julian-evans · 3 years
Nerves fluttering in his stomach, Julian pulled up to the address Cordelia had given him for their date, his eyes widening as he pulled up to the curb. Had she given him the right address? Surely she couldn’t live in such a colossal home. Julian wasn’t even sure he’d ever seen a home so big — the nicest house he’d ever been in was Danny’s parents’, and even their house paled in comparison to this mansion. He was about to text Cordelia when he figured he’d try this house anyway. After all, how awkward would it be if he texted her and this was her house?
Julian made his way up to the door, dusting off his outfit — which probably cost less than the doormat he stood on — before eying the contraption to his left. Was that… an intercom? Like at school? He tilted his head to the side like a small puppy, then pressed one of the buttons and prayed he didn’t look like a complete fool. “Uh… hi. I hope this is the right house. I’m here for… Cordelia? Prince? I’m, um, here to take her on a… a… date,” he said into the speaker, suddenly feeling incredibly out of place on her doorstep. “This is, um, Julian… not Prince, obviously, because I don’t… live here… um, Evans, is my last name. Do you need my… driver’s license…?”
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After what felt like an eternity, he saw the familiar blonde appear in the hallway and a few of his nerves dissipated. “Hey, baby girl.” He took Cordelia’s hand, then gave it a squeeze and kissed the top of her head. Once they made it back to his car, he opened the passenger side door. “Your chariot awaits,” he said, suddenly feeling incredibly stupid that he’d shown up to her house in such a… normal vehicle. “Oh! But before you get in… I have a few things for you.” Julian reached into the car, then pulled out a bouquet of pink flowers, a small plushie, a pink USB drive, and a bag of dog treats.
“These are for you. I… realized I don’t actually know what your favorite flower is despite us meeting at a flower shop, so I just got… all the pink ones,” he admitted, smiling sheepishly while offering Cordelia the flowers. “And then this little guy is also for you, since you said you liked…” He handed Cordelia the plushie — Pascal the chameleon, dressed in a purple dress — then imitated his pose. “… Tangled.” He gave her the dog treats next. “These are for Lady. I’m not sure what her favorite treats are, but I figured she could try these.” Finally he handed her the USB drive. “And then these are the songs I’ve written about you so far. I realized I only showed you one of them earlier. But these are beyond the demo versions.”
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julian-evans · 3 years
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    “I think flaws are part of what makes someone perfect.”  She let her hand rest by his jaw, her index finger running back and forth along the smooth skin there.  Relationship.  The word tumbled around in her head over and over again and she knew what her friends would say — You always rush into things — and knew what her parents would say — Oh, Cordelia, life doesn’t work like your fairytales — but she didn’t care.  She didn’t care what anyone might think or say.  Because it didn’t matter.  They couldn’t feel what she felt.  They didn’t know that when she looked at Julian, she felt safe and happy and… complete.  Like she’d found what she’d been searching for since she was a little girl.  "You feel like a fairytale, too.“
    It surprised her to hear that he hadn’t slept with anyone in a while, and even more so that when he did, it took him a little while to get to that point.  She thought of her perception of rockstars and performers, of the girls she saw throwing themselves at him at his shows and in his comments on social media.  How many times had she watched one of his Instagram Lives to see the comments section flooded with girls begging him to notice them, to kiss them, to fuck them?  And she had assumed — incorrectly, apparently — that he might’ve indulged a few here and there.  He had indulged her, after all.  But it was clear to her now that this was an anomaly for both of them.  They were both feeling… whatever that feeling was.  Love?  Is it too soon to call it love?  She thought that it was, at least out loud.
    "Pink,” she blurted.  "Pink is my favorite color.  And I’m most afraid of failure.  I let it keep me from doing a lot of things.  And Disney movies make me happy.  Especially ones about princesses.  Or Lady and the Tramp.“  She kissed him back and she didn’t want him to pull away, not ever, but when he did, he spoke more sweet words that had her heart melting and she had to kiss him again, again, again.     "I want that, too.  All of that.  I want to know you.  I want to be yours.  And I know that’s crazy, because we only just met, but I don’t know how to describe what I’ve felt from the moment I first saw you.  Not even today.  On stage, at your show.  I just… I haven’t stopped thinking of you since, and I don’t want to.”
Pink. Disney movies. Fear of failure. Lady and the Tramp. Julian mulled these little details over for a moment, cataloguing them in the back of his mind with the few other details he’d learned about Cordelia. “I know we only just met, but… I really think we need to replicate that scene from Lady and the Tramp, with the spaghetti,” he said absentmindedly. “You know… this one.” He pretended to slurp a strand of spaghetti before pecking Cordelia on the lips. “I always thought that scene was so cute. And I always wanted to reenact it with someone.” He made another mental note then, for their inevitable first – or second? – date. Reenact Lady and the Tramp. Get her something pink.
One comment of Cordelia’s stuck in his brain like glue: I’m most afraid of failure. I let it keep me from doing things. Julian furrowed his brow slightly, his thumb stroking the soft skin of Cordelia’s cheek as he pondered her words. A lifetime of abuse had left him nearly fearless, and he hated thinking that fear held Cordelia back from achieving her dreams. Quickly he pulled his shirt over Cordelia’s head, then pulled his boxers on and hugged her tightly. “We’re going to work on that. Your fear of failure, I mean. I have that a bit, too, to a certain extent, in that I’m a bit of a perfectionist. But… I want to show you something.”
Scooping Cordelia into his arms, he carried her over to his computer, then plopped down in his chair and sat her down on his lap. “You said Cold was your favorite song. I want to show you how it started.” He clicked through a few folders on his computer, then started playing each demo version of Cold – from the very first voice note to the final studio recording. “This first version was terrible. The lyrics were clunky. The production wasn’t there. The mixing sucked. I genuinely almost gave up on it, because it was just… not good,” Julian recounted, cringing at some points of the unfinished song. “I have so many songs that I scrap before they can even evolve. I don’t want to put something out there unless I know it’s the best, you know? But… I kept going.”
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He quieted down then and let Cordelia listen to the rest of the takes while he played with the ends of her hair. “Cold never would’ve happened if I let fear win. You know what they say – ‘Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.’” Julian pressed a gentle kiss to Cordelia’s forehead, then cupped her face in his hands. “Tell me, Cordy. What game are you scared of playing? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
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julian-evans · 3 years
    Julian’s hands on her body, his words in her ear, left her a whimpering mess below him as they kept a steady rhythm.  Even Blake, who had loved her, had never gone out of his way to compliment her.  To list off the things about her that he liked or found attractive.  He’d certainly never called her the most beautiful woman in the world — at least not sincerely.  Not like Julian.  And despite only knowing him for a short amount of time, she knew it was sincere.  She knew he meant it, and he wasn’t just saying it because they were fucking or because it was what he said to everyone.
    The way he growled out her name made her want to scream at the top of her lungs and she bucked her hips into his, so close to her own climax.  And then his voice was in her ear again, giving her a command, demanding that she cum for him and her nails dug into the hot skin of his back as she cried out and came for a third time.  Her face buried in his neck and she kissed him there, gently, as they both came down together.     Cordelia wanted to hold him there against her body for as long as she could.  She didn’t want to let him go, or for him to move at all.  She knew as soon as he did that she’d want him back again so her legs stayed locked around his hips as her heart rate began to slow.  One hand remained on his back, going up and down soothingly, while the other buried in his hair.  She could’ve fallen asleep like that, still intertwined, still close together, but sleeping would take her away from him and she didn’t want that. ��So, slowly, and a bit unhappily, she released him from her grip.
    “That was amazing,” she told him.  "All of it.“  She let out a long, content sigh as she snuggled her body into his and placed a kiss on his cheek.  "You’re perfect.  In every way imaginable.  You don’t feel real, honestly.  It feels more like I dreamed you up, and now here you are.”
He couldn’t quite describe the feeling that came over him as he and Cordelia finished in sync, his hands tangled in her hair and their bodies practically intertwined. The sounds of the city continued on underneath them, sunlight filtered through the balcony, the air conditioner hummed in the distance, and yet all he could process was her. Julian held her as close to him as he could, memorizing every inch of her skin, every soft breath, the sweet smell of her perfume. “Cordelia…” Her name escaped his lips like a melody as he tried to process everything that had just happened, and how he’d managed to end up in bed with someone like her.
Julian’s quietness overpowered him as she snuggled into him, her tiny body interlocking with his like a puzzle piece that had found its perfect match. Without thinking, his arms wrapped around her, holding her as if he expected her to leave. When she opened her mouth to speak, he feared the worst: that she’d say this was a mistake, that they’d moved too fast, that she was going to get her things and go. What she said instead brought a bright, genuine grin to his features, and he tilted her chin up with two of his fingers to meet her gaze. You’re perfect. Julian’s lips tugged into a small smirk and he shook his head, then ruffled up Cordelia’s hair. “Oh, I’m not so sure about that. I have plenty of flaws,” he admitted. “It’s you who’s the perfect one in this relationship.”
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Relationship. Had he just said that word out loud? What if that wasn’t what she wanted? Quickly brushing past the discomfort, he twirled a piece of her hair around his finger. “You feel like a fairy tale,” Julian said softly, pressing his forehead to hers as he spoke. “Like someone heard my prayers for the perfect girl and tapped a little succulent out of her basket and set things in motion.” The smile on his face was soft, serene, almost a bit vulnerable as he opened his eyes and met Cordelia’s gaze. “Cordy, I…” He didn’t want to make things weird, but he also didn’t want her to think he only wanted her for her body, or that he wanted this to be the end of their connection. “… I don’t usually do… this. I haven’t been intimate with someone in… ages. And even then, it usually takes me a few dates to loosen up…”
He ran a hand through his hair and stroked her cheek with his thumb, his heart hammering in his chest as he searched for what to say. “What I mean is… I want… you. Not just your body. I want you to be my girl. I want to take you on dates. I want to know your favorite color and your deepest fears and the things that make your face light up with happiness. I want to hold you when you’re sad and dance with you when you’re happy…” Cupping her face in his hands, he pressed a deep, slow kiss to her lips – one that was less carnal and more loving, more tender, more vulnerable than before. When he finally pulled away, Julian raked his hands through Cordelia’s hair, his eyes searching hers. “You aren’t a one note girl, Cordelia. You’re a whole symphony. The one I’ve been wanting to hear my whole life, I think, and… I can’t stop listening. Not now.”
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julian-evans · 3 years
    Cordelia’s body felt overwhelmed with every touch and kiss and nip of his teeth.  No matter how hard she tried to breathe evenly, she couldn’t stop it from coming quickly, couldn’t stop her heart from pounding erratically in her chest.  No one had ever made her feel the way he had before — physically or otherwise — and she wanted to memorize the feeling in case she never got to experience it again.  In case him calling her his girl was a one time thing, or something he said to all the girls he took home with him.
    More talking.  More questions.  She would’ve been content to never answer another question again in her life, but she forced herself to focus on him.  Focus on his words.  On his hands parting her legs, grasping her wrists, and then—
    “Fuck,” she gasped out as he began to enter her.  It was slow, too slow, and she wanted to lift her hips up and meet his but he was in control and she liked it.  He was holding her by the waist and then finally he was deep inside her, their bodies pressed together for a brief moment before he started his slow rhythm.  She moaned into his mouth and her own hips began to move and match his pace.
    Any attempts at regulating her breathing were long abandoned as she shut her eyes and tried to concentrate on his question.  What did she want?  Her brain and her body had warring answers.  She’d wanted him to take her, to fuck her as  hard as he wanted to, however he wanted to.  But her body… her body was reaching exhaustion and she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to handle it.     “Gentle,” she finally answered, because she found she was enjoying the pace they were going at.  It was slow, but it felt good and she whimpered when her hips collided with his just right.  "Feel’s so good, daddy.“
Julian’s lips curved into an easy smirk at Cordelia’s answer. He could tell she was both tired and turned on beyond belief, and it sent shockwaves through his system knowing he was the one who’d brought her to that state of bliss. His fingers brushed a lock of hair out of her face, his heart skipping a beat when the sun caught it just right and it glowed almost golden. “Your wish is my command, princess,” he said gently, pressing the softest of kisses to her lips.
Looking down at her, her curves interlocking with the rugged lines of his chest like perfectly matched puzzle pieces, Julian had to stop himself from saying the one thing he felt so clearly in the moment. I’m falling in love with you. It felt crazy to think, let alone even think about saying, but something about the entire moment felt so… right. His vision felt hazy, dreamy, like wearing permanent rose-colored glasses. Lips tugging into a smile, he picked up the pace just slightly, enough to keep Cordelia satisfied but not aggressive enough to hurt her.
Feels so good, daddy.
What was it about this girl that drove him crazy? Letting out a deep, satisfied moan, Julian leaned into Cordelia’s ear and thrust into her once more, his breath shallow as the rhythm came to him easily. “That’s my girl,” he whispered in her ear, peppering loving, sweet kisses along the soft skin of her neck. “Gorgeous,” he praised. “Breathtaking.” He pushed his hips into her easily, adding another adjective with each gentle thrust. “Perceptive. Kind. Optimistic. The most beautiful woman in the world.”
He wanted to stay in this moment forever, their bodies intertwined, Cordelia’s hot breath on his neck and the sweet melody of her moans in his ear. Soon enough, though, Julian felt himself veering toward his own peak. “Fuck, Cordelia,” he growled, angling his hips into hers just right. “Gonna cum for you, princess.” He could hear those gorgeous whimpers of hers, could feel the way she dug her hips into his, and he willed himself to last just long enough to finish with her. She’d wanted him to be gentle, but she hadn’t said anything about him talking dirty. Leaning into her ear, Julian smirked, then whispered in his most dominant voice, “Cum on my cock like a good girl.”
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julian-evans · 3 years
    His attention to her pleasure was a surprise for Cordelia.  She’d been with guys who tried, sort of, to get her off but got bored if she didn’t reach her orgasm quick enough or didn’t know the right things to do or say.  And then, of course, there had been the guys who didn’t try at all.  Who only cared about themselves and their own pleasure.  But here was Julian bringing her to the brink of her second orgasm and she knew in the back of her pleasure-addled mind that there would be a third, too.     It didn’t take much to finish her off — his words, and his tongue, and his fingers hitting her in all the right spots until her legs clenched around his head and her hands gripped his hair pulling him closer, holding him tighter, and then the muscles of her body relaxed and let him go.  She tried to catch her breath, but the question murmured in her ear made it hard to do.  She was still too blissed out to form any real words so she nodded her head fervently in agreement because she wanted him to know — needed him to know — that she wanted to be his girl.  That just the idea of it sent her head spinning and her heart racing.
    The way his lips attached to her neck had her eyes rolling to the back of her head.  He was fucking perfect, leaving a mark on her skin where it would be visible and where she could show it off, knowing that she wanted that without her even having to say it.  It felt completely insane to be as attached to him as she was already when they barely knew each other, but it also felt… right.  And if her years of obsession with all things love and princess and Disney had taught her anything, it was that soulmates were real and love at first sight was real and though she’d never say it out loud — at least not yet — she thought maybe that’s what this was.     When his work was done, he was kissing her jaw and he was talking again and she had to work to listen and comprehend what he was saying.  One of her hands traveled down the warm skin of his chest, to the waistband of his pants, and over the fabric of them to just barely brush her fingers over the bulge there.  "I think I have some idea,“ she said, and tucked her bottom lip under her teeth for a moment before releasing it to tell him what she wanted.     "I need your cock,” she whined, and the gentle brush turned into a firmer grip.  "Please, daddy, I need it.  I need you to fuck me.  Please give me your cock, daddy.“
Julian wasn’t quite sure how this was all happening. If he even stopped to think about it, he was sure he’d pull away, back into the shell he’d forced himself in for the past two years. He wasn’t one for one night stands, or even one for having sex without at least few dates under his belt. Yet here he was, his fingers and his tongue driving the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen crazy. He watched her with a kind of admiration he’d only ever heard about in songs, eyes tracing every inch of her form as she came undone for him.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.” The sentence came out as a statement, a matter of fact in its entirety. His friends had often told him that being around him gave them whiplash — he was chaotic at times, and in the bedroom he could be almost too chaotic, veering from soft and sweet to rough and authoritative at a moment’s notice. Cordelia wasn’t used to that change just yet, and Julian figured he’d surprise her with it. Pressing gentle kisses along the nape of her neck, he smiled against her dewy skin, hands wandering the curve of her hips and breasts. “I thought you couldn’t get any more gorgeous, but… I was wrong. You finishing is the most heavenly thing I’ll ever lay eyes on.”
He’d just given her two orgasms — intense ones, by the look of it — and Julian, ever the gentleman, wanted her to enjoy them. It took him every ounce of restraint to keep from pushing her back against the bed then and there, his vision hazy with admiration as he looked down at Cordelia. Slowly, deliberately, Julian kissed his way up her sides, his touch tender and his gaze soft. “You’re radiant, Cordelia,” he murmured, cupping one of her cheeks with his hand. “Sparkling. Luminescent. Glowing. Like the sun itself.”
With one quick kiss to her lips, Julian’s dreamy smile tugged into a cocky grin. “Tell me, pretty girl. How hard do you like to be fucked?” he asked, pulling her legs apart and pinning Cordelia’s wrists above her head. “I can be gentle with you, of course…” He entered her at an agonizingly slow pace, hips gently rocking into hers, while he watched her react beneath him. “… or, since you’ve been such a good girl for me, I can let these pretty wrists of yours go, and…” He let go of her wrists, snaking one hand around her waist and pushing her hips up into his. “… I can have my way with you.” Still moving gently, Julian pressed a soft kiss to Cordelia’s lips and pressed his forehead to hers. “I don’t want to hurt you, princess. You tell me what feels good for you, okay? Tell me what you want. Use your words.”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    Three little words.  Just three little words set her heart racing even harder in her chest and she wanted to hear it again, again, again.  His girl.  Nothing had ever sounded so appealing before and she would’ve done anything to have it.  Anything to hear him call her his girl a thousand more times and mean it, and God she hoped he meant it and hadn’t just said it in the heat of the moment.     Her hips continued to grind against his touch, searching for her release, and then he was back inside of her and the grinding turned to thrusting as she fucked herself on his fingers, panting and whining and moaning, until he gave her permission to finally come undone.  And she did.  Her breath hitched in her throat, her hips shuddered in their movements, and a cry of daddy came tumbling off her lips.
    She was still catching her breath when he laid her back on the bed and for a moment, she considered just pulling him down against her and holding on to him.  She wanted to feel his arms around her.  Wanted to intertwine their limbs together and feel his chest rising and falling beneath her.  Listen to the steady heartbeat of his chest.  That’s my girl, he’d said and she wanted to be.     But then finally, finally, he was taking his shirt off and she sat up, wanting to run her hands up his chest, muscular and smooth.  He unclasped her bra, pulled her panties off and tossed them aside them aside.  She laid back again and their lips met and her hand tangled in his hair briefly.  When he started speaking again, her heart sped up and she felt another contraction in the muscles of her stomach.  She had been a good girl, he was right.  She deserved a reward.
    His lips travelled down her body — her neck, and her collarbone, and down, down, down… She let him push her legs apart and she sighed, a blissful exhalation, but it turned into a moan as the kisses went from gentle to harder.  To sucking her flesh and leaving the marks he promised to.  She wanted him to work his way back up and leave one on her neck.  Somewhere obvious.  Somewhere that everyone would see and then they’d know, just like her, that she belonged to him.  She was his girl.  She let out another moan as her back arched off the bed, into his mouth, and then he was going down, down, down again.     Cordelia looked down at Julian, her eyes meeting his one more time before his tongue teased at her slick folds and her head dropped back in another moan.  "Daddy,“ she whined, gripping his hair again and holding his head in place.  Her legs tightened involuntarily.  "You feel so good.”  She closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip, moaning again.  "Please don’t stop.“
It didn’t take much to get Julian worked up – at least, it didn’t take much for Cordelia to get Julian worked up. He’d gone almost a year without so much as kissing someone; and, for someone as guarded as him, that meant any form of intimacy, physical or otherwise, had been off-limits for long before that. Julian Evans didn’t open up to girls quickly. He didn’t take them home, let them into his room and his soul and his heart after talking to them for less than an hour at the farmer’s market. He stayed guarded, stayed protected. Those were the rules.
And then along came Cordelia. Cordelia whose last name he didn’t even know. Cordelia whose favorite color and movie and type of food were a complete mystery to him. All Julian knew about Cordelia was that she liked his music, she had a dog named Lady – and that she seemed to fall apart at the seams when he said ‘that’s my girl’. He was going to use that to his advantage – but not before he gave her what she so desperately craved.
It didn’t take long for him to feel Cordelia reaching her peak again, to feel her growing wetter around his tongue as her moans escalated. Julian moved one hand to the small of her back, pressing her hips up into him gently as he moved his tongue to her clit. His eyes stayed glued to hers, lips curving into a playful smile as he pushed her further, willing her to finish. Then, just when he felt her close to release, he pulled away. “Show me how good you taste when you cum.” With that he pushed his tongue back into her, his touch reaching for the place he knew she needed him most.
Something about seeing Cordelia this way felt almost addicting. And, though he wanted nothing more than to go down on her for what felt like hours, he wanted her to finish when she was ready. With that in mind, he decided to push her buttons, just for fun. While watching her whine and tremble and fall apart for him, he kissed his way up her chest. “You like being my girl, is that it, princess?” he murmured into her ear, a grin stretching from ear to ear as he kissed his way along her neck.
“I want you to be my girl. I want to know every little thing about you. Your favorite color. All your hopes and dreams and fears. And…” His fingers found Cordelia’s hair and he tugged it back aggressively, voice low and dark as he whispered in her ear, “… I need everyone else to know who you belong to. My girl.” His lips met the soft skin of her neck and he quickly went to work, his mind focused only on leaving the darkest bruise in the most obvious place possible.
Leaving a love bite on Cordelia’s neck gave Julian just enough time to realize just how worked up he’d gotten. He trailed the tip of his nose along her cheek, peppering innocent kisses along her jawline before asking, “You have no idea how hard I want to fuck you, do you?” Though he wanted her – badly – Julian knew most girls barely finished once in bed, let alone twice, and he didn’t want to pressure her into anything she didn’t want. “If you want my cock, you’re going to have to prove it.”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    A cry of displeasure passed through Cordelia’s lips at the loss of his touch, even though she’d known all along that it was coming.  She still wanted his hand back in her panties, bringing her closer and closer to her release.  There was barely time for a pout to settle on her face when she was back in his lap and she wanted to reach for him and kiss him, hard, but the hand around her throat had other plans.  And then, for a brief moment… the other Julian was back and the fake pout made way for a smile.  For just that moment, they were the two people at the flower stand again and she thought it’d be nice to do this later the other way.  To take time to really explore and appreciate each other.  To be soft and gentle.  She nodded her head in agreement to their safe word and stole a quick, gentle peck after he kissed her cheek.
    The dominant Julian was back in an instant, tightening his grip on her throat and she had to force herself not to squirm in his lap to release some of the built up tension he had left her with.  The sound of his hand smacking against her ass filled the room and mixed with the whine that left her mouth.  She was panting and needy and she didn’t take her eyes off of him even as he pulled her hair and tipped her head backwards.  She didn’t want to look away or close her eyes and risk missing the way he looked at her, the way his hands looked on her body, the way his lips curled confidently with each demanding sentence.  Another smack to her ass and the promise of what else was to come left her whining again and again she had to stop herself from rolling her hips against his.
    Cordelia stared back into Julian’s eyes, dark and lustful, and gripped his shoulders tightly in her hands.  And then, finally, by some fucking miracle his fingers pushed past the fabric of her underwear once more to find her clit.  She moaned and her head fell forward, towards his shoulder, getting off on the sight of his hand in her panties.  If she’d been able to think clearly, she would be find it disappointing that she was almost naked and he still had on all of his clothes — though it almost seemed hotter this way.  It added to his control and further fueled her desire, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.     “Daddy,” she whimpered, and she had to close her eyes against the pleasure or she was positive she would unravel too quickly.  "Daddy, please, I can’t… I need to cum, please let me cum.  I’ll be a good girl, I promise, daddy, please.“  This time, she couldn’t stop herself from rocking her hips into his hand.  "I can’t last much longer, please, please, please, daddy.  Let me cum on your fingers.”
“That’s my girl.” The three words tumbled out of Julian’s mouth before he could stop them. If he were thinking logically right now, the phrase would seem strange for someone he’d just met today. And yet the weight of it rang true – Cordelia felt like his, and he felt like Cordelia’s, long before their bodies had intertwined and he’d felt her so intimately. Leaning into her ear, Julian smiled and thrust his fingers back into her fully, his touch arching to reach the spot she’d so desperately wanted him to touch. “You’ve been such a good girl, baby. Cum for me. I got you, princess.”
Julian wasn’t sure he’d ever get over the sight or the sound of Cordelia unraveling for him, because of him. Had he ever heard a more perfect song than the needy, desperate moan that filled the air between them? Suddenly he wanted her all to himself – wanted to taste her, wanted to truly feel her. Never one to truly deprive a partner of pleasure, he gently laid Cordelia back against the bed and grinned as she basked in her high. It was only then that he realized he was still fully clothed. “Think you deserve a reward for being so good, hm?” With a quick grin, Julian unbuttoned his shirt and pulled off what remained of Cordelia’s clothes, then tossed them to the side. The scent of her perfume filled his senses as he leaned down to kiss her, sweet and full and eager all at once.
“You are so fucking gorgeous… especially when you cum for me,” he murmured into her ear, fingertips tracing the soft curves of her chest and waist. Without wasting a second, Julian began pressing soft kisses into Cordelia’s neck and collarbone, his hands pushing her legs apart again. “And you’ll look even more gorgeous when I mark you.” Ever the tease, he smiled, taking his time working his way down by leaving hickeys along her breasts and sides. He swore he could feel electricity between them in the brief moments where his chest met hers. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world, you know that?”
Once he was sure Cordelia had enjoyed her first orgasm, Julian kissed his way along her inner thighs, his dark eyes flicking up to meet hers. “Time to see if you taste as good as you feel, princess. I’m gonna make your body sing for me,” he stated confidently, almost arrogantly, shooting Cordelia one last cocky smile before dragging his tongue along her entrance teasingly. Finally tasting her sent shivers down his spine and Julian couldn’t help but let out a low, aggressive moan before pulling her hips in toward him. Instantly his tongue began teasing her clit and he hoped his mouth could convey what he’d wanted to say this whole time: I’m going to make you mine.
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julian-evans · 4 years
    Her words had the desired effect and she held on to him tightly as he shifted her into his lap.  Finally, finally, their lips met and she could feel it in her whole body.  And she could feel that he was matching whatever it was she was feeling.  It was more than a simple attraction to a stranger, more than just love, more than anything she’d experienced in her life and she didn’t know how to name it but it was consuming her, and consuming him, and she didn’t want it to stop.     He grabbed her hair and tugged it back and fuck he was so hot.  She gasped at the pull, at his words, at his smile and his hands and his eyes.  Gone was the sweet, bashful boy she’d met at the farmer’s market just an hour ago and in his place was one that commanded attention.  She hadn’t expected it to be like this, but it was exactly what she wanted.  What she needed.  And even though hardly anything had happened yet, she knew she didn’t want this to be the last time.  She knew she wanted the little fantasy life she’d built for them to be real, and for this to be part of their routine.  She just had to hope that he wanted that, too.
    Before she knew it, she was laying back on the bed and his hands were on her again but this time they didn’t linger in any one place.  He was making quick work of taking off her skirt and her top, leaving her in just her strapless bra and underwear.  As he undressed her and listed all those things about her, she felt her stomach tighten in anticipation, filled again with fireworks and butterflies and a nervousness that came with liking someone so much so quickly.  Briefly, she wished she’d worn something cuter, like a nice lace set, but that thought was long gone when his finger tips brushed against the fabric of her panties.  She gasped again and the sound turned into a whimper as she nodded her head in agreement.  Yes, she was wet for him.  Yes, she was a good girl.  His good girl.
    He was teasing her, rubbing her clit just enough to leave her wanting more.  One of her hands wrapped around his wrist while the other grabbed the bedding below her in her fist.  She was a mess of sounds, whimpering and whining as she lifted her hips to try to grind against his hand for more but before she could get the friction she was looking for, his fingers moved and he smiled at her and she knew something better was coming.  Her back arched off the bed and she moaned against his mouth as his fingers pushed into her quickly.     Fuck me senseless, she wanted to say.  Do that, please do that.  But no words came out of her mouth, only another moan as she moved the hand from his bed and into his soft curls.  She cried out in pleasure when she felt his fingers curl and as he ordered her to speak, she bit down on her bottom lip, thinking over what he’d said with her chest heaving, the words tumbling around and around in her brain until she landed on something.     “I do always get what I want.”  It was hard to get the words out, but she said it in the brattiest tone she could manage.  She bucked her hips up into his hand, and with a bat of her eyelashes said, “I’m getting what I want right now, aren’t I, daddy?"  With another buck, another squirm, another attempt at friction, she let an innocent smile creep up her face.  “I think you should fuck the brat out of me.”
Where have you been all life? was the only sentiment Julian could even cohesively think in a moment as passionate as this one. He’d had sex before, but he’d never had this, whatever this was. He’d never had a girl melt in his arms, never had a girl whimper and moan and just about plead for him to take her higher. And he’d never wanted to give into a girl quite as badly as he wanted to with Cordelia.
He was seconds away from giving Cordelia what she wanted when she purred out one sentence: I do always get what I want, her tone saccharine sweet. And then she pulled out that word, those two syllables that usually unlocked the part of him that wanted to please his partner beyond belief. Instead it brought out the aggressive side of Julian, the one that wanted to feel Cordelia unravel for him – on his terms. “Oh, princess. And to think I was just seconds away from letting you finish,” Julian murmured, shaking his head and pulling his fingers out of her with a defiant smirk.
“It’s cute that you think you’re in control here. Really, kitten.” Plucking her off the bed in one motion, Julian gently turned Cordelia in his arms, one hand snaking around her neck as the other just barely met her hips. “You tell me if you’re uncomfortable, okay? ‘Succulent.’ You tell me that and I’ll stop,” he whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek gently, his voice briefly returning to its usual softness. Then, just as quickly as he’d returned to normal, Julian’s voice slipped back into the low, dominant tone he’d become so accustomed to.
Tightening his grip around her throat, he pressed hungry kisses to Cordelia’s neck. “Someone needs to learn her lesson. Good thing I’m a teacher, hm?” he murmured, spanking her ass hard. “Someone… needs to be punished.” Moving his hand from her throat to her hair, Julian tugged her hair back harder this time, his lips meeting her jawline as his palm met her ass yet again. “You want to be a brat? You’re going to get fucked like a brat. That means… only when you’re so needy that you can’t help but beg. When you want to cum and I just won’t let you.”
Perhaps it was the songwriter in him that made the words pour out of him like water. He wasn’t going to let Cordelia call the shots, wasn’t going to give her what she wanted, wasn’t going to let her finish so easily, with one bat of her pretty eyelashes. “You know I don’t stop at one, right? One orgasm isn’t enough for you, beautiful. But you have to earn them,” he taunted, dangling the idea in front of her. “So we’re going to try this again,” Julian explained, tilting Cordelia’s face back toward his and meeting her eyes. Finally he moved his hand, his fingers teasing her clit harder, stronger, his touch pushing her right back to the edge. “Be a good girl for daddy. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll let you cum… on my fingers, and in my mouth, and on my cock.”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    She’d known what she was doing when she sat on his bed and told him it was comfortable.  She’d hoped it would it would entice him to come over, too, and maybe they’d talk a little more and inch closer together until they were close enough to touch.  To kiss.  But Julian took it a step further and skipped over the quiet conversation to go straight to touching.  Her heart was pounding in her chest and he said he wanted to kiss her, too, and she felt like she couldn’t fucking breathe but in the best way possible.     And then there was that name again.  Princess.  She watched him, watched his hands, watched her legs get pulled apart and she needed him closer, but she liked letting him be in control.  She liked that he was making her wait, because no one ever made her wait for anything.  "Always,“ she said, breathless.  She forced herself to keep her hands beside her on the bed, and not on top of his to move them farther, farther up until they reached the spot she really wanted them to be.
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    Cordelia let out a sound that was half sigh, half moan and she couldn’t keep her hands by her side anymore.  She reached up to put one hand in his hair and the other on the side of his face.  The lasagna.  A movie.  Two things she didn’t care about in that moment.  She wasn’t hungry anymore, anyway.  At least, not in that way.  She shook her head, finding it increasingly difficult to find any words to say when his thumb was on her skin like that and she whimpered as she held his hair tighter.  Something else.  Yes, something else.  Cordelia nodded this time but then he was demanding she use her words and the next sound she made was more frustrated.  Needy.       His lips weren’t on hers for long enough and her grip tightened again as she did her best to think of words, any words, to say.  She was finding it difficult to concentrate when her body felt like it was on fire.  No one had ever made her feel this way this quickly and she didn’t know what to do with herself as she looked into his eyes with her chest rising and falling quickly with each heavy breath.  Four words finally came to mind and before she could stop herself or overthink or worry that it would be a turn-off like it was for some other guys she’d been with, she pulled him closer and whimpered, "Please fuck me, daddy.”
Julian wasn’t sure how four little words could send him into such a frenzy, and yet here he sat, his jaw clenched tightly and his hand squeezing Cordelia’s thigh. Without another word, he pulled her into his lap in one swift motion, his hands finding her hair instantly. Breathlessly he pulled her in for a kiss – passionate, heavy, full of all the desire he’d felt for her since first seeing her smile. Kissing Cordelia with every bit of energy in his body, he prayed his lips conveyed the words that stayed nestled in his throat, aching to break free. I want you, I need you, I’m falling for you.
He finally pulled away after what felt like forever, his voice low and steady in Cordelia’s ear as he tugged her hair back gently. “You said the magic word, princess. How did you know I like being called daddy?” Julian whispered, smiling. It had been ages since he’d had been intimate with a girl and even longer since he’d been allowed to fully be himself in the bedroom. And yet with Cordelia it came naturally, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces that had been looking for each other for ages. “You say that word and I’m yours. It’s probably my biggest turn on ever.” Gently pushing her back onto the bed, he pressed soft kisses along her neck, hands beginning to wander. “God, Cordelia, you are so fucking gorgeous.”
Her body felt like a city he’d been searching for his whole life, all peaks and valleys and beautiful planes of soft skin. As dominant as Julian loved being in the bedroom, he didn’t know Cordelia yet, and he didn’t want her to feel pressured into anything too rough. Instead he decided to tell Cordelia everything he’d noticed about her that drove him crazy while slowly stripping her clothes off. “You have the most radiant smile I’ve ever seen in my life,” he mused, running his thumb over her lips. “Eyes that shift between jade and emerald depending on the scenery. Hair that looks more gold than blonde when the sunlight hits it. The most precious dimples in this entire world. And quite possibly the hottest fucking voice I’ve ever heard on this planet.”
After pulling her skirt and top off, his hand traveled up her thigh, fingers just barely grazing the soft fabric of her underwear. Already he realized that Cordelia hadn’t been lying, hadn’t faked the hitched breaths or goosebumps or the deep, primal yearning that scorched through her words like fire. “Aw, baby, you’re this wet all for me? Good girl,” Julian praised, easily finding his way inside her panties. Grinning from ear to ear, Julian drew teasing circles along her clit with his finger, eyes fluttering shut as he listened intently to the rise and fall of Cordelia’s breath. “I’m curious, princess. What gets you going? If you want, I can be gentle with you. I’ll tell you every little thing I love about your body. I can worship every inch of you. Or…”
With a cocky smirk, he pushed his fingers into her and pressed his lips to hers, touching her more intensely and kissing her harder than he had before. “I can fuck you senseless like I want to.” His fingers explored her easily, his touch deliberate and his body focused intently on her reactions. “I can pull this gorgeous hair of yours and leave marks all over you. I can spank your pretty little ass when you think you always get what you want. I can show you exactly why I’m daddy… and why you’re going to listen.” Looking Cordelia in the eyes, Julian held her gaze, smirk morphing into a confident grin as he hooked his fingers up within her. “Tell me. Now. That’s an order.”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    It had been a long time since anyone had kissed her forehead or displayed any sort of tender affection towards her and Cordelia wanted to grip his shirt in her fists and hold him there for a second longer.  She could imagine for a moment that this, too, was part of their normal routine.  That they’d each come home from a long day and meet at the door and he’d take her in his arms and kiss her forehead and any stress from the day would melt away.
    Just as she’d expected would happen, Belle came bounding over to them and she felt her heart squeeze involuntarily in her chest.  But the excited dog went straight to Julian and with his repeated command of gentle, she calmed down and held out her paw.  Cordelia took in a deep breath as she knelt on the floor beside Julian.  He’d said that Belle could stay outside if she was uncomfortable but that didn’t seem fair when it was the dog’s house, not hers — and it wasn’t like it was Belle’s fault that she had this fear, anyway — so she would do her best to make it work.  She took Belle’s paw into her hand and shook it, smiling.  "It’s very nice to meet you.  You’re every bit as pretty as Belle from Beauty and the Beast.“  Cautiously, she reached forward to scratch behind her ear and smiled.
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    The pet name princess set her stomach flipping again and for what felt like the hundredth time already, she wanted to grab him and kiss him.  She wanted to hear him call her that over and over again and tried her hardest not to let herself get too swept away by her own mind once more, adding to the fantasy life she’d already cultivated for them in her head.  When she was back on her feet, she considered his question.  She was kind of hungry, and she had come over for the lasagna, but… she wanted to see his house.  And, more specifically, his bedroom.  "Tour first.  Then food.”  She kept her hand in his, letting him lead her around the place.  And then they reached his room.
    She was fascinated by it — by the vinyl records, by his instruments, by the cards and gifts from students, by the pictures of him and the band and people she assumed must’ve been fans.  By all the Bulbasaur planters he’d told her about.  By the picture of him and Belle and his mom.  She wandered over to the desk to look at it more closely and couldn’t help the smile that filled in her cheeks.  It was nice, seeing how much he clearly loved his mom.  She thought of what he said in the car — about how she was the greatest woman he knew, and how he’d be lucky to be half the person she was — and though she didn’t know him, not really, she thought that he probably already was just as great as her.
     Cordelia moved on from the picture to the night table with the little elephant on it and lifted it from its spot.  "I love elephants,“ she said, her fingers brushing along the soft fur.  "There was this Bill Murray movie that I was, like, totally obsessed with when I was little.  It was called Larger Than Life, I think.  But it’s about this guy who unexpectedly inherits an elephant from his dad and he has no idea what to do with her and it’s just all about them forming this bond.”  She laughed softly.  "I just remember making my mom rent it from Blockbuster over and over again.“  When she looked up at him again, she was smiling, a little bashful.  "Anyway.  I always wanted an elephant of my own, and I begged my parents to buy me one, but they never would.  Which makes sense now, but as a kid, it was totally devastating.  And probably one of the few things I didn’t get when I asked for it.”     With the elephant still in her hands, she sat down on his bed and looked up at him.  "I really like it in here.  It feels very distinctly like someone actually lives here, you know?  Like, you put thought into what you put on your walls.  It’s not just stuff that your parents gave you to put around your room, or what all your friends have hanging up, or whatever.  It feels real.  Authentic.“  She smiled again, this time a little more confidently.  "And your bed is really comfy.”
Julian couldn’t remember the last time a girl had taken the time – really taken the time – to observe his room the way Cordelia was right now. He stood, rooted to the spot by invisible forces, as his eyes followed her petite frame around the room. This was where he spent most of his time, where he produced his most genuine music, where he came to escape when the outside world was just too much. And, though his heart ached for another, his loneliness protected him. He hadn’t let someone new into this room since Kelsey, which meant no more broken vinyls, no more broken bones, no more broken promises.
And yet here Cordelia was, her delicate, graceful fingers trailing his photos, his instruments, even the soft fur of Ellie’s stuffed ear. Part of Julian wanted to hide himself away, place caution tape around the door to his heart as a warning sign to Cordelia: Something is broken in here that you don’t want to see. But the truest part of Julian, the hopeless romantic with a perpetually pink gaze, merely smiled and listened to her story. “Any girl who also loves elephants is a girl after my own heart. They’re my favorite animal,” he explained, beaming at the sight of Cordelia holding Ellie.
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He was about to explain why he loved elephants so much when Cordelia sat down on his bed, her smile infectious and bold, confident and demanding in a way he hadn’t seen before. Closing the gap between them, Julian sat down next to her. “That’s very sweet of you, Cordelia. I try my hardest to be real in everything I do. There’s no point otherwise,” he offered. Raising one hand to cup her face, he tilted his head to the side slightly, dark curls falling to the side as he ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “If I’m being real with you right now… I want to kiss you.” Leaning in just slightly, he held his face just inches from hers, his voice low and breathy. “Not a cheek kiss or a hand kiss or a forehead kiss. A real, full-on, fireworks exploding in your chest kiss.”
It wouldn’t be a true Julian Evans experience without a bit of chaos, and he decided to play with Cordelia a little bit – just to push her buttons. “Tell me, princess,” he said, his tone fuller and darker and a tad bit cockier than usual. Keeping his eyes locked on Cordelia’s, Julian placed both hands on her knees. “Do you always get what you want?” Gently pulling her legs apart, he smirked mischievously, hands traveling up her inner thighs slowly. “I would love to show you just how comfy my bed is.”
His instincts kicked in and he raked one of his hands through Cordelia’s hair, his lips traveling to her neck easily. Peppering kisses along the soft expanse of her skin, he reached her ear and smiled. “Tell me exactly what you want. Whether that’s lasagna or Disney movies or…” The hand still on her inner thigh traveled upward to rest just below her skirt, his thumb rubbing firm circles into the skin. “… something else.” Julian’s lips curved into a smirk and he just barely grazed his lips against hers, his gaze still locked on her jade green eyes. “You call the shots here. Use your words for me, pretty girl. As long as I get to spend time with you, you can't choose wrong.”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    “Bye, Mace!  See you later!  Oh, and I owe you three dollars!” she called over her shoulder, following behind Julian.  He was holding her hand it felt like she’d known him forever.  Like they were always meant to do this.  Like this was just part of their weekend routine — go to the farmer’s market, go home, cook, and eat.  It had barely been fifteen minutes and the only things she knew about him were what she’d read in interviews and the few tidbits of information he had shared at the stall, but the butterflies in her stomach and the warmth of his hand made it feel like a lifetime.
    She took his phone and felt suddenly anxious about exposing her music tastes to him.  It was so varied and inconsistent — Disney, to musicals, to pop, to alternative, to R&B, to anything in between.  "Well, besides Law Firm, I’ve also been super into Chloe x Halle lately, so we can start there.“  She put on Forgive Me by the pair of sisters, a song that made her think of her ex-boyfriend.  Cordelia fiddled with the phone and couldn’t help but be nosy.  First, she focused in on his wallpaper.  "Is that your mom?” she asked, holding up the phone.  "She’s so pretty.“
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    Next, she started looking at all the apps he had.  Games, the American Red Cross, that one that helped feed starving children a bowl of rice, and… dating apps.  With an inconspicuous glance over at him, she opened up his Tinder to take a peek.  His bio was short and sweet and she liked that he included his love for elephants in it.  She was about to comment on it when he started talking again and then he kissed her hand and the butterflies from before turned into full blown fireworks and it took everything in her not to tell him to pull over so she could kiss him.
    It was weird having a boy tell her that her that the things she liked weren’t dumb.  That it was okay for her to feel however she did.  That it wasn’t stupid to be hurt over something.  Again, she felt like she’d known him her whole life.  Again, she wanted to kiss him.  "Thank you,” was all she could manage as her heart beat quickly and her breath became shallow.  Pull it together.  You’ve known him for, like, five seconds.  She swallowed it down as much as she could and smiled over at him.        “I think that’s super cute, actually.  But, um, fair warning.  I’m slightly afraid of larger dogs.  One knocked me over when I was younger and I hit my head on the pavement and had to go to the hospital to get a bunch of stitches.  They shaved a little patch in the back of my head and it was very traumatic.  I mean, I’m sure Belle is so sweet and would never purposefully do that, but… still kinda anxious.“
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Something about Cordelia set off fireworks in Julian’s brain. He focused on the road as intently as he could, but couldn’t help himself from shooting little sideways glances in her direction at every stop light. He didn’t mind her looking through his phone, and a bright grin spread onto his lips when she mentioned his mom. “That’s her, yep. Claire Evans, the greatest woman I’ve ever met. If I become even half the person she is, I’ll consider my life a success.”
The rest of the drive passed by in a blur and soon Julian found himself fiddling with the keys to the house he and his bandmates rented. Finally letting go of Cordelia’s hand, he hoped she couldn’t see his trembling hands as he opened the door. “I’m really sorry about your experience with big dogs. Belle is super sweet, but if she makes you uncomfortable, she can stay outside. Just let me know, okay?” he asked, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to Cordelia’s forehead. They’d known each other less than an hour and yet the small act of intimacy felt so real, so… right.
Like clockwork, Belle came bolting toward the two of them, practically running into Julian’s legs before nuzzling him happily. “Hi, sweetheart! I missed you. Do you want to meet a new friend?” he asked Belle, kneeling down to scratch her head happily. “Her name is Cordelia. She had a scary experience with big dogs when she was little, so I’m going to need you to be gentle, okay? Gentle. Just like we practiced.” Upon hearing the word ‘gentle’, Belle calmed down considerably and sat down in front of Cordelia before offering her paw to the girl. “Cordelia, this is Belle. Belle, Cordelia.”
Not wanting Cordelia to feel uncomfortable, Julian took her hand again, then gave it a quick squeeze. “So, you have a pretty difficult decision to make. Do you want a tour first or lasagna? Whatever you want, princess.”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    Cordelia nodded her head in agreement to the sentiments he shared about the song.  She was privileged and rich and white and knew that she’d never be able to truly understand what it meant to be marginalized, but she’d always been passionate about helping others and one of the things she loved about his music was the political undertones woven through.  "Yeah,“ she said.  "I mean, my hurt feels so stupid in comparison to people who’ve actually been through much worse things, but still.  It’s a really beautiful song and one of my favorites of all time.  And you’re not talking my ear off.  Promise.”
    She looked down at the picture of Lady, only twelve weeks old at the time and looking impossibly small, and couldn’t help but smile.  She was still small — barely more than six pounds — but she hadn’t even been three pounds when the picture was taken.  "Lady.  Like from Lady and the Tramp.  I kind of have this thing about Disney.  It’s dumb, I know.“  She looked down at his dog, looking sweet and happy and every bit a large puppy, and her cheeks dimpled as her smile grew.  She was afraid of bigger dogs, but didn’t want to be.  They were just as cute as her tiny one, only with the ability to knock her to the ground.     "She’s so cute, and I love her name.  It makes me think of Belle, from Beauty and the Beast."  Her blush started to return and she felt stupid for bringing it up again.  She could hear her ex-boyfriend in her head telling her that no one cared.  "I think all dogs are puppies, no matter what their age.  Especially to their human parents!"  Lady would always be a baby to her no matter how old she got.
    "Oh!  Really?”  She watched him babble and bit her lower lip, holding back a laugh.  "It wasn’t weird.“  She gave him his phone back.  "I’d really like that, actually.”
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    Cordelia leaned her body forward and up on her toes to plant a kiss on his cheek.  "As a date.“  When she lowered herself to the ground again, she was smiling playfully.  "I hope that wasn’t too forward,” she teased.
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Had she just kissed him on the cheek? Was he dreaming? Bringing his hand up to his cheek, Julian held his palm there, eyes wide as saucers. As a date. Those three words echoed in his mind, bouncing around the edges of his consciousness on repeat. “Awesome,” he almost whispered, thankful as Macie made her way back to the stall and began setting things up. After explaining the situation to her, Julian took Cordelia’s hand and beamed down at her. “Your lasagna awaits.” Gesturing for her to step out from behind the stall, he scrunched up his nose, then shook his head. “I mean… eventually… once I make it. That was silly. I’m sorry, I’m not exactly Prince Charming.”
Walking hand and hand to his car, Julian instinctively threaded his fingers through Cordelia’s, then gave her hand a squeeze. “Lady is totally adorable. It’s very cute that you named her after Lady and the Tramp,” he explained, opening the door for her and then sliding into the driver’s seat. Still holding her hand, Julian smiled over at Cordelia, then handed her his phone. “Passenger always gets the music choice in my car. I’m very interested in what you listen to.”
His thumb grazed Cordelia’s gently, his heart hammering inside his chest as he tried his hardest to stay as calm as he could in front of her. Still, something she’d said piqued his interest in particular. “You shouldn’t apologize for how you feel, Cordelia,” Julian stated matter-of-factly, absentmindedly drumming his fingers along the steering wheel. “Your hurt isn’t stupid just because it’s not the same as someone else’s pain. Everyone’s struggle is valid, including yours.” He looked back to her for a moment, then turned his eyes back to the road.
“It’s not dumb that you like Disney, by the way. I find it precious,” he admitted. Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed her knuckles gently, then gave her hand another squeeze. “I actually did name Belle after Beauty and the Beast. She’d been at the shelter for almost a year because people never adopt pit bulls… say they’re aggressive and all of that nonsense. But she’s the gentlest, sweetest dog I’ve ever met. So I named her Belle. Because people think pit bulls are beasts, but she’s the opposite of that.” He let out a light chuckle, then ruffled up his hair. “Real original, I know.”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    Lasagna with farmer’s market cheese sounded amazing to her and she had to stop herself from inviting herself to his place to try it.  She didn’t want to sound crazy or like a wild fangirl stalker.  "Well, that sounds delicious.  I’m sure whoever you’re making it for will absolutely love it.  I’d ask you to share the recipe but I can’t cook at all and would burn my entire house down trying, probably.“  He handed her his money and she shook her head.  "No, please.”  Cordelia held out three of the dollars for him.  "Let me pay for it.  It’s the least I could do considering I practically forced the little guy on you.“
    The pinkness in her cheeks continued to spread, and she looked down at the apron she was wearing as she fiddled with the strings of it.  There were so many songs that she’d loved — so many that she had listened to on repeat in her bed, in the car, sitting out by the pool — but there was one in particular song that she felt like was always playing softly in a loop in her head.  "Cold,” she said, forcing her eyes to meet his.  "Because… I don’t know.  It’s relatable.  And it’s comforting, I guess, to know other people have been through similar things and are also trying to still stay soft, anyway.“  She shrugged, bashful.  "I really, really love Cold.”
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    Her heart skipped a beat in her chest when he took her hand and squeezed it.  She wanted to hold on to him.  She had the strongest urge to lean over the stall and kiss him, but pushed it away.  If saying she wanted to try his lasagna was crazy, kissing him was absolutely fucking insane.     He asked about her dog and she was grateful for the destruction.  "Oh!  I do, yeah.  Well, she doesn’t as much anymore.  But they were practically twins when she was a baby.“  She pulled her phone out of the apron pocket and found a picture of Lady from her puppy days.  "See?”  Cordelia passed the phone over to him.
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Julian’s eyes widened slightly when Cordelia mentioned her favorite song. The grin he couldn’t suppress tugged at the corners of his lips again and he ran a hand through his curls, slightly taken aback. “I… wow. Cold is a pretty deep cut. That one was all me, actually.” Suddenly feeling a bit more relaxed when talking about his music, Julian reached forward and ran his finger down one of the petals of the roses in Cordelia’s hand. “I think it’s so important… to find the beauty in things. To never lose that glimmer of hope. To stay warm even when the world tries to turn you cold.”
He shook his head, finally looking up to meet Cordelia’s eyes again. “I mean, I can’t say much. I’m a straight white guy. But… we have a lot of fans from marginalized communities. Fans that the world unequivocally tries to keep down. I think living your life with warmth, with love and passion and hope, when the world tells you not to – that’s revolutionary. My pain has hurt me to my core but if it helps someone else feel less alone, maybe there was a reason for it.” It took him a moment to realize he’d just rambled on about a song she’d mentioned once. Ruffling up the back of his hair, he smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to talk your ear off.”
He welcomed the photo of Cordelia’s dog, a prolonged ‘aw’ falling from his lips before he could stop it. “Oh my God, Cordelia, she’s precious. What’s her name?” Swiping to a picture of him with Belle, he handed Cordelia his phone and beamed. “This is my puppy, Belle. She’s my whole world. She’s actually six, but I’ll always call her a baby.” Julian looked back to Cordelia and it dawned upon him that they were close now, their sides almost touching as they showed each other pictures of their dogs. Deciding to seize the moment, he stuttered out, “I, um, was actually just going to make the lasagna for me. Well, I’d probably give Belle a little too, because she’s an angel and I can’t say no to her puppy dog eyes…”
He looked down at the ground, suddenly overwhelmed by nerves. What if she was just being polite? Was she even interested in him? “Would you… like to come try it?” Julian asked, his voice quiet as ever. “I mean, you absolutely don��t have to. I’m a total stranger, and I don’t want to be ‘That Guy’ who makes a woman uncomfortable by asking her out when she’s not interested. I mean, it doesn’t even have to be asking out. Just two friends eating lasagna. Actually… I could also bring you some the next time I see you if… if you would like that. I’m… I’m sorry, was that weird of me? I hope that wasn’t too forward. Shoot…”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    Cordelia looked at the photo of his garden and smiled, only a little jealous that as hard as she tried, she couldn’t keep a plant alive to save her life.  She’d even googled hardest plants to kill and still her little cottage was filled with empty pots that had once housed vibrant, living plants.  "That’s really sweet,“ she told him.  Cordy hadn’t ever really been interested in Pokemon before, and probably couldn’t name any beyond the four starters, but she liked the way he purposefully bought the Bulbasaur ones because he didn’t want him to feel left out.  "I have a dog that kind of looks like Eevee.”
    She watched curiously as he picked a few roses from the bunch she’d set out for sale and then… handed them to her.  "Oh, wow!  Thank you.  That’s completely unnecessary but thank you, they’re beautiful.“  With the roses in her hands, she walked to the other side of the stall so that she was standing behind it.  "Macie’s in the bathroom, or getting more free cheese samples from the place on the other side of the market, or maybe it was the pressed-juice place.  It might’ve been all three, actually.”  She rang him up for the flowers but left the succulent out.
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    “I actually know who you are,” she said, trying to hide the sheepish smile and pink blush in her cheeks.  "Mace took me to see you play a couple months back and I’ve been, like, totally obsessed with your music since.“  She fiddled with the cash register to have something to keep her eyes trained on and her hands busy with.  "Um, five dollars is your total.”  Finally, she looked up at him again.  "Cordelia.  By the way.  That’s… my name.  I’m Cordelia.  It’s really nice to meet you.“
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It was easy for him to smile around Cordelia. Something about her felt like perpetual sunshine, and Julian found himself tilting his head to the side, watching her smile and stumble through her words. “I can’t blame her,” he offered, holding up some of the cheese he’d gotten from the stall in question. “I was actually going to make lasagna tonight and I try to only use cheese from that stall. Local ingredients in general. Gotta support small businesses, right? Speaking of which…” He fished out eight dollars from his wallet and handed Cordelia the money, a sheepish grin on his features. “I don’t feel right taking something from a small business owner. Even if it’s a succulent.”
He noticed Cordelia blush and felt heat creep into his own cheeks. She already knew him? Eyes widening, Julian ran a hand through his chestnut curls and beamed. “Oh, wow. Really? Thank you. That’s so sweet of you. Do you have a favorite song? Maybe I’ll have to give you a little acoustic show sometime. I mean, if you’re fine listening to this old sap and his guitar,” he offered, grinning from ear to ear. He usually wasn’t so bold, but something about Cordelia’s bashfulness empowered him to be a bit more forward than usual. “I really appreciate you listening. Music is basically my greatest love, so that means a lot.”
“Cordelia.” Julian repeated her name in his mind over and over, turning it over in his mouth as if tasting it for the first time. “I’ve never met a Cordelia before. Very classic. Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He flashed her another bright grin, not quite used to acting so confident quite so quickly. “It’s lovely to meet you, Cordelia.” Julian took her hand, giving it a squeeze before shaking it. Goosebumps erupted on the planes of his skin as he held her hand and tried his hardest to memorize the soft curves of her fingers in his. “… you have a dog that looks like Eevee? That I have to see. I have a dog, too. She’s basically my entire world. Well, her and my production equipment.”
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julian-evans · 4 years
    For months, Cordelia had been gushing nonstop about the band she was newly obsessed with and one of their members.  If she was still in middle school, she would’ve written his name all over her notebook with little hearts beside it and Cordelia Evans in big, swirling letters.  She knew her friends were sick of it, so it came as a surprise when Macie invited her to work her family’s stall at the farmer’s market that she claimed Julian frequented.  Cordelia jumped at the opportunity — both to possibly see him in a non-performance setting, and to help one of her closest friends.     The day was going by slowly but the sun was bright in the sky and warming her skin and there were so many people around, chatting and smiling, that she didn’t mind the way the time dragged on.  As people came and went, Cordelia worked on shifting the stock around and occasionally grabbing something she liked for herself, even if she knew she’d accidentally end up killing it eventually somehow.
    She was on her tippy toes, trying to reach the highest fixture, when someone tapped on her shoulder and she turned around to find—     Julian Evans.  In the flesh.
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    “Oh!  Thank you so much.”  She gently plucked the succulent from his hand and cradled the pot in her palm.  "It’s not a bother at all.“  She smiled and hoped it look more natural than it felt as her heart pounded excitedly in her chest.  "I was thinking of taking him home with me but now that I’ve almost accidentally killed him in broad daylight, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.  It doesn’t bode well for the rest of our potential time together.”  She held the little plant back out to him.  "Would you like to give him a proper, safe home?“
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Julian nearly lost his train of thought the second the girl turned around and met his eyes. Had he ever seen someone so quite so beautiful? His warm brown eyes widened immediately and he swallowed the lump quickly forming in his throat, his gaze darting between the succulent in her hand and her bright green eyes. Immediately he found himself tracing the corners of her smile, the dimples that dotted her cheeks, the way her blonde hair looked like sunshine when it hit the light. “W… what?” he stuttered out, almost missing her comments entirely.
Oh my God, Evans. Get it together. Shaking himself out of his dumbstruck stupor, Julian focused on the stranger’s words and let an easy smile creep onto his lips. “I’m sure he would forgive you, but I’d love to take him in. I actually just recently got another Bulbasaur planter for my garden. He’ll make a lovely addition,” he explained, immediately pulling out his phone to show her a photo of the Bulbasaur planters in his garden. “These are my favorite planters ever. They remind me of how awesome Bulbasaur is as a Pokemon. People really don’t give him enough credit, you know. They never pick him as the starter, even though he’s the most responsible and level-headed out of the four. Sometimes I think about how left out he must feel and I get really sad…”
At this point, Julian was sure he’d scared the girl off. Who talked a stranger’s ear off about Pokemon of all things? He looked back up to meet her gaze, his cheeks burning a soft pink. Miraculously, she was still here, smiling and listening to him intently. Electricity thrummed through his veins when he reached out to take the succulent from her and just barely grazed her fingers with his. “Sorry, I just… I, um…” This was always his problem around pretty girls – his words got stuck in his throat, awkward and stilted. Taking a deep breath, Julian placed the succulent in his basket, then eyed the rest of the flowers at the stall.
“If I stole this little guy from you, the least I can do is replace him,” he mused, a toothy grin settling on his features when his eyes landed on a few soft pink roses to his left. “These seem to match your vibe. Pink. Classic.” Plucking a few out, Julian looked back to Cordelia, then handed her the roses with a smile. “I’m Julian, by the way,” he added, offering her his free hand to shake. “Oh, actually… I’m sorry if you were shopping. I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can get these for you… though I don’t see Macie around…”
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julian-evans · 4 years
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Shopping for flowers had always been one of Julian’s favorite pastimes. He usually did it alone at the small, family-owned stall at the farmer’s market a few blocks away from his apartment where he’d slowly but surely come to know everyone. There were some days where he spent ages looking through every flower in sight and talking to the owner about every plant they had available. Something about plants fascinated him, and he found it easy to tend to them, even given his general impatience for most things. Gardening calmed him down and shut down most of the nerves perpetually stewing in his brain.
He’d made the trip to the farmer’s market today looking for ingredients to make his mom’s famous vegetarian lasagna. After he’d gotten the ingredients, he’d meandered over to the flower stall in search of the perfect peonies to plant in his backyard garden. A few years ago, Julian had read that bees were dying at alarming rates, and the fact alone had shocked and saddened him. He’d never been a big fan of bugs in general, but hearing about the plight of them – especially ones as important as bees – tugged at his already fragile heartstrings. Suddenly a man on a mission, Julian had turned the tiny side yard into something of a bee sanctuary, planting anything and everything that would attract them and keep them happy. He’d always missed out on one flower, though – peonies.
Standing by a small group of flowers, Julian almost didn’t notice the tiny blonde admiring the succulents to his left. He had his hands full with a few different colored peonies, but set them down almost immediately as a terrifying scene unfolded in front of him. He watched, mortified, as the stranger reached forward and a small succulent tumbled out the back of her basket. Instinctively he almost dove for it, his hands just barely wrapping around the edges of the tiny pot before it hit the ground. Eyes widening, Julian returned to his full height and breathed a sigh of relief.
“Phew,” he exclaimed, exhaling before tapping the girl on the shoulder gently. “Um, excuse me? I… um, I think this little guy fell out of your basket just now,” Julian murmured, brushing off a bit of soil that had scattered along the sides of the pot. “He almost hit the ground, so I think he’s a little shaken up, but he should be fine,” he joked, handing her the small succulent. “You made a nice choice. I love succulents. The rainbow ones are my favorite.” Suddenly feeling very awkward in approaching a stranger, he cleared his throat and added, “Sorry to bother you.”
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