juniper-answers · 4 months
Heyo man
Might wanna get a job one day bro ski
*the mystery person finger guns away*
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“Well! I’ll have you know i’m working on getting a job!!”
“Though it’s pretty difficult when technically i’m a wanted criminal- aaaand i have half of Zoraxis out to get me-“
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juniper-answers · 5 months
*a note on a medkit.*
‘daily reminder : do not die. -M3d’
Juniper seems mildly confused by the reminder.
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juniper-answers · 5 months
Juni sat down, deciding against drinking the coffee. Better be safe than sorry.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but who are you?”
juniper..? you’re alive-?
[despite the fact it’s just a message, the emotion is evident in their words. the post is quickly followed by a dm containing the address of a nearby coffeehouse and a time to meet there]
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“An address..?”
Juni has made the decision to hesitantly set out for this address, Staying cautious. This person knew who he was.
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juniper-answers · 5 months
Juni just kind of shrugged.
“Still trying to figure that one out myself.”
juniper..? you’re alive-?
[despite the fact it’s just a message, the emotion is evident in their words. the post is quickly followed by a dm containing the address of a nearby coffeehouse and a time to meet there]
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“An address..?”
Juni has made the decision to hesitantly set out for this address, Staying cautious. This person knew who he was.
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juniper-answers · 5 months
Juni wandered over, cane tapping as it hit the ground. This whole situation was odd, but damn he was curious.
“Are you the one who sent the note..?”
juniper..? you’re alive-?
[despite the fact it’s just a message, the emotion is evident in their words. the post is quickly followed by a dm containing the address of a nearby coffeehouse and a time to meet there]
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“An address..?”
Juni has made the decision to hesitantly set out for this address, Staying cautious. This person knew who he was.
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juniper-answers · 5 months
juniper..? you’re alive-?
[despite the fact it’s just a message, the emotion is evident in their words. the post is quickly followed by a dm containing the address of a nearby coffeehouse and a time to meet there]
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“An address..?”
Juni has made the decision to hesitantly set out for this address, Staying cautious. This person knew who he was.
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juniper-answers · 5 months
“Well, yeah! Just any local orchestra will do, but to learn, looking for a teacher is a good idea- I’m sure I can find a good one for you!”
[A knock, on the other side is Operative Drummer]
H-hello? I uh… remember meeting a Juniper here an- and… uh… just… just a little curious about theater… m-mainly about the music part…?
“Oh! Musical Theatre? What’s piqued your interest?”
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juniper-answers · 5 months
<the event is over, forgot to mention that>
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juniper-answers · 5 months
[A knock, on the other side is Operative Drummer]
H-hello? I uh… remember meeting a Juniper here an- and… uh… just… just a little curious about theater… m-mainly about the music part…?
“Oh! Musical Theatre? What’s piqued your interest?”
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juniper-answers · 6 months
Magic anons you into cat <33
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“Wh- Again?!”
<catiper is back :]>
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juniper-answers · 6 months
*Theres a knock…*
*No one is at the other side of the door*
*…except for a bucket entirely made out of paper! There’s a bunch of origami snakes and cats of different colors in it*
*Theres also masks that are made of only paper too! They only cover half of the face*
*Theres a sticky note on the bucket, it has a drawing of a bug on it, like some sort of signature*
“Huh. Neat!”
Juni puts the bucket on a table and pins one of the paper snakes to the pinboard.
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juniper-answers · 6 months
“I just want to help you, you’ve helped me plenty, let me return the favour.”
Hm. Juni hasn’t checked on buggy in a while.
Knock Knock.
“Hey Bugs? You alright?”
~ @juniper-answers
*She panics and pushes all of her cranes into a box and closes it, just in case Juni comes in*
*She wipes her face with her sleeve in case there were any tears, then puts on a wide smile*
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juniper-answers · 6 months
Juniper just sighed.
“You know what I mean- What happened? What’s upset you?”
Hm. Juni hasn’t checked on buggy in a while.
Knock Knock.
“Hey Bugs? You alright?”
~ @juniper-answers
*She panics and pushes all of her cranes into a box and closes it, just in case Juni comes in*
*She wipes her face with her sleeve in case there were any tears, then puts on a wide smile*
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juniper-answers · 6 months
Juniper narrowed her eyes a little.
“mhm. sure . What’s up?”
Hm. Juni hasn’t checked on buggy in a while.
Knock Knock.
“Hey Bugs? You alright?”
~ @juniper-answers
*She panics and pushes all of her cranes into a box and closes it, just in case Juni comes in*
*She wipes her face with her sleeve in case there were any tears, then puts on a wide smile*
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juniper-answers · 6 months
“Don’t think i don’t see you trying to change the subject, but these are great, thank you.”
Hm. Juni hasn’t checked on buggy in a while.
Knock Knock.
“Hey Bugs? You alright?”
~ @juniper-answers
*She panics and pushes all of her cranes into a box and closes it, just in case Juni comes in*
*She wipes her face with her sleeve in case there were any tears, then puts on a wide smile*
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juniper-answers · 6 months
Juniper walked in, a concerned look on his face.
“You sure? You don’t sound very fine-“
Hm. Juni hasn’t checked on buggy in a while.
Knock Knock.
“Hey Bugs? You alright?”
~ @juniper-answers
*She panics and pushes all of her cranes into a box and closes it, just in case Juni comes in*
*She wipes her face with her sleeve in case there were any tears, then puts on a wide smile*
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juniper-answers · 7 months
<magic anons are now closed, they’ll be back in a week or two knowing me>
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