jurantparetoiles · 7 years
Denial is
Pausing RENT after La Vie Boheme and going to bed.
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
ao3 mcu a:aou abo bdsm ot3 hs au pwp
the fact that this is completely understandable and rather descriptive makes me rethink what i’ve done with my life
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
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Where your fate destiny lies, dancing on the blades, you set my heart on fire
It’s finally midnight here, so…. Happy birthday, Prince Xander of Nohr! (2016.10.27)
Ice skating with Prince Ryoma of Hoshido! They’re probably having fun on the frozen lake of the Ice Tribe village, along with others as well.
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
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breaking news im so thirsty
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
Fire Emblem Fates AU where everything is the same... except
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
Mx. Etoile’s Classroom: Easter Edition
Hey there, everyone who follows me because of that 27,000 note teaching story post. Have I got some more Anecdotes for y’all.
Under a readmore cause this is hecka long
Now, there are three weeks in the life of the English Teacher Abroad that are pretty much guaranteed to be busier than any other. Those would be the weeks surrounding the 3 holidays that are a Big Deal in the West but that Japan, my current country of residence, does not celebrate / began celebrating only recently: Halloween, Christmas, and Easter. Of these, Easter seems, for one reason or another, the one most likely to provoke strange occurrences.
This year’s Easter included: 
-Students locating 149 of the 150 hidden eggs. The remaining one, despite being hidden in plain sight beneath the pedal of a grand piano, managed to mysteriously disappear during the course of the hunt itself. It showed up no less than a week later, inside one of the locked cabinets in the Home Ec room where the knives are kept - and, of course, where no eggs had been hidden.
-A YouTube mis-click by a not particularly technologically savvy principal, accidentally putting the Bunny Hop on endless repeat. Nobody realized until we had been dancing for nearly 20 minutes because that song is so darn repetitive in the first place. My calves have still not recovered.
-One boy, none other than the younger brother of the now Tumblr infamous Muffin-kun, traded all of his candy for peppermint Life Savers, solely because he’d never seen them before in his life. He proceeded to stuff all 8 or 9 of them in his mouth and then repeatedly scream “ETOILE-SENSEI POISONED ME” around the mouthful of candy. 
-The 4th grade’s homeroom teacher decided that she wanted her kids to listen to music while they searched for eggs, but the only English music the school owns is, for some reason, the Prince of Egypt soundtrack. Please imagine 30ish 9-10 year old kids running around searching for Easter eggs while “I SEND MY PLAGUE I SEND MY SWORD THUS SAITH THE LORD” blares in the background. (hint: it’s chaos)
-And then this last one, which requires a bit of setup:
So here I am, on my 4th straight day of wearing a frilly, fluffy, pastel bunny costume worthy of a 5-star exclusive event summon in Fire Emblem Heroes. Because I don’t own a dryer and the frigid wastelands of Hokkaido are not exactly suited for hanging things outdoors, said costume has begun to get more than a little ripe. I‘m practically subsisting on M&Ms because you cannot both eat and hide 200 eggs during a 25-minute elementary school lunch period. As a side effect of said M&M meals, I’ve gotten maybe a combined total of six hours of sleep over the past three nights.
So there I am, telling kids about the Resurrection and the Hill of Calvary and why you shouldn’t put Peeps into a microwave, and I pull up a Powerpoint slide showing a silhouette of the Easter bunny. (Who, let me remind you, I am currently dressed as.)
“OK, kids,” I ask in my best “no Sensei’s totally not exhausted” voice. “Who do you think brings the Easter candy to the good little boys and girls?”
Immediately, Katsuki raises his hand. This is a rare occurrence. Katsuki is not the kind of student generally given to enthusiastic participation in English class.  Let’s just say he reminds me a lot of a certain anime character also named Katsuki, and I mean the one with the explosions and the attitude and NOT the polite one with the hot Russian fiance.
But nobody else raises their hand so, lacking options, I call on Katsuki.
“Katsuki, who do you think brings the Easter candy?” I ask, gesturing at the obvious lapine silhouette with one hand while trying to wiggle my costume’s ears with the other.
In the proud, self-satisfied tone of a child who’s certain he’s gotten the question right when the teacher didn’t expect him to, Katsuki shouts “QUEEN ELIZABETH”. 
Sadly, the bell rang soon after, and I have yet to get a chance to ask Katsuki why he is so convinced that the reigning British monarch is responsible for hiding eggs and putting Easter baskets behind curtains and in bathtubs. But I didn’t even know that he knew who Queen Elizabeth was, so...I guess he’s showing an interest in Western cultures? And...that’s a good thing? I think?
Man, I don’t know. Easter week is weird.
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
Due to your poor spelling, you’ve accidentally summoned Stan.
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
pick your battles. pick… pick fewer battles than that. put some battles back. that’s too many 
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
It's 5 rn wanna trade ?
It’s not even May and it got to 28 degrees earlier today I wanna cry ;-;
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
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protect this smile
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
Stargazing with Bakugou
Izuku: *pointing to small cluster of stars* Kacchan what’s that
Bakugou: that’s the fucking sky
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
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well….. i guess you’re right anon
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
She wears short skirts I’m clad only in bubble wrap She’s cheer captain and I’m performing my famous lawn chair handcuff dance to the sounds of iced tea being stirred
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
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jurantparetoiles · 7 years
odyssey au where everything is the same but odysseus is replaced by jean ralphio
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