jun1per518 · 3 years
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Ok y’all seemed to really like my Ranboo fanart so now I’m gonna post some of my older ones here’s our favorite anarchist pig y’all
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jun1per518 · 3 years
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Didn’t expect to come back from the block men stream being anarchist taking down the government only to come back and have our government be on fire fun love that for us. Anyway as a distraction from the dumpster fire going on outside I drew ranboo and give my own twist on his design because fun.
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jun1per518 · 4 years
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Sh*t Cloud Strife says
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jun1per518 · 4 years
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beau do you wanna talk
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jun1per518 · 4 years
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90 cities took the streets on January 4th to reject Trump's attempts to provoke war with Iran and a deepening occupation of Iraq.
US troops out of the Middle East! Hands off Iran! Respect the sovereignty of Iraq!
More info and updates @ ANSWERcoalition.org
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jun1per518 · 5 years
I don’t know what to post I’m new lmao
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jun1per518 · 5 years
(The demigods are finishing a meeting)
Annabeth: Thank you for the shockingly dark update. Anything else?
Nico, getting up: Uh, yes. I have something I’d like to say. I’m a pretty private person so this is kinda hard for me, but here we go. I’m gay. All right. I will now field one minute and zero seconds of questions pertaining to this. Go ahead.
*Jason raises his hand*
Nico: Jason.
Jason: How long have you known?
Nico: Since “Snow White” came out. Me and a few others were watching it when they thought, Snow White is hot. But I thought, the Prince is hot.
Leo: The fact that the word Dopey didn’t come out of your mouth is lunacy.
Piper: What made you decide to tell us?
Nico: Percy found out earlier and I was positive he was not gonna be able to keep the secret for much longer.
(Flashback to the other day)
Percy: Ok Nico! Engage the enemy in battle! I mean, not “en-gay-ge”, but engage. I mean, that word Annabeth taught me, start a fight with the monsters! I mean, have fun only having sex with women! Just bangin’ ladies, left and right.
(Back to present day)
Percy: I just stopped saying it altogether.
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jun1per518 · 6 years
I’m American. I live right in the southwest and let me tell you, it’s hell over here right now, but it will become a lot worse if Article 13 is passed. 
You’ve probably heard about Article 13, and if you haven’t, go watch this video right now. Whatever you’re doing can wait for sixteen minutes and two seconds, because a second-long vote could destroy everything online.
Whether you’re from Europe or not, this law could affect you, so you should care Article 13 because it is going to destroy the online lives that you have built. No more posting memes, no more remixes, and no more YouTubers from anywhere. 
Jacksepticeye will no longer be able to upload. 
Markiplier will no longer be able to upload. 
MatPat won’t.
Thomas Sanders.
Dan and Phil.
How to Basic. 
All of your favorite content creators are at risk of losing their jobs because people want stricter laws on copyright, which will support the larger media companies but kill smaller creators. And because of this, we may lose everything online. 
So spread the word! Reblog this, reblog other people’s posts, find petitions, write your own posts! If you’re in Europe, contact your MEP’s and get them to understand how it will affect the people who use the internet. 
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