a bit proud on this one, black and white is just TOO MUCH fun, feeling some improvement lately !
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juicyblocks · 1 year
Mansk(recom) Characterisation
I have Mansk brainrot <3 here's my interpretation of him and some random things I want to point out. Some of it is canon :)
I will totally be adding more things to this as time goes by.
(This is a clusterfuck of thoughts, no order sorry. It's a mess. This has absolutely no structure)
MANSK HAS AN AMERICAN EAGLE TATTOO ACROSS HIS CHEST (I think that's what it is, I'll make a separate post about it with sketches)
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Just like the eagle Quaritch has except its wings are spread above his (massive, sexy) pecs.
Here is a random picture I found of the back of Mansk's head. <3
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love him sm
The look of DISGUST he has when handling Tsireya (gorgeous queen).
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(ew it's wet, quickly tie it down)
She's wet from the ocean and his hands must have gotten wet and he's all grossed out from the 'fish-lipped alien' and has to touch it.
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Deffo thoroughly wanted to wash and disinfect his hands after.
The man HATES nature. I mean he despises it, on Earth too (whatever was left of it). That's why he is wearing the opposite of Walker's outfits. He's covered, head to toe. Expect for, well head. But everything else can't come in direct contact with nature on Pandora because to him it's scary and gross.
He hates native Na'vi too but once he becomes a recom, it dies down a little. Now, his hate for them is divided between blue forest Na'vi and the water Na'vi.
He still thinks of himself as human rather than Na'vi. I'm saying, when the man woke up from recom, he needed to be alone for the rest of the day while the others were discussing the mission. He just left the room and locked himself in his room, sitting in silence. He didn't want to look at himself in the mirror because it was too much. He just died and now he was back in the form of his enemy. The enemy terrified him because that's how he died in the first place.
While Lyle's first thought would be to pull down his pants and check out (yk) , Mansk would refuse to remove his clothes because he was worried he would lose it if he genuinely saw himself properly for the first time. I'm saying if the man saw all of himself in the first few days he would be so lost in himself and overwhelmed he would break down and cry. He seems like this intimidating tall man who has it all figured out but I'm telling you HE IS A SENSITIVE SOFTIE AND TAKES EVERYTHING TO HEART. He would avoid reflections, keep his head down and prefer not to directly look at his teammates because they were blue too. (Blue Na'vi racist kinda, but with PTSD)
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He is quiet. Not shy quiet, just observing quiet. When he does speak he uses the least amount of words to express himself. Mansk is clever and when he says things they have been thought through by him. He never speaks before thinking. He's confident but doesn't express it. Basically the opposite of Lyle.
He likes wearing his shades because 1. they look dope 2. he isn't happy about being in a Na'vi body so he wants to seem as human as possible. Adding to that, his tail freaks him out. He wishes it weren't there. Sometimes he forgets it's a part of him now and it scares the shit out of him. His new body has him feeling really down because he knows that he can never return to Earth like this.
Grillmaster 100% without a doubt. I love that this fandom just decided that. It fits so well. Can't cook things like pasta or make soup. He can grill and fry shit. That's his thing. For properly baking something he will need luck on his side but it might work.
Another random thing. This man NEVER gets sick. I'm saying he's immune to it all. You're sick? Have the flu? Covid? It never gets him. He's safe with the immune system of a god.
He gets a sore jaw from constantly biting down and clenching it due to stress (just like me fr fr)
Adding to that, he almost always looks like he is in deep thought. He looks almost scary because he seems so intimidating. It's rare when he smiles.
(Quoting Taylor Swift: Yeah, you got a smile that can light up this whole town) :0
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He is the type of person that lays in bed for hours before falling asleep. Maybe because of some fucked up shit he has seen that stays in his head. He also refused to sleep on his back in his new body because of his tail and braid.
If there would be a skiing holiday, THIS MAN SNOWBOARDS. Quaritch would be the dad with skis and a large backpack.
He is super precious and soft. Will never want any of his teammate to know but if he finds someone he likes, he will be silently obsessed. Not in a creepy way, but he can't stop thinking about them. He doesn't fall for people easily but when he does HE FALLS HARD.
Mansk is self conscious so if he likes someone he will never act on it and never tell anyone. At night when he is alone, he would be going over all the reasons of why it wouldn't work out and why his crush doesn't like him or can't like him.
All he wants is to be cuddled, taken care of and kissed to sleep. Honestly, that's it. He wants to give everything he can to the person he cares about but will need constant reminders that they actually like him back and that he isn't just imagining it. If the person is gone for a few days, his bad thoughts will return and when they come back he will be distant and ask things like 'Sorry, I'm bothering you aren't I? You probably have lots to do.'
Leading to his fam, he joined the military because his dad did and so did his gradpa etc. It's a bloodline thing and because of that, he's never been loved properly and always treated as a soldier in making. He needs to be drowned in love.
SUPER NERVOUS around his crush. Sweating palms, stuttering, all that shit. He's down bad.
Here is him freaking out that they are under attack and yelling "NA'VI" in his super masculine deep ass husky voice✨️
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gorgeous fuckin precious bean
random: (lyle listens to taylor swift (shake it off while working out))
have a nice day :)
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juicyblocks · 1 year
Zdinarsk: Lyle—
Wainfleet, sighing: (Name) used to call me Lyle...
Zdinarsk: Of course they did, it's your first fucking name.
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juicyblocks · 1 year
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Sweet Surrender
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Pairing: Recombinant Miles Quaritch x Female Na'vi Reader
WARNINGS: dry humping, outdoor sex, loss of virginity, extremely dubious consent, manhandling, predator/prey, size difference, breeding kink, daddy kink, implied mating season, technically forced bonding?
A/N: pspspsps who's hungry for some filthy smut
The jungles of Pandora were an everlasting symphony of sound. Day and night, it persevered and thrived, humming beautifully with life, strumming a chord that all its native inhabitants were keenly in tune with. It was a song they had all grown up hearing, familiar like one's own shadow. It was unforgettable. Comforting. Any lack of it was almost unheard of, which marked today as strange. 
At some point during the day, the jungle had gone quiet—
Too quiet. 
Sensing a shift in the air, Y/N glanced up sharply from the stream she crouched beside, pausing in the middle of splashing cold water on her flushed face. The midday heat had felt particularly cloying that day, eventually compelling the young Na'vi woman to stop after spending the majority of the day scouring the jungle alone, foraging for fruits and herbs. Y/N didn’t mind the solitude that came with the task though; if anything, it was easier to concentrate without being distracted. 
Most of the other women in her clan preferred working in groups together, oftentimes for the company but also to help ease the workload. But the gossip. Great Mother, the uncensored, filthy GOSSIP. Y/N's innocent ears could only take so much! The additional heat that seemed to follow her like a persistent itch as of late had only licked at the flames of her aggravation, only made the others all the more unbearable to listen to, fawning over their mates like they were juicy pieces of meat. Ugh! The cheek, speaking like that so openly. They were lovely but they really had no shame sometimes.
Unlike the majority in her age group, Y/N didn’t have a mate. Not yet, at least. The other women had laughed at her flustered innocence, not unkindly, some even looking on in relatable sympathy. They told her she wouldn’t understand until she did. She hadn't stuck around long after that to listen to what else they had to say though, intent on saving her burning ears. Let them roll around in their nests with their mates if they wanted to. Y/N definitely didn't care. She was content having her own bed all to herself every night, completely alone. More room for her, thank you very much!
Although it wasn’t a habit she partook in excessively enough to be considered worrisome, Y/N was older and experienced enough now to know how to traverse the jungle alone without a parent hovering somewhere nearby to shadow her. Those years of being coddled and watched only lingered as fond memories now, shared between family and friends as cherished stories of the past.
Water dripped from her chin as her golden eyes scanned the quiet vicinity around her carefully, ears swiveling back and forth, absorbing the unsettling hush, the loud silence that seemed almost deafening. For a long moment, Y/N simply kept very quiet and very still, heart racing, every instinct ingrained in her screaming at her to get up and run. 
Yet one question still remained—
Run from what?
Other than the stifling heat and burgeoning silence, Y/N couldn’t detect anything else out of place in that moment. She wanted to brush it off as nothing after several minutes of careful observation produced nothing, but something still felt distinctly off. Y/N's instincts had rarely proved her wrong before. She just couldn’t shake off the feeling, the growing sense of unease, that something was about to take place. The jungle’s silence suddenly felt a lot more like a warning, like Eywa herself was holding her breath. Waiting.
It made Y/N feel like prey. 
A heartbeat later, and a decision was quickly made. Just as the muscles in Y/N’s striped legs tensed as she made to stand, something in the thick vegetation behind her rustled, shattering the piercing silence. Heavy footsteps soon registered in her ears, approaching her location, moving steadily through the underbrush, slowly closing in. The sudden noise startled the young Na’vi woman enough that she violently flinched back before recovering and swiftly turning, long dark hair swinging with the momentum. In her urgency to face whoever was approaching, she had to extend an arm on the ground to steady herself, lifting her tail up to keep herself balanced for good measure. 
Seconds that felt like an eternity passed as she waited, frozen in place — like something was holding her down with invisible hands, preventing her from moving — watching as the lush foliage eventually parted, giving way to a tall blue figure who's attention immediately zeroed in on her.
It was a stranger.
A man.
The moment Y/N's alarmed gaze fell on her uninvited visitor, she pressed her ears back and stiffened, flashing her fangs at him in warning as she warily studied him. He was big — handsome, a quiet part of her couldn't help but reluctantly note — dressed in alien clothing with black hair cropped strikingly short, towering over even the tallest Na'vi she knew in her clan. If she stood up straight herself, the top of her head would barely reach his shoulders. 
His golden eyes raked over her crouched figure, slowly drinking her in before he smirked, swaying his tail. Something dark lurked behind his heavy gaze, something very rapt and fixated. Hungry. It immediately set Y/N's teeth on edge. He reminded her of a palulukan in that moment, the way he was looking at her. The heat in her body only seemed to burn hotter the longer she remained pinned beneath his stare. He didn't look away from her once. She had his complete and undivided attention.
“Found you. You're a difficult one to track down, sweetheart.”
He didn't speak to her in Na'vi, which was immediately alarming. Y/N’s grasp of the English language was passable, but she had never truly cared about nurturing it enough to speak it fluently. Until now, she'd rarely had any reason to even speak it. The extra digit on both his hands only confirmed her suspicions though, warning her of the danger she was facing. The answers were all in plain sight right in front of her.
“Demon!” Y/N hissed in her tongue, glaring hatefully, moving her free hand to reach for the dagger at her hip before she internally berated herself when she realized that in her frustration to be on her own earlier, she’d absently shoved her weapon inside her satchel. Her satchel, which she could see lying traitorously on the ground, right next to him.
'Skxuwng!' she mentally cursed herself, lashing her tail in frustration, pinning her ears back. That wasn't good. Looking at the size of him, Y/N didn't trust her odds in that moment at all. If she risked grabbing for it, she knew there was a very high chance that he could just as easily reach out and grab her.
No — she would listen to her instincts this time and run like she should have. She just had to wait for the right window of opportunity to present itself first. Her hand on the ground clenched.
Y/N tensed when one of his arms lifted, but he only moved it to grip at a strap on his vest with a large hand, still smirking down at her, licking a sharp canine. “I could smell you, you know. Hours away and I could fucking smell you.” He lifted his head and inhaled deeply, nostrils flaring, scenting the air. He groaned audibly, his voice suddenly taking on a rougher edge. “What are you doing out here all alone, smelling so ripe, honey?” 
Confused and ignoring the odd clench behind her abdomen, Y/N pinned her ears back, unable to stop the purple blush that flamed her cheeks. What a rude man! Was he saying she smelled bad? She whipped her tail back and forth and hissed.
“Not welcome, demon! Go away! Go or I kill!" she spat at him in English, the accent heavy on her tongue. With her smaller stature and no weapon to protect her though, Y/N knew the threat ultimately meant nothing to him, especially when he had the audacity to chuckle at her — "You're a feisty one," he even went so far as to drawl — before his smirk suddenly vanished and he took a step towards her, moving closer, then closer, golden eyes dangerously intent.
"Don't be mean, honey. I've had to walk around this jungle with my dick hard for hours. Fucking hours. My blue balls have fucking blue balls, and I know that sweet scent of yours has something to do with it."
She watched in horror as he reached down and grabbed his crotch, lewdly squeezing the swollen bulge straining his pants, and Great Mother how had she not noticed that before?!
"You're done teasing me, sweetheart. You and me? We're gonna sort this problem out, right here and now. C'mere."
'NOW!' Y/N's instincts screamed at her, just as he bared his teeth and lunged.
She lifted her arm, the one she'd been using to steady herself against the ground. Swinging it back, she swiftly pitched it forward as she opened her hand, revealing a stone that she'd spotted on the ground earlier, kept carefully concealed, propelling it towards his head. He barely ducked his head in time to avoid it, the sharp edge just glancing at his temple, shallowly cutting it. He flinched and hissed reflexively, but Y/N didn’t stick around to see how he planned to retaliate, already on the move the moment she'd used those few precious seconds he was distracted by his small injury to run.
Turning around and leaping across the stream behind her, Y/N landed soundly, ignoring the terrifying cacophony of water splashing seconds behind her as she fled as fast as she could through the jungle, intent on squeezing underneath a narrow gap she could see in the distance ahead of her, sheltered below the body of a large, uprooted tree. If she could make it to the other side before he reached her, she was certain she would be able to shake him off her tail. The collapsed trunk was too high to scale over, and the gap would prove too thin for him to squeeze beneath without getting stuck, his broad frame putting him at a disadvantage. Y/N was luckily just small enough.
In the end though, it didn't really matter what she thought she would have been able to achieve, because it turned out that he was a lot faster than he looked. The sight of her fleeing form had only made his already swollen cock stiffen in his tight pants even more, igniting an inferno in him, inciting an animalistic urge to accept her unconscious challenge and chase.
She was seconds away from making it before it happened.
A thick arm wrapped around her waist from behind, hauling Y/N right off her feet. Air expelled from her lungs as she yelped loudly in shock and dismay, immediately beginning to struggle in his tight hold. It was like trying to displace a boulder though. He kept her in arm and stood in place, firm and immovable, barely budging as he pinned her squirming back against his chest, his other arm shortly following to join its partner when she began clawing and scratching at him, wrapping deftly around until he had her arms restrained as well, denying little movement.
And yet—
The demon barely hurt her in the ensuing scuffle. If anything, he seemed to deliberately go out of his way to avoid any possibility of that, even when her tail whipped against his side with a loud, stinging slap. His grip only stayed firm. Y/N wished that it was the opposite though, that he would snarl at her rather than tease, squeezing until his hands left behind dark imprints and bruises. His gentle handling only made it all the more humiliating when he finally subdued her. His large hand briefly stroked the thick braid protecting her kuru, considering it thoughtfully for a heart-stopping moment, before he unexpectedly chose to bypass holding it in favor of scruffing her by the back of her neck. Y/N nearly fell limp at the pressure.
“Easy, honey. Easy. There we go. Good girl. That's it. Just relax.”
He manhandled her to the ground gently, pressing her down into a soft bed of grass while she hissed and writhed, caged beneath him on her back, completely eclipsed by his massive size. Tangled together, he wrangled her hands in one of his thick paws, pinning them high above her head, the other still keeping her scruffed. Intimidated, a deep snarl ripped from her throat before it quickly dissolved into a high-pitched whine, the feeling of his fingers suddenly tangling in her hair, the gentle tugging at her roots, catching her pleasantly off-guard. Pulling her head back until her throat was exposed, he breathed hotly into the crook of her neck and groaned, completely intoxicated by the ambrosia of her mouthwatering scent, longing for a taste and unable to resist now that he finally had her. The last threads of his restraint snapped a heartbeat later, and he began raining a wet assault of open mouthed kisses up and down along her bare neck, marking the soft blue skin every time his mouth paused to grab sweet mouthfuls, harshly sucking.
Great Mother, Y/N was learning that she could make all sorts of strange new sounds, especially when he did that with his mouth. Her entire body felt like it was on fire. Every breath caught in her throat, torn between a whimper and a moan. Her core throbbed and ached. He was all over her, heavy and ravenous and sweltering. She felt like she could barely breathe.
So overwhelmed by these new sensations being thrown at her, Y/N barely gave it any thought when she unconsciously parted her legs as he lowered, settling his hips snugly between the apex of her thighs, the massive bulge tenting his pants pressing flatly against her veiled cunt, still guarded from sight by her loincloth. When he rubbed his clothed cock against her, she turned her head to the side and shut her eyes, burning beneath his penetrating gaze, biting her lip hard to stop a soft mewl from escaping her mouth at the unfamiliar stimulation, the first whispers of fiery pleasure beginning to lick at her, foreshadowing the rise of her downfall.
He moved his hips again and again, testing the power of his thrusts in that position as he slowly dry humped her, grunting audibly, studying her lovely star-glittered face and the micro-expressions that fluttered across it. She looked pained, like she hated what he was doing to her, but he knew better. Her eyes were clenched tightly shut, gasping loudly with each dry thrust, squirming weakly beneath his heavy weight, fiercely squeezing his sides with her thighs as her hands pulled weakly against the larger one still pinning hers. He chuckled lowly.
Oooh yeah, he knew better.
This pretty little blue forest nymph was meant for him. He knew that with a possessive, unshakable certainty the moment he'd first caught wind of her intoxicating scent. He'd slipped away from his own squad, scouring a dangerous jungle all alone for hours just to find her. Now that he had her in his clutches, he couldn't deny his body's urges any longer, the instinct that demanded he claim what was rightfully his. She'd fled from him and he'd caught her. He would have her complete submission now. There would be no more fighting either of their desires any longer. No more denying or delaying the inevitable. In a few moments, he would take her in that soft bed of grass because he knew she craved his seed just as much as he craved to pump her full of every single drop. His heavy balls ached readily at the thought of breeding her.
He couldn't wait.
Y/N couldn't stop the hiss of frustration that escaped through her teeth when his motions on top of her suddenly stopped. The constant friction against her clothed cunt had felt increasingly more pleasurable the longer he thrusted, especially when he rubbed against her clit, nearly tipping her over a dangerous precipice that promised a blissful end. Distantly registering the sounds of a belt unbuckling and clothes rustling, she opened her eyes and peeked up at him through her lashes, watching dazedly as he shifted over her, using the free hand that wasn't restraining both of hers to quickly shove his pants down his firm ass and thighs, stopping when they reached his knees, too impatient to remove them completely, unwilling to be parted from her warmth for long. Y/N was too shy to take in the appearance of his erect penis, but it wouldn't have mattered. He was sinking down against her again before she knew it, too close to allow her to see past their pressed torsos and chance a peek, almost as if he didn't want the sight of his cock to frighten her. All she could feel was the shocking firmness of it, its thick size and weight, the veiny ridges, every long inch throbbing hotly against her. Y/N shivered.
Apparently nothing was small when it came to this man — pardoning his slim waist.
He thrusted his bare cock against her guarded cunt, growling in delight at the raw friction, the foreskin at the head tugging each time he rolled his hips forward, dampening the material of her loincloth with leaking precum, his throbbing balls threatening to ruin the material completely if he didn't try to reign in some semblance of control soon. Y/N mewled as the burning flames of pleasure returned, climbing higher with each grinding thrust, better somehow now that his cock was freed. Her body shifted underneath his heavy weight, rocking with the forceful back and forth motions of his hips until he clenched his teeth and groaned loudly, forcing himself to stop.
"Fuck, I can't wait anymore. Need to fill you up, baby. You're gonna be so stuffed."
He panted in her ear loudly, kissing the cartilage wetly, the rumbling vibrations of his pleasure making her virgin walls clench and quiver for him with anticipation. Using his tail in a clever move to pull her loincloth out of the way, he stretched out completely on top of her, powerful thighs opening her wide for him, their voices harmonizing as they both gasped in unison, reveling in the pleasure of their naked groins finally touching for the first time. His free hand stroked reverently up the side of her torso, pausing at her thinly covered chest. Tracing the intricate vine-like patterns of her top, he cupped one of her breasts, rubbing his thumb over the hardened pebble of her barely concealed nipple, lingering there teasingly when she mewled before he eventually moved on, reaching above her, joining his other hand in pinning both of hers beside her head. 
His drooling cockhead nudged her slick folds curiously, testing her readiness. Driven by an all-consuming urge to breed her, he hadn't bothered using his fingers to prepare or tease her, but something assured Y/N — perhaps the very instinct she'd always trusted to lead her — that she would be fine, that it might hurt a little but she was more than ready, her body made for this. Nonetheless, she still couldn't help the nervous whine from escaping at the intimidating feeling of his thick cock's hungry prodding, understanding that the inevitable was only moments away from happening.
There was nowhere for her to run now.
With no free hands to guide his cock, he dipped his hips and rolled them forward, the glistening tip blindly hunting for her entrance. Her body shifted underneath his careful ministrations, moaning at the feeling of his stiffened length gliding between her slick folds, stimulating the swollen bud at the top with each glancing pass. 
Oh Great Mother. This was madness. Y/N knew that she should try to stop him before it was too late, but how could she when she didn't want him to stop?
The uncircumcised head of his penis dipped lower, continuing to poke and press around, searching and searching, until at last he jutted his hips forward at just the right angle, the pre-cum soaked tip finally notching as he felt something in the puffy folds of her cunt slightly give. With a deep, guttural snarl, he tightened his grip on her hands, pinning her fully down as he flexed his hips hard and pushed. 
Y/N jerked immediately, whining loudly at the ensuing burn that followed his first penetrating thrust, the walls of her untouched cunt reflexively squeezing around the uncomfortable stretch made by his forceful intrusion, struggling to accept his massive girth as she experienced the feeling of a cock breaking her in for the first time. The burning pinch only seemed to grow the more he burrowed his way in, but he didn't pause to allow her to adjust, not even for a second, no matter how much she pushed her hands against his grip and whimpered, too incapacitated by the silky walls of her tight cunt, perhaps, if the dazed look of pleasure on his face was any indication. 
“Shh, shhh. It’s alright, baby. Fuck. So tight. You're really strangling me, honey. You gotta relax a little. I know it's a lot, but you can take me. You'll see."
He talked a lot, although she couldn't deny that the sound of his deep voice was somehow comforting, helping her ride through the pain despite being the very one who caused it. He was also completely shameless and loud. It felt like ages before he finally stopped, his cock only halfway buried in, but to Y/N it felt like he'd already reached the end of her. She mewled uncomfortably at the full stretch, unable to help the quivering sigh that escaped her lips as he licked away a trailing tear, swaying his tail, cooing at the picture perfect image of her spread out beneath him.
"That's it. Let me in. Good girl. You're doing so well. We're almost there. Just lie still and feel me."
His golden eyes burned.
"All of me."
His mouth descended over hers, swallowing her piercing cry as he punched the last remaining half of his cock home, wriggling his hips against hers for good measure, not even sparing an inch, sighing into her mouth at the full completion of his claim. In no hurry to displace himself from her tight heat, the muscles of his firm backside clenched hard as he pressed himself impossibly close, squishing his plump ballsack against her upturned ass, the heavy load of cum inside brewing readily, as if sensing her womb's close proximity.
It felt like he was splitting her apart, carving a home inside just for him, stretching her cunt beyond its limit, pinning her down with no choice but to lie still and take everything he gave her.
She hated that she loved it.
He was insatiable, unable to get enough as he deepened their kiss, slipping his tongue inside. He explored the wet cavern of her mouth thoroughly, stroking her teeth and seducing her tongue, only withdrawing when they both finally needed to part for air, a string of saliva connecting their swollen lips. It must have really pleased him to see the dark blush on her face though, because it wasn't long before he was diving back down to lick into her mouth again, ravishing her with kiss after kiss until his stiff cock finally made its displeasure known, throbbing almost painfully at the lack of attention, begging him to move.
He pulled back to watch her face as he shifted his hips, barely pulling out of her tight heat before carefully rolling back in again, pressing his cock in deep, doing it again and again when he saw she could take it, gradually increasing his pace until a steady rhythm was established. Y/N cried out loudly — "ah, ah, ah!" — with each spearing thrust he gave as he contentedly fucked her like that for awhile, massaging her flexing walls with his stiff length, his firm buttocks constantly clenching and relaxing, fighting the urge to cum each time her silky walls strangled around his dick like a vice, trying to milk him for all his seed. Y/N wished he would let her hands go though, longing to touch him, needing more than just his heavy weight to keep her grounded in that moment, desperate as she felt the fire in her loins grow.
As if he sensed her thoughts, he suddenly released her hands, growling pleasantly when they immediately took advantage of their newfound freedom. Wrapping her arms around his clothed torso, Y/N clutched at his muscled back and vest tightly, crying out when he punched into her pulsating heat hard, planting his forearms beside her head.
“Fuck, I'm close. Never had pussy this good before. You ready for daddy's cum, sweetheart?" Y/N squealed loudly as the heavy tempo of his thrusts increased, the sound of their union squelching wetly in her burning ears. "Yeah, you are. You've been ready for it for days, haven't you? I know, baby. I know. I feel it too." He grunted loudly, punching another hard thrust into her, pressing her body deeper into the grass. "Don't you worry, honey. I'll fill you up real good. If we're lucky — ngh — it might even take.” 
He crashed into her like the sea, his breathing in her ear loud and ragged as his rhythm suddenly faltered, becoming rough and uneven. Surrendering completely to his pleasure, he vocalized on every thrust, ready for the finish, plunging wildly into her squelching heat, the stinging plap, plap, plap of his heavy balls slapping loudly against her upturned ass as he desperately chased his release. He wedged his arms beneath her shoulders, hugging her close while simultaneously caging her in, squeezing her tightly, pushing his straining cock in deeper, deeper, until he pushed firmly to the hilt one last time and—
“Oh f-fuck..! Fuuuck...!” 
He stilled above her and tensed, ears pinned back, clenching his teeth, looking incredibly pained for a moment before a tortured smile of pure relief suddenly spread across his flushed face. His stiff cock turned to steel inside her, throbbing menacingly, heavy balls drawing up tightly, visibly pulsing, the boiling cum inside rocketing out of the darkest depth of his loins as his pleasure finally boiled over and he erupted. The moan that ripped from his throat was loud, drawn out, and completely primal, lewd in such a way that it made her cheeks and ears absolutely burn. Y/N had never heard a man sound like that before, and certainly not because of her. His deep masculine grunts carried his satisfaction loudly into the air as he curled his body over hers, surrounding her completely, still thrusting, making her flexing walls quiver around him madly until she crested moments later, tumbling over the edge into her own mindless abyss. Y/N shattered in his arms, screaming silently, dragged under a searing current of ecstasy so strong it tore her vocal chords from her, rendering her completely voiceless as she surrendered, a willing hostage to her own release.
His burning seed coated her contracting walls in thick ropes, filling her abundantly with each heavy pump. Y/N gasped at the warm and full sensation, curling her tail around one of his muscled thighs as she tightly squeezed her arms around him, more than a little sensitive to his lazy rocking now. It felt like he was trying to reach the very end of her, tail jerking spasmodically behind him with each creamy expulsion of cum. Y/N whined at the sheer volume of his load, almost jealous that his orgasm seemed to drag on forever. She could still feel each heavy pulse filling her to the point of overflowing, acting almost like a balm as it soothed the burning heat inside her, dwindling her high into fading sparks.
Finally, with a soft moan which tapered off into a deep, rumbling sigh of pure contentment, he rolled to a stop on top of her, falling completely boneless as his heaving body finally came at rest, hips twitching helplessly with the lingering aftershocks. It was too much, Y/N’s overfilled and overstimulated core finally decided, desperate for a reprieve, especially now that she had to bear the entirety of his sated weight. He stuffed her completely that way — she swore she could even feel her stomach slightly bulge. She winced under him and mewled, hiding her face in his vest covered chest. He was sweating heavily beneath it.
“No more. Tired now. Pl-please…” 
Raising his head, he looked down and examined the dazed, fucked out look on her face, chuckling proudly, basking in the lazy satisfaction that came with the warm afterglow. Nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, marred from his previous attentions, he inhaled her sweet scent reverently before he sighed, purring.
“Good girl. Good fucking girl. I knew you had it in you. Took daddy's cock so well. And what was all the fuss about?” 
She looked like she was just on the verge of scowling at him again when he unexpectedly nipped the side of her neck in reprimand — not to mention for also clipping his temple with a rock earlier — soothing the nicked skin with the flat of his tongue after when she jerked her head to get away from the sting, swatting her tail at him, though it lack any real heat behind it this time. He gently pressed his lips against hers a moment later, kissing her softly, appeasing her regardless.
She bore his weight for as long as she could while they both recovered from their individual highs, tangled closely together, the long minutes slowly passing, filled with quiet kisses and soothing touches while his cock almost reluctantly softened inside her. When he was certain he'd injected her with every last drop, he slowly peeled himself off of her, capturing her hips in his hands while he sat back on his knees, keeping her nice and still while he slowly eased his shining, flaccid cock out, patting her hip soothingly when she scrunched her blushing face up at the audible, wet pop. A thick stream of cum trickled out of her raw, beaten entrance following his departure, pooling heavily beneath her ass. He whistled appreciatively at the sight of her ruined cunt, thoroughly pleased with his work, tail curling in delight like a cat that got the cream.
And oh boy, did he ever get it.
“Fuck. I filled you up good, baby. Don’t you waste any more of that now. I saved all that cream just for you.”
As the wave of heat abated and some sense of clarity finally returned to her, Y/N's first instinct was to look away from him, stubbornly avoiding his heavy lidded gaze, hellbent on ignoring him and pouting now that he'd got what he'd wanted, because it didn't matter how amazing she'd discovered mating was, or how much she wouldn't mind doing this again with him later; her poor core burned in an entirely new way because of him, freshly ruined and raw, and she deserved a good sulk at least. Great Mother, she didn’t even know his name! He didn't even know HERS. She'd hissed and whined and made all other variations of unmentionable sounds at him more than she'd exchanged any full sentences with him. She had just let a complete stranger — a demon — mate with her.
Her parents were going to be furious. She unconsciously dug her nails into him at the thought.
A large hand suddenly grabbed her by her jaw, dragging Y/N from her anxious thoughts. He gently coaxed her eyes to look up and meet his, studying her closely, shifting his grip until his palm was tenderly cupping the entire side of her face. A thumb stroked the high arch of her blue cheekbone, rubbing back and forth. He looked like he was thinking very deeply about something. It probably wasn't a good thing; nevertheless, Y/N couldn't help but lean into the affectionate touch. For a long time he was silent, just watching her while she watched him. Then, he smiled.
“You know, there's something I've been wanting to try for a while now. Heard it's all the rage with you Na'vi. Never had an opportunity until now though. Heh. I guess meeting you must have been fate.” 
Words, words, words. So many strange English words! All Y/N could gather was that he wanted to do something else with her now. Something that sounded serious. Her ears pressed back unsurely, but she couldn't deny her curiosity. There were a lot of things she couldn't deny now, no matter how hard she tried to bury it. Her lack of action against him now spoke volumes, and she knew it. He knew it.
His hand on her face drifted past it to touch her hair, stroking the dark locks softly, carefully, slowly inching lower until her braid was suddenly snaking over her shoulder, locked in his grasp, his true intentions unveiling when he used his other hand to collect his own braid, holding their kurus between them. In an instant Y/N froze, watching him carefully, an emotional maelstrom waging a war within her as she fought herself for a moment. He stared back at her all the while, waiting patiently, smiling almost knowingly when she ultimately did nothing to stop him. In the end, she just decided to lie still and wait quietly. A sweet surrender.
"Call me Miles, sweetheart. Or daddy. Either works just fine."
He slowly brought their kurus closer together, the pinkish tendrils at the ends yearningly reaching for each other.
“Aren’t you lucky that you’re mine.” 
Together, the two of them watched with bated breaths as the tendrils slowly intertwined, coiling around each other, becoming one—
Binding them forever.
The End...?
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juicyblocks · 1 year
aren’t you just precious
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Everything medical related was a google search, so those in the medical field please don’t come for me - I was a literature major for a reason 😭
♢ Pairing: Parents!Jake & Neytiri x Oldest daughter!Reader
♢ Word count: 2k 
♢ Genre: suspense, action, angst, slight humor - Warnings: explicit description of injuries, blood, cursing, reader is a lil crazy
⌲ Description: Your iknimaya goes a little south. Aka introducing the ‘demon ikran.’
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Keep reading
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juicyblocks · 1 year
★彡𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐟 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫彡★ (AU)
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Synopsis : After getting a stable job you finally can get out of your studio apartment that you used to stay in and moved to another apartment complex. First you want to bent into a half and stay like that forever until you meet your hot, 37 years old neighbour and is a single dad to cute young boy
Content Warnings : Suggestive nfsw, angst, fluff and spider being a wingman (not a warning)
Pairing : Miles Quaritch x reader, platonic!spider x reader
Status : coming soon
Notes : Since this is an au miles kinda ooc here because it's an au and Miles will be police officer here since this is fictional story please don't take it seriously and I will still write my other series🧍
๖ۣۜ𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑰𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙༻࿌𖣘
more to be added...
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© by @pekkiee - please don't copy or steal my story || 150323 || playlist ( coming soon )
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