jurnalgeorgenescu · 2 years
1 septembrie 2021, LES NOCES, Stravinsky
Regia multimedia, Carmen Lidia Vidu
În 14 februarie 1926, George Enescu a fost unul dintre cei 4 pianiști care au cântat în premieră americană lucrarea „Les Noces” de Igor Stravinski. Era cunoscută admirația lui Enescu pentru compozitorul rus pe care îl considera genial. „Les Noces / Nunta” s-a bucurat de un real succes și a fost interpretată de două ori în seara premierei americane. George Enescu Festival a marcat aniversarea a 140 de ani de la nașterea marelui compozitor român precum și 50 de ani de la moartea compozitorului Igor Stravinski printr-un „dialog” Stravinski-Enescu în care s-au auzit lucrări semnate de aceşti doi muzicieni. Pe 1 septembrie, la Sala Palatului, s-a auzi în premieră „Les Noces” de Stravinski. Concertul a fost susţinut de Orchestra Simfonică a Radiodifuziunii din Berlin condusă de Vladimir Jurowski. Cei patru pianiști au fost Alexandra Silocea - Pianist, Mihai Ritivoiu, Daniel Ciobanu, Andrei Licareț.
Stravinsky Les Noces (Russian choreographic scenes with singing and music for voices, four pianos and percussion) SOFIA FOMINA soprano ELENA MANISTINA mezzo-soprano ALEXANDER FEDOROV tenor VLADIMIR OGNEV bass DANIEL CIOBANU piano (laureate of the Arthur Rubinstein International Competition) ANDREI LICAREȚ piano MIHAI RITIVOIU piano (laureate of the George Enescu International Competition) ALEXANDRA SILOCEA piano (Bösendorfer Artist)
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 2 years
Zemlinsky, Der Zwerg
Bucharest, September 15, 2021 – Grand Palace Hall 
OLEG CAETANI conductor 
CARMEN LIDIA VIDU multimedia director  
L’infante d’Espagne reçoit en cadeau, pour son anniversaire, un nain hideux, contrefait, mais sensible, poète, immédiatement amoureux de la princesse, car totalement inconscient de sa laideur. L’horrible découverte qu’il doit au premier miroir dans lequel il se soit jamais regardé lui fait comprendre les sarcasmes de l’infante et de son entourage, et il en meurt foudroyé. Créé à Cologne en mai 1922, quelques mois après la première à Brno de Kátia Kabanová, l’opéra d’Alexandre Zemlinsky est une partition aux facettes multiples et dont les arrière-plans autobiographiques ont été justement soulignés.
LUCIA CESARONI The Infant (soprano) 
EMILY MAGEE Ghita (soprano) 
KRISTINN SIGMUNDSSON The Chamberlain (bass) 
RODRICK DIXON The Dwarf (tenor) 
ALISA JORDHEIM First Maid (soprano) 
HAGAR SHARVIT Second Maid (soprano) 
MARGARET PLUMMER Third Maid (alto)
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 2 years
Zemlinsky Der Zwerg 
CARMEN LIDIA VIDU multimedia director 
Bucharest, September 15, 2021 – Grand Palace Hall 
OLEG CAETANI conductor 
Der Zwerg, composed in 1922, is perhaps Zemlinsky’s best-known and most powerful opera. The story is an adaptation of a tale by Oscar Wilde and takes place at the birthday party of the Spanish crown princess, who receives a very special present: a little person, who is intended to cheer her up. To the guests’ surprise and amusement, the little man is completely unaware of his small stature; he also possesses a beautiful singing voice, which moves everyone who hears it. It is clear that there is the potential for feelings to develop between the princess and the little man, but what chance do these two have in a world where appearance is everything?
Der Zwerg is an opera about an impossible love which turns into bitter misanthropy. A story about the refusal to accept and respect other people’s differences. But it is also a story about the vulnerability of the artist in a soulless world where only appearances count. Imagination and reality clash with tragic results.
LUCIA CESARONI The Infant (soprano) 
EMILY MAGEE Ghita (soprano) 
KRISTINN SIGMUNDSSON The Chamberlain (bass) 
RODRICK DIXON The Dwarf (tenor) 
ALISA JORDHEIM First Maid (soprano) 
HAGAR SHARVIT Second Maid (soprano) 
MARGARET PLUMMER Third Maid (alto)
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
Zemlinsky, Der Zwerg
‘The Dwarf’ opera in one act, Op. 17 (1921) Based on Oscar Wilde’s story ‘The Birthday of the Infanta,’ Zemlinsky’s single-act opera Der Zwerg is the tragic tale of a dwarf who is presented at court, falls in love with the beautiful Donna Clara, but is ultimately forced to see himself as others see him and to die of a broken heart. Zemlinsky’s Romantic score is full of psychological intrigue. Is Der Zwerg a critique of society’s superficiality? Is it the composer’s self-portrait in his doomed affair with Alma Schindler? Der Zwerg is an opera in one act by Austrian composer Alexander von Zemlinsky freely adapted from the short story "The Birthday of the Infanta" by Oscar Wilde. Zemlinsky's choice of this story was a reflection of the end of his relationship with Alma Mahler, and the identification he felt with the drama's main character. A sultan has sent a dwarf as a present to the Infanta (Spanish princess) Donna Clara on her birthday. The dwarf is unaware of his physical deformity and becomes infatuated with the Infanta. He sings her a love song and imagines himself her brave knight. She toys with him and gives him a white rose as a present. Left alone, he accidentally uncovers a mirror and sees his own reflection for the first time. In great agitation, he tries to obtain a kiss from the Infanta, but she spurns him and calls him a monster. His heart broken, he dies clutching the white rose as the Infanta rejoins the party.
Radio Romania National Orchestra & Oleg Caetani | George Enescu Festival 2021
Bucharest, September 15, 2021 – Grand Palace Hall 
OLEG CAETANI conductor 
CARMEN LIDIA VIDU multimedia director  
LUCIA CESARONI The Infant (soprano) 
EMILY MAGEE Ghita (soprano) 
KRISTINN SIGMUNDSSON The Chamberlain (bass) 
RODRICK DIXON The Dwarf (tenor) 
ALISA JORDHEIM First Maid (soprano) 
HAGAR SHARVIT Second Maid (soprano) 
MARGARET PLUMMER Third Maid (alto)
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
The “George Enescu” Festival is the biggest classical music festival in Romania and one of the most prestigious events of this sort in the world. It is dedicated to the great composer and violinist George Enescu, the most notable Romanian musician, in Bucharest’s famous concert halls. The festival made its debut in September 1958, three years after the artist’s death, and continued more or less regularly until 2001, when it was decided that the editions should be held once every two years. Throughout time, the stages of the festival vibrated to the tunes of the most famous orchestras in the world. The philharmonics of Los Angeles, Moscow, London, Vienna or the Royal Orchestra in Stockholm, symphonic and chamber orchestras all over the world gave unique representations, enchanting the melomaniacs. Thousands of artists of incontestable value, composers, conductors, soloists and instrumentalists all together have turned the “George Enescu” Festival into a complex and extremely varied event, a genuine celebration of music. Young artists are invited to participate in the “Enescu” Contest, a competition both challenging and full of satisfactions. 
With each edition, the program of the festival is structured into distinct sections, with the ever-present The Great Orchestras of the World, The Midnight Concerts, Chamber Recitals and Concerts, Enescu and his Contemporaries, Opera and Ballet.  Furthermore, music geniuses are paid homage with outstanding representations. For three weeks, the “George Enescu” Festival turns Bucharest into the capital of classical music in the world. Elegant, full of energy and creative spirit, it promotes our cultural values in a distinguished atmosphere which wins you over from the first day. Discover pure happiness on classical music tunes!
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
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George Enescu Festival 2021, o poveste de muncă, de educație, de mentalități diferite, o poveste despre cei care atunci când lumea e încă în frică și dezorientare, găsesc soluții și te fac pe tine să strălucești.
Carmen Lidia Vidu, regia multimedia pentru Renard, The Flood, Les Noces, Der Zwerg, Ecce Homo, Modus.
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
George Enescu Festival în The New York Times!
În imagine: "The Flood"  cu Robert Powell, Vladimir Jurowski (dirijor), Carmen Lidia Vidu (regia multimedia)
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
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José Cura - George Enescu Festival
Regia multimedia Carmen Lidia Vidu
“I wrote the Magnificat in 1988. It was the Marian Year instated by Pope John Paul II, and my wife, after having had two miscarriages, was pregnant for the third time. I was 25 years old when my firstborn came to be, and along with him the Magnificat". (José Cura)
"A doua seară a orchestrei, mai specială. Fostul tenor José Cura, devenit între timp compositor, a fost și la pupitrul orchestrei. Am ales doar lucrarea Ecce Homo (Triptychum: Magnificat; Calvarium; Stabat Mater). Poate că cel mai bine ar fi fost să fie lumea în sală pentru că, vizualul realizat de Carmen Lidia Vidu, aș spune, a fost cheia înțelegerii lucrării. Nu știu ce s-a văzut în transmisia on line, dar dacă proiectorul nu era conectat la mixer, înseamnă că nu s-a văzut nimic. Lucrarea e scrisă când la noi încă mai bântuia comunismul, 1989, și are încărcătura mistică a unor lucrări precum Stabat Mater, dar proiectată pe condiția umană, tangibilă. Disperare și speranță, credință și dragoste. Lucrarea a beneficiat și de o interpretare de excepție: Elisa Balbo, Maria (soprană); Ramón Vargas, Cristo (tenor); Roxana Constantinescu, Magdalena (alto); Marius Vlad Budoiu, Iuda, Tribunos, Ioannes (tenor); Nicolas Testé, Vox Creaturæ, Caiphas, Pilatus (bas); Vlad Ivanov narator. Cadoul lui Cura pentru ediția aniversară George Enescu Festival a fost Te Deum, compoziție pentru soprană (Polina Pastirchak), cor și cor de copii (Corul Academic Radio, Corul de Copii al Radiodifuziunii)."*un amplu material realizat de Dana Cristescu pentru HotNews.ro / https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-perspektiva-25032925-festivalul-george-enescu-cand-muzica-apropie-icarus-timp-politica-suna-sticla-pisata.htm
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
 José Cura Modus (Kyrie din Recviemul argentinian) 
JOSÉ CURA compozitor & dirijor 
CARMEN LIDIA VIDU regie multimedia
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
José Cura Ecce Homo (Triptychum: Magnificat; Calvarium; Stabat Mater)
JOSÉ CURA compozitor & dirijor 
CARMEN LIDIA VIDU regizor multimedia 
 VLAD IVANOV povestitor 
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
Carmen Lidia Vidu / Festivalul Enescu / Deutsche Welle
Carmen Lidia Vidu: "Festivalul Enescu, un produs de top cum nu cred că mai are România"
Regizor de teatru şi film, dramaturg, regizor multimedia, laureată a Premiului UNITER 2021, Carmen Lidia Vidu şi-a început colaborarea cu Festivalul George Enescu în 2017, realizând un ingenios spectacol multimedia al capodoperei enesciene "Oedipe", prezentate sub bagheta lui Vladimir Jurowski. Ascultaţi prima parte a interviului acordat DW de Carmen Lidia Vidu.
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
George Enescu Festival a fost în acest an cea mai mare manifestare de muzică clasică din lume!Un material de prezentare a festivalulului realizat de Medana Weident pentru DW Română!
Vladimir Jurowski, director artistic
Carmen Lidia Vidu, regizor multimedia
"Când crezi în ceva cu adevărat e bine să nu te laşi descurajat chiar şi în vremuri extrem de neprielnice. Curajul organizatorilor de a înfrunta pandemia şi eforturile de a asigura condiţii sanitare optime au fost răsplătite. Festivalul Enescu a fost în acest an cea mai mare manifestare de muzică clasică din lume."
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
FAZ.NET - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung menționează videoproiecțiile spectaculoase (regia multimedia Carmen Lidia Vidu) care au însoțit seara Stravinsky - Vladimir Jurowski - George Enescu Festival.
"Um die Arche Noah geht es in Strawinskys Oratorium „The Flood“, mit dem Jurowski sein Gedenkkonzert begann und das zur Reihe von Werken der klassischen Moderne gehört, die nun in Rumänien zum ersten Mal erklangen. Dazu gehörten auch Strawinskys „Renard“ und „Les Noces“, alle konzertant aufgeführt, jedoch spektakulär untermalt mit Videoprojektionen der Multimedia-Regisseurin Carmen Lidia Vidu ."
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
❤️‍🔥 O nouă cronică internațioală fantastică pentru vizualul DER ZWERG (Carmen Lidia Vidu, regia multimedia) pe care Seb Smallshaw îl califică drept " a perverse stroke of genius".❤️‍🔥Seen and Heard International:
"It is coming up to the centenary of Der Zwerg, Alexander Zemlinsky’s one-acter about an obnoxious Infanta who spends her birthday toying with the affections (and ultimately the life) of an unlovely dwarf. The fallacy of the ‘autonomous’ musical work notwithstanding, one advantage of doing this opera in concert was a de-emphasizing of its semi-biographical aspects, which directors of recent productions have been inescapably drawn to. As thought-provoking as it may be for a director like Tobias Kratzer to dig deep into the Zemlinsky/Dwarf and Alma Schindler/Infanta parallels (as he did two years ago in Berlin), they needn’t necessarily be present and Carmen Lidia Vidu’s whimsical video projections quite consciously avoided them. Her flood of relentlessly ‘cute’ images – nearly all in lollipop pink and showing things like the infanta from Velázquez’s Las Meninas at a pool party – was knocking on the door of Japanese kawaii culture, which may sound at odds with the dramatic content and music of Der Zwerg but turned out a perverse stroke of genius. The more the wacky bubblegum visuals insisted that this was just another regular fairytale, the more the mind revolted in the face of the story’s astonishing cruelty." (Seb Smallshaw, Seen and Heard International)
George Enescu Festival
 Oleg Caetani dirijor
Carmen Lidia Vidu regia multimedia 
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
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RENARD, Stravinsky
CARMEN LIDIA VIDU, multimedia director
Inspiré de contes russes, ce ballet met en scène un renard qui s'attaque à un coq en se déguisant en religieuse, puis en mendiante. Un chat et un bouc tentent de l'en empêcher et finiront par le tuer.
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
Stravinsky Renard, histoire burlesque chantée et jouée
CARMEN LIDIA VIDU multimedia director
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jurnalgeorgenescu · 3 years
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„De ce mi-am numit lucrarea „Potopul” în loc de „Noe”? Pentru că Noe este simplă istorie. Potopul este Catastrofa Eternă. Potopul este Bomba.” a scris Igor Stravinsky
Pe 1 Septembrie a fost "Potopul" la George Enescu Festival
Vladimir Jurowski, dirijor
Carmen Lidia Vidu, regizor multimedia
Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin (RSB)
ROBERT POWELL Narator, Noe, Soția lui Noe (rol vorbit)
VLADIMIR OGNEV The Voice of God (first bass) BASTIAN KOHL The Voice of God (second bass) IVAN TURŠIĆ Satan (tenor)
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