just-zy · 2 days
kiss with a fist
“you hit me once, i hit you back, you gave a kick, i gave a slap”
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: tara needs a favour from perhaps the person she hates most on earth, but it just ends up drawing the both of you closer together.
warnings: explicit sexual content, fake dating 🤯, enemies to lovers, contrived plot because ha ha ha
word count: 4.8k
A/N: kinda had a lot of fun with this one. might do a part two, might just leave it as is, but let me know. inspired by kiss with a fist by florence + the machine (duh), lovely night from la la land, and various other inspirations.
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The moment your front door opened on its hinges, Tara Carpenter was pushing past you and barging straight into your apartment, stepping right over the threshold and checking you with her shoulder. You barely had a chance to process it, before she had wandered down the hall and into your kitchen in a blur.
You rolled your eyes, knowing you were in for an annoying ass conversation and slamming the door shut. “What do you want?” You called into your own apartment loud enough for her to hear you in the other room.
“Don’t be a prick about it. This is the last place I wanted to go,” she shot back, and you sighed to yourself in your dark hallway before fixing your hair in the mirror and following her inside. There was only about an hour of her bullshit you could put up with and then you’d be saved by the bell anyhow.
“Whatever happened to ‘hello,’ Tara?” You said, crossing your arms and coming in to against the doorframe. She had jumped up onto your counter, legs swinging and fingers gripping the edge of the blue ice glass tiles. In her left hand she picked up the bottle of wine you had left out next to some glasses and began to read the label.
"Lecture me later,” she said, not looking up at you, You were about to reply, or more aptly, tell her to get the hell out of your apartment, but she put the bottle down and narrowed her eyes at you, clearly struggling to say what she was really there for.
“Look, (Y/n), I need your help.” Ah. There it was.
"Hah," you scoffed without hesitation. "No."
She threw up her hands. "I didn’t even say what I was asking for.”
“Still, no. I’m not helping you.”
“Could you just not be an asshat for five minutes and listen to me? Like, is that too hard for you? Are you medically incapable?" She shot back.
"You're sitting on my counter. I didn't bust into your house and start making demands but here you are in mine,” you said.
"I'm asking for a favour," said Tara, raising her voice. "Asking."
"Wasn't much of a question though, was it," you replied. Maybe being a dick back to her would make her leave. She had always been able to dish it but never able to take it, and you wanted to make her. "You said 'I need a favour.' There's no question in that."
"No, I actually said I need your help, now would you shut up and listen?"
You scowled. "Y'know, I'm not really in a helpful mood tonight."
"Like you have something better to do,” Tara scoffed, raising her eyebrows at you.
"And what if I do?"
"Then I'd say you're lying. What, you don’t want to help me because you’re watching your stupid show, or reading or something?” she challenged back, getting up off your counter and walking towards you. You straightened up, glaring down at her. She only came up to about your chest, but the short girl still did her best to seem intimidating.
With you she always frustratingly failed to even make the smallest dent, though that probably stemmed from the fact you could pick her up and punt her like a football if you wanted to. On the days she managed to really piss you off, the thought grew more enticing.
"For your information, I was supposed to have a date," you said. Tara blinked at this, looking down from your stupid face. You wore a thick black turtleneck and some pleated black pants that hung stylishly from your waist. The wine made sense now, and Tara felt like an idiot.
“What’d you pay them?” she clapped back, covering for the feeling of intense heat rising to her cheeks. This was humiliating. She had come begging for your help of all people- you, and now she had nothing to show for it but the stupid, smug look on your stupid, smug face.
“Ha ha,” you said, dryly. “Get out.”
“Yes,” you insisted.
"So you're busy then…” she trailed off.
“Nooo,” she groaned, throwing up her hands in frustration.
You weren't sure what it was, maybe the pout of her lip or the shining of her eyes, but you shut your own for a second and let out a sigh. "Why? What's the favour?"
Tara shook her head in a generally amusing display of defeat. "It's whatever. Have fun on your date," she said, heading for the door and trying to brush past you, but you reached your arm across the doorway, stopping her from going.
"No, what's-" you stopped, rolling your eyes upon realising you were about to help Tara Carpenter of all people- "What's the favour, Tara?" Her face instantly lit up with a bright, beaming smile, the exact opposite of what it had been before, and it suddenly occurred to you she had been playing you like a fiddle.
"Oh my god, you're actually helping for once! Did you finally wake up on the right side of the bed?”
"Don't push it," you muttered. "I don't even know what I'm agreeing to, yet."
"See, about that..." she trailed off.
“We have to make Sam really, really mad.”
You shook your head at her. "Never mind. I'm not helping you anymore."
"You're trying to get me murdered," you said. "I don't have a death wish."
Tara was fully frustrated now, dark eyes fiery and staring up at you in the candle lighting. “You don’t even know what it is you’re doing to make her mad yet!”
“Doesn’t matter, if it’s Sam I don’t want to do it.”
“It would be a big help!” Tara said, clasping her hands in front of her like a prayer. You narrowed your eyes at her, more upset her expression and clear desperation was actually working on you, and that you felt compelled to help this idiot with an undoubtedly idiotic plan.
“What are you trying to do?”
Tara jumped up and down in excitement, smiling widely in a way you had rarely seen her. “Okay! Okay, so Sam said last month that she didn’t want me going to parties and meeting people because she was worried they were murderers.”
“Uh huh,” you said.
“Buuut, she said I could go if I had someone always with me. Like, someone with me that she approved of. So I didn’t wander off to hook up or drink, which is, y’know, the actual fun ‘college party’ stuff.”
“Uh huh.”
“The thing is though, that if I had a ‘partner,’” she raised her fingers to put quotes around it, “then Sam wouldn’t need to worry about me doing that, because she’d assume I’d be with them, hanging out, or even if we did go to a party, it would be together. Buddy system style.”
You raised your eyebrows, realising where this was probably going. “Uh huh?”
“Which is where you’d come in. Sam wouldn’t trust just anybody, if I told her I was seeing someone. But she would trust someone from our group, who she knows for sure isn’t going to murder me. And you- as fucking annoying as you are- are exactly that.” She had a twinkle in her eyes when she explained it to you, and you realised Tara had probably been plotting this- or at least considering it- for a while now, the little devil.
“You really expect Sam to believe we can tolerate each other?” You asked, squeezing your arms tighter against your chest. “She knows how much I hate you, and only person I hate more is her.”
“Trust me, I’ve complained about you to her too,” she rolled her eyes. “But you were literally my only option. Call it a romance of passion. We only ‘hated’ other to cover up for our real feelings or whatever. Sam doesn’t have to like you but she definitely trusts you.”
“How romantic,” you wrinkled your nose, disgusted by the suggestion. “Wait, why am I your only option? Chad is right there, he’s already in love with you and everything. He’s like the built-in boyfriend.”
She winced. “See, I thought about that. But I just know it would probably hurt him, with the hooking up and it not being real. He probably wouldn’t feel too great about me ‘cheating’ on him.” Tara did the finger quotes around it again and you let out a whistle.
“Wow, so you do have a heart.”
She scoffed. “More than you do. Besides, we only need to pretend to be together until I find someone actually tolerable. After that, you’re free again.”
“I had a date tonight,” you narrowed your eyes at her.
“But you’re still here talking to me for some reason?” She raised her eyebrows at you. “And the way you said ‘had’ I’m thinking you don’t anymore.” Tara could be annoyingly perceptive sometimes. She always seemed to zero in on the way you spoke or what you said.
“I wasn’t too excited for it anyways,” you grumbled, and Tara laughed, realising she had been correct and being all too pleased with herself. She clasped her hands together.
“Well then. Are you going to help me, or are you going to glare at me some more?”
“The second one sounds really appealing right now,” you shot back.
“Oh, come on. Don’t be too proud of an asshole to admit this is a great plan.”
“It’s a terrible plan, and it’s absolutely going to fail when Sam tries to murder me.”
“But you didn’t say no.”
You looked at her for a long minute, contemplating if this was really the path you were going to go down. You let out a sigh, shaking your head. “I’ll do it. But you’ll sure as hell owe me.”
“Yeah yeah,” Tara waved you off, beaming from ear to ear. “Great! We’re going on a double date with her and Danny this Friday.”
“What?!” Your mouth dropped open.
“Yep,” she said, annoyingly skipping down your hallway. “I’ll text you the address and time!” she said.
“Now wait a minute-” you called after her, but she had already latched open your door and left, leaving you to watch her go. Fuck, this would end terribly. You sighed again, taking out your phone to cancel your date.
This was so unbelievably stupid. The longer you stood outside the Italian restaurant, the more you regretted agreeing to help her.
The restaurant was nice at least, with giant marble stones and dark red accents, and you could see through the massive float glass windows that the lighting mostly featured romantic candles and potted floribunda roses against dark wood. It would ironically be the most expensive date you ever had, and you realised that with bitter sentimentality.
Tara was late, like always, and you had begun to pace along the sidewalk, tracing the cracks with the centre of your shoe while you waited for her. It was boring, out on the street, and the more couples that passed you and walked right inside, the more nauseous you felt. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket, thumbing over the cracked display.
She was ten minutes late. You swiped open your text messages, still seeing nothing from her.
are you here yet???
You sent the message hastily, waiting for the typing icon to pop up or even show that she read it, but nothing. Suddenly the screen lit up and your phone started vibrating it, and you almost dropped it in surprise. “Fuck,” you cussed quietly, seeing the call incoming screen and Little Shit (do not pick up) appear at the top. You frowned, hitting the green button and accepting the call.
“Where the hell are you??? I don’t know if you noticed but we’re late,” you immediately said into the phone, aware of just how annoyed you sounded.
“Relax,” replied Tara on the other end of the line, and you could hear her eye roll from here. “Danny is a late guy too, Sam gets on him all the time for it.”
“Yeah well, I’m standing outside waiting for your late ass.” You felt someone awkwardly push past you and you winced, spinning around to usher them an apology.
“I’ll be there in a minute, I had to pick something up,” she dismissed you. “Just don’t let Sam and Danny see you. I told them we were showing up together.”
“Well how the hell am I supposed to do that?” You frowned, looking around. There was a row of bushes off to the side but you were too tall and not at all willing to crouch behind them like an idiot.
“I don’t know. Figure. It. Out.” Tara spoke slowly like you were a child and you narrowed your eyes.
“Y’know, I’m doing you a favour?”
“Ha!” Tara exclaimed, and you hissed, pulling your ear away from the phone’s speaker at the loud noise. “So you admit, it was a favour!”
“Shut up and get your ass over here," you grumbled before hanging up shortly, looking around and wandering down a side alley. It smelled disgusting back there, in the ironic, almost-dark of sunset, and it would've been a lovely night to take a walk on, had it not been for wasting it on Tara of all people.
You pulled out a box of cigarettes from your pocket, fumbling one out and sticking it between your lips. You stuck the box back in your pocket and pulled out your fancy lighter that had your name engraved on the side, thumbing over the lettering for a moment before lighting the cigarette and sticking it between your two fingers.
It felt stupid, to standing there next to the dumpster and watching some rats scurry by, but you let out a huff of smoke, remembering how much Tara had seemed excited for the parties and having fun. You didn't like her very much, nor could you really claim to be much of a saint, but you weren't a monster either.
"What are you doing??" called a voice from the end of the alley, and you spun to see Tara near the line of bushes with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. She had her eyes narrowed at the cigarette, looking frustrated.
"Having a smoke. Why, want one?"
She let out a sigh of exasperation, marching straight up to you. "You can't go on a double date with my sister smelling like cigarette smoke. You know she hates that kind of stuff."
"I've smoked with her, before. Her and Mindy," you argued, pulling it from your lips to take a breath in. "I've literally given her cigarettes."
Tara glared at you, taking it from your hand and crushing it under her heel. "Yeah, well, she still hates you, and now that we're allegedly 'dating' it's different. We can't give her any reason not to trust us, and you smoking cigarettes is going to make her think I'm going to start smoking cigarettes."
You shrugged. "If she hates me so much, then she's never gonna let us 'hang out' alone or go to parties anyway."
"No, she-" Tara rolled her eyes. "She hates you, but she sure as hell trusts you. Enough to babysit me."
"Fine. What's with the flowers?" you asked, crossing your arms.
"You got them for me," Tara shrugged. "Pinnacle of romance."
You whistled to be funny, but it was a little bit impressive that she had planned that out. The plan wasn't especially well thought out, but she at least had her moments of surprising intelligence, which you couldn't begrudge her.
"Well then," she frowned. "Let's go, lover." She clutched the flowers in one hand and slid her arm to interlock with yours. You narrowed your eyes but started to walk her in.
"Don't call me that. It's weird," you muttered.
"Get used to it. Tonight we're the happiest couple on planet Earth."
The restaurant was somehow even nicer on the inside than it had been on the outside. Tara gripped your hand, tugging you along with her as she headed towards Sam and Danny's table and followed the waiter, but you were looking a little dumbfounded at the marble columns and Italian frescos painted to the walls and roof.
You made your way back, led into a giant room with a lot of people. Danny sent you a welcoming wave when they saw you; Sam looked like she was about ready to blow a gasket. She stared at you, eyeing you up and down and then lasering in on the bouquet in Tara's hands with a frown.
"Did you tell her your secret partner was me???" you whispered to Tara as you approached.
She smirked evilly. "Nope."
Fucking amazing. "Hey guys!" Danny said, friendly and open. He seemed just thrilled to be there, while Sam seethed right next to him. Tara smiled right at her sister, gesturing for you to sit next to her.
"Sorry we were late," Tara says, a little awkward but trying to seem comfortable. "We were, um..." she looked at you for help.
You blanked, throwing out the first thing you could think of. "Kissing!"
Sam nearly spit out her water, eyes widening at staring at you. Tara whipped to you, jaw slack and you sent her a sorry glance. Improv was not your thing by any means.
"Um," Danny blinked at you. "No worries. You're here now," he said with an awkward smile. His hand went to Sam's, trying to give it a comforting squeeze, but she looked like she wanted to jump over the table and then jump you. She was glowering.
"So," she said, eyes narrowed. "How long has 'this,'" she gestured between you and Tara, "been a thing?" She looked at you intensely, and you looked to Tara, trying to shrug it off. You both laughed, playing the part of the happy couple.
"Oh, a month," you said.
"Two months," Tara said, at the exact same time. Fuck.
You tried not to glare at each other. "Well, which is it?" Sam squinted at her sister, and Tara sent a kick at your leg under the table. Your knee hit the bottom of the table with a painful 'thud,' and it took everything in you to not yell out in pain from your knee cap hitting the wood.
You tried to smile it off. "Tara just said two months, because we went on a few study dates, but it wasn't official until a month ago."
"So two months then," Sam said, crossing her arms on the table.
"I get it," Danny said, nodding. "I'm bad at dates and stuff too," he laughed a bit. "I almost forgot how long Sam and I had been together after our four month anniversary." You nodded, sending him your best grin. Sam didn’t look too happy about that either, though.
"Yeah, long day, I guess." Tara said next to you, sending you her best smile, her hand coming up to rub your back. It was weird, having her this close, but you put on your best face, as if she touched you all the time.
"You go to Blackmore too, right?" he asked, and you nodded. "What do you study?"
"I'm in architecture," you replied. Finally, something you could talk about without feeling like you were crossing a minefield. From the corner of your eye, you could still see Sam staring you down with suspicion.
"Oh! That's awesome!" Danny replied, taking a sip of wine from his glass. "I love architecture, it's interesting."
"Mhm," you nodded, looking over at Tara and smirking with just a hint of malicious glee. "I tease her- my degree is actually useful. People don't really like film majors. They usually smell bad."
"Do they?" he asked, genuinely curious, and you turned back, nodding.
"Yeah, it's an unfortunately common stereotype. Film majors are annoying, smelly-," your words were cut off, feeling Tara's nail dig into your back for revenge and trying to stifle a wince. She gave the table a fake giggle.
"Okay, that's enough out of you," she said, and you grinned, cursing her out in your head.
"Why didn't you tell me it was (Y/n), Tara?" Sam asked, leaning forwards and studying you both. She seemed a bit miffed with the whole situation. You sent each other fake smiles, as if you were about to share a secret.
"Well," she said, trying to seem excited. "We just didn't want anyone ruining it, really. It was kind of a secret, and we didn't know what it would turn into. But it's just...it's been so fucking magic."
"Magic. Mhm," you hummed in agreement, looking off into the distance and pulling out the menu. You were just a bit too hungry to keep up with the game for the moment. Seriously? she shot you a glare, and you snapped to attention. "It is genuinely one of the happiest times of my life," you rushed, quickly smiling and then dropping your attention back down to the menu to look at some pasta.
“Does Chad know?” Sam asked, sitting back and staring at you both. Tara shook her head.
“Not yet. I don’t want to hurt him, but really, (Y/n)’s the one for me.” This was also a little bit impressive. Tara seemed to be a far better actor than you were, and Sam just nodded, suspicious but trusting her sister’s words.
The moment you walked down the block and out of Sam and Danny's eyesight, your hand dropped from Tara's. The sun was just about setting in the distance, and city traffic was starting to slow down a little.
"Oh. My. God. Her face!" Tara said, laughing. She keeled over, and you smiled a little, remembering Sam's look of disgust, but quiet monitoring of your hand clutching onto Tara's. She looked like a very conservative nun, witnessing a sin being performed in real time. It was a little funny, you had to admit, not that you'd ever be caught laughing along with her.
"Danny seems nice," you said, after you walked a little farther.
Tara nodded. "He's surprisingly not a douchebag. I thought he would be, like you or something, but he's not that bad for Sam."
You scoffed. "I'm not a douchebag."
"You definitely are," Tara said, shaking her head. "One month because it wasn't official? You said we were going on dates before then. That's definitely douchebag behaviour. Sam probably thought that meant you were seeing other people."
"Yeah, oh," Tara said, rolling her eyes. "And 'kissing'??? Literally anything would've been better."
"I'm trying to help you, it's either this or nothing," you huffed in annoyance. "I'm not an on-the-spot person."
"Clearly," Tara said, shaking her head in overdramatic emphasis. She stopped suddenly and you jerked backwards, seeing her mess with her shoes.
"You good?" you asked, shoving your hands into your pockets.
"These damn shoes- making me walk home- god dammit," she grumbled, messing with the straps and the buckle on the side. You waited patiently, leaning against a stone wall as you waited for her to finish.
The sky above you had turned a deep purple, small hues of orange and pink in the form of clouds sitting at the edges. It was really something, and you stopped to watch it, whistling. Tara jerked upwards, planting her foot down to stomp her shoe into place.
"What is it?" she asked.
"The sky," you said, and she craned her neck up to watch it with you. "It's just really beautiful tonight."
She hummed for a moment before looking back to you. "It's a shame I'm spending it with you, of all people," Tara snorted. "I'm sure this would be romantic to any other couple."
"It would probably really be something," you said absentmindedly, looking up in thought. "A real waste on you and me though."
"Glad we agree," she said, leading the way. You and her had taken a separate path from Danny and Sam under the guise of getting some ice cream, but neither of you were willing to pay for it. Instead, you had to figure out what you would do with ten extra minutes.
"Do you want to cross?" you asked, gesturing to the other street, she nodded and you walked up, pressing the button. When you turned back to her, her nose was wrinkled.
She shrugged. "Nothing. You just hit the button weird."
"What?" you blinked at her. "How can someone 'hit the button weird'?"
"I don't know, but you, like, pushed it weird. With your fingers."
You rolled your eyes. "Do you have a problem with everything I do?"
“Yep,” she nodded back. “It’s annoying.”
You guys kept walking in silence for the next block or two, making a square so that you could return to Sam and Tara’s apartment together. The sun had disappeared now and faded into night, and when you turned the corner to split off, she tugged on your arm.
“Hey wait, you have to walk me home.”
“What?” you raised your eyebrows at her.
Tara shrugged. “You have to, to make Sam think we’re dating.”
You blinked at her. “But we live on opposite sides of the city.”
“Tara if I walk you home I’ll miss the last train,” you grumbled. “That’s a long ass walk.”
“Cmon, we have to or she won’t believe it.”
You frowned. “You’re paying for my cab then.”
She sighed. “Fine, but come on.”
She tugged you down the long strip by the hand, stopping suddenly, a block from her apartment. “Here wait,” she said, turning to you. “Give me your jacket.”
“What?” you raised your eyebrows at her. “Why would I want to do that?”
“Oh just do it, do you have to argue about everything?”
You took it off with a glare, handing it to Tara. She tried to slide it on but it was massive on her, so she bunched up the sleeves. With the flowers in her hand and your jacket, it definitely looked like you two had gone on a date.
She grabbed your hand again, pulling you forwards along the street and smiling brightly in case anyone looked out the window and saw you both. It felt a bit odd to be playing dress up, but it was helping someone out, so you didn’t begrudge her on getting you to smile either.
“Wait wait wait,” Tara said, stopping abruptly.
You groaned. “Now what.”
She pulled you to the side, near a row of shrubs that sat next to the red brick of her apartment building. “Sam’s watching us through the window.”
You turned your head, trying to see for yourself, and there she was, hanging right out the window and watching you with intense suspicion.
"Don't look at her!" Tara snapped at you, whispering with a glare. You rolled your eyes.
"What do you want me to do then, Tara?"
She frowned, biting her lip while she thought. She gave you a grimace. "We need to do, like, a goodnight kiss or something."
You glared at the suggestion. "I think I'd rather die."
"Trust me, I don't want to either," she said, glowering right back at you. "But if we do this now, we won't have to ever again."
You thought for a moment. She'd probably taste disgusting anyways, and then it would just confirm what you already knew- you hated Tara Carpenter. "Fine. Just convincing enough though."
"Okay," she nodded. When neither of you made a move to close the distance, she frowned. "Do like, a countdown or something?"
"A fucking countdown," you repeated. "We're not five."
"Just do it!" she demanded, glaring again.
"Okay, fine, Jesus Christ. Three...," your face moved a bit closer to hers. "Two," you muttered quietly, still leaning in. "One," you said, and then Tara pushed her face onto yours.
It was a chaste kiss, probably sprouting from the fact that neither of you especially wanted to do it. Her lips were softer than you expected them to be and her breath nowhere as near as it would be in your head. You pulled away quickly, and there she was, smiling up at you in the fake way she had been at the restaurant.
"Party next Friday?" she asked. "Now that Sam thinks we're together she won't care if I go. Just pick me up and we can go 'together.' Plus there's a cute kid from my film class who said she would be there."
You nodded. "Whatever."
"Great," she said with similar shortness, and she brushed right past you, heading into her building. You watched her walk off, making sure she got in the door safe. Sam was still looking at you from overhead, even when Tara had gone, and you could see Quinn standing behind her, looking with morbid curiosity.
It had never even crossed your mind to kiss Tara, just because of how annoying her personality was, and you would have rather died than admit it had been nice- that she had been nice for a night. Instead you turned around, walking off. You were sure Sam was still watching you, as you went.
part two??? it shouldn't be too long before the next one, i had to split this up because it was getting insanely long and there's another half to the story. i didn't want this one to be like 8k words long, i'll just probably have another one that's 4-5k soon.
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just-zy · 6 days
so gooddd
Heyyy! I'm hoping I still got the time to request something!
Lorraine Day x Fem!Reader
Lorraine lives after the "accident" (did not get that headshot...) just has a scar on her face, don't know which side. R also survives and her and Lorraine gets closer, then they became an item.
R always caresses or gives kisses to Lorraine's scar/scars on her face, so she knows she's still that beautiful young lady as before.
I just want a fluffy, romantic one shot with my baby😭😭
Feel free to ignore this! Have a nice day/night!
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Lorraine Day x female Reader (Request)
Word count: 1.5k
You never should have agreed to this, you should have been happy working at a local store, away from all of these crazy ideas of movies that would make your life easy. Instead of that now you were trying to stop the bleeding from your left arm from the crazy old man trying to chop it off with an axe. And you needed the damn keys so you could get the hell out of here.
So, though it hurt as hell, you managed to get back into the house through the window and felt relief when you saw Lorraine and Maxine, relatively fine inside as well.
"Y/N! We need to find the keys!" Maxine told you as soon as she realized it was you and not one of the crazy duo.
"No shit," you looked through the drawers, desperately trying to find what you needed. "Lorraine, could you check these drawers to the side?" you asked, only now realizing the girl was on the verge of a panic attack.
"No! This is all your fault! I never should have listened to you!" she screamed at Maxine and you couldn't help but agree somewhat, though you figured most of the blame still fell on the crazy old people. But then Lorraine went toward the door and you just went after her.
"Wait, Lorraine!" you managed to grab her just as she came to the stairs and pulled her back. The resounding bang of the shotgun being fired deafened you for a moment and you expected pain, but you just felt the girl whose arm you were holding slumping back against you. "Shit!" you cursed, pulling her inside despite the amount of blood you saw on her face as the bullets just narrowly missed you.
That was three weeks ago and the entire ordeal after that felt like a blur, you somewhat remembered getting back into the house and trying to hide with Lorraine, and then being called just once by Maxine that she would leave if you don't get your ass out in fifteen seconds, and then dropping you off at the hospital, probably because you threatened her, and then you never heard from her again.
You came out of the ordeal fine, just the nasty scar on your left biceps and overall less strength in your left arm. Lorraine though… She lost a finger on her right hand and the right side of her face was scarred. It could have been worse, she could have gotten her face shot off, but instead you managed to pull her back just in time to prevent her death.
The damage was already done though, she was mostly blind in her right eye, and the scars were fairly prominent no matter how she tried to cover them with her hair.
The two of you ended up living in your house, left to you by your grandparents, but Lorraine hardly left the room, choosing instead to stay in the room you gave her. She barely spoke to you unless you spoke up first, she barely did anything and you could tell she wasn't doing well.
Not that you could blame her, given how she came the closest to death out of the three of you. You knocked on her doors and waited until she eventually told you to come in, you were carrying a tray with her dinner on it. Just some soup and mashed potatoes, since she was still struggling to chew, though doctors were sure her jaw would recover completely soon enough.
"Hey," you set the food down on the table next to her bed and sat down at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling?"
Lorraine looked to the side, hiding the right side of her face from your eyes. "Like I should have died," she spoke honestly for the first time. "I thought I could be an actress, and look at me now, an ugly freak," you saw a tear sliding down her cheek as her voice shook.
You stood up, stepped closer to her and knelt down. Carefully you reached up, touching her right cheek. "Don't say that, please," you whispered, your heart breaking for the girl when she pulled away from you.
"You shouldn't have pulled me back," she sobbed and the two of you just sat there, in an old room, with wooden boards for floors and an almost antique furniture, and barely any sunlight coming through the window.
"Lorraine," you whispered, lowering your hand on her shoulder.
"You're still beautiful, you're still you," you felt like your words weren't reaching her, but she leaned in, perhaps just desperate for comfort and allowed you to hug and hold her.
“No, I should have never let you go alone, I should have gone with you,” you told her, and she just shook her head.
The two of you met that day, nothing, absolutely nothing that happened should have made you feel obligated to come with her.
“I know it’s difficult for you, I know you’re stuck in that place, replaying what happened all day long and then falling asleep to those same thoughts. I know that every time you look in the mirror you want to cry, but I’m here for you. And I won’t stop until you can once again see that you are still beautiful,” you promised her. It’s only been three weeks since you met, yet you figured surviving something like that brought you and Lorraine closer together.
“That’s not possible,” she sobbed, and you heard a small gasp when you cradled her scarred cheek.
“Maybe, but I won’t give up without even trying,” you weren’t sure where the boldness came from, but you leaned in and kissed her forehead, the right side of it.
“Y/N,” she spoke your name so softly you barely heard her, and she looked you in the eyes and saw nothing but affection and honesty. You didn’t find her scars ugly, or hideous, or anything that must have been going through her mind. You still saw the beautiful shy girl that stepped into the van that day, only now with the proof that she was a survivor on her face,
About half a year later you were resting on the porch and watching the sunset with Lorraine leaning on your left shoulder. You put an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.
"Y/N," she giggled and it was like a melody to your ears to hear her happy once more. Following the first time she opened up to you things became easier for both of you and now you could enjoy each other's company just like this, even if Lorraine remained self-conscious about her scars.
"Hmm?" you kissed her forehead, where the top of her highest scar was, then moved down and kissed just beneath her eyebrow, down next to her eye, on her cheekbone, several times on her cheeks and along her jaw.
"You'll miss the sunset," she sighed, but she ran her fingers through your hair and lifted her head up a bit to give you better access to her face.
You caressed her left cheek, pulling her a bit closer. "Mhm, there's someone much more beautiful right next to me," you whispered, and only then, only after she parted her lips, you softly pressed your lips against her own, enjoying how she immediately pulled you in closer and kissed you back.
"You flatter me," she smiled, and you felt like her smile was even brighter than the Sun at its brightest. She went through so much and still had it in her to smile like this.
"It's not my fault my girlfriend is worth every praise in the world," you told her as the sunlight faded away.
"Yeah, and we missed the sunset again," she complained, huffing jokingly and leaning against you once more. The truth was you've been missing the sunsets for the past month, ever since Lorraine first kissed you in this exact circumstances, while you were watching the sunset and you gently caressed her right cheek. It made Lorraine feel better, and you genuinely thought she was still beautiful, that she was still the same girl you met that day in the van.
"I can't help it, you're so kissable," you defended yourself.
"Is that even a word?" she chuckled.
"It is now," you said and she pulled you in for another kiss, this time a bit more heated as her tongue teased your lips.
"Yeah, I think that word works," she muttered as she just barely pulled away.
She was so damn beautiful, and she loved you back, and while you wished she never got hurt, while you wished so many people didn't get killed by lunatics, you were happy the two of you were together.
A/N: Well, anon, here you go, hopefully a short but mostly sweet and fluffy one-shot. Thank you for the request!
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just-zy · 6 days
what the fuck
i bet on losing dogs
pairing: cairo sweet x fem reader
summary: in which cairo's obsession for mr. miller drifts you two further apart, and you can't do anything about it.
word count: 4.2k+
warnings: angsty (not proud of it) toxic cairo, mentions of sex, mentions of teacher/student relationships
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based off request!
Hey... Can I have a request?! Cairo Sweet x Fem!Reader
"I'm done waiting for you, Cairo."
Credits to: urfriendlywriter
Cairo was.. Honestly, you didn’t know how to explain to her. That’s just exactly how to describe her. She was indescribable. 
One moment in a day would you be like the teenage girl you are, in love. The beat in your heart would race, fluttering in your chest as she bit the eraser on her pencil, looking at you with eyes that made your legs feel like mush.
Then, another day you would feel hopeless. Helpless. Because the beautiful brown-eyed girl would leave you in the dust. 
She would sweep you off your feet, but never care enough to really catch you. Maybe that’s why you kept going back. To feel the thrill, to be loved for just a little moment with the girl you’ll love no matter what happens. 
But you had no cure, because she was so contagious. Addictive. She was like a drug that you couldn’t get enough of, yet there was no cure to make you stop. Cairo Sweet. It was in her name. Her genes. She was so syrupy sweet, you just couldn’t help it. You were too blinded to think properly. 
The amount of times Cairo swept your feet, you grew tired. Tired of her games, of her love that began to come off as a hoax. As much as you’d want to holler it out loud, you couldn’t say you were tired of her. Never. 
The countless moments where you were left in the dust, the rain. No seriously, the rain. 
“I’ll be there!” Cairo smiles, your grin wide. “I just need to discuss the essay for my final to Mr. Miller real quick. It should only take 8 minutes max.” The girl assures, rubbing your shoulder as you two e spend our lunch together. You lean into it. A part of you now wishes you could’ve changed it. Maybe you’d feel better not feeling the stabbing pain in your stomach.
“Okay,” you respond softly. “I can’t wait to work on that project with you! I think we’ll amaze her with our studies, then after you can spend the night and we can have ice cream!”
She laughs.
You can’t stop looking at her eyes. Syrupy sweet, not a hint of hesitance. She lifts a cigarette to her mouth, a soft smile on her face. Cairo nods, “We’ll outsmart the whole class with someone as smart as you,” she gives your nose a little boop with her finger before the bell rings.
Quickly, she packs her bags, stopping to look at you from time to time as she stuffs papers in it. Your eyes filled with expression, it comforts her to see the happiness that shines through them. It makes her smile too. 
The bell had rang, echoing through the hallways as the doors of classrooms slam open. The empty, hollow hallway is now bustling with everyone chattering and speaking to each other, giggling and laughing.
Winnie is by your side, the wavy hair girl walking with your arm linked to hers. “Cairo seems so into her final for Mr. Miller, don’t you think so?” She has the slightest accent, you slowly nod. 
“I guess so. She is a writer after all. Not to mention a talented one.” You go through the exits of Tennessee’s high school, stopping at one of the benches right at the exit. “I’m waiting here for Cairo, we’re going to finish our project, adding all the important stuff.” Winnie nods, handing you a lollipop as you take it. “Thanks.”
“See you, Y/N!”
You give her a small wave, watching her leave. 
It had been ten minutes since the bell rang, the students slowly beginning to die out. You’d call your mom once Cairo would come, you liked having conversations with her anyway. Chatters of students still quietly linger. You stand up, peeking through the gates, they’re closed.
Thirty minutes pass and a sigh escapes your lips, bored. Maybe Cairo is just having more questions to ask, like she always does. You plop the lollipop that Winnie gave you into your mouth, stuffing the wrapper in your jacket. 
It had been officially an hour and four minutes. You don’t even know why you waited this long. As if it couldn’t get any worse, rain begins to drizzle down, damping your hair. For the first time, Cairo left you out there, in the rain. You stare at your phone, gripping it so tightly that your knuckles spread to white. You try to wait for a text, anything so Cairo makes it aware that she’d be a little late, but it never comes. 
You call your mom, sniffling as you press your ear to the phone, kicking your feet across a puddle. You wipe your eyes, 
By the time your mom honks, waving you with a smile on your face, you weakly give one back, walking up to her. Wet clothes stuck to your figure, drenched and shaking. The look on her face gives it all, your mother sees through you no matter what. 
“Hi, honey. Where’s Cairo? Didn’t you say that she was going to come to ours today?”
You stiffen, throwing your soaked backpack in the backseat. Cairo didn’t even live that far. She always walks to school. “She’s busy,” you reply, turning away from her. You look out the window, sinking into your seat. “Like always.”
“But didn’t you two have that project, it’s due tomorrow, no?”
“Well she can’t make it, okay?” You mumble.
“Oh, well maybe she can come over some other time,” she leaves it at that. 
The more you think about Cairo, the more you feel sick, the lollipop disintegrated in your mouth.
You can’t help but feel the sweetness of the lollipop leave a new awful taste in your mouth. Your mouth fills with saliva, how it always does whenever you are upset. You swallow it down.
You did almost the whole project by yourself, you were up till 2AM.
So when school arrives the next day, you’re barely awake, turning it in and tired eyes completely avoiding Cairo’s gaze.
“8 minutes my ass,” you mutter while slamming the project into the turn-in basket.
From that day on, it just kept happening.
Like always, you somehow always manage to come back to Cairo. You can’t help it. To turn away those doe-like eyes makes you feel like you just murdered an innocent creature. 
Cairo Sweet. 
Sourness coats your tongue when her name rolls off of it. 
After countless stand-ups and sobbing in bed, even when you forgive her, you can sense that you two are drifting further apart. She’s been snapping at you a little more often, ignoring you sometimes, it makes you feel unloved. You don’t like it. You really don’t like it, yet you can’t stop it. 
“It’s that stupid final she’s doing, Winnie. Ever since Mr. Fucking Miller assigned to her, it’s like she hasn’t had time for anything. She only has the time when it comes to him, “ you rant, wiping your mascara stained eyes with your fingers. 
Winnie looks thoughtfully at you, a small frown tugging at her lips. She sighs, patting her thighs, “Come here, sweetheart.” 
When you crawl in between her and her comforter, she cuddles you. “Sometimes people are like that. They abandon things when they find a new thing to obsess over. Even when the things are the most important to them. It’s like they forget about what the thing did to make them feel so special and go running off to a new one because it makes them feel good.”
She strokes your hair as you sniffle into her neck. From her eyes, you looked so vulnerable. Like how you did when you first got into arguments with your parents. “I’m sure once that final is over, you two will be back into two peas in a pod. Three, including me at times,” she cracks a smile at you. 
You don’t respond, looking away, before mumbling, “Winnie, I don’t think it’s that final.”
“Cairo was writing about a prompt to answer what love was,” you look up at her, trying to make her understand. “I read some of it, and it was straight up smut, Winnie.”
You couldn’t believe it when you first read it. The way your eyebrows contorted, lips pursing into a tight line. You memorized one of the lines she wrote as you recited it out loud. “His fingers, long and ribbed, glistened with the arousal that gushed out of Alice’s heat like a riverbed-”
“Okay fuck that shit, who’s “he” exactly?”
“That’s the problem. It’s about a student-teacher relationship Winnie. The final isn’t the issue. She’s trying to convince herself that there's some connection between her and Mr. Miller.”
“That man is at least 80 years old-”
“Whatever, but if Cairo is trying to experiment how far she can go with her charms. I’m going to be proud to take the trophy for who has the most reasonable crushes.”
“You cannot be talking right now Winnie.”
“Boris is a different story! But like, for anyone else, I’m an equal opportunist. I’d fuck you.”
“I know.”
“See, reasonable crushes.”
You roll your eyes, it doesn’t really make you feel better.
Winnie thinks for a moment, it’s silent, until you almost see a lightbulb flash above her head. “Cairo loves lantern festivals. She wouldn’t miss one for the world, what about this?..”
Your knee bounces up and down, waiting in your usual spot after school for Cairo. It’s the first bench under the tree. As you see her, you’re about to wave, until you see him. 
Mr. Miller walking Cairo out of his classroom, patting her shoulder before making eye contact with you briefly. You narrow your eyes as he gives a disgustingly sweet smile to her before turning away. You flip him off, like a fire burning behind your pupils.
Tell your baby that I'm your baby.
“Y/N!” she shouts, grinning as she walks up to you. “Hey!”
“Hi, Cairo.” you greet, offering to take her books, which she thanks.
“I’m almost done with my final essay for Mr. Miller. I think he’ll be able to write my letter of rec for college in the future. Probably going have to meet with him after school on some days.”
“Sounds fine,” you plainly respond, holding her books. “By the way, I was thinking that next Saturday we could spend some time together. Maybe Winnie can come too.”
The writer hums in contentment as you keep going, “I’ve never gone to a lantern festival before, and they’re holding one next week. It’s like 2 hours away and I really wanted to go with you.”
A flutter in your chest erupts as you see your favorite brown eyes shimmer. “Yeah,” she says, “Yes, I’d love to go with you!”
After the slow ticks of the clock and marks on the calendar, getting closer to the countdown, Saturday finally comes.
You hate the way it feels so long when you’re in school, waiting for the weekend, but it dashes by when summer break arrives. You especially hate it when you’re waiting for an event, it makes the time go by even slower.
Winnie kept patting your shoulder and teasing you about it. “Probably because you’re looking a bit too forward with spending time with Cairo.” She’d say. “I mean, I love lantern festivals! But you seem so much more excited than I am.”
An oversized tee gets draped over your figure, pairing it with blue jeans as you try to look decent before dashing out the house.
Your mom drives you, in which you're happily hoping to spend the night in Cairo’s bigger car. She told you she brought blankets and stuffies and everything. When you think about it, you grin through the refreshing breeze that blows in your hair.
“You seem extra happy, Sunshine,” your mom notices, smiling at you. “Just how I love you, always so bright.”
The afternoon sun illuminates through the city as minutes and hours pass, changing into a grassy meadow. You stick your head through the window, feeling alive every time the wind hits your hair. Everytime you close your eyes, you see the picture of endless floating lanterns lighting up the night sky. 
Like a scene out of Tangled.
You have to actually turn on the radio and sing your feelings out.
“Now she's here, shining in the starlight, Now she's here, suddenly I know. If she's here, it's crystal clear, I'm where I'm meant to go”
Two hours pass by, and you hop out of your mother’s car. “I’ll stay nearby, okay? Your aunt's house is only 25 minutes away.”
You nod, kissing her cheek goodbye as the clock hits 5:45. The grassy meadow surrounds you, slightly swaying from the breeze and glowing from the setting sun. You see people setting up their tents, so you lay down a towel and send Cairo a text.
y/n: hey! i’m here, i got us a seat. can’t wait to spend the night in your car!
Birds chirp along with the chatter of people around you. It soothes your body a little as you lean back and take a nap, your mind only on the excitement that you get to spend this moment with Cairo Sweet.
You wake up from the sound of fire crackling, your eyes adjusting to the lanterns that people are preparing to let go in about an hour and thirty, when the sun will completely set. The weather is cool, breezy, sunny, and the light blue sky plastered with fluffy clouds. You head to get some floating lanterns, noticing that Cairo isn’t here yet. Maybe it’s traffic.
A nagging feeling tugs in your gut as you hear the giggles of couples decorating the lanterns together.
As you head back with three large lanterns in your hand, you check your phone. No new messages, your shoulders fall to their sides, sighing.
You immediately perk up from the call of your name, turning around and seeing Winnie, a bright smile on her face. You wave her over.
“Hi,” you say, looking at her hair that’s put down.
“Hey, cutie, what’s with the sour face?”
The silence is really all she needs as she goes, “Oh. She’s still not here? I thought I was really late.” That made you feel a little worse.
Cairo wouldn’t abandon you, sure she has canceled plans last minute thousands of times, or made you wait longer than usual, but not in the dark. Not in the dark knowing how much you looked forward to this. Your heart tugs again, your breath getting stuck in your throat.
It’s the same feeling your tiny self felt when your childhood best friend moved away, or a thousand times worse than realizing that the tooth fairy wasn’t real.
y/n: where r u? the festival is going to start soon.
Really hoping you’re not going to stand me up again, like the plenty of other times you did. You really wished you could have added that phrase.
6:30 and still no sign of her. You know you’ve cried like a little child because of her, you’ve tried to avoid her in every way possible. Yet no matter what, it always seems that the sweet girl you’ve known comes back to you moments later. 
She’s just running late. The tiny voice in your head says, to somehow calm your nerves down. Winnie squeezes your hand, urging you to decorate your lanterns together. So you force the growing lump in your throat with a painful swallow, nodding and beginning to draw flowers that somehow are Cairo’s favorite ones. “It’s going to be okay,” she softly coaxes, and you feel like crying into her arms. 
You really thought she wouldn’t do it this time. You really started to believe that she was good at heart for you. Maybe she could be. But you didn’t want to give her the chance anymore, you were officially drained.
The sunset envelopes you and Winnie in its eternal color of the sunshine, though the warm feeling is rather cold. Cold and ugly. You would’ve been used to it, but you drove 2 hours for her. You knew you could count on Winnie, but you traveled so far for Cairo to be able to spend time with her. Now it just seems like she’ll throw you away whenever Mr. Miller is around. 
She’ll talk about him almost anytime she can, it makes you feel insecure. Sometimes, you wish you could just shake her brain and tell her, “I’m right here.” You were there all along. You would be there when she needed it, but she was never there when you needed her. A moth to a flame.
Even when your heart cracks more and more, to love is to sacrifice, your broken hand is still holding on. Cairo is the only thing you’d ever know about love. 
Even when you tell yourself to get over it, to ignore her, you can’t help the way your heart turns into goo when she smiles at you. I won’t let go yet. You promise to yourself as she crashes her lips to yours, alcohol coating her tongue as you have the need for more. 
Take me, your heart sings as Cairo, drunk and wanting, tears the bottom of your blouse, the room filling with your breathy moans.
You need to let go, Your brain pounds against your forehead as you’re left in the dark of the movie theater, an empty seat next to you. A seat that was meant for your hand to hold hers.
Why do you manage to always forgive her? Believe that she’ll be “okay” this time? Why did you always let her in knowing that she would do the same thing once again?
7:30, the lanterns begin to lift off, your eyes half-lidded with unshed tears as you hold onto your floating lantern. Winnie turns to look at you, but you don’t look back, the small ember glistening against your glossy eyes. 
She was just late. She’d come. Your heart grows a little heavy.
“Hey,” she says softly, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “It’s going to be okay. Cairo is just stupid, she’s been stupid ever since Miller. But I don’t want to talk about her right now, okay? Let’s spend the night together and we’ll see what to do when it’s over.”
You still avoid eye contact, can you really just feel okay if someone tells you? That’s never worked for you.
A floating lantern symbolizes the hope of the moments ahead and being able to move on. To mark the start of a new beginning. Your eyes flicker to all the children with their family, smiling happily, the couples who are cuddling together as they prepare to let go of their lanterns. Every time you saw something like that, you thought of Cairo. You wondered if she ever thought of you.
I guess fate brought me here, you tell yourself. When your favorite person turns into a memory of a lesson. Gosh, you hated when you saw quotes like that, even worse now that you understood it with each tear that poured out of your eyes.
You cling onto the lantern like it’s the most important thing of your life as you shut your eyes. You think about Cairo, your best friend, someone that you always told yourself loved you. You hope she still did. Winnie feels your head placed on your shoulder as you finally let it go. Finally let her go as it flies away with the specks of others, lighting up the night sky. It was like a reminder that she was slipping away.
Tonight, you thought it would’ve ended differently as you watch it mix in with the glow of other lanterns, other wishes, other endings.
All those times you look into these eyes, even the ones that aren’t hers, you remember that her eyes that once admired you are gone. You’re watching her watching him.
You’re standing here, waiting for something that you knew for a long time might never come. Love’s a game of heartbreak. The latest you could do is slump down to the blanket and toss your body into Winnie’s, closing your eyelids and letting yourself relax. It was cold, yet you didn't bother to ask for a blanket.
“Y/N, baby. We gotta get going.” A voice, soft and sweet coaxes you awake. You're no longer on Winnie’s shoulder, but a lap that you know all too well. You scramble off of Cairo with your eyes wide, blinking, adjusting, before letting yourself cry.
Cairo hasn’t seen you cry in almost ages. Well you’ve never cried in front of her, but knowing that she stood you up again, arriving almost 3 hours later, it tells her a lot of how much you did when she wasn’t there. 
Her eyes look at yours that are closed, sniffle, “Hey, don’t cry. Why are you crying? I’m so sorry I missed this-”
“You’re never sorry!” You hiccup, forcing your shut eyes open, “If you were in all the times past, you wouldn’t have left me here again! I had my mom drive me 2 hours just so I could picture myself wishing you were beside me!” 
When was the last time she made you feel like she actually loved you?
“It seems like you don’t need me anymore, Cairo. You find something else to obsess over and run away when I need you.”
“I do need you,” she argues, looking at you in disbelief. Yet you can see that a part of her knows that you’re right.
“Only when Mr. Miller isn’t here to make you feel good.”
“T-that’s not true!” She stammers, “You aren’t understanding what you’re saying-”
“I always want you when I'm finally fine, Cairo! That’s the problem with you! I can’t stop crawling my way back to you because my heart can’t beat without your reassurance, even if it’s just a sweet glance. But every time I’m standing here, you’re turning me away. And the only way for me to stop loving you is when I’m here, telling you how I’ve felt every single time you’ve left me in the dark for the attention of a 50 year old man that I’ve given you since the start! I’m not some toy that you need at moments- I-I needed you too.” You murmur, looking down, ashamed with the hot tears leaking out of your eyes.
It takes Cairo a moment to pull you back onto her, “I’m sorry,” she tries, her hand around your cheek. “I just.. I didn’t… He failed me on that final and I just needed to know why and I guess-”
“It’s okay,” you say, finally looking into her eyes while you put your hand away from your face. “I tried thinking that maybe it was that final for Miller, that you needed time to write something amazing for your final, like I knew you’d always do. But instead, you made your assignment obsessing over him.” 
Gosh you felt so stupid looking back at your naive self. “To see him in the hallways and talking to him while I stood there waiting for you, forgetting that I was even here in the first place.”
Cairo’s silent, eyes pleading as she tries reaching out for your hand, but you pull away. “I’m done waiting for you Cairo. Maybe you can pursue focusing on him more and don’t have to worry about focusing on me.” You bite back a shiver, your body shaking slightly.
She watches you turn away as Winnie wraps you in a blanket. Disappointment flickers in her best friend’s eyes as she helps you walk away. Cairo wishes, oh so terribly that you would turn back, to look at one more time, but you don’t.
Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down.
You stop for a brief moment, about to hop into Winnie’s car, before turning to her, looking down at her shoes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t enough, Cairo. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I’m sorry it ended like this, I never met to hurt you.” She wants to say, but bites her tongue as your body slips away from sight, Winnie starting the engine. It was too late now.
Cairo made you wait, made you see a flicker of hope in her candle and she blew it. She made you wait in the cold.
She really wrote her story on your heart. But was it ever a good one? Maybe there were some that lingered freely in your heart, but her story would’ve never lasted like you wanted.
It was rare, she almost never saw you sitting on the same first bench. There were days where she immediately ran out of Mr. Miller’s classroom to push through the students just to go to that bench, to be reminded that you weren’t there to wait anymore. There was no one to wait for her anymore. The spot was always empty.
You’ll always want her when you are finally fine, even when you’d feel like your heart healed, it never would. Because you always needed her. You can’t heal without her.
Now every time your eyes meet in the hallways, you’re the first one to tear your gaze. Maybe it was just for the best. Tear your eyes away from her pretty ones before she tears your heart apart.
You wish that one day, when you meet her when you two are older, she’ll be the person you once knew. Your Cairo Sweet. The one that didn’t leave the sickening taste on your tongue.
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just-zy · 8 days
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ABIGAIL (2024) Dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett
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just-zy · 8 days
Lost a letter (I)
pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader!
summary: You have a hard time trying to swoon Wednesday, but having her roommate be your friend? It doesn't always end well.. Maybe..
A/N: hello! been awhile, hasn't it? here's a little something, I've been having writers block for so freaking long, I have this pending Vada fic rotting in my drafts cuz ion kno how to finish it 😭, but I'll find the time to finish it sooner.. eventually.. Anyways! Hopefully you guys enjoy this for the meantime. (Werewolf Reader!)
Warnings!: cursing, I don't know, my writing, lemme know if I have a bunch that needs to be put on warning!
part 2 || Masterlist
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It was a random Tuesday afternoon, nothing too serious. Well for Wednesday Addams, it wasn't. Considering it was her writing time, she had no care of her surroundings, no care for the world at the moment, no care at all. Unlike you, you were sprawling, whining, and succumbing into the sheets of your mattress as if it was eating you alive. Enid being with you in your room, wasn't much of a help to your problem.
"Enid! You can't just tell her that I wanna take her out on a date! That's Wednesday Addams, that'd be a total turn off for her.." I fuss with her about that fact. She knows I'm right.
Enid looks at me like I was some kind of stray, "But isn't that what you wanna do? Wednesday likes straightforward people more." The blonde shrugs with a smile. A smug one. "I wouldn't even dare say a word to her, Sinclair." I grumbled in the sheets I was in, gosh I was so done with being in love.
"You know, you have a chance with her. She likes you." I heard shuffling and thought nothing of it, I scoffed at the thought.
Feeling the bottom of my bed dip, I peaked out of the covers and saw Enid smiling at me with a raised brow. "You do know I bite, right?"
She rolls her eyes at me and begins shaking my covered foot. "Why not make a letter? Get your feelings out before asking her on a date! Seems good, no?", looking at me with such hope. I had no heart to say no.
"Who... can tell me, how plants convert light energy into chemical energy?"
I wasn't much of a botany student, I didn't like botany, but I do have knowledge about this class. It didn't come off as hard for me as I thought it was. So, I raised my right hand, I did expect a few to try and answer as well, although it was just us three. Wednesday, Bianca, and Me.
"Oh! Yes! Y/N, can you tell me how?"
"Uh– well, through the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a critical process that sustains plant life and provides the foundation for the energy supply of nearly all living organisms on Earth.."
As I finished my answer, I heard a few whispers. I wasn't much of a talker, much more looked like I was a student in Nevermore considering I was a loner, so it was understandable. And, uncomfortable.
"Thank you for that, Miss Y/L/N."
Though, I couldn't help but avert my attention to my peripheral vision, Wednesday's desk was just right next to me. She was looking at me.
It might've caused me to shudder, just a bit.
"Botany class was something.." I said, chewing on the food I was eating.
Enid sat in front of me as we ate dinner. We were currently in the Quad, she insisted I tell her how I felt about what happened at Thornhills class earlier, even though she was present in the class.
"She was looking at you! I saw that!" She presses and starts eyeing me up and down. "Enid. You were asleep, how could you have seen that?" Chuckling at the thought of Enid just peaking at us and pretending to be asleep.
"I- uh- I felt it! I just know it. Honestly, you don't take my conclusions seriously!" She huffs and starts to chomp on her food so aggressively.
"But in all seriousness.. How's the letter going?" She leans to me a little closer, whispering as if what we talked about was something illegal.
"I– I don't know. I mean, I finished it last night, what about it?" I asked skeptically, I didn't exactly like where this question was headed.
"Give it to her!"
"Are you crazy?! You said nothing about giving it to her–!" I shrieked and felt my cheeks get warmer. I knew this girl was trouble. "But it is for her, right?.." She began straightening herself up,
"Enid. Sinclair. I swear to God you won't be able to see the light of day tomorrow if you satisfy that want of yours–"
"I'm sorry! She needs to know!"
She bolted out of her seat right before me!
Being both werewolves had its perks, we were faster, and stronger, compared to mortal strength.
But that doesn't change the fact that Enid's a werewolf as well! Idiot! Run faster!
I didn't care how loud I was, I needed to get to my dorm first before she could. I was able to catch up to her on the hallways, thanks to the adrenaline, though it didn't help that she was a tad closer to getting inside before me.
My dorm was in sight, I pumped my legs faster and grabbed the back of her vest and she slipped to her bum. "Goddamnit Y/N! That hurt!" She stays in place and looks at me so hard I could feel my face grimacing.
I turned away from her and before I could run up to my room first, I felt her seize the opportunity by grabbing onto my left foot, making me fall forward and my face flat onto the wooden floor.
"Oh, fuck! I'm sorry!"
She apologizes and leaves me here? How sweet. I knew I lost, I couldn't move my body considering the painful aching on my face. I whined and winced at the pain.
She had a spare key, which was unfortunate. Although I didn't have a roommate, it was pretty lonely sometimes. Sometimes.
I heard shuffling, lots of shuffling. Does she not see the letter that was unluckily displayed on my desk.
Quietly but quickly standing up, I didn't even care how I felt my uniform started wrinkling. I went inside and saw her standing in the middle of the room, eyeing me menacingly. "Where is it, Y/L/N."
I thought about either telling her where it was or if I'd find it for myself... I fled to my desk where my letter was. Where the letter was supposed to be. Where it's placed. Which wasn't there.
"It's not here."
"I thought we've established that already.." I glanced at her, seeing her arms crossed.
"No– It's supposed to be here! I made sure I kept it here."
Oh no.
I've looked everywhere and decided to finally give up and wait until tomorrow. I'm sprawled onto my sheets thinking and recalling where I had last placed that damn letter, I didn't know where it could've went or how it could've been taken. Even Enid was worried about its whereabouts, I let out every emotion I felt for Wednesday on that individual letter. What would happen if someone took it and shared it publicly? I had my initials on that letter, and as well as Wednesday's!
Fuck my life. I should have never made that stupid letter.
I felt my eyelids drop slowly, maybe, tomorrow I'd finally grasp and tear that shit apart.
I'll find it before it finds Wednesday Addams.
A/N: bumbumbummm wadya think? I've decided to make this a series 🙀 I guess only a two parts series kinda thing... (I lost motivation and wanted to give u guys something before I lose my mind completely.)
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just-zy · 8 days
Soul Secrets
Word count: 2.9K
Summary: the not so typical soulmate mark AU. You own a bakery, and your mark goes famous without you having no idea why or even who has it.
Warnings: bad writing. That’s it.
Pairing: Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
Started writing this a month and a half ago and finished it now on my laptop, I think it came out good? Idk you guys let me know!
Having a bakery was by far one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do in your life. You had inherited this shop after your parents died in a tragic accident, and ever since you had been struggling quite a lot. Your shop was famous in Los Angeles, you had a lot of orders from celebrities and famous people, and you had enough money to pay the shop bills and pay for your nice dream house where you lived on your own. You also worked on your own, the shop had always been handled by the family, so you had to keep going on your own. It wasn’t a simple bakery where people come and go just to buy orders, you also offered bar services, where you wold sell donuts, cake pieces and whatever you could come up with.
Your parents always told you ‘when you find your soulmate, you’re gonna work here together and continue the family’s legacy’ and you were always up to that, if it wasn’t for the fact that you had one of the rarest soulmate marks in the whole world. A piece of braided hair on your right collarbone, just under your visible bone. Usually your soulmate mark represents a part of you, a part of your life… but you couldn’t find it a meaning, no matter how hard you tried. You never hid it, but you weren’t trying to show it either, and your friends… well, you didn’t have any. You dedicated yourself to your shop, it was the only thing you had left from your parents and you wanted to make it worth it, you wanted to keep the name high. So you never knew if there were other people around with your same soulmate mark.
On this particular day where the bakery has been less busy than usual, you were turned around listening to some music on the radio and singing along, when the door to the shop opened. “Hello and good afternoon! How can I help you today?” You said turning around and looking at who had just entered, it was a short brunette, shoulder-length hair and chocolate colored eyes, freckles all over her nose and cheeks… she was marvelous. You gulped as you met her eyes, silently gay panicking as you waited for her to speak. She smiled at you before speaking. “Hey there, I would like-“ she stopped when her eyes travelled from yours to your collarbone, where she saw your soulmate mark. Her shoulders slumped, and you gave her a confused look.
“You’re one of those people.” She sighed and looked away. “…what people?” You asked, “yeah I have a rare soulmate mark, is that weird?” You asked her again and she chuckled, was she mad? You didn’t know. She shook her head. “A lot of people had that soulmate mark tattooed because it is incredibly famous. Can’t believe there’s someone that would get to this point just for attentions” she seemed upset, but you weren’t gonna let a complete stranger talk to you like that. “Uhm excuse me? I have no Idea what you’re talking about. I was born with this mark, I’ve had it for as long as I can remember, hell I even have baby pictures of me with it! I don’t have social medias, I don’t go to the movies and I definitely don’t know why it even is famous. If you came here just to talk to me like that, then there’s the door, turn around and leave”
You pointed to the door, and the girl in front of you, who didn’t even introduce herself, looked at the door before moving to sit down at one of the tables, waiting for you to go get her order. You sighed and shook your head, you were about to close up actually because it was closing time, but something inside of you told you not to. Something inside of you told you to wait, get her order, her name and just get to know her. So you finished up what you were doing, and headed towards her, to take her order. “Sorry about… that. I just don’t like when people talk to me like they know me or they have an idea about me” you said and she nodded, seemingly understanding but she seemed distraught. However you didn’t know her, so you couldn’t interrogate her about that. “What can I get for you?” You asked, notepad and pen in hand as you flashed her a smile.
“What have you got? I’ve had a lot of coworkers tell me about this place and how good they eat whenever they come here” she said and that made you smile brightly. “That’s really good to know” you said “uhm, I don’t have anything fresh out of the oven, but if you wait a bit more I’m actually working on a new recipe fresh out of my mind” you said, “that is… if you’re not in a rush” you said and shrugged “isn’t it closing time?” You nodded “yes it is, I can still close and let you stay to try it?” You watched the girl think about it for a moment before she nodded, and you nearly jumped excitedly and went back to the kitchen. To the girl… this was actually really weird. You didn’t know who she was, you didn’t know that she was Jenna Ortega and that she was a famous actress and that she was your soulmate. You didn’t know that she had the same mark as you and that it was leaked in her new upcoming movie’s trailer.
She wanted to get to know you.
Soon enough you were back at her table, a piece of cake in a plate and the whole dish itself looked amazing. It was perfectly done, perfectly decorated… and she knew that it would taste just the same. Perfect.
And it did, it was perfect. You sat on the chair directly in front of her, watching for any sign of a reaction. The girl let out a grunt/moan of pleasure, and you couldn’t help the smile that forced its way on your mouth. “How is it?” No reply came out of her yet, but she took another bite. “God, this is amazing” she said and kept on eating it “what are the ingredients?” She asked and you smiled “it’s a vegan cake actually. I’ve had people ask me some but I’ve never tried anything, until now.” You said and watched as she went wide eyed “you’re telling me that this is not actually made out of milk and stuff?” She watched as you nodded “damn. You must be a really good chef” she said and smiled “thank you thank you. I uhm… I Don’t think I caught your name?” You said smiling.
“I’m Jenna” she said and held out her hand. “Well nice to meet you Jenna, I’m (Y/N)”
That, is how you met your mother- no wait. That is how you met your soulmate. Only… you didn’t know it was her. The more time passed, the more you two got to know each other and let me tell you, there was a connection that both of you felt immediately. You were just so at ease with each other, you made each other feel safe and happy and it was by far the best you’ve felt after your parents’s death. You had learned about her that she was an actress, that she had a new movie coming out soon and that she was now having a break, just being with her family and making time to relax, coming to your bakery especially at closing time and you let her. You knew how hard it must be being famous, if she ever came during the day she would be surrounded by fans so you let her come past closing time, you closed the shop and let her stay in so she could relax and try your new recipes.
It had now been a couple months and On this other day you had closed the shop, waiting for Jenna as you sat down at her usual table, managing the bills while a new recipe was cooking in the oven when you heard a knock on the door. You smiled brightly when you saw Jenna, unlocking the door to let her inside. She immediately smelled around before sitting down where you were just sitting. “Making me something new?” She asked and you smiled, nodding. “Yep! You seem like the cinnamon kind of girl so I’m making something cinnamon based” you said as you made your way to the kitchen, where a sweet cinnamon cake had just finished getting ready. “You know me well” she giggled and sat down, soon you brought her the sweet before sitting back down in front of her, eyes on the bills again.
“Managing bills?” She asked as she saw you nod and sigh, hands in your hair. “Yeah. I’m not really good at this stuff. It takes me hours and I’m glad I have company now” you said and tapped your pen on the table “don’t you have anyone to help you? Parents, friends, soulmate…” she said as she looked at you “well,” you sighed “parents are dead and I inherited this shop, friends I don’t really have any and soulmate… unknown” you shrugged “soulmate marks usually have a meaning in your life, but what does a piece of braided hair mean? I’ve never even braided my hair!” You chuckled at yourself before going back on your bills. “Random question uh, you remember that I told you I have a movie coming out?” You nodded at her. It was the movie where her mark was leaked, the same mark you had on your collarbone and that you didn’t know she had.
“Do you want to come with me to the premiere?”
Unlike your expectations you agreed. You were going to a Movie premiere, Jenna’s new movie. You didn’t usually get out of your eyes if not to go open your shop, you didn’t go to the movies as you had no one to go with but now you had her… and it wasn’t just a movie night… it was a freaking premiere. That day Jenna had her stylists and after you were given your dress for the night, make up artists started working on you, and you noticed that the first thing they did was use a really dense and strong foundation to cover your mark. “Why are you covering it?” You asked, looking at the woman holding the sponge. “Trust me, you don’t want anyone to see it” you didn’t know why that would be a problem, so you decided to stay quiet and not argue back. It took them A LOT both to cover the mark and actually apply normal make up, you had a very light skin color so it was hard finding a foundation color that even matched your skin.
When you were all ready and you got out of your apartment, you found a car that was already waiting for you, you were confused at first, but then you remembered Jenna telling you that she would come pick you up, so you quickly got in the car, where you saw her already smiling at you. Your Jaw nearly dropped seeing how pretty she looked, and you could see a small blush forming on her cheeks “you look… gorgeous” you said and took in her appearance and she giggled, gently punching your shoulder “shut up, have you seen yourself?” She said, making you blush “yeah I know I’m very pretty” you smiled and soon enough you had arrived at the premiere. You were about to get off the car when Jenna stopped you. “Wait, did the make up artists cover your mark?” She asked slightly moving your dress away from your shoulder so she could see if it was covered.
“Yeah yeah, they covered it, why is it so important?” Jenna wanted to reply, and you saw her hesitate, her mouth opening and closing continuously before she eventually sighed and shook her head. “Nothing, you’ll see later” you nodded in confusion and got off the car with her, flashes and cameras immediately pointed at the both of you as pictures were being taken. Surprisingly enough, you didn’t mind all this attention. You knew that this would be a great occasion to sponsor your bakery, even though it was already known pretty well. A few of the actors recognized you from your shop and form the TV spot and instagram posts about your bakery, you were more than happy to hear their opinion on your shop and you politely invited them to come over some times to try your specialties for a lower price. You were thriving anyway, so a lower price would mean nothing.
After Jenna was taken A LOT of pictures, it was finally time for you to get into the theatre and actually watch the movie. It started off amazing, Jenna’s acting was fantastic and you were stunned by both her beauty and how good she was at acting. She often turned around to see you with your jaw dropped open at her job, or maybe at how pretty she looked, or maybe both?
However, at one particular point of the movie, Jenna pur her hand on your arm, her eyes not trailing away from the screen. “Here it comes, look look” she said, it was the scene where her soulmate mark was getting revealed. A piece of braided hair on her right collarbone… same as you. As soon as it was revealed, she looked at you, only to see you… asleep. You had fallen asleep, and Jenna didn’t know how to react. You didn’t see her mark, you didn’t know she was your soulmate.
Jenna woke you up at the end of the movie, she didn’t speak a word to you if not just to tell you “we’re leaving” and “get in the car.” Admit it, you were kinda scared and felt like you were a kid who had just gotten in trouble and waiting for your mother to scold you. You didn’t know where you were going but you assumed you were going back to her apartment when she took out the keys to it from her purse. “Jenna, will you tell me what’s going on?” You asked her for the thousand time in 15 minutes. “Will you be quiet for just a minute?” Jenna asked, she was mad, but still being polite. “Are you seriously mad because I fell asleep? Jeez, I was exhausted! It’s not like I decided to fall asleep” you chuckled and didn’t even realize that you had gotten into her apartment.
You tried to complain yet once more after she didn’t give you a reply, but suddenly you were in her arms and you felt her lips on yours, it was all so sudden, so fast. You liked her that way, you really did but she never gave you any sign of liking you back… well, until now. “Jen-“ you said in between kisses, your hands on her waist and you didn’t know if you should bring her closer or push her away, ask her for some kind of explanation. You had questions, you really did and that’s why you pushed her away. “Jen, what’s the meaning of this?” You asked, you were still relatively close and the smell of her perfume was filling your nostrils, “(Y/N)… you’re my soulmate” she nearly whispered, and you looked at her in confusion. “What? But in the movie you had another mark-“ “the movie, (Y/N)” she interrupted you “there was a scene that you didn’t see, because you had fallen asleep, where my real mark was revealed”
You were even more confused now, your thoughts weren’t making any sense, and the only wan that had some was “show me” you said, in a few seconds Jenna took your hand and brought you to her bathroom, she took some lotion and wipes and cleaned the make up away from her collarbone, a piece of braided hair appearing as a soulmate mark. You were shocked, you were processing too many things at once and you were confused, considering that you had woken up not too long before.
“You’re my-“ you gulped. “I’m your…” Jenna giggled and you furrowed your brows. “Yes, we are soulmates” you took a few more seconds to process the new pieve of information, but when you did you walked closer to her, brought her close to you from her hips and pressed your lips against hers, and you felt a really satisfying cry come out from her. You were finally hers… she was finally yours. Nothing else mattered now, just the two of you.
You wished that the kiss could last forever, but eventually air was needed and you pulled away, being just a few inches away from each other you just smiled lovingly. “Why a piece of braided hair, tho?” You asked, your hand gently caressing her cheek. “I didn’t know until a few days before I met you… I got a new role, for a Netflix show” she whispered and looked at you. “And what is it?” You asked her.
“Wednesday Addams”
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just-zy · 8 days
Just the Two of Us
wednesday addams x reader — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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summary: wednesday had her doubts about the arcade date, especially when your friends decided to tag along. but in the midst of a crowded place, she realizes that being alone with you makes all the difference. warnings/themes: fluff, arcade date (uhh, that's all i guess.. 🏃💨) words: 2.2k
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Wednesday sat in the car, staring out the window. She couldn't help but feel annoyed by the noise all around her. She felt trapped in the middle seat, with Enid on one side and Yoko on the other.
She longed to be on the seat beside you, but, alas, Enid had claimed that spot before you had the chance. She couldn't help but begrudge Enid for taking it from you, even though it was probably an accident.
Tyler, the driver, turned on the radio, playing a pop song that the whole car started singing. Thing is tapping his fingers on top of her shoulder, trying to jam along.
Wednesday, however, remained silent, her shoulders slumped, and she looked out the window as the scenery flew by. You watched her, feeling a sense of guilt and shame. You know she wanted this date to be intimate and private, not a group outing that included your friends.
Wednesday tried to sink deeper into her seat. Enid, beside her, kept trying to talk to her, but she would barely respond. When she did, it was brief and blunt. Tyler turned off the radio, trying to get the girls to quiet down. Xavier and Eugene were sitting in the back of the car, playing a mobile game together.
You turn around to check on her, and she responds with a short, snappy, "I'm fine." 
She just hopes the destination is worth it because this car ride is already making her regret coming along.
The car pulls up to the side of the street, and you step out, ready to open the door for your friends. 
You extended your hand for Wednesday to take it, but she ignored it. You stood there with your hands still in the air for an awkward moment.
After a few uncomfortable moments, you close the door and catch up with the rest of your friends, walking towards the arcade. Enid is already running towards the arcade. "It's an arcade," she announced, like it was the greatest thing on earth.
Thing is inside the car, playing a mobile game that Eugene left behind for him. He couldn't come. Imagine a disabled hand wandering around—who would want that?
"Let's go bowling first, please?" Enid begged, and you and the others agreed to her request.
Once you gather in the bowling area, Wednesday picks up a ball and readies herself to strike the pins. As Wednesday begins to throw the ball, Bianca enters with a familiar, sarcastic tone. "Oh, look who decided to grace us with their presence."
"Wednesday and her pets," Bianca mocks, using air quotations.
"I think you mean my 'friends'," Wednesday countered, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, I don't think you have any real friends, Wednesday," Bianca taunted.
"I assure you, I have plenty of friends." 
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were counting your pets," Bianca sneered as she threw her head back in a laugh.
Even though you didn't hear the full conversation, it looks like it's getting more heated, so you walk up behind Wednesday, placing your hand on her back. She immediately recognizes your presence and follows your lead, allowing you to pull her away from Bianca.
You can hear Bianca's voice from afar, teasingly saying, "Bye, Wednesday!" But you ignore her and focus on leaving the scene before any more conflicts arise.
"Let's get that fiery temper of yours cooled down, shall we?" you suggested, leading Wednesday to an ice cream counter nearby.
You ordered ice cream for both of you and found a quiet corner to sit in. "My, my. I do suppose we are both alone, aren't we?" You muttered as you eyed the bustling crowd around you.
But she didn't budge, remaining quiet as she gazed upon the passersby. 
You decided to let it go. Taking a bite of your ice cream, you continued munching away in silence.
And then, before you have a chance to fully process what's happening, her warm lips press against the corner of your mouth, leaving a faint taste of vanilla ice cream behind. "Don't you have any table manners?" she teases with a roll of her eyes.
"Careful now, my dear," you murmur, the corner of your mouth curling up in a small, teasing grin. "I just might eat messily if you kiss me like that again." Letting out a low chuckle, you placed a quick peck on her cheek. 
She must've found your clumsy advances rather... adorable
You and Wednesday walk into an arcade, taking in all the flashing lights and game sounds. "Come on, let's play that one," you motion toward the basketball game, reaching for a ball, then you miss the basket... again and again. 
She watches you play for a bit before rolling her eyes and muttering, "This is painful to watch."
"Help me out, babe," you coax, still taking aim. Wednesday scoffs, "Move," snatching the ball from you and effortlessly sinking the shot. You cheer her on, "Nice shot, Wednesday!"
In one smooth motion, she broke the high score, and the ticket dispenser springs to life, spitting out a string of tickets.
You move on to other games, such as skee ball, whack-a-mole, and air hockey. Both of you play for hours, and you try your hand at each game with more success than the last. Finally, you win a cute plush teddy bear from the claw machine, and you proudly present it to her, smiling.
Only one game remains at the arcade that you've yet to play, and that game is none other than Tekken.
The two of you sat down on the tiny chairs, and you began to explain the mechanics. "It's called Tekken, and it's a two-player game," you begin, gesturing to the screen. "We each pick a character and fight each other."
"So you're saying we get to fight each other?" 
"Precisely." You nodded and gestured for her to choose a character, which she did without hesitation.
She scrolls through the roster, eventually selecting Devil Jin, the menacing-looking character that has wings and looks like it could tear you to shreds without even trying. 
You select Lili since her cuteness would make Wednesday's defeat all the more satisfying.
The game began, and Wednesday was immediately on the offensive. She started throwing punches and kicks in your general direction, trying to hit you. But you were ready for her, and you easily dodged her attacks.
The game continued, and you could see Wednesday becoming more irritated by the second. She couldn't seem to lay a finger on you, and it was starting to get to her. 
You, on the other hand, were having a great time. You couldn't help but tease her a bit, which only made her more frustrated.
After a particularly devastating combo, you emerged victorious. You stood up from the small chair and did a little victory dance, pointing at Wednesday and laughing. "Thank you, thank you!" as if you had just put on a great show for an imaginary audience in front of you.
"And what a battle it was! With my skills against hers, I managed to come out on top. I mean... it wasn't even close," you say with a wink, clearly mocking Wednesday's poor performance. 
"You're so obnoxious," Wednesday grumbles. She wasn't used to losing, especially to somebody who was clearly just trying to make her more frustrated.
"Hey, don't be mad. I'm just better than you, that's all," you say with a smirk. You know that this is only going to make Wednesday more irritated, but you can't help yourself.
Wednesday begins to figure out your plan as you keep playing and she starts to score more hits. But still, you come out on top.
"I hate you," Wednesday mutters under her breath as you take the final round.
You leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Too bad, so sad." Wednesday's eyes narrowed, and she looked at you with a glare. "Fine," she said, "but I'm not giving up yet."
"Rematch. Again." 
The two of you continued playing, with Wednesday getting better and better with each round. Eventually, she finally managed to beat you.
"Not bad, not bad," you say, nodding. "But don't get too cocky. I still have ten wins under my belt, and you have only one." You give her a quick kiss on the cheek, and the game resumes. 
"Whatever," she says, but her smile betrays her words.
You and Wednesday head to the counter to exchange your tickets for prizes. You gestured at the three pink manicure sets behind the counter, "I suggest we trade our tickets for that Barbie... manicure set over there."
Wednesday eyes the prizes with a critical gaze, "If you teach me how to play Tekken, we have a deal."
You chuckle at her response. "Very well then, let’s get that for Thing." You hand over the tickets to the attendant, who begins to count them slowly.
While you wait, you glance around the arcade and see Enid playing the dance game, Xavier and Tyler competing against each other in air hockey, and Eugene and Yoko engaged in the shooting game. 
Just when you think it's going to be a long wait, you notice a photo booth in the corner of your eye.
"Look at that... it will take them forever. Come on, let's just get a quick picture." You pull Wednesday by the arm, not bothering to ask for permission, and drag her toward it.
You stood before the photo booth, eyeing it with curiosity. The black curtain was draped over the entrance, and upon closer inspection, you discovered that it only had one seat.
Without hesitation, you sat down on it and motioned for her to join you. She obliged, climbing onto your lap as if she belonged there. With her back toward you, you wrapped your arms tightly around her waist.
"What's next?"
You pulled out a ten-dollar bill from your pocket and handed it to her, pointing to the slot for inserting the money. She followed your instructions without saying a word, and the screen of the machine opened, revealing a reflection of the two of you.
With a smirk, you leaned back," Click the button when I say 'cheese.'" 
You took a deep breath, preparing to say the magic word. "Cheese," you told her with a wink, grinning wildly. 
She rolled her eyes and pressed the button, causing the flash to go off. 
On the next one, Wednesday didn't budge an inch, but you went ahead and made a ridiculous pose, as if you were about to eat her ear. "Snap it," you demanded, and she complied, but not without an eye roll.
Determined to liven things up, you leaned over and whispered, "Make some poses." She groaned, but you weren't about to let her off so easily. "Like this," you demonstrated, holding up a peace sign.
Wednesday gave you a deadpan glance and obediently adopted the same pose, but you could tell by the twitch of her lips that she was trying to hold back a smile.
"Last one," you said, and Wednesday leaned back into you, the back of her body pressing against your chest. You planted a soft kiss on her cheek. The camera flashed once more. 
The screen revealed the stickers and filters available, and Wednesday immediately pointed to the knife and skull stickers.
You went wild with the stickers and mustaches, even adding an eye patch to Wednesday's face. After you were done, the machine spat out two copies of the photo, one for each of you. You reached out for the copies, handing one to Wednesday and keeping one for yourself.
"Now let's go claim that manicure set before someone else does."
Wednesday's gaze remained fixed on the window, where she watched as the moon peeked in and out of the clouds. The sound of the bumps and creaks of the vehicle made it very difficult to sleep, but she wasn't planning on closing her eyes anytime soon anyway.
Tyler drove with precision, not letting the long and winding roads throw him off. Wednesday remained alert, taking note of everything he did—how he turned, how he changed lanes, how he accelerated and decelerated. She found it intriguing, the way he controlled the vehicle with such ease.
"If You Leave Me Now" by Chicago played on the radio, and Wednesday couldn't help but hum along, her fingers tapping to the rhythm. She wasn't singing or dancing, but she found herself in a sort of hypnotic trance, enjoying the feeling of your head resting on her shoulder.
Your breath stirred the air with every inhale and exhale, and she found herself listening to it, the sound of it soothing her nerves. She could tell you were tired, your breath was slow and heavy, and she was glad you could rest so peacefully on her shoulder.
With her free hand, she lightly runs her fingers over the lines in your palm and plays with your fingers. The touch feels reassuring. She quietly kisses the top of your head in a rare display of affection. 
Tyler remains laser-focused on the road, oblivious to the tender moment unfolding in the back seat.
Wednesday takes out the photos from the photo booth earlier and relishes the memories of the day you spent together.
The silly poses you made in comparison to her expressionless gaze were amusing. The stickers you put on her were hilarious, especially the pirate eye patch. And who could forget that kiss on the last one?
She didn't regret coming along after all, not even a little bit.
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Note: so i wrote this out at midnight bc i had to pull an all-nighter. it might sound a bit wonky or something, idk 🤷‍♀️ (im questioning the meaning of life right now)
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just-zy · 8 days
wednesday addams is good at everything.
The sun was setting in the distant horizon, the orangish color painting the sky, the dim lights automatically turning on as the room became darker, all you could see was the silhouette of the girl sat in her chair, rapidly typing on her writing machine. Watching Wednesday work on her novel always left you mesmerized, she wasn’t allowed to make a single mistake as the antique machine didn’t have an erase button and the writer refused to stain the paper. She was brilliant.
“You’re good at fencing, botany, writing, and I’m sure you’re great at killing people too, but…” You stop, unsure if you should proceed with your, stupidly and terribly planned, plan.
“But I doubt that you’re good at kissing.”
Wednesday’s hand stopped typing as she turned her face to the right, her side profile illuminated by the fairy lights that, somehow, you convinced her to hang over her working desk. The perfectly drawn nose, the plump lips, and God, her jawline! So sharp that you’ve always wanted to run your finger over the bone to see if it would cut.
The girl kept her eyes on the wall, her brain working in what her next step to this, obvious, teasing should be. You could almost see the engines twisting inside her skull.
The moment she stood up, her eyes were fixed on your face, jaw tensed up, hands in fists. It was like she was ready to throw a punch at you, it wouldn’t be the first time… but when she took a step closer and you closed your eyes, waiting for the collision, her fingers pulled you by the collar of your shirt until you felt her hot breath against your lips.
“I’m good at everything.” Her voice was serious.
Tilting your chin up, a small smirk tugged the corner of your lips. Eyes slowly opening, meeting hers.
“Why don’t you prove me wrong then, Addams?”
Wednesday loosened the grip on your shirt, the stretched fabric showing your collarbones, a few moles adorning the skin. For a second, in an intrusive thought, the brunette wanted to count each one that covered your body. She had seen a few whenever you wore sleeveless shirts or shorts, they decorated your skin like stars in the night sky, but there was one she had never seen before and, now, got her full attention and became her favorite, a small mole near the vale of your breasts.
She wanted to touch, her hand reaching down to invade the ruined fabric in a curious act, but she stopped midway when she felt the deep breath you took, she could see goosebumps all over your chest with the sudden proximity. You had been next to each other before, but not like this. Not with her eyes peeking through your shirt, her plump lips taking all your attention, so close to yours.
Wednesday was so kissable, and she didn’t even know that.
Not with her hands on your neck as she looked up, big brown eyes staring at your soul. She took a deep breath, swallowing the air to her lungs almost as if it was hurting. And when she closed the gap between you two in a bruising kiss, it felt like a burning knife pierced her throat.
Her nails dug the back of your neck, her teeth biting your lower lip. You knew Wednesday wasn’t gentle, but this was a whole new level. Wrapping your hands on her thin waist, you finally pulled her impossibly closer.
Her tongue licked yours deliciously before sucking hard on it, a struggled sound escaping you, a small string of saliva connecting your lips before she kissed you again, the ragged, unsteady breathing making your lungs burn, begging for air. Pulling back, your chest rose and fell aggressively, your lips lingering over hers, almost touching, uneven breathing colliding with your face.
Before you could kiss her again, her hand pressed down to your chest, pushing you away. Your knees buckled against the bed frame, and you awkwardly fell onto the mattress.
Wednesday was blushed, eyes half open and red, swollen lips. She looked like a mess, and you’re sure you look even worse, you could feel the burning feeling on every centimeter of your body, your hair all over your face.
“Good enough for you?”
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just-zy · 8 days
legally binded - masterlist
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Jenna Ortega x Famous!Reader
main masterlist
taglist is closed
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual!pov, famous!reader, mature language, mentions of intoxication/alcohol, mentions of hard substances/drugs, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, real people. (16+)
(do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable, u are responsible for the media u consume)
Chapters: (ongoing)
Chapter 1: Legally Binded (2.1k)
Chapter 2: Lakers, Headlines... New York? (6.3k)
Chapter 3: Movie Premieres, SNL, Quarrels (6.4k)
Chapter 4: Family Bonding, Festivals and Feelings? (6.0k)
Drabble #1: The Week in Coachella (3.8k)
Chapter 5: Strobe Lights and a Strong Drink (6.0k)
Chapter 6: Met Gala and Miscommunication (7.2k)
Chapter 7: The Afterparty (4.0k)
Chapter 8: Beetlejuice and London Blues (8.2k)
Chapter 9: Grand Prix and Grand Gestures (5.6k)
updated as of 07/09/23
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just-zy · 8 days
The albatross
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Summary: when Wednesday pulls you from your slumber to investigate the gates mansion feelings emerge and injuries happen
A/n: I’ve spent so long finishing this fic i think I’m relatively happy with it! Enjoy.
Warnings: Tyler, jealousy, choking, stabbing wounds, hospitals, required unrequited love, dubious ending you decide if we live or die (probably more I’ve forgot)
A violent shaking is what breaks you from your sleep, you’re currently swallowed by three separate blankets with various patterns that keep you tucked nicely into your twin sized mattress on your side of the dorm.
Wednesdays pale face looks down at you, a dead pan expression on her face. And thing sits on your pillow by your face whilst Enid is crouched on your other side watching eagerly, the blonde is the one violently shaking you.
“Y/n, get up it’s girls night!” It’s obvious now that Enid is excited shaking you over the fact that Wednesday pealed not only yourself. but Enid as well for a “girls night”
“Enid stop shaking me!” you bellow, Your body aches in protest against waking up even if it is to hangout with your favourite girls, between school, falling in love with Wednesday and monster hunting, you’ve been more tired than usual.
“Sorry” Enid rubs the back of her neck bashfully and it’s only then do you realise that both Wednesday and Enid are wearing their matching snoods and you close your eyes again fully prepared for the werewolf girl to throw your matching snood over your head and pull you along and out of the spiderweb window to the balcony. It was definitely past curfew.
And it doesn’t come as a surprise when Enid does pull out your bright purple snood and pulls it over your head “come on y/n!” Enid squeals her feet tapping against the wood flooring excited to celebrate Wednesdays birthday,
And the aforementioned girl Who has been quietly watching the scene by your bedside the gloomy girl with an out of place hand knitted snood and an hilarious grumpy look on her face but her brown eyes sworm with schemes and you’re fully aware this will not be a normal “girls night.” When was anything normal with Wednesday.
You’re proven right when you’re forced out your room in the dead of night to “take Enid to the lupin cages” so the adults think but really Wednesdays leading you out the nevermore gates to a beat up car that you unfortunately know to be Tyler’s.
He seems alright for a normie but the jealousy that stabs your heart whenever you see him and Wednesday together only serves to be a painful reminder that no matter if the boy gives you a free coffees you still can’t bare to be in his presence.
What’s worse? Is you can tell the boys got a raging crush on Wednesday.
But You’d follow Wednesday to the ends of the earth even if that meant coming face to face with the monster that just so happens to be terrorising Jericho.
Opening the door and sitting in the back seat Wednesday having long been sat in the passenger seat Enid takes her place by your side In your matching snoods. The excited look dusting her face drops at the inclusion of Tyler.
“He’s our Uber driver?” Enid sighs her eyes flickering to Wednesday
“Uber driver? I thought we were going on a date”Tyler says pointedly looking between the two of you in the back to Wednesday sitting nonchalant in the passenger seat
You feel a stab of hurt pass through you the girl was supposed to go on a date with him? but you remind yourself she blew him off for you and Enid.
It’s silly, you don’t have some claim over Wednesday she’s a free woman, and besides she’d definitely never allow anyone to have any claim over her in the first place.
And by the way she behaves with her parents she doesn’t seem to be all that into romance, unlike you and Enid who spend every Tuesday binging new romance movies.
In your thoughts you barely notice Enid frown beside you “I thought this was girls night out” the girl sulks looking at you for backup and you can’t stop the yawn that forces itself from your throat but you place your hand on Enid’s hand to reassure the girl, before you turn your attention to Wednesday for some answers, Enid and Tyler follow suit.
Wednesday gives you nothing more than “there’s been a change of plans” not even sparing a glance at you all, sighing you rest your back against the seat as Tyler asks the girl in the dim yellow light of the car
“What’s up with the matching hoodie scarf thing?”and before you can answer the boy Wednesday in the front seat murmurs
“Don’t ask just drive”
And just like that you, Enid, and Tyler have been yet again roped into Wednesdays plans but part of you doesn’t mind it. it means you’re close enough with the girl for her to want your company.
But Between the stuffy snood, and your romantic competition. It’s very difficult to be stuck in the same car as the guy who Wednesday kind of likes tolerates.
You clip your seatbelt in and sulk beside Enid in the back seat
So you watch as Enid sighs and clips in her seatbelt and Tyler rolls his eyes in the drivers seat a hint of annoyance but mostly fondness clouds his vision as he starts the car
“So where too?”
And with that Tyler takes the three of you to an abandoned house in the woods with a creepy gate and you can’t stop the thought that passes your mind that this is so Wednesday.
You may have been upset at the disturbance to your sleep schedule but you were doing it for Wednesday so it was less bad as long as her dark eyes watched you, you couldn’t care less about sleep, or trespassing.
The only thing important to you was making sure Wednesday didn’t get herself killed. (although she’d probably like that) you couldn’t stand to see her die.
“Okay this isn’t what I signed up for.” Tyler’s hands shake beside Enid and the smaller girl looks terrified by his side as she exclaims a tentative “ditto”
a thought passes over you Tyler would be a nice friend to have if he wasn’t in love with Wednesday. Even if he’s chickening out on exploring a house.
“I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday by a surprise party or dinner, I want to do this.” Wednesday explains like it’s obvious as her fingers make fast work at picking the locked gate.
“You should’ve just said so, you didn’t have to trick us” Tyler’s voice of softer now, kinder. and you know he’s like you. Bewitched by the girl and your hands twitch by your side screaming at him to just leave you alone with Wednesday. Just go! Your shadows reach out closer to Tyler in anger before blending back into the ground.
pushing against the metal gate of the gates mansion, your boots crunch against the ground and you’d shine your flashlight Wednesday brought for you and you’d walk shakily forward. Shadows curling around your feet for comfort
The darkness and abandoned house unnerving you, it was ironic to be able to control shadows and the dark still scared you. but you took a deep breath & sucked it up anyway you vaguely heard Tyler behind you ask Enid
“Does she do that often? You know… the shadow thing?” Tyler asked his voice lowering you could practically feel him point at you from behind and despite Enid’s growing fear the girl laughed
Minutes passed and now the four of you had gotten closer to the house with Enid and Tyler behind yourself and Wednesday “seriously you want to go in there?” Enid looks frantically between the three of you and you shrug your shoulders, Wednesdays made you do worse before.
But you sigh outwardly “if you still want to leave you can.” Your eyes look pointedly at Enid you know she’s softer than you, not that it’s a bad thing but she doesn’t usually like to explore abandoned houses.
“I’m gonna go check out the garage” Wednesday looks thourouhly pleased with herself as she hurry’s down the path quicker
You shake your flashlight and follow beside the girl the chilly night air slaps you in the face as you walk and you’re oddly thankful for your matching snood.
Your heart constricts as you walk past the entrance but you shake the nerves off when Wednesday comes to a boarded up door she can’t pull open, and you slide by the girl “let me try”
You say softly moving her cold fingers from the handle and her fingers twitch to your touch you breath a little shakier at the thought of holding her hand, Wednesday doesn’t look absolutely disgusted by the touch before she realises she’s still holding your hand and she tugs her hand away violently like you burned her.
coughing to cover your embarrassment your hands wrap around the handle and you pull with all your might. it doesn’t budge. Tyler comes up behind you a bashful expression on his face as he passes you his hands replace yours as his fingers wrap around the door and pull and you know it’s useless by the way he sulks away
Enid rolls her eyes before she tries the door and Lo and behold it opens with ease “warewolf strength” she smiles shrugging her shoulders
Tyler shares a look with Wednesday but the girl strides forward shining her torch into the abandoned garage Wednesday flicks the light switch and an old orange light flickers to life
“This is the car that hit the mayor” Wednesday mutters in the corner of your eye you see Enid’s face screw up into one of fear Tyler looks as nervous as you feel
“Well that’s grim” you observe the car through its windows there’s nothing incriminating in it, but regardless you control your shadows to slip inside the car, but still they come up with nothing.
“We need to call Tyler’s dad right now!” Enid cries her eyes welling with tears her pink snood around her head makes her look a bit silly and you fight the urge to pull her into a hug and tell her to go back to the car
“Why so he can take me back to nevermore and get me expelled? It’s not gonna happen.” Wednesday is firm with her words and despite the fearful looks on Tyler and Enid’s faces you can’t bring yourself to back out so you grip your torch tighter and stride forward.
The old house is devoid of any love the surfaces covered in a large layer of dust, the air feels stagnant, and the floor boards creak with every step you take. You find yourself following Wednesday closely behind.
Wednesday shines her torch down every hallway and when finally we get to a large set of stairs Wednesday is dead serious when she says “I think we should split up”
Fear glistens over Enid’s face and Tyler watches the room nervously as you swallow hard splitting up in never a good idea “how about we have another person with us so we aren’t all alone?” You attempt a reassuring smile at Enid before watching Wednesday roll her eyes
“If we must” impatience snapped from the girls tone and just as you cleared two stairs to partner with the girl, a smile growing on your face at the idea of being alone with Wednesday.
“I’ll go with Wednesday!” Enid exclaimed rocking back and forth on her feet and you’d swore you’d kill the girl sending her a sharp glare over your shoulder that said really, Enid? Way to read the room.
Before scoffing rolling your eyes and gripping your flashlight tightly you walked back down the steps in anger
“We should Meet back here if we find anything”Wednesday nodded turning to disappear out of your sight
Anger rolled off your body in waves your shadows darkening the room momentarily as you commanded Tyler to follow the warm glow of your flash light, as it illuminates the various empty rooms, first you were upset at the fact you weren’t with Wednesday and you were even more furious when you were left with Tyler.
In your anger you walked the halls stuck in your head not paying attention to your surroundings until a menacing growl sounded from behind you, you felt the hair on the back of your neck stand up and the air felt like static around you.
Pointing your flashlight in the direction of the growl slowly your faced with a hedious monster its eyes big and bug like bulging from its head, and it’s massive body stalking towards you. It made the first strike of fear ripple through you, had you been so upset with being stuck with Tyler you didnt hear him get attacked?
“Tyler!” You cried eyes still locked onto the monster when you heard no response your cold hands wrapped tightly around your flashlight and you took off running in the opposite direction.
The sound of growls and thundering footsteps only meters from you made your heart constrict and your lungs burn with effort ducking your head to dodge claws you sped through room after room corner after corner your legs burning from effort that would still not be enough
“Wednesday!” You shouted as loud as you could hoping that your voice terror filled and trembling would reach your friends upstairs and motivate them to save themselves.
Your feet still slammed against the floor of the house as you ran the sound of breaking glass and falling bookshelves sounded behind you from the Hyde.
Your shadows gripping the Hyde’s legs and holding its legs down to prevent it from catching up but they did nothing more than momentarily annoy it. The Hyde’s growl of anger echoes the house
I will not die today.
You repeat like a mantra over and over turning sharply into a bedroom, the room you had just stumbled into had no exits aside from the door you just came through that happened to be blocked by the Hyde’s body
Shit shit SHIT!
Backing up as far as possible to the back of the room there was so escaping this, this would be where you die.
Tears began to burn your waterline sliding down your cheeks you had no idea why the Hyde was watching you like you were foreign or why it was taking so long to just kill you when your legs hit a desk and your hands slipped to the top of it scrambling to find something to arm yourself with, whilst still keeping your eye on the Hyde. you found a small, sharp. letter opener. slipping it up your sleeve a new found determination filled you.
“Come and get me.” You sneered your eyes narrowing and shadows darkening the room menacingly. You were no longer stuck in the room with the Hyde. It was stuck in a room with you.
And as if on que the beast stormed forward its huge clawed hand had gripped your body in a tight hold and squeezed like you were nothing.
Screams of pain filled the room the Hyde’s grip was enough to put painful pressure on your bones enough to stifle your breathing gritting your teeth you willed the letter opener to fall from your sleeve your shadows trailing up the Hyde’s legs pulling its huge body downward again before more shadows climbed its body wrapped around its neck and squeezing like the Hyde was doing to you.
Your shadows embedded themselves like sharp claws wherever possible, before stretching to blind the hide and
When its grip slightly faulted you stabbed its clawed hand satisfied by the blood that dripped from its hand as it dropped you rearing back to scream in your face before its razor sharp claws cut through the flesh of your arm and chest.
Slumping to the floor your shadow dissipated as quickly as they came and a mixture of exhaustion from using your power and pain was all that filled your world and before everything went back you could only mutter one word.
There was no telling how long you’d been out for but by the amount blood sticking to your skin it must have been awhile. the overwhelming searing pain of the Hyde’s claws that left these deep jagged lines made you feel sick to your stomach.
The marks ranged from your chest to your shoulder and bicep deep enough to hurt and the leave you covered in metallic blood. But you’d live.
Shuddering your hands gripped the wall to haul yourself up your shoulder screaming in protest holding pressure to your wounds your breaths shaky as you walked through the empty house trying to mask yourself in your shadows but your control left much to be desired especially by the way your body left a trail of blood after you, you were more than happy to reach the garage door.
Shallow breaths filled the air as you walked into the comforting darkness of night god you were happy to be out of that house. Resting your head against a stone pillar out the front you looked at your wound in the silver moon light.
And you felt sick your skin sticky and covered in drying blood it might have been about ten minutes later of you just sitting in pain staring up at the moonlight that Tyler piled out of the garage door and wound on his chest less substantial than yours, but still painful.
You couldn’t help the pathetic sob that left you at the sight of seeing Tyler alive, the guilt of not noticing when he went missing made you feel incredibly bad but you felt so much better seeing the normie alive.
“Oh Tyler!” You cried limping forward to pull the boy into a half hug avoiding your wounds and his wound.
“Hey” the boy greeted shakily holding you tightly you may not have liked him but you were glad he was alive.
“Where’s Wednesday?” You asked as you pulled back looking for any reassurance from the boy
“I don’t know I let them know the monster was in the house but then it got me before I could run after them” the boy fidgeted with his fingers in his lap
“That’s okay I’m sure they’re fine, Wednesdays capable.” You nodded before sinking back down to your pillar you watched the sky the burning in your arm at any movement made you wince, atleast you’re stupid snood survived.
“Here let me” Tyler smiled shedding his shirt to use as a way to stop the bleeding his tan shirt pressed against your wound with a hiss the blood staining the colour darker you felt lightheaded like any moment you’d pass out
“Hey hey hey stay awake” Tyler clicked his fingers in your face putting more pressure on your wound
“What’s going on?” Wednesdays monotone voice said her posture perfectly straight as she watched Tyler get too close for comfort to you
“Y/n!” She sounded concerned by the way she watched your face
“I’m fine, nes just a scratch” you rasped attempting to send a reassuring smile to the girl but before you could suddenly Wednesday was taking you in her arms and commanding Tyler and Enid to hurry up
“We can- we can go to my house patch her up” Tyler said his car keys in his hands and very quickly or what you assumed was very quickly you were back at the car watching the moon from the window your head resting on Wednesdays lap in the back seat
“If you die, I’ll kill you.” Wednesdays voice shook as she held Tyler’s shirt to your wound tears in her eyes and half dazed your blood stained hands ghosted over Wednesdays face wiping a tear away
“I love you” your voice shook and your head swam Delirious from the aching pain of your wound that would surely scar your body. And before you could fight it yours eyes flickered shut your eyes staring into Wednesdays brown eyes with so much love, and so much sorrow she may struggle to feel feelings but by the panic in her eyes there was something deeper than just friendship.
“No no no keep your eyes open” Wednesday panicked barely contained fear dripped from her voice
“Tyler drive faster! Take us to the hospital!” To hell with the potential expulsion Wednesday would face she couldn’t care less. All she wanted to do was save you.
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just-zy · 8 days
A Good Day for Death Pride Special 2024
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Pride Special 2024
            “Yet another day full of too-much cheeriness and color,” said Wednesday, crossing her arms.
            “Oh, come on, Wednesday, you had fun last time!” said Enid, rolling her eyes.
            “Nonsense. I said it wasn’t as terrible as it could be. It is still horrible, and not in a good way,” said Wednesday.
            “Will you at least help us set up?” said (Y/N). “It isn’t crowded right now, and we’re playing some music for fun!”
            They beamed widely at Wednesday, and she noticed they already had black sweater with nonbinary-colored stitching across the bottom on. Additionally, (Y/N) had pansexual-themed earrings on.
            “It seems you’ve already started the Pride celebration,” said Wednesday.
            “I’m proud all year round,” said (Y/N) teasingly.
            “Please stay, Wednesday. You can put on the pin that (Y/N) got you last year, and it’ll be fun,” said Enid.
            “I don’t need your ‘fun,’ ” said Wednesday.
            “You don’t need our fun, but you can still have it,” said (Y/N). “We’re giving it for free.”
            “And we’re your friends. Do it for us,” said Enid.
            “I don’t have friends,” said Wednesday firmly.
            “You’re really good at lying,” laughed (Y/N), completely undeterred.
            “We’re your friends, and you know it,” said Enid.
            Wednesday crossed her arms. “If I help you put up these…colorful decorations, will you lave me be to write tonight?”
            “Yes,” said (Y/N), smiling. “We’ll get our dose of Wednesday and be content.”
            “I am not a medicine,” said Wednesday, raising a brow.
            “I was thinking more about poison,” chirped (Y/N).
            Wednesday glanced at them and cursed the poison that (Y/N)’s happiness was for her. Them seeming so excited to have her around and always comparing her to the dark subjects she preferred made her heart feel sickeningly light.
            Unfortunately, she had a permanent infection on (Y/N)—a crush. So she couldn’t not give in.
            “Very well. I’ll assist,” said Wednesday. “But do not expect more.”
            “Cross my heart and hope to die, I promise,” said (Y/N).
            Enid just pouted but nodded.
            “Red Wine Supernova” by Chappell Roan blasted over the speakers as people danced in the Quad. Enid danced with her boyfriend, and more couples and groups jumped up and down while screaming lyrics.
            (Y/N) laughed as they watched. They hadn’t joined yet since they didn’t really have a group and Enid was with Ajax. Plus, (Y/N) was worried they’d get too excited and steal energy from others. Still, they didn’t mind too much. It was a nice night, and Pride was fun to just witness, too. Getting to be proud of who they were—for being an outcast or for other reasons—was very important.
            “I’m surprised you’re not dancing.”
            (Y/N) jumped before turning to face Wednesday, who had popped up out of nowhere (lurking in the shadows as usual). They smiled. “Hey, Wednesday. I didn’t expect you.”
            “These people are too boisterous. I cannot focus,” said Wednesday, crossing her arms.
            (Y/N) smiled to themself. They could see Wednesday wearing the pin they had bought her for the last Pride event, so they knew that, despite Wednesday’s proclamations that being there was a mishap, she had put a miniscule amount of effort into coming.
            “Right. Well, you’re welcome to hang out with me until the party dies down enough for you to write,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Wednesday nodded. The pair stood in silence as the dance continued, but Wednesday turned to face (Y/N). “I have this.” She held out her hand.
            (Y/N) glanced down to find a pair of earrings that were shaped like scythes. Instead of a silver or black metal, though, they shone iridescently—rainbow.
            “They’re very nice,” said (Y/N) appreciatively.
            “Take them,” said Wednesday. “I ordered them in black, and these came by mistake.”
            She was lying through her teeth, but what was she supposed to say, that she intentionally came with a gift to (Y/N) to repay them for the pin? Nonsense, that would be admitting that she thought about them more than she did anybody else.
            (Y/N) smiled, and Wednesday had a suspicion they saw through her but were kind enough to not say anything.
            “Thank you, Wednesday,” said (Y/N). They took off their current earrings, pocketed them, and put on Wednesday’s gifts. “How do I look?”
            “Very reaper-like,” said Wednesday.
            “Thanks,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Seeing them in her gift with that smile, Wednesday’s heart pounded. She was suddenly very pleased with herself. Turning away from them, she cleared her throat.
            “You should dance,” said Wednesday. Anything to get (Y/N) away from her before she acted any more vulnerable around them.
            “I’m worried I might drain someone out of excitement,” said (Y/N) sheepishly.
            Wednesday raised a brow. “Nonsense. You have improved your control.”
            “Have I really though?” said (Y/N).
            “I have to do everything around here,” grumbled Wednesday, deciding she refused to let (Y/N) talk like that about themself. “We’re dancing.” She grabbed (Y/N)’s hand and pulled them towards the dance floor.
            (Y/N) smiled as they looked at Wednesday’s hand and gripped it properly. “Okay!”
            We’re dancing.
            (Y/N)’s grin widened.
            What a nice word.
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just-zy · 8 days
pairing: tara carpenter & female reader
summary: you didn't have a reason for it, except tara was the reason.
words: 2.3k
warnings: violence, ghostface, gore, language, sensitive topics.
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Her heart was pounding, legs shaking, breath hitched and voice trembling.
Tara was frightened, terrified.
Everything had happened so fast.
First Quinn had died, shortly after Anika was gone. Then Ethan and Mindy got left behind, being forced to take another train.
Now it was just her, Sam, Chad, Kirby and you. And four people would've been enough to fight the killers, technically.
However, now both Chad and you were gone.
Tara didn't know where you were, and it was starting to worry her. What if you were dead?
Oh god, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if you were. Especially not since the last conversation she had with you ended so acrimoniously.
She knew why it did, and she knew it was entirely her fault. But she was going to make it okay again, she was going to be better. For you.
Although Tara also knew that there wasn't any ways to make it better. Not at all.
Tara felt totally unreasonable. Disgusted with herself.
She couldn't reverse the situation or turn back the clock on what had occurred. She couldn't change what happened. Not even the slightest.
She couldn't even change the thoughts of remorse and guilt that had been rotting in her head for days. What made her think she could change the situation?
Tara did cheat. And you saw it. She couldn't change that.
She couldn't change the way you ran out of the apartment before Tara had the chance to open her mouth. She couldn't change the fact that you hadn't spoken to her ever since she chased you down the street.
She couldn't change anything. And it was hurting her to bits.
"Kirby stop!" The fiddling with a gun brought Tara out of her own thoughts, "Get away from the girls."
Tara could feel her lips shaking out of fear. Legs almost too wobbly to stand. Her mind was too fuzzy she could barely focus on the conversation between Kirby and Bailey.
All she could find herself thinking about was you. The look on your face when you had seen Tara on top of Chad. The tears that were flushing down when she made eye contact with you.
The way you were probably dead right now.
It wasn't until Ghostface popped up behind Bailey that Tara finally got pulled into the moment, the thoughts about you being pushed aside as she heard the gunshots towards Kirby.
Bailey shot Kirby. In the shoulder. Twice. Making her fall to the ground in an instant.
Strangled gasps escaped from both of the sisters, their glances turning to Bailey and the masked killer next to him.
"Great job" Baileys raspy voice spoke proudly as he lowered the gun to his side. "Both of you" he finished as another Ghostface walked up behind him.
That was when it all clicked for Sam and Tara. There had been three of them? The entire time?
Tara's mouth couldn't help but move before she could think." You?" Her voice laced with nothing but disgust and betrayal.
Bailey grimaced, acting like this was some kind of fun, sick joke. "Yeah, Of course me."
Her mouth was left open out in aghast. Bailey would've been the absolute last person Tara would've excepted, and it seemed to be that way for Sam as well.
In fact, even Anika would've been a better suspect than him.
"Frankly, I expected more from the two of you after what you did to us."
And even though Tara felt so incredibly lost and confused at the moment, the sentence made it possible for her to become even more bewildered.
Sam didn't say a word, her figure just showed that she was breathing heavily in the corner of Tara's eye, either to calm herself down or because she was feeling suffocated by all the overwhelming emotions.
"What do you mean 'us'?"
At that, the person standing on the right side of the detective pulled of the hood, tugging off the mask shortly after with the gloved covered hand.
When the mask had arrived off, Ethan was revealed.
Ethan Landry.
The dorky guy that screamed like a girl whenever scary movies was shown, stumbled over his own feet while walking or always rambled about stuff nobody actually cared about.
Tara felt the need to laugh, she actually didn't think the boy could hurt a fly even if he had to. But her face remained frozen, it didn't dare to move.
Ethan had a proud, big smile on his face, like he had really accomplished something. Tara wanted to punch his face for looking so smug.
He had been anything but slick with it all. Technically everyone in the group had been suspecting him at least once, perhaps not Anika, but she hadn't blamed anyone.
"Mindy was right." He spoke as if it was funny. But in reality it was ridiculous. Mindy was never right about anything when it came to the killers, not a single right last time, which was precisely why nobody believed her now either.
Which was why the fact that Mindy was right made Ethan look nothing else but foolish.
"It was easy to juke the roommate lottery." He continued, probably expecting a response from any of the sisters. But Sam's mouth seemed to be just as unable to move as Tara's.
"I mean all I had to do to meet you? Was room with a conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad. Fuck, it felt good to kill him." 
Tara felt her breath hitch for a second, swallowing hard enough to make head turns.
Chad was dead?
Although before Tara had the chance to speak or ask anything she was going to regret, Ethan spoke up again, this time with his Ghostface mask raised in his hand.
He spoke about how it was Sam's grandmothers, how it ran in the family; nothing Sam hadn't heard before. Tara either for that matter, and she couldn't care less. Sam wasn't a killer. Tara knew that.
"Talking of family." He voiced again, the smug smile never leaving his features.
"Wait for it!" Bailey interrupted milliseconds after.
The two of them were smiling like absolute maniacs, like they were waiting for a well known jump scare in a movie.
"My name's not Ethan Landry.. is it dad?"
"Dad?" Tara spoke up in utter disgust. Shame filling her veins for not noticing that sooner. But how could she? They looked nothing like.
It was impossible to try and find any similarities between them now, looking at them made Tara feel the need to throw up.
The way they were laughing and smiling big, the way Bailey was stroking Ethan's hair like he had a reason to be proud of him.
"Wait.. If its you two that just leaves.." Sam spoke for the first time since the reveal.
The third and final killer turned their masked face to Sam, curious to see who she'd guess. "Mindy?"
Tara felt goosebumps form on her whole body at the guess. Was it really?
Both Bailey and Ethan turned their head eagerly to watch the reveal, even though there was no doubt they already knew who it was.
Hood off.
Glove covered hand up. Grabbing the chin of the mask. Pulling it off.
There it was.
The hair and face Tara had seen a million times before, the features she admired so deeply. The eyes that met hers, that used to be filled with light. Now looked empty.
It was you.
Under the mask. It was you.
Tara felt like her heart stopped. But at the same time she could hear it beating like it was placed next to her eardrum.
You smirked as you could hear Tara let out a sob. Sam gulped heavily at the sight of you in the dark robe.
"Hello Tara." Your voice sounded sweet, like a whispering breeze. It made Tara want to crumble to her knees.
"Didn't see that one coming did you?"
Tara's lips were quivering too much for her to reply.
But of course she didn't see that coming. You were her girlfriend. Were.
Ringing covered her ears, blocking out everything else that left Bailey's mouth, making it all inaudible.
All she could do was follow your figure as you walked behind the glass boxes of souvenirs. Holding up the mask, your mouth moved. But Tara couldn't make out what.
All she could focus on was all the questions that were raised in her head. Why would you do this? How long had you been a part of this?
Tara's mind was shutting out all of the conversations that was held between Bailey and her sister, Ethan adding stuff in between.
She was watching you instead. How your eyes looked nothing like they once did. How your knife was directed towards her, almost ready to stab her whenever you got the chance.
Her mind was fuzzy, and she felt as if she couldn't focus on anything besides you.
You were walking closer. Too close for Tara's liking, but she couldn't find herself moving. Her legs straight up refused.
When the top of the knife was in faith contact with her chin, you stopped. Same as Ethan had done with Sam. Nothing Tara paid any attention to.
Instead she focused on clenching her jaw, trying to direct her head upwards. Although your voice startled her enough to stop.
"You look pretty with a knife like this." You spoke. "Maybe we should've done knife play more often." Your voice was hushed. As if nobody else was allowed to hear.
Normally it would've made Tara feel warm and comfortable. Now it made her eyes water even more.
"Although I guess you just would've used it for real huh?"
Tara gulped. She knew what you meant. She knew what you were referring to.
"You would've used it in the back right?" You spoke through gritted teeth. Making sure to remind Tara that the knife was still in your hand, pressed against her skin.
"Backstabbing cunt." You spit. Making Tara close her eyes, gulping yet again.
However when she opened them again, her eyes met yours. And she was surprised when she only saw sorrow in them, not a single thing in there showed malevolence or anger.
Tara couldn't help but plead and beg for forgiveness. Your eyes had that impact on her.
"Y/N I'm so sorry..Please- I - We can fix this." She stuttered out, way too much for her own good. "It doesn't have to happen like this."
She was trying to fix it. She didn't want to get her sister killed by you because of a decision she had made herself. A mistake she had made.
But she knew it was too late to solve things. The way your mouth smirked showed it more than enough. And Tara only made it worse by letting her mouth get the best of her.
"It was a mistake."
You felt the need to laugh, and you did. A cold hearted laugh escaped your lips. Your laugh was normally something Tara could listen to like music, like angel soft music. But this sound scared her.
"It wasn't a mistake. You know well enough it wasn't." You pressed the knife harder to her skin, millimeters away from drawing blood. "You knew it the second you chose to take of your clothes. Well enough kiss him."
And Tara knew that. She was completely aware of that.
Everything else became a blur. Everything had gone steeper downhill so fast that Tara couldn't process anything.
Maybe it was her foggy mind that didn't allow her to think straight. Maybe that's why she had lost her steady grip on the railing.
Sam had taken Ethan, and Tara had been forced to take you. Against her will.
Her mind was too focused on saving her sister that she didn't realize at what cost that might've been. She didn't realize that stabbing you meant killing you. She didn't realize that until it was too late.
She realized it when she had harshly impaled the knife in your mouth, twisting it seconds later. When your wide, beautiful eyes had stared up at her in shock. When your blood had splashed in her face. Your blood.
When your limp body fell to the floor. When she shook your shoulders, begging for you to wake up. Begging for you to forgive her.
Sam told Tara that it was for the best. That it was either you getting killed, or Tara herself. Tara tried listening, telling herself that it was for the better.
But there was just something about the way you laid there. The way the blood on your body was once used to fill your veins. The blood who once existed for your heart to pump.
Your heart, the most benevolent and thoughtful heart to ever exist. A heart that wouldn't hurt anyone, even if it was forced.
You weren't a killer. You didn't have a reason to kill. Except you did. She was the reason. Tara was the reason.
She had made you into a murderer. Tara was the reason for it.
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just-zy · 10 days
I would go high for you
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Lorraine Day x fem Reader
Based on request: R helps Lorraine overcome their fear of heights. Sorry for the numerous requests! <333
Warnings: fluff, fear of heights and spiders
A/N: there you go my dear 😊 and thank you for the numerous requests!
“Lorraine! Stop your literally ripping my top off!” I said laughing as she started clinging onto me. Her hands in fists as she held the fabric of my white top, making her knuckles turning white.
“This isn’t funny y/n” she said dead serious. Her eyes were fixed on the ground that was about four meters away from us. I thought it would be easy, climbing with Lorraine out of my window to sit down on the rooftop so she could get used to the height difference. But no. It wasn’t easy.
“But let’s be real Lorraine, calm down. My top is all crunched…” I giggled slight and tried to fix it with my other hand. Half of my bra was looking out. “I know…” I chuckled and began slowly to calm down. I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her tight. Giving her the safety she needed while she inspected the height, watching over the edge of the roof.
“Oh sorry” she said and blushed. She laughed it off and let her fists relax. One arm still around my shoulders as she fixed my top.
“Thank you. Now. Let’s sit down. Get used to the height”. Loraine sighed and looked back to the edge. Her face was speaking more then thousands words. She was so sick of this. “Hey you asked me to help you…” I added.
“Yeah I know” she scoffed and her hand around my shoulder moved slowly down my back before it wrapped itself around my wrist. This was the sign that she trusted me. Her dark eyes showing slight fear, her lips in a light pout. Making her look like the cute little girl she was back then before puppetry hit us both and we were faced with the non innocent blur in our world. “Okay” I whispered soft and turned around so I was in front of her. I held my hands slightly up so she could use myself as some sort of support while slowly sitting down.
As she did, she wiped some dust from her jeans before looking up to me. Lorraine held her hand up so she could see me properly due the sunlight hitting my back. A happy smile overtook my lips “see it positive. You get to see the sunset from up here. You can see the ray of lights so good from here. They will be shooting right through the fields”
My smile grew wider, showed the excitement I was feeling and as soon as I was sitting down beside Lorraine, she wrapped her arm around mine and leaned her head in my shoulder “why are we doing this again?” She asked.
A chuckle left my throat and I nudged her gently “cause you wanted… we talked about fears and how some of them hold people potentials back”
Lorraine grinned wide and shook her head “oh right cause my potential will be so much more useful when I start climbing on top of roofs or need to walk over a bridge”
I laughed “you will need it someday. Trust me. I don’t know when or in what kinda scenario but you will be happy that you faced that fear”
Our gazes met while the sun began to set. Lorraine’s eyes turned so soft it gave me immediately goosebumps. The light of the setting sun was reflecting slight in them and i wanted to drown in there. Lorraine leaned it wich made my body react by closing my eyes. I felt her nose brushing mine as her forehead rested on mine “okay so this means we are taking care of your fear towards spiders then”
I pulled my head away looking at you with wide eyes while chuckling. “No… nuh, forget get that. Get that out of your cute little head. Nothing will force me to get near a spider by free will or touch one or hold one. Not god, not a higher power not y-“
Lorraine’s lips were lying in a gentle way on my lips. She tilted her head as she kissed me slowly. My brain had decided to shut down before I could perceive what was happening. Before I could kiss Lorraine back, her lips left mine in a slow and warming way. She pulled me closer, looked at me with that knees weakening smile.
A deep sigh left me “fine…”
Loraine’s smile grew wider and she pulled me towards her by my neck. Her lips crashed into my left cheek as she left there a wet tingling spot “I know you love me…”
“I do!” I said almost with a pout but then i couldn’t help and let a chuckle out “i will do it just in case I need to remove a dangerous spider or something like that from you someday…”
“Yeah. And I’m up here in case you fall, so I can get you back up” she said. Our eyes met again “we’re a good team”. Loraine’s dimples were visible as she leaned slowly in and gave me a soft kiss “we are”.
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just-zy · 10 days
A Legacies Secret |1|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You just wanted a happy life with your girlfriend but then Ghostface attacks, revealing long thought to be buried family secrets.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Stabbing, Break in
Word Count: 3.3k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1
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“Hey babe, what’s up?” you asked.
Tara smiled, even while at work you still managed to answer her calls. She could hear you moving around, the clanging of glasses and the sound of patrons on the other end of the phone. “I miss you,” Tara said. She hadn’t seen you all day and she was home alone and bored.
You chuckled. Tara couldn��t make out the words, you sounded far away but she could tell you were talking to a customer. “Sorry,” you said, coming back to the phone. “We saw each other yesterday.” Tara didn’t say anything, pouting as she grabbed a pot to make dinner. “But,” you sighed, but Tara knew you were smiling. “I missed you too.”
“You didn’t spend the night last night,” Tara pouted, even though you couldn’t see her she wanted to make you feel guilty. “I’m home all alone.”
“You’re always home alone.”  Tara’s pout turned into a frown, she glared at you through the phone. “Besides I have an apartment, we could literally be alone together whenever you want.”
“Your apartment is tiny.”
Tara couldn’t help but smile, imagining the eye roll you’d surely give her. “Is that your way of saying when we get out of this hellhole, you’re not going to live with me?” Tara rolled her eyes; you always made everything so dramatic. “It’s fine. You’ll be going to college, living on campus, and I’ll be living in a shoebox all alone wherever you decide to go.”
“I’d love to live in a shoebox with you,” Tara giggled. “Sounds cozy.”
“Yeah?” you teased. “I thought my apartment was too small.”
“It is.” Your apartment truly was tiny. There was a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom. It was tiny but it was all you. Tara knew it was the best you could do and still save money and since you were on your own it was actually incredible how well you were doing. She still loved giving you shit about your tiny apartment though. “But I like the idea of being in close quarters with you.”
It seemed you had taken the phone away from your ear again. Tara heard you mumbling and someone else, they had a deeper voice, she assumed it was your boss. “I have to go,” you sighed. “I’ve been informed this has counted as my break.”
Tara rolled her eyes; your boss could be an ass at times. “Tell them you’re dealing with an emergency. Your girlfriend is needy and wants your attention.”
You chuckled again. Tara bit her lip, she didn’t need to see you, just hearing your laugh was everything. “I’m not really sure he cares about that.”
“Ugh, fine.”
“I’ll come over after I get off.”
“I’ll wait up.”
“It’ll be late.”
“I’ll wait up,” Tara said again. She always tried to wait up for you. You worked at a bar and usually didn’t get off till well after midnight, almost early morning the next day at times. There were days you’d get off and come over and you’d be in bed for maybe an hour at most before Tara was getting up for school, those days you were always still in bed by the time she got home.
“Off the phone!” an angry voice came. They were clearly a good distance away, but Tara could hear them clear as day.
“Two seconds!” you screamed back. “I really have to go,” your voice went back to being soft, like it always was when you spoke to Tara. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” Tara smiled as she hung up. You’d been dating for almost two years and had said ‘I love you’ a long time ago but it never failed to make Tara blush.
Tara smiled to herself, swaying back and forth in the kitchen. You and her always casually talked about the future together. It wasn’t anything crazy, it wasn’t talks about marriage and getting a house together. It was simple, it was talking about moving in together once Tara graduated. It might seem rushed to most people, moving in together right after high school, especially since you were a few years older, but Tara was eighteen and she knew what she wanted.
Some of the people who thought she was crazy were her best friends, they didn’t have a problem saying it either. Tara didn’t listen to them though, you and her had a plan. Tara would graduate and once she heard back from the schools she applied to, she’d choose, hopefully she’d get into her number one choice, then the two of you would find a little place by campus and you’d work, she’d go to school, and she’d get to come home to you and wake up next to you every day.
Since she couldn’t talk to you, she decided to text Amber. She was bored and though she only needed to entertain herself for a few hours she didn’t want to do it alone. She would just have to make sure Amber didn’t spend the night. You and Amber didn’t get along to put it lightly. You basically hated each other but tolerated each other’s presence, to an extent, for Tara’s sake. Tara honestly wasn’t sure why you didn’t like each other. It was more Amber than you, you kind of just reciprocated her hatred. Amber was never fond of you though. Tara has tried to ask a few times what the deal was, and Amber only ever said she just didn’t think you were good enough.
Tara: Wanna come over? We can binge watch movies
Amber: Where’s the girlfriend?
Tara rolled her eyes. Amber always started off hostile when it came to you. Ever since Tara introduced you, even before the two of you started dating. Amber has always had attitude. Tara tried to avoid talking about you but in times like this it was hard when Amber was the one bringing you up for no reason.
Tara: Work
Amber: Glad to know I’m the second choice
Tara: Stop
Tara: Do you want to hangout or not?
Tara: I’ll make the popcorn
Amber: You can do better than that
The phone on the counter started to ring. Tara looked up from her phone, scrunching her eyebrows at the ringing. No one ever called the landline, if someone wanted to talk to her or her mom, they had their cell. Hell, Tara wasn’t even sure she knew the home phone number. She shook her head and went back to texting Amber.
Tara: You get first pick of the movie?
Amber: I got some homework to finish up
Tara rolled her eyes, of course Amber was going to be difficult. The landline continued to ring. Tara was doing her best to ignore it, whoever was calling seemed persistent though.
Tara: Open liquor cabinet
Amber: Sold!
Tara: Fucking landline won’t stop ringing
“Hello?” Tara answered the landline with an eyeroll, not being able to stand the ringing any longer and hoping to get rid of whoever was on the other end quickly.
“Hello, is Christina there?” A man asked.
Tara rolled her eyes again, of course it was someone asking for her mom. “No, she’s not available. May I take a message?”
“Oh, uhh, yeah, sorry,” he stumbled over his words. Tara didn’t pay him much mind as she got the footrest and made her way over to get the key to the liquor cabinet. “I’m a friend of hers from group. Shit,” he whispered, clearly not meaning to say that.
“From her shit?” Tara smiled to herself, suddenly much more interested in the conversation.
“Just tell her I’m from group, I’m Charlie, she’s got my number.”
“Oh, she goes to group?” Tara asked, not believing for a second her mom was going to any sort of group.
“I shouldn’t have-look can you just tell her Charlie called?”
“And I’ll do exactly that Charlie, once you tell me what kind of group we’re talking about. Is it AA? NA?”
“Well, you sound exactly like she described you.”
“She talks about me in group?” Tara couldn’t believe that either, that definitely didn’t sound like her mom.
“Look, I don’t think I can really talk about that.”
Tara sighed, pulling out her phone again. She needed to tell Amber about this. Amber knew exactly what her mom was like and there was no way she wouldn’t enjoy this.
Tara: Dude I think it’s my mom’s new BF
Amber: Seriously???
“What did she say about me?” there was an edge of hostility in her tone, she wanted to hear all about what her mother possibly said about her in this group.
“Well, she loves you very much.”
“Oh, what does she love about me?” Tara asked, her sarcasm coming back.
“She loves that you’re creative, you love art and TV and movies.”
“Okay, lots of people love movies,” she shook her head, dismissing him.
“But she said you love scary movies and that you guys have that in common. She’s proud at making a fan out of you.”
“She is?” Tara slowed her movements, she used to watch scary movies with her mom all the time, but she’d never heard her mom say she was proud of her for anything before.
“Yeah, she told me the other day she wonders, what’s your favorite scary movie?” Tara ignored the way the man’s voice changed, still focusing on the fact that her mom was apparently proud of her.
“Uhh, The Babadook, it’s an amazing meditation on motherhood and grief.”
“Isn’t that a little fancy pants?” the man asked with a chuckle.
“Well, it’s elevated horror.”
“What does that mean, elevated horror?”
“You know, it’s like scary but with complex emotional and thematic underpinning, it’s not just some schlocky cheeseball nonsense with wall-to-wall jump scares.”
The man hummed, not seeming very interested in her answer. “That seems kind of boring to me. Have you ever seen Stab?” his tone changed again when he asked her the question, but once again Tara didn’t think much of it.
“Once, I think, at a sleepover, when I was like twelve.”
The man laughed at that. “You live in Woodsboro, and you don’t know Stab? Well, your mother loves that movie, she talks about it all the time in group. How well do you remember the original?”
“I don’t know, and it was like super 90s, it was really over lit, and everyone had weird hair.”
“Do you remember the beginning?”
“Not really, I mean it started with a kill scene, right? They always started with a kill scene.”
“Yeah, that’s right. That’s right,” he tone shifted again. “It’s a girl at home alone, she answers the wrong number and starts talking with the killer who makes her play a game.” Tara slowed her movements again, thinking the conversation was treading into weird territory. “Would you like to play a game, Tara?” he whispered her name. A chill went down her spine and she quickly hung up, not bothering to answer him.
Tara tossed the phone on the counter, watching it as if it would ring again. Her eyes darted around the house, looking for anything that shouldn’t be there. She pulled out her phone and locked all the doors, arming the alarm. She knew it was Woodsboro and someone always liked to make prank calls, especially around this time of year but she wasn’t taking her chances. Tara looked out the window, not seeing anyone creeping around her yard as she closed the curtains.
Tara checked the time on her phone. Only several minutes had passed since she had talked to you. She still had a few hours before you’d get off and get to the house. Her thumb hovered over your contact, wanting nothing more than to hear your voice. Tara knew she was just being paranoid, but she just wanted your comfort, you’d calm her down within seconds. She didn’t want to bother you though, she knew you were at work, you were busy, and you’d already been yelled at for just talking to her.
She left your contact and went to text Amber. She just needed to be talking to someone. It was clearly a stupid prank, but she just wanted someone to help keep her sane otherwise her imagination would drive her crazy.
Tara: It was some psycho. I’m locking the doors.
Amber: WTF??? You okay?
Tara started to type out she was fine and just a little jumpy. She knew it was probably a prank but that didn’t mean it wasn’t freaking her out. Before she could finish typing her text though the phone started ringing again, making her jump.
Amber: You should answer it.
Tara scrunched her eyebrows looking at Ambers text, she slowly lifted her eyes to look at the ringing phone again, then back down at her cell. Her thumb hesitated over the letters as she typed out her message.
Tara: How did you know my landline was ringing?
Tara: Amber?
Amber: This isn’t Amber
Tara moved to call the police; she had nine dialed, tears slowly began to fill her eyes, when another message appeared.
Tara ran back to the counter, picking up the phone. “This isn’t fucking funny Amber,” she said but couldn’t keep the fear out of her voice.
“I told you, this isn’t Amber,” the same voice as before said, this time sounding much more sinister. Just then a video was sent to Tara, when she opened it, she saw footage of Amber, sitting in her room and brushing her hair. “Amber’s looking particularly fetching tonight. She really shouldn’t leave her phone lying around for anyone to clone.”
“What do you want?”
“I told you, I want to play a game,” he talked to her as if she was a child. “Stab movie trivia, three rounds, you call the cops, she dies, you get a question wrong, she dies, her parents aren’t home, I can be in that room in fifteen seconds. You want a warm-up question?”
“I told you, I don’t know these movies,” came out in a whine, tears already getting ready to fall. “I don’t! Ask me about something I do know,” she tried to bargain. “Ask me about It Follows, ask me about Hereditary, ask me about The Witch.”
“In the first Stab movie,” he continued, completely ignoring Tara’s pleas. “What Woodsboro native was introduced as the franchise’s main character?”
“It’s Sidney Prescott! It’s Sidney Prescott and she lived on Elm.”
“Correct. You see, you’re gonna do great at this. Okay, question one.”
“Nonono, I got that one right, it should count.”
“Anyone could have gotten that one right, Sidney’s in every movie but the last one. Question one, who wrote the original book the Stab movies are based on?”
“The chick from TV,” Tara struggled to remember her name. She had never read any of the books and she certainly didn’t watch the morning show the lady did.
“The chick from TV is not going to cut it Tara,” they let out a disappointed sigh.
“Oh! Gale Weathers! It’s Gale Weathers you motherfucker.”
“Correct. Amber might live to see the sunrise. Question two, who played the dumb bitch at the beginning of Stab one who answers the phone and gets carved up by the killer?”
“Fuck you.”
“Is that the answer you’re going with?” Tara quickly typed on her phone, going to IMDB and looking at the cast for Stab. “A non-answer counts as a wrong answer Tara. Time’s running out.” He continuously repeated the words tick tock, getting faster and faster as the seconds passed, making Tara more anxious and scroll faster.
“Maybe I made a mistake,” he continued, causing Tara to halt her scrolling for a second. “Maybe Amber isn’t enough motivation.” Tara let out a shaky breath, preparing herself for his next words. “Maybe I should have gone after your little girlfriend,” he spit out, not able to hide is clear hatred. “It’d be much easier, I mean it’s late, there’s no one around. No one would even hear her scream.”
“She has nothing to do with this!” Tara screamed, sobbing into the phone. She couldn’t get the image out of her head of you leaving the bar and getting jumped by Ghostface, getting stabbed and left to bleed out in the street with no one to help.
“She has everything to do with this,” the voice snapped. Tara didn’t even have time to process the clearly emotional outburst. “Tick tock Tara,” they snapped again. “Or should I just kill both? I’m sure I can gut Amber and then make it to-”
“Heather Graham!” Tara screamed finally finding the name, cutting the killer off before he could threaten you again.
“Correct,” he said, going right back to his calmer demeanor. “You pulled that one out, now for the final question, who was the killer in Stab one?”
“Oh, I know this one you fuck,” Tara gasped, realizing she knew the answer. “It’s Billy Loomis! It’s Billy Loomis and he was Sidney’s boyfriend, and he was played by Luke Wilson, and I got you asshole,” Tara couldn’t help but chuckle, relieved at getting the answer right. “I got it! I got it right!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Tara,” he almost sounded sympathetic. “But that’s just not correct.”
“What?” Tara whispered, confused, and not believing what she was hearing. “No no no no it is, that is right.”
"The correct answer is Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, there are two killers in the original Stab. I’m afraid someone’s gotta die now.”
“Nono, Amber I’m coming!” she shouts as she sets down the phone and grabs a kitchen knife, running for her front door.
When Tara threw open her door, she was met with the sight of Ghostface who quickly slashed their knife across her left side. Tara punched them in the face and slammed the door. She fought against Ghostface as he tried to shove his way in but eventually, she got the door shut, quickly locking it.
Tara pulled out her phone again, arming the system again and hitting the button to alert the authorities. She picked up her knife, slowly backing up down the hallway as she heard Ghostface relentlessly banging on the door trying to get in when suddenly the banging stopped. Tara’s heart dropped when she heard the alarm system say it was disarmed, Ghostface had access to her system somehow. Tara quickly armed it again, but Ghostface was ready, disarming it once again. They went back and forth arming and disarming the alarm system until it finally landed on armed.
Tara stood at the end of the hallway gasping for breath as she continued to sob. The landline rang again, startling her and making her swing the knife. She held the wall, sobbing as she made her way back to the landline.
“Hello?” Tara said, her words shaky as she stood in the middle of the kitchen, keeping the hand holding the knife raised.
“Bonus question Tara,” Ghostface whispered.
“Please stop,” she begged.
“Do you think I made it inside your house before you could re-arm?”
Just as Tara’s eyes widened with the realization, Ghostface came out from behind her, stabbing her in the stomach. Tara let out a scream of pain. When Ghostface pushed her into the kitchen island she turned around, smacking him across the head before he could stab her again.
Ghostface grabbed her by the head and shoved her to the floor. Tara rolled over, kicking Ghostface in the stomach. Ghostface brought down their boot, snapping Tara’s leg. Tara rolled over, sobbing from the pain.
Ghostface brought down his knife towards her face, but she reached up, causing the knife to go through her left hand. Tara screamed, holding Ghostface’s arm up as he continued to try and push the knife towards her face despite it still being in her hand. He finally pulled the knife out and Tara kicked him, making him lose his balance and crash to the floor.
Unable to walk, Tara crawled her way to the front door, screaming for help. Just as Tara reached the door and she could hear the police sirens, Ghostface yanked her back, stabbing her in the side several more times.
“Nononononono,” Tara screamed as Ghostface brought his knife down onto her again.
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just-zy · 10 days
lmaoo 😭
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Pride Month PriDEMONth
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just-zy · 10 days
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MELISSA BARRERA as JOEY ABIGAIL (2024) dir. Matt Bertinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett
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just-zy · 10 days
Okay I kind of did shed a tear
(I'm bawling)
BROBROBRO so ik this prolly don't rlly matter BUTTTT how would the siblings react to birb getting killed? imagine nicky waking up from a coma just to find out that his little sister is dead 🖕
Oh no, it matters. It matters a lot 👀
Alex openly takes it the hardest. He's the oldest, he spent the most time with you through thick and thin. You went camping together, you taught him how to ski, you helped him learn how to hunt. All of those things went unfinished, his teaching went incomplete. He starts taking up more hobbies; reading, drawing, whatever he can get his hands on to keep himself busy. But he never finishes learning. Books are put down with the last chapter being unread. Drawings are half-sketched and never completed. He's just waiting for you to come back and teach him how to finish it.
Hailey, on the opposite end of the spectrum, withdraws. She used to be loud with you; scream-singing karaoke in the basement, howling at the moon just because, loud laughter at the Bridezillas on the TV. But her other half is gone now. You're gone now. Nothing is fun anymore, not when she has to do it alone. Wolfing out gets harder and suddenly it's not a fun night out with you, it's terrifying because now? Now she's all alone in the big, dark world.
Daniel talks nonstop. The most reserved out of the kids, and now no one can get him to shut up. It started a few fights with Hailey and Alex because "how are you so fine? She's not even here, who are you even talking to?" But how can he tell them that it's just too quiet now? He can't hear your thoughts anymore, can't hear that internal monologue you always had. No, now it's quiet. And that silence is deafening.
Emily, Jamie, and Alysah didn't know what to do. They were too young to truly understand what was going on, but it was the first time they had been without you. You had been part of the family before them, so you had been part of their entire lives. Now you were gone. They didn't know where you were, but they knew you weren't coming home to watch cartoons with them anymore. You didn't take them out to look for rocks down at the crick, or to grab the cookies off the top shelf when they wanted a midnight treat. So they wandered the house, wandered around the yard alone because everyone was sad and you were gone and they didn't know how to handle all these Big emotions.
But Nicky? Oh god, Nicky. There was no preparing someone for coming out of a coma, but this? When the first thing he asked was if you were okay? How could they tell him "No, she's gone?" To wake up after so long, wanting nothing more than to tell you how much he loved you, and you're gone? He spends his days at your grave more often than not, numb to everything. Sitting with his back against the headstone that he hadn't even been able to afford; it had been bought by some girl named Addams, or something like that. Every now and then she would join him, but she never talked and he talked too much. He had done everything in his power to keep you safe and look what happened. You were gone before he could even tell you he was sorry.
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