just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Just break my heart already, why don’t you. 😭 I love how real this story is. Long distance relationships are hard and although we will always want Claire and Jamie together and with sunshine and roses reality isn’t like that. Each of them loves each other so much and wants what’s best for the other one, which is why they are pursuing their dreams and are apart at the moment. They have managed to survive the distance so far, but I think we all knew at some part it would start to weigh on them and pull them apart. Although this rain storm in their relationships is not what we or them want I have faith that we can weather this storm and see the rainbow that comes after the rain. It may not be soon, but I have faith these two will find their way back together eventually. I’m sure the next chapters will be hard, but I’m sure they will be just as amazing as this one and I can’t wait for them.
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57
Thank you @theministerskat​ for your beta! ❤️
                                  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Chapter 58. Rain
How long can one night be?
It felt like I was lying in my bed for ages. I wanted to get up, run, do something, but the darkness was heavy outside my window, and my heart felt heavier. 
My heart, the one that kept beating, no matter how many times my breath hitched in my throat.
My heart, carrying its own heavy load, waiting. 
Holding off was slowly killing me, but I had resolved not to call him again.
Hours had passed while my phone remained silent. A sinking sensation wrapped around me, dragging me down, deeper and deeper. 
What had happened, exactly?
I had spent the first few hours rationalizing.
What if something happened to him? No. John would call me. Jamie is fine.
Maybe he forgot his phone at the pool and they are all out celebrating now. But he would send something from John’s phone, right? 
Not if he’s still mad at me for not calling him before the race. 
Maybe he needs time, and he will call when he’s ready. He’s stressed, and he’s exaggerating. It will be okay. 
If only he called sooner.
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Still love that his name is Roger!
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Yeah, so proud of Mary for doing the right thing. Love the addition of Joe as their lawyer. Can’t wait to see what the fallout of all this is. Great update.
Truth to Triumph
Chapter 16: The Truth
September 30, 1904
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Excerpt from the July 2, 1904 edition of “Fire and Water Engineering.” Even from the very beginning of the investigation into the Slocum tragedy, many knew that the Knickerbocker Steamship Company - which owned and operated the Slocum - was unlikely to be held fully accountable for the disaster.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything else?”
Mary Hawkins Randall smiled thinly. “No, Mrs. Beauchamp – you’ve shown so much kindness to me already, after I intruded on you so unexpectedly.”
Julia patted Mary’s hand, wrapped around a large ceramic mug of tea. “Nonsense. I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, but I hope you know that you’re always welcome here.”
“Mama and Mary’s mother, Anne Grant, grew up together,” Claire explained, clasping Jamie’s hand beneath the long dining table.
“Her father sold shoes to my father’s department store.” Julia pushed a fresh mug of tea to Mary. “Anne always had the cast-offs – it was great fun to visit their house and play dress-up.”
“I can’t believe it’s been eight years already since we lost her.” Mary sipped her tea; the thin gold band of her wedding ring glinted in the dim light. “Between looking after Papa, and then the whirlwind of my marriage to Jack…”
Jamie threaded his fingers through Claire’s, soothing her suddenly clammy hand with his thumb.
Henry Beauchamp folded his hands on table. “Joe will be here any minute. You won’t need to wait much longer. I’ll say it to you again, Mary – you’re doing the right thing. You’re very brave.”
“Am I?” She pursed her lips. “To come to your home, unannounced, while my husband is out God knows where and my family is up in Newport, to avoid the shame of showing their faces in polite society?”
“As I said earlier, we don’t need to print your name in the paper. Mr. Pulitzer will understand.” Jamie rolled a pencil back and forth on the shiny mahogany table.
“I have nothing to lose.” Mary’s voice was strong, yet it sounded very far away. So full of sorrow. “My marriage is a sham. My family and my husband’s family are crooks and cheaters. They’re the ones responsible for the Slocum disaster. All those people…”
This time, the three raps at the door were met with great relief.
Henry rose without a word and disappeared into the entryway.
Claire straightened up a bit in her chair. “Is Jack not in Newport with his family?”
“He hasn’t been home in two days. He’s done this before – stayed at his lady’s place over on Pearl Street.”
The fact that she shared this terrible secret so matter-of-factly told Claire everything she needed to know.
“I’m sorry.”
Mary’s beautiful blue eyes suddenly became weary. “The last time he was home, he was ranting about you, Claire. How alluring you are. How he regrets.”
Claire swallowed. “Regrets what?”
Footsteps in the hallway – then Henry returned, a tall black man beside him.
“Mary – this is Joe Abernathy. He’s our attorney and a long-time family friend.”
“Mary,” Joe nodded, then came around the table to kiss Claire and Julia hello.
Jamie rose, extending one hand. “Pleasure to finally meet you, Joe.”
Joe smiled. “Oh son – the pleasure is all mine. You’ve been doing God’s work with your articles.” He settled into the chair beside Jamie and across from Mary. “And I understand that that’s part of the reason why I’m here tonight.”
Mary finished her tea and pushed the mug to one side. When she spoke, her voice was strong and clear.
“I can furnish evidence that both Wentworth Industries and The Fort William Company knew about safety concerns with the Slocum, and did nothing to remediate those concerns. In short, that they can and should be held accountable for the disaster.”
“And my understanding is that those companies are led by your father and your father-in-law. Is that correct?”
“It is.”
“And why would you speak out against them?”
Mary briefly turned away to rummage in her satchel. “Because they are bad men. Because their negligence led to the deaths of more than a thousand innocents.”
She pushed a folder across the table.
“Because I’m the only one who can make this right.”
Joe opened the folder, pushing it a bit closer to Jamie so that they could examine the contents together.
“It’s all there.” Mary closed her eyes. “Memoranda on company letterhead. Letters from captains of Knickerbocker-owned ships asking for new life vests and lifeboats. Handwritten notes of conversations that took place in Wentworth’s offices.”
Jamie held up an invoice. “The Slocum had an accident last year?”
Mary sighed. “It did. Tugboat crash down in the Buttermilk Channel. Damaged the rear – she took on a lot of water. One of Randall’s friends owns a small shipyard down in Red Hook – he did all the repairs. Kept it quiet.”
Joe scribbled on his notepad. “And let me guess – it was never reported to the city.”
“Of course not. They couldn’t risk losing their license.”
Jamie sifted through the papers. “Holy God.”
He turned to Claire, then Joe. “Here’s a letter from the shipyard owner, asking whether Randall was sure he didn’t want, quote, ‘the waterlogged life vests to be replaced.’”
“Those bastards knew the safety equipment was damaged,” Julia seethed.
Claire’s hand flew to her mouth. “No wonder my patients told me the life vests had disintegrated in their hands.”
“It’s not quite the smoking gun, but this should be plenty to start with for a criminal negligence suit.” Joe turned to Jamie. “How much of this do you want to print?”
“As much as I can,” Jamie replied cautiously. “Whatever Mary will allow. All anonymously sourced, of course.”
“It’s all yours.” Mary held her face in her hands, drained of all energy and vitality. “I don’t want it anymore. I’m done with all of them. Done with that life.”
Joe darted a glance at Henry, who nodded. “Mary – do you need a divorce attorney?”
His voice was so gentle.
Mary covered her face.
Immediately Claire rose, rounded the table, and took the younger woman into her arms, her thin frame shaking with silent sobs.
“Sshh,” Claire soothed, meeting Jamie’s worried gaze. “You’re doing the right thing, Mary.”
“Am I?” Mary sniffed. “I’m so ashamed.”
“There’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed about, Mary.”
Mary hiccupped. “Oh, Claire – you were the only woman who ever got away from Jack. I knew you’d understand.”
Now Julia stood beside Claire and Mary, gently helping Mary to her feet. “Let’s get you to bed upstairs – will you men be all right down here?”
“More than all right,” Jamie replied. Claire gave him a thin smile before helping her mother get Mary up and out of the room.
Jamie stood. “I need to call Mr. Pulitzer. Joe – if Henry gets us some food, are you ready to settle in for some work?”
“We’ve got some roast beef in the pantry,” Henry offered.
Joe cracked his knuckles. “Gentlemen – this is gonna be big.”
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Paris is 🔥🔥🔥 for these two. Finally are babies are truly reunited and can enjoy all that they have missed from each other in the months apart 😉😉. Of course Jamie just thinks about getting away and getting to the hotel, so thank God for Claire taking charge so that they actually see some of the city. These two really seem to be enjoying themselves on this trip. I love how their time back together after being about has only reassured them in their love for each other and now they both know what they want out of life and are planning for their future together. Our lovers are dreaming of a happy fulfilling future and I can’t wait for them to reach it. Love the update.
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54
Beta-d, as always, by @theministerskat! Thank you, love!
And thank you all for sticking with me and for the love you’ve shown to these two kids!! ❤️
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Chapter 55. Paris
I always loved traveling. Every time Lamb announced we were moving to another country, he made it seem like an adventure. And all I could see was another world waiting for us to explore – new tastes, new smells, new people. And always an archaeological site with new findings to visit. That was living with Lamb. My trip to Zambia was the same. An adventure, yes, but always with an underlying purpose behind it. I had never traveled for the sake of it, for fun. Never, until Jamie took me to Paris.
Jenny knew. Of course she did. And she hadn’t said a word, looking at me with disappointment instead, when I told her Jamie wanted to stay at home once he returned. Lamb had known as well, and he funded the trip together with Brian. A gift, they had said, because we both deserved it.
Jamie began teasing me about my plans for a road trip through Scotland the moment he freed his lips from mine. “Maybe you’d rather cancel Paris, Sassenach?” he asked with a mischievous grin. “Go to this road trip to the North Coast instead?”
“It was a great idea, you know.” I narrowed my eyes, daring him to utter one more word. “But Paris is…”
“Paris,” he finished for me, and pulled me into his arms again.
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Henry is just the sweetest. I love how he knows the way of the world enough that he questions why Jamie is asking his permission and not his Grandpa. I also love that even though he is fully on board with Jamie staying forever and being part of his family, he still check with Claire to make sure it is what he wants too. They are going to be just the cutest little family.
Truth to Triumph
Chapter 14: The Question
September 30, 1904
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This appeal to help the youngest victims of the Slocum tragedy was published in the New York Daily Tribune on August 31, 1904. “None of these children are maimed or sick in the ordinary sense of the word - it is more heart sickness with them.” These simple words say so much. Proving that the survivors of this tragedy - especially the youngest ones - had deep emotional scars. 
Claire poured another cup of tea, watching the motorcars rumble by on East Twenty-Second Street. Reflecting on all that had transpired over the past five days – which tonight felt more like five years.
Jamie’s exposé on the Knickerbocker Steamship Company had actually led to a riot in what remained of Kleindeutschland. Hundreds, then thousands of angry New Yorkers – families and friends of those who had died on the Slocum, as well as many others outraged that the company’s callous negligence had contributed to so many unnecessary deaths – swarmed the Company’s offices on lower Broadway. Dozens of police officers and private security guards had only barely restrained the mob from breaking down the door and ransacking the premises.
Already, local politicians called for the heads of the Company’s directors and its two major shareholders – the Randall family via Wentworth Industries, and the Fort William Company, led by Silas Hawkins. Neither man had appeared in public since the story broke, though their attorneys had certainly been earning their fees, burying the World’s office with all manner of threats of litigation for reputational damage.
At Mr. Pulitzer’s request, Jamie hadn’t yet returned to his desk in the World newsroom, instead conducting his business from either the Beauchamp family townhouse or Henry Beauchamp’s architecture firm just a few blocks away in the Flatiron Building off Madison Square. He was still hesitant to leave Claire’s side or let the younger Henry out of his sight, heart full of quiet terror from the message delivered in the park.
But tonight there was no such trepidation, for they had decided to tell their son about the future. Jamie had asked Claire’s permission to speak with Henry alone as he prepared for bed – though he had left the door ajar, so that Claire could hear every word.
“…So thoughtful of you to ask Mrs. Crook to make my favorite potatoes for supper.”
In her mind’s eye she could see Henry shrug. “I know you like it.”
“I do – I really do. You’re very kind and considerate, Henry. That’s why I need to ask you something very important.”
Claire straightened in the window seat, pressing a clammy palm against the cool glass. Jamie had asked if she wanted a diamond ring; she had replied that it would only get caught in her surgical gloves.
“What is it? I’ve been very good the past few weeks.”
“I know you have.” She heard his smile. “It’s not about you. It’s about your Mama. Well – your Mama and me.”
She heard Henry’s small feet thump against the side of the chair. “Is she sick?”
“No, little man. She’s quite all right. I – I – well. I’d like to ask your permission to marry her.”
Never before had she heard her son gasp.
“Really? But I thought that was Grandpa’s job – to give you permission.”
“Yes – it can be. But can I tell you a little secret?”
“I promise not to tell anyone.” Henry’s reply was in the loud whisper so common to children.
“Good. The secret is that your Mama doesn’t need anyone else to make decisions for her.”
“But that’s not a secret!”
She could hear his smile. “Well then – think about it this way. At the end of the day, Henry, only your opinion really matters. So – may I have your permission?”
A pause.
“Will you live here all the time?”
“Yes – that’s the idea.”
“And will we get our own house?”
Claire clenched her hand into a nervous fist. They hadn’t even thought about it.
“Not right away – maybe not ever. That’s a decision that you and me and Mama will make together. All right?”
Next she heard soft footfalls on the carpet – and suddenly her son was standing right before her, dark brows creased, arms folded across his blue bathrobe.
She smiled thinly. “Yes, lovie?”
“Did you know that Jamie wants to marry you?”
She bit her lip so that her smile didn’t widen too much. “Yes, I did. We talked about it a few days ago.” Gently she took his hands, searching his face. “How do you feel about that?”
Jamie’s tall form – silhouetted from behind – appeared in the doorway. Listening.
Henry tilted his head, considering. “I want him here all the time. And he makes you smile, Mama.”
Now she smiled as widely as she could. “Yes. He does. He makes you smile too.”
He nodded. “So yes. It’s OK with me, but only if it’s OK with you, Mama.”
From nowhere, tears welled. “Oh, my sweet boy.” She tugged his hands and folded him in her arms, holding him tight. “I’m more than OK with it. So much more than OK.”
And then Jamie was there beside them, holding them, and she feared her heart was going to burst with joy.
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Love this new chapter. I feel like I have been waiting half this story for the other shoe to drop and now it finally has. And of course poor little Henry is so innocent and oblivious to it all and just enjoying his time with Jamie and Claire. I’m so happy that the two of them are together and will face this challenge as a unified front with Henry and Julia. I’m sure they will find a way to get him. Can’t wait for more.
Truth to Triumph
Chapter 13: The Warning
September 25, 1904
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Henry giggled. “Come on, Jamie, I didn’t hit you that hard!”
“Oh, but you did!” Jamie knelt on the cool tiles of the Beauchamp’s entryway to give Henry a proper hug. The little boy was ecstatic to return it. “Did you have a good day?”
“I did!” Henry pulled back to give his Mama a hug of her own, smacking kisses on her cheeks. “Grannie and I listened to the Victrola this morning, and then Nanny Fitz and I went to the park, and I played on the merry-go-round, and oh! I met a friend of yours, Mama!”
Claire pulled back, holding Henry by the shoulders. “What friend?”
“Yeah!” Henry wriggled beneath her grip, fishing in his pocket, and produced a wrinkled envelope. “He was wearing one of those funny round hats, and he said he was a friend from the hospital where you work.”
Her voice trembled just a bit. “It’s called a derby hat, Henry.”
Jamie lay a strong hand on Claire’s back as she gently took the envelope from her son’s sweaty fingers. She turned it over – to see Dr. Claire Beauchamp inscribed in an elegant hand.
“Was Nanny Fitz with you, Henry?”
The boy straightened at the suddenly serious tone of Jamie’s voice. “She wasn’t right next to me – I had been on the merry-go-round, and then Robbie jumped off to chase Michael behind the tree, so I went after him, and that’s when I saw the man.”
Carefully Claire slit the envelope with the small pair of surgical scissors she always carried in her pocketbook. A single sheet of heavy paper – embossed with what Jamie recognized as the logo of Wentworth Industries – slipped out, covered with the same elegant calligraphy.
Now Jamie stood, taking Henry by the hand. “Is dinner almost ready, Henry?”
“Mrs. Crook said so. Salmon tonight.” He wrinkled his nose. “I don’t like salmon too much.”
“Where are Grannie and Grandpa?” Claire also stood, a shallow smile plastered to her face.
“Up in the parlor. They didn’t want to wait for you for dinner, but I wanted to see you.”
Claire kissed her son’s forehead. “Can you please go see if Mrs. Crook or Lizzie need any help with dessert? Jamie and I need to talk to Grannie and Grandpa.”
Henry scampered down the hallway without as much as a goodbye.
Jamie turned to Claire, who by now had gone as white as the sheet of paper she held between two careful fingers.
“It’s French.” Her voice was very, very far away. “Can you read French?”
“No – but I assume you can?”
She swallowed.
“L'oiseau que tu croyais surprendre Battit de l'aile et s'envola. L'amour est loin, tu peux l'attendre; Tu ne l'attends plus, il est là. Tout autour de toi, vite, vite, Il vient, s'en va, puis il revient. Tu crois le tenir, il t'évite, Tu crois l'éviter, il te tient!”
Claire’s voice speaking a foreign language was one of the most beautiful things Jamie had ever heard.
She handed him the paper; he scanned the gorgeous penmanship. “Is it a poem?”
“It’s a stanza from an aria in Carmen, the opera by Bizet.”
Memory flared. “That was the opera….”
She sighed deeply. So full of sorrow. “Jack knew I’d been dying to see it. He got the tickets to impress me – we sat in his father’s box. I was so excited that I bought the libretto two weeks before and read it three times cover to cover – I still have it upstairs.”
His free hand found hers. Held it tight as she remembered.
“The aria is Carmen’s first scene in the opera. She’s a gypsy – a voluptuous beauty who all the men salivate over.”
Ice closed around his heart. So angry that this cruel, callous man would think of Claire in such a way. “How would you translate this passage, Claire?”
She took the paper. Held it at arm’s length. Spoke in a strong voice:
“The bird you hoped to catch Beat its wings and flew away. Love is far, you can wait for it; You no longer await it, there it is. All around you, swift, swift, It comes, goes, then it returns. You think to hold it fast, it flees you, You think to flee it, it holds you!”
Footsteps in the hallway – and Julia emerged, face puzzled.
“Claire? Jamie? We heard you come in – ”
“Jack sent his goon to meet Henry in the park today.”
Julia Beauchamp used a word that Jamie hadn’t expected to be part of her vocabulary.
Claire Beauchamp squeezed Jamie’s hand. Set her chin. Looked at her mother with defiant eyes.
“We have to get him.”
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
So part of me wants to scream why are they not back together right at the beginning, but at the same time I also love the return of Jenny and all of her moments with Claire. Of course Jenny thinks she is the best Fraser and thank god she is not going to let Claire stay melancholy for long. I love Jenny and Claire’s discussion of their love and lives with Jamie and Ian, they are perfect found sisters for each other. Finally they are reunited and of course Jamie comes through in the end. Can’t wait to see what there two get up to in Paris. 😉😉
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52, Chapter 53
Beta-d, as always, by @theministerskat! Thank you, love!
Chapter 54. Counting Days
There is a subtle feeling of trespassing, wrapping itself around your heart and squeezing lightly, when you step into someone’s empty bedroom. A feeling strong enough to make your breath come slow and heavy, your feet tread with caution, not to disturb the spirit of the absent owner. As if your own body marks you as an intruder and tries to make your presence subtle, even though your rebel hands leave invisible fingerprints on every surface, proof of a long-lost innocence.
I was sitting on Jamie’s bed, looking around, feeling the emotions rising in my chest.
I was in his room. His bed, his books, his posters on the walls.
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
ADSO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited to see him. This cat is one of my favorite animals in all of Outlander!!!
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@Outlander_STARZ: Clan, meet our wee ADSO! #Outlander
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
I love how loved Claire is as a doctor and how much they can see the love between Jamie and Claire. It is just so wonderful. Henry is just the cutest, of course he wants to find the perfect present for his mama. Can’t wait for Jamie to officially adopt him and for the marriage so their little family is all together.
Truth to Triumph
Chapter 12: The Respite
September 25, 1904
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Riverside Hospital, North Brother Island, circa 1937. For decades, this was the place New Yorkers went to be quarantined - when you had a disease like measles or typhoid or leprosy, which was a social death sentence. 
Riverside Hospital was abandoned in the 1960s. It still exists - a haunting, overgrown ruin - for anyone brave enough to visit.
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“And how exactly did you end up here, Herr Müller?”
The middle-aged German gentleman smiled at Jamie, squinting in the sunshine of the balmy autumn day, enjoying the fresh air of the hospital courtyard.
“The measle, Mr. Fraser. My wife and daughter had it first – my daughter had it when she was pregnant with my first grandchild. I took her here to the hospital so that Dr. Beauchamp could treat her.”
“Why did you come all this way? It’s not easy to get here from Kleindeutschland.”
Mr. Müller smiled sadly. “We don’t live there anymore – we couldn’t, after Tommy was killed on the boat. But my other son Paul – one of his friends moved to Yorkville. So we live there now too.”
Yorkville was a neighborhood on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, bordered roughly by Seventy-Ninth and Ninety-Sixth Streets. It was just about as far north as one could get from Kleindeutschland while still remaining on the island.
“But I’m sure there must be a hospital in Yorkville – why come here, to North Brother Island?”
“Because of Dr. Beauchamp. She healed so many of my friends and family – and was such a comfort for us, in our time of need. She cares for people like a mother would. So we knew that she would know what to do for Petronella.”
“And did she?”
Now Mr. Müller positively beamed. “Of course! Dr. Beauchamp took very good care of her. And Petronella named her daughter Clara, in her honor!”
Deeply moved by this man’s clear affection and respect for Claire, Jamie reached across the bench to squeeze Mr. Müller’s hand.
“That’s so wonderful,” he said sincerely.
“We are lucky to have her. She fights hard for the patients in her care. She must fight equally hard for the things and people she loves. Like you.”
Surprised, Jamie’s brow furrowed. “How – ”
“It’s written all over your face, Mr. Fraser. I was there at the celebration in the beer garden, a few weeks ago. You are good together. And don’t think I don’t know who you are – you are doing God’s work, with your articles.”
Jamie flushed – and not because of the sunshine.
“Those bastards must pay for what they did to us.” Mr. Müller’s voice was low, full of promise. “To our families. To our community. They see us as worthless trash, fit only to make their beer and sew their clothes. But we are much more than that. Ja?”
“Ja,” Jamie agreed. “Thank you, Herr Müller.”
“It is my pleasure. Come visit us in Yorkville – my wife makes the best sauerbraten. So much better than the scheisse I am served here!”
Jamie shook Mr. Müller’s hand and stood, leaving him basking in the sunshine, his hospital uniform gently flapping in the breeze.
“It seems quiet here today.”
Claire chewed on her sandwich, thinking. “We generally don’t have a constant stream of patients coming through our doors – most of our beds are in the infectious disease ward. People come here to be quarantined. To stay away from society for a time.”
“Like me, I suppose.”
She cut her pickle in half. “Nobody would think to look for you here – you’re safe with the consumptives.”
He smiled. “So – what do you want to do for your birthday?”
Her brows narrowed. “Let me guess – Henry told you this morning.”
“Poor kid is beside himself that he hasn’t found the perfect gift yet.”
She offered him the remaining bites of sandwich – cold chicken with grainy mustard on hearty rye bread – and he pushed his half-eaten bowl of chicken noodle soup across the table.
“He’s so thoughtful. But he should also know that he doesn’t need to get me anything. Having him in my life is enough of a gift.”
“Not so fast – surely there must be something you want. We’ve only got just about three weeks.”
Slowly she glanced around them – taking note of the nurses and doctors quietly chatting at the neighboring tables.
“A wedding.”
Jamie blinked. “So soon? Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” She slurped the soup. “It doesn’t need to be much – we can do it in the parlor at the house. Just us, and Mama and Papa, and Henry. Nanny Fitz, too.”
He swallowed the last bite of her sandwich. “May – may I adopt Henry? Give him my name?”
She reached across the table to take his hand. Not caring about anyone or anything that could see.
“I would be honored, Jamie.”
His smile was dazzling. She squeezed his hand, brushed the crumbs from her uniform, and pushed back her chair.
He gathered their lunch dishes and set them to the side before following her out of the staff dining room.
In the darkness of the hallway, with nobody else around, he pressed her against the wall and kissed her. Tasting spicy mustard and salty pickle and the joy of forever.
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
I love this story so much. Poor Claire, she’s injured and feeling guilty for all the trouble that she has inadvertently caused Raymond and she doesn’t want to cause any more trouble or bring danger to more people. I’m so glad Jamie found her and was able to bring her back to Lallybroch. Claire may think she needs to leave to protect the Frasers, but I sure Jenny and Jamie will not let her and they will conquer whatever danger comes together.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Witches - Part 7
by @whiskynottea
Claire’s shoulder hurt more with every passing minute. After carefully sitting on the ground, she tried to calm down and focus on her inner healing power.
The breeze raised goosebumps on her exposed arms. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling her lungs expand against her ribcage. The air was fresh with the earthy scent of heather. She could almost taste it. Claire kept her breath for four seconds, counting inside her head, and then slowly exhaled. Just like Raymond had taught her.
Raymond. Tears prickled her eyes.
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
I love that the Beauchamps are protecting and supporting Jamie and letting him hide away in their house from any of the harmful fallout of the articles. I’m sure Jamie loves the opportunity to be so close the Claire and Henry as well. And it’s just so adorable that Henry is missing Jamie, he really is becoming a part of the family and now he will with Claire’s proposal. I just love these two and their little family, can’t wait for more.
Truth to Triumph
Chapter 11: The Night
September 25, 1904
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“Henry asked for you at dinner.”
It was past one A.M. now, and a light rain pattered against the window of Claire’s sitting room. She and Henry occupied the fifth floor – the top floor – of the Beauchamp family brownstone, with Henry and Julia in the master suite on the fourth floor, and what they called the “public rooms” on the first, second, and third floors.
Young Henry had his own bedroom, adjacent to Claire’s. Off Claire’s room was her sitting room, crammed with shelves full of books and pottery and objects brought home by her much-beloved Uncle Lamb, Julia’s archaeologist brother who always seemed to be off digging in the dirt of some faraway land. There was also a small bathroom, complete with running water, and then a spare room that now held a few dusty boxes of Claire’s college papers and Henry’s baby items.
Lizzie had made up a pallet for Jamie on the floor of the spare room. For he and the Beauchamps had agreed that on the nights before a new article in the World’s weekly series was published, he was to stay with them. His relationship with Claire was well known among the German community in Kleindeutschland, but nobody else outside of that tight-knit circle – save Mr. Pulitzer, whom he had grown to trust implicitly – knew about it. And he wanted to keep it that way. So should an angry member of one of the companies he had exposed – or a thug hired on their behalf – tried to find him in his rented room on Stanton Street, at least those efforts would be thwarted.
“Did he?”
“Yes,” she smiled. “He asked if you would be here for breakfast.”
Jamie returned her smile. Breakfast with Henry was something that they all – Claire included – cherished. Henry rarely got to see Jamie when he came for dinner, due to his earlier bedtime – so at breakfast, he hammered Jamie with questions and observations and all manner of exuberance, over oatmeal and milk and boiled eggs.
“Did you tell him that it’s the favorite part of my week?”
“He asked Lizzie to make sure the eggs were boiled soft, just the way you like them.”
He reached over to take her hand. “He’s so smart, to remember that. Observant, too.”
“He is his mother’s son,” Claire replied.
Jamie squeezed her hand. “And you don’t mind if I spend tomorrow with you at the hospital?”
“Of course I don’t. As long as you stay out of my way. I’m the doctor, after all – I’m the one in charge.”
“Never doubted it.”
A wide yawn interrupted her smile. “It’s so late.”
“It is.”
“What you’re doing, Jamie – it’s the right thing. You know it’s the right thing.”
“I know. They can’t take us to court – everything we’ve reported is factual. And somebody needs to pay for what happened.”
“I don’t disagree.” She sighed. “It completely decimated Kleindeutschland. It’s not right. All those people…the children…”
“Hush.” Now he gathered her to him, holding her close on the settee. She melted against him. He kissed her hair. Her fingers dug into his shirt collar.
“What would you think if…if you could have breakfast with Henry every morning?”
Jamie drew back to look into her eyes. Traced her cheek with his thumb.
“What do you mean?”
She swallowed, eyes strong and determined. “I want you to live here, with us. To be Henry’s father. To be my husband.”
Ten thousand emotions surged within him. “Claire…”
The worlds tumbled out of her. “I want you here with me, every day. To speak with you in the evenings after I perform a difficult surgery. To hear about the articles you’re writing, and the people you’re meeting. To ride the elevated trains with you, and go to a vaudeville show, and take Henry to the zoo.”
He blinked back tears. “Oh, Claire – sharing my life with you would be the greatest honor.”
Her eyes shone. “Yes?”
They embraced for what seemed like forever, endless possibilities unfurling before them.
And they would have remained on the settee, holding each other, until dawn – but then the clock on the mantle chimed two.
Jamie framed Claire’s tired, beautiful face between his hands, and kissed her long and slow and sweet.
“Go to bed. I’ll be right here.”
She kissed the tip of his nose. “I’m so happy. How can I possibly sleep?”
He kissed her chin. “Dream of me, and our family.”
Her smile was so serene. “I will.”
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
I love them so much. I am so excited to see them all together !!!!
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Papa Fergus and Wee Germain
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Such a cutie. Hope it brightens your morning.
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Reblog This And Happiness Will Come To You! (: >Source🐶
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
As fun and great as the volunteer trip to Africa has been for Claire, and am very happy that it seems to be wrapping up and she will be reunited with Jamie at least for a little bit I have a good guess of what they will be doing once they are back together. Love the update can’t wait for the next, hope our long distance lover will be back together again.
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52
Huge thank you to my beta, @theministerskat for correcting the same mistakes 53 chapters in without any complaint!
picture by: Kamryn Hinojos
Chapter 53. Dust and Smiles
When I lived in Scotland I missed the sun dearly. Sunny days were treasured, and I found myself smiling without any particular reason when the sunlight snuck between the curtains of my room in the morning.
But sometimes a person can have too much sun. And too much dust stuck to their body. And there is a point when you think of rain and realise a wistful smile has appeared on your face at the thought. It’s the same moment you realise there isn’t an inch of your body not coated in grime.
I reached that exact point on a quiet afternoon in June, two weeks before I left Zambia. Some would say it had taken me long enough.
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Good for Jamie and The World exposing all of the wrong doings. And I’m so glad that Jamie and Claire and Henry and Julia are all weathering this storm together, it looks like it might be gearing up for a big blow if the man in the derby hat is any indication, I can’t imagine the Randalls will react well to the article. I can’t wait to see where you take this story next.
Truth to Triumph
Chapter 10: The First Step
September 24, 1904 
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The newsroom of the New York World, circa 1900.
The articles had been rolled out carefully. The first focused on the owners of steamships that still sailed around the harbor and around Manhattan. The second turned its attention on police and City Hall corruption to suppress press reports of boat fires and other incidents that would make the public leery of taking such a mode of transportation – especially with the new Sub-Way under construction in parts of Brooklyn and lower Manhattan.
The reception was electric. The telephone in the World’s newsroom rang off the hook, as a mix of tips and outrage from the public poured in. Mr. Pulitzer had already been called to City Hall and a meeting with Mayor George B. McClellan, Jr. – son of the famed Civil War general, who had coincidentally served alongside the Slocum’s namesake, General Henry Warner Slocum, in the Union Army. Mayor McClellan had received just as much heat from a public suddenly very insistent that his office do something to prevent another disaster from happening. Mr. Pulitzer was only too happy to report on the meeting in the following day’s paper, sending the mayor’s approval numbers through the roof.
But Mr. Pulitzer, and Jamie Fraser, and the Beauchamps all knew that the third article was the jewel in the crown.
The exposé on the Knickerbocker Steamship Company, and the gross negligence of its two owners – the Randall family via Wentworth Industries, and their close partners, the Fort William Company, owned by the father of Railroad Randall’s daughter-in-law Mary – wife to his playboy historian son, Jack.
The article was cleverly written. It avoided naming any person as personally responsible for individual wrongdoing. But the facts about the Slocum – and the owners’ chronic underinvestment in the basic maintenance of the boat – were absolutely damning.
The article re-published – this time with more detail – survivors’ accounts of what had happened when the inferno broke out on the Slocum. Brittle, weathered fire hoses. Life vests that had crumbled in desperate hands. Mothers, frantic to see their children safe, had strapped them into life vests before throwing them into the river – only to watch the vests fill with water and drag their children beneath the surface. Furthermore, the life boats were completely inaccessible – tied with thick knots that only an axe could cut. There were even rumors that the life vests – stuffed with cork – had actually been stuffed with heavier materials, including iron rods, to meet minimum weight requirements when the vests had been manufactured, fifteen years before the tragedy.
What grated on Jamie – and Mr. Pulitzer – and the entire World readership, who eagerly devoured the article, was that it was all entirely preventable. Had there been laws on the books to ensure that safety equipment was up to par, that the boat’s crew were trained in rudimentary emergency evacuation procedures, and that the life boats were accessible in time of emergency – well, it may not have prevented the fire from occurring, but it damn well could have prevented the immense and pointless loss of over a thousand lives.
Jamie hand-delivered the first printed copy of the newspaper to the elder Henry Beauchamp, waiting patiently across the street from the World’s offices on Park Row. It was almost midnight, and Henry read Jamie’s article as the two of them took the Bowery Elevated uptown to the Beauchamp family brownstone, where Claire and Julia were waiting.
For the entire journey, Henry just shook his head.
“None of this is news to me,” he remarked, “since you’ve shared as much with us over the past few months. But to read it all here – and on the front page…”
“I know. It will be explosive. Mr. Pulitzer suggested I lay low tomorrow. To let him and the boys deal with the reaction.���
Henry turned to him, brows furrowed with surprise. “On the biggest day of your career? Why on earth would you do that?”
Jamie held his gaze. “I’d like to be with Claire, up at the hospital where nobody can find me. Because I want to make sure that she’s all right.”
“You can’t insulate her from it.”
“I wasn’t trying to. I – I need to be around people who are doing good. Selfless good, for people who can’t help themselves.”
Henry picked up the newspaper, rolled it, and poked Jamie in the ribs. “And what do you think this is, then?”
Jamie shrugged. “Some people will say I’m doing it for fame. Maybe you think I’m doing it for revenge.”
The train rolled into their stop at Twenty-Third Street, and together they clambered onto the platform and then down the stairs to the street.
“Revenge for what? For what that bastard Randall did to Claire? She didn’t even know you then.”
“It doesn’t matter to me. That man deserves to pay for what he did to her.”
Henry sighed as they turned onto East Twenty-Second Street. “Don’t you think for one minute that Claire is entirely selfless in her work. She wants to change things, too.”
“Of course she does. And she has – you know yourself how much the Kleindeutschlanders admire her.”
Ten steps up the stoop, and Henry fished for the keys in his pocket.
Jamie turned to face the deserted street, eerily quiet.
Just as Henry turned the key and opened the door, Jamie saw a flash of movement beneath the streetlamp on the corner.
A derby hat.
“Get into the house. Now,” he hissed, all but pushing Henry through the door.
“What on earth?” the older man exclaimed.
“Bolt the doors. Both of them. I saw the man who was watching us on the night of the party at the beer garden.”
Henry calmly bolted both deadbolts on the front door, and then the door in the vestibule as well.
Footsteps in the hallway – Julia. Jamie bent to quickly kiss her cheek.
“Julia. Is Claire down here?”
“Yes – I’m right here.” Now Claire appeared further down the hallway, in the doorway to the parlor. “Are you all right?”
“Jamie saw someone on the street,” Henry explained, taking his wife’s hand.
“The man in the derby hat,” Jamie added.
“Holy God,” Claire breathed. “Should I call the police?”
“No need – he’s likely gone by now. But I think we should all go upstairs for the night.”
Julia nodded in agreement. Claire stepped down the hallway, smiling tiredly, holding a lamp in one hand. Jamie bent to kiss her.
“Here.” Henry pressed the newspaper into Claire’s free hand. “It’s explosive.”
Julia began climbing the staircase, Henry at her side.
Jamie reached to take Claire’s lamp, then held out his free arm. Gratefully she took it, leading him upstairs.
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Such a beautiful end to a wonderful story. You can truly feel all of the family love between everyone in this story. There has been heartbreak and sadness over losing people and having to live apart from each other for years and years, but there has also been joys and triumphs by defying odds and finding ways to communicate through unbelievable barriers. The letter writing and reading was a great way to connect everyone and bring everyone a little bit of peace in the end. Those final moments between Jem and Mandy through time are just absolute perfection, for her to feel the love and blessing from her family in the past and for Jem to know that all their letters actually made it to Mandy, I couldn’t have asked for a better ending. It has been a pleasure to come into this new world you created and enjoy all of these characters and their stories. I highly recommend this for anyone to read.
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Still Here
Chapter 10
Master List / AO3
A/N: This is it. The final chapter. I am overwhelmed by the response to this story. I have gotten so many wonderful messages from readers along the way and it’s been truly delightful to share it with you. Thank you to everyone who has read it, liked it, reblogged it, left kudos and comments on AO3, and DM’d me.
Huge thanks for @theministerskat for beta-ing the story and always being honest and challenging as needed. I asked you to beta because I have so much faith in your understanding of canon characters, so I knew you’d keep me in line as I attempted to write something that felt true to the story and characters we already know. 
This is my 6th completed multi-chapter story since I started writing in the fall of 2017. I am so grateful to have this creative outlet and to have found support and friendships because of it.
All right, enough jabbering. Enjoy!
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, 2021
Elizabeth watched in the hall for her parents, her hands nervously twisting the strings of her hoodie. A shadow preceded a figure walking towards her from the main entry, her father appearing seconds later.
“Hey, darling.” He pulled her into a quick embrace, and she felt his chest expand as he took a steadying breath.
“Where’s mom?” Elizabeth asked, still looking down the hall behind her father.
“She’s waiting outside. She’s a bit nervous about this and wanted me to take a look to see what you’ve got.”
His voice was calm and reassuring, but she could see his own nerves manifest in the way he chewed his lip and cleared his throat, his body rebelling against an unnatural rift in the flow of his life. He walked into the room and zeroed in on Luke, whom he’d yet to meet. They exchanged firm handshakes and awkward greetings before Luke launched into an introduction to what he’d found.
John’s head bobbed in acknowledgement of Luke’s words, but Elizabeth could see he was only hearing bits and pieces, desperate to see what the letters said. Luke finished and gestured for John to take a seat. Her father shook his head, but leaned over the table, palms pressed against the edge as his eyes began scanning the words. He only read a small amount before skipping to the next letter, his breath coming quicker. Looking up, he turned to his daughter. “Go get your mother.”
“I’m here.”
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just-a-kid-at-heart · 5 years
Yeah! It’s back!! I’ve missed these two and I think Jamie and Claire are missing each other as well, but I love how Claire’s first instinct is to share her new adventures with Jamie both immediately and planning to do it again in the future. Of course Jamie is hoping that Claire will steam up their letters a bit (he doesn’t want to disappoint John), but it is also nice to know that despite the teasing he is happy to hear from Claire and happy that she is enjoying her time so much, even if it is away from him. The letter is so perfectly Jamie and I love all of it. Still sad that these two have to be apart even if they are having awesome adventures, but I know it is just going to make their reunion even better.
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51
A huge thank you to all of you for sticking with me! And, as always, thank you to my beta, @theministerskat!
Chapter 52. Michigan Writing
Sassenach: I juuuuuuuumped!
My hands were trembling. It took me more than one try to write the message without mistakes. My fingers seemed to have a mind of their own, sliding on the screen, adding a stray H and two stray Os before I could command them not to. The moment the message was sent, I calculated the time in Michigan. Six-thirty. Still too early, but the first thing I wanted to do once I had land under my feet again was to share that moment with Jamie. Now, when my heart was still trying to escape from my chest – as if I could share the feeling with him through a simple text message.
Bungee jumping was amazing. Better than I thought it would be. Even now that I was standing still, I could still feel the adrenaline running through every tissue of my body. Waves were crashing against my skin, fighting for release, making me invincible.
All due to those scary, exhilarating sixty seconds when I felt I was challenging death. Trusting a rubber band to keep me alive and feeling my heart beating wildly, the blood rushing through my body, my voice leaving my mouth in shrill cries. The wind rippling through my hair.
Elation. Freedom.
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