juniwilson · 2 days
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juniwilson · 4 days
"I'm really glad you did," Juniper admitted with a bit of a sheepish smile. "Nova decided to use one to carry her toys in. I offered to put them in the diaper bag but she wants to keep them with her." She glanced over to the table where Atlas and Nova were seated; Nova was munching on food and Atlas was signing to her a reminder not to throw her toys overboard. When she looked back to August, Juni smiled a little more brightly and said, "I think my favorite thing is the color scheme! It's not a common combination of colors but it's soo beautiful and looks amazing on you and Frankie! Congratulations again to you two by the way!"
"I am the one who insisted on the... sick bags. I'm just really glad this pile appears to be undisturbed. I wouldn't want anyone feeling ill because of our wedding, especially with all the amazing food. I'm still in awe at everything. I admittedly only gave real input about the food," August laughed. "What's been your favorite thing so far? It doesn't have to be the food, by the way."
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juniwilson · 7 days
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Outfit for: Frauggie wedding
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juniwilson · 8 days
Congratulations! Another school year completed for you, how exciting! Do you think you'll end up looking to make some plans this Summer or just see how things go and take it day by day?
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My summer is WIDE open this year!
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(And I only cried a bit lot when my kindies graduated.)
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juniwilson · 26 days
"Yes! That's exactly what I meant," Juniper grinned, blushing a little bit while their eyes remained on Emma. Little butterflies fluttered in them as the two of them walked over to the photo booth. Juniper appreciated Emma being understanding about their clumsy nature and was finding more and more that they enjoyed being around Emma--from the brief interactions at school, to the small talk at special occasions for mutual friends, to Emma's visit at The Secret Garden. The smiles for the photos were completely effortless posing next to Emma, and they'd even laughed through a couple of shots. And while they waited for the photos to print, Juni offered to place the props back. She rejoined Emma's side once the photos were printed and giggled a bit, "I love these!" After a few short beats, she suggested, "Why don't you hold on to them? Maybe later, we can see about getting a copy made so we both have a set to keep."
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"I haven't lived here my whole life either. But I'm so glad I'm still able to explore the city. There are so many hidden gems for a city that's not even that large, area wise," she said. Emma grinned a bit wider when she caught the way Juni's gaze lingered on her hips and complimented her. "Thank you so much," she said. "Don't worry about being clumsy. We don't have to move around too much." And if Juni stumbled a bit, Emma would try her best to catch them. She grinned over and gladly looped her arm with Juni's as they walked over to the photo booth. Emma grabbed a pair of shutter shades and a feather boa to put over both hers and Juni's shoulders. "I'm ready!" she smiled and hit the button. They changed poses after each countdown and flash. It only took a minute after they were done for the pictures to print out. "Oh, these are so cute and silly!"
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juniwilson · 26 days
"I agree! I think it's as close as I'll ever get to being transported back to the jazz eras," Juniper grinned and then giggled as Nova toddled away and Thomas told her 'goodbye'. After getting a few photos of Nova and Atlas, and a few more quick taps of photos that included Thomas's daughters, Juniper placed their phone into their diaper bag--which typically doubled as their purse ever since Nova was born--and perked up more. "You're right! I didn't even realize it before. But it's a tradition I love for sure. They stood and smoothed out their dress before heading over tot he photo booth with their friend. "Wanna do a bunch of silly ones?"
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“This definitely ranks high on the list of our friends’ weddings! The live music and performances are incredible,” Thomas smiled at his friend. “Oh, bye Nova,” he laughed and watched the girl rush to the dance floor. “They will absolutely be fine! I think Cel is over there with the twins, so they will just have a little baby dance party,” he chuckled. “We should definitely get some pictures! I think it’s a wedding tradition, right? We always make sure we have photos with our friends.”
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juniwilson · 28 days
Juniper: Oh that's so good to hear! Congratulations on being finished with another season. It'll be really nice to see you around here some more for a while, and I bet your family is excited! I'm doing well [smiles while walking around the nursery] the shop is very busy with preparing Mother's Day orders and taking new orders for weddings and graduations. I'm hoping to balance things out soon to spend some more time with Atlas and Nova, and... just be more social.
Call | Juniper -> Xavier
Juniper: Hii, my friend! I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever, how are you?
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juniwilson · 1 month
Call | Juniper -> Xavier
Juniper: Hii, my friend! I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever, how are you?
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juniwilson · 1 month
"It really does! I haven't lived here all of my life but I lived here for almost fifteen years and I'm still ending up in new places. This is a new one for me." Juniper smiled while speaking with Emma. The kindergarten teacher was so nice to talk to, and it wasn't lost on them that Emma was a beautiful woman. In fact, Juni found themself thinking about this more after Emma left The Secret Garden that day. Seeing her tonight was just a fresh reminder. They glanced over at their children out of habit but their eyes were quickly drawn back to Emma as she swished her hips and made the fringe swing back and forth with her curves. "I'd want to do that too. You wear it so well," Juniper noted, eyes lingering at Emma's hips for a few more seconds before they looked back up to her face. Another bright smile appeared, liking the suggestion. "Okay! Fair warning, I'm known to be pretty clumsy--more than most people. But I do love to dance!" Looking in the direction of the photo booth, Juniper tried to move past the somewhat embarrassing admission bout their clumsiness and looped an arm around Emma's to escort her over. Ignoring their own bit of blushing again, they looked over the various hats and paper props once at the booth and picked up a cutout of a retro microphone. "Ready?"
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"That's how I feel too! It's so pretty and fun here, and I had no idea that this place used to be a bank." Juniper smiled at Rodrigo keeping some parts of the wedding from Emma. "It must have made for a great surprise, right?" Juni took in the blue dress Emma was wearing; it wasn't the first time they'd done this since the ceremony had begun earlier. She'd just looked so beautiful and the blue complimented her well. Juni giggled at the quick greetings and goodbyes Emma had given the kids. Nova had kept toddling away but Atlas quickly threw a few waves back before pursuing his sister. While getting to their feet to go with Emma tot he photo booth, Juniper was still smiling. They blushed a little while glancing down at themself, "Oh, thank you! You look beautiful. I was thinking the same about the blue on you, and your dress looks so fun, especially for dancing!"
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juniwilson · 2 months
"That's how I feel too! It's so pretty and fun here, and I had no idea that this place used to be a bank." Juniper smiled at Rodrigo keeping some parts of the wedding from Emma. "It must have made for a great surprise, right?" Juni took in the blue dress Emma was wearing; it wasn't the first time they'd done this since the ceremony had begun earlier. She'd just looked so beautiful and the blue complimented her well. Juni giggled at the quick greetings and goodbyes Emma had given the kids. Nova had kept toddling away but Atlas quickly threw a few waves back before pursuing his sister. While getting to their feet to go with Emma tot he photo booth, Juniper was still smiling. They blushed a little while glancing down at themself, "Oh, thank you! You look beautiful. I was thinking the same about the blue on you, and your dress looks so fun, especially for dancing!"
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“It is! Oh my god, it’s one of my favorite weddings I’ve been part of. Rodrigo didn’t even tell me everything that was happening today.” Emma was just thrilled to be able to stand up for her best friend. She also loved the dress Jade picked out for the wedding party. The first time she tried it on, she couldn’t stop swishing, feeling the way the fringe moved. “Hi Nova and Atlas. And bye Nova and Atlas,” she laughed. “I think they will be just fine.” Between the adults and the other kids on the dance floor, the two little ones would have a great time. “I would love to get some pictures! You look gorgeous, by the way. I don’t know if I said. That blue is lovely.”
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juniwilson · 2 months
While plucking some flowers and moving them to a different spot within the bouquet, Juniper listened to Emma and smiled. "I can just imagine the beginning of the year had to be tough for some of the littles, being away from their parents and maybe even being scared about a new school and a new environment." She was happy and a bit relieved to hear that Emma didn't mind talking about her job at the moment. And she grinned at the compliment given. "Well thank you! It is a passion of mine. I love being around the different flowers and arranging something that people can adore and feel happy about or comforted by." Once she was happy with the arrangement, Juniper lifted the newly formed bouquet from the bucket and asked, "How do you like it? If this works, I can wrap and bind the bouquet for you, or we can pick out a vase!"
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Emma grinned, watching as Juniper got to work. She always admired how bouquets looked in a vase, but never saw the process of arranging them until now. There was a science to it. It was art. She thought so, at least. Not all works of art lasted forever. Some were just meant to be admired for a short time. It was clear from watching Juni at work she was an artist who had passion for what she did. "The school year is going well. My kids are learning so much. They're wonderful most of the time. There's the occasional bout of crying, but little kids have big feelings. And there's fewer tears shed now than at the beginning of the year," she said. "I really don't mind talking about it when I'm not working. Teaching is a passion of mine. And it seems like flowers are one of yours. If they're not, you're good at faking it."
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juniwilson · 2 months
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Happy birthday, darling!
Love always,
Target gift card: $300
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juniwilson · 2 months
"This wedding is an incredible spectacle! I feel like I've been transported back in time!" Juniper was looking around at everything from the decor to the band to the champagne tower to everybody's attire. They held Nova in their lap but the little girl soon slid off of her lap and toddled off to the dance floor. Juniper grinned as Atlas went after her and began dancing near his baby sister. Chuckling, Juniper took their phone out to take some video and a few pictures before storing the device back in their purse. "I think they'll be alright for a few minutes since there's plenty of adults here who know them. Do you want to go get some pictures at the photobooth?"
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juniwilson · 2 months
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Outfit for: Jadrigo's wedding
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juniwilson · 3 months
"Yeah," was all Juniper could say with a slight frown after Emma's shrug and comment. But she inflated again hearing Emma share what flowers and colors she loved. "Oh those are all beautiful flowers! And a pink bouquet's sure to be nice and bright and cheery. Let's see..." She trailed off into a small, pensive hum while walking further into the nursery and went to where the peonies were. She threw a smile to Emma and said, "Okay! Give me just a few minutes," but had every intention of getting as close as possible to the pink bouquet with her favorites. She picked up some pruning shears and easily cut six pink peonies, holding them in one hand. On her way to one of the buckets of delivered long stem roses, she clipped some baby's breath as well, and then finally selected six pink rose buds, being mindful of the thorns. While going to an empty bucket to use for arranging them to a nice blend, Juni asked, "How has your school year been going so far? Or do you prefer not talking about work on non-work days?"
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Emma shrugged a little bit. "I don't understand it either, but it's still a mentality. Even in a liberal place like this. I really appreciate you helping me! I love pink. Any shade. Light, bright, dark, whatever," she grinned. "I love peonies, tulips, roses," she listed and walked into the nursery with Juni. It smelled incredible in there. "It's good that you haven't lost the smell completely. That would be tragic. One of the best parts about flowers is the way they smell when you walk into a room," she grinned. "We don't have to include all my favorites by the way. I think all flowers are lovely. I just gravitate to some naturally," she said and looked around.
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juniwilson · 3 months
"Oh, for sure! That's a very good point." They smiled and then chuckled, "It's true! You're going to be great, I just know it and I can't wait to watch. Atlas will probably watch some of it with me, and Nova might look on here and there but until her bedtime comes, she's also very easily distracted, especially when she's playing with her baby doll or trying to take Atlas's toys from him." They were very thankful that Atlas was so patient with his little sister. Juniper softly gasped and gave a dreamy, "Awwwww!" upon hearing a little more about Xavier's Valentine. "I'm so happy for you. I hope that things continue to go well for you both!"
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"I am too! People forget about things like that I think. Like it's not at the forefront of our minds how hard it is to start over." He chuckled, stirring a little more milk into his tea. "Little charmer but please do go on." He teased his friend. "He did! He loved the flowers and we did. Well, that night. He's a new dad so he's been busy with his daughter. We have to line up our schedules to see each other but it's well worth it. He is." Xavier grinned and took a sip of his drink. "So I'm glad he said yes."
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juniwilson · 3 months
"That's a great assistance! I'm glad that something like that exists." Juniper smiled at Xavier's nickname for them and listened to him. With their smile turning slightly bashful, they said, "Oh, you don't have to do that! I'll just be happy watching you blow everyone away with your talent and charm." They took another sip of their drink and when they lowered their mug, they were grinning. "I'm so happy to hear that! Did he like the flowers? Did you two spend Valentine's Day together?"
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"I hope so too. I can imagine. I saw something online about an open registry for women who had to start over and they can put things on it for people to purchase for them. Kind of like an Amazon wish list. It's a pretty grand idea." Xavier smiled at Juniper's words. She was always so kind. "Thanks, Juni Bell. I completely understand not being able to go though. I'll give you a shoutout on the stage don't you worry." He nodded, taking a sip of his tea before answering the adoption question, "I'm waiting for court papers and I can taste it. Hopefully before Father's Day. That's the goal my lawyer has, we'll see." He smiled at her again, nodding his head. "Thank you, love! It's been an amazing year that's for sure. And the guy I sent the flowers to? Well, I really like him and he's also pretty incredible."
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