Can someone explain to me how there are more than two genders?
Someone very close to me was born female but has gone through years of hormone therapies and operations to transition to a male and this is something he and I talk about. He is a trans man and I am a cis girl. He portrays himself (through his personality, clothing etc) as masculine and so do I. That doesn’t make me a trans male as well ... or non-binary... or trans female to female ... that just makes a tomboyish girl. Yeah, I wear men's shirts but I don’t do it because it’s a men’s item of clothing, I do it because I just tend to like the designs/fits better. I’m more comfortable. I don’t know why or how people cannot be just content with being a boyish girl, or a girlish boy, or an androgynous boy or girl.
The friend I mentioned before, the trans male, also agrees with me. He is transgender .. he transitioned from one gender to the other one. From male to female, and that’s all good. Even though I am the only girl at my uni considered “one of the guys”, I never wear makeup, I wear mostly men's clothing, (to sum it up, I don’t act like an everyday female) but I’m not going out there and feeling so insecure about myself that I invent a new gender just to make myself more unique. I’m a tomboyish girl; there is no need to overcomplicate things. All over this website, people say that “gender is on a spectrum” ... no, it’s not ... it’s just male or female ... however, PERSONALITY is on a spectrum: masculine, feminine, androgynous, introvert, extrovert, nice, mean, etc.
personality does not equal gender
gender does not decide what your personality is
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Equality is not having the same outcome, but having the same opportunity
my wise brother
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The Privilege Walk
My younger brother is in his last year of high school. He is a white, straight, cis male. In his social anthropology class, everyone participated in a privilege walk. There were several students teasing my brother beforehand, but when he teased them back, they replied: "Um, you can't talk like that, privileged white boy". You would expect him to come first in the walk, but not. He was dead last. Yeah, he did four steps forwards on "you are male", "you are white", "you are cis" and "you are straight" but that's all the steps he took. We watched as other people continued to walk ahead. "Your parents brought you a car", "you get regular pocket money", "never been made fun of for your religion", "never made fun of the way you talk", "never have been beaten up", "go on yearly overseas vacations", "never lived below the poverty line", etc. One of the girls making fun of him before actually ended up in the first place. We don't live in the USA so it might not be resonated with America racial issues, stop judging a book by its cover. Yeah, he's a white, cis, straight boy but I still remember when our family was so poor we bought our family Christmas gifts at the $2 shop.
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