justacuppat · 2 days
MLP-Takara generations: a design experiment
Takara MLPs are considered generation 1 My Little Pony; the original ponies look like little horses and the takaras are obviously very different.
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But the standard MLP toyline underwent a lot of changes throughout the years... so, if the takaras had been successful, what would their changes look like?
Generation 1 year 2+ takaras.
Year one MLP was only a few ponies with a single color of body + matching hair... just like the takaras. It was year 2 that they introduced unicorns. pegasus, and seaponies.
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You all know I've already been concepting these so it's not surprising at all. As MLP g1 went on, they ended up doing more and more gimmicks throughout the 80s which would also be kind of fun to see the takaras do... (hint hint if you want me to draw those lmk which gimmicks are your favorites)
I also think they should bring in markings like the normal ponies but that could be part of the gimmicks. Maybe on their cheeks, or on their bellies like care bears?
In the later years og MLP also had a lot of variations on the normal pony body type, so maybe you could also see the takaras with that kind of variant, so that might be cute:
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Moving on!
Generation 2
If you aren't big into early gen My Little Pony you might not know that generation 2 didn't do very well; it was a reboot of a beloved franchise, it was new, and different, and all that jazz:
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Main differences between them and g1: first, you can see they have a very late G1-type body, which is why I pointed out the thinner pony in g1. Their face is less detailed and rounder, but they have a little more expression, very smiley.
Their ears have a more horse-y curled in shape, they have fur around their hooves (in g1 only the boy ponies had hoof floof), and they have a gem in their eye.
Also they had a lot more moving-leg gimmicks where you could push one part of their body and another would move (eg push tail -> bobs head)
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So you may ask, how am I could to g2-ify the takaras? After all, they are already much rounder than the g1 ponies. Well, I'm not going to make them just *look like* the g2 ponies, although I'll borrow more elements.
Instead: I am going to take and exaggerate all of the differences that I listed above and see what we come up with.
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So! Here is my idea for g2 takara pony. I feel like its the exact balance of very cute and something that would upset collectors familiar with the original takaras, just as g2 upset the g1 fans.
First off, she's thinner, the iconic takara nose is removed in favor of a sculpt with a smiling mouth, the legs are more horse shaped with fluff and human fingers to match the additional foot detail. a lot of people find the g2s a little "uncanny" so I feel like this works.
The sparkley eye gem and ear shape are just straight off the original g2s, just to have extra gimmick to it (also the og takaras basically had the g1 ears)
g2 came out in the late 90s so I like to imagine the pony eyes would be extra shoujo too
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Finally, a ball jointed head for more flexibility. (yes the arm would be posed like that in the doll, because its a more dynamic pose, and we can also assume that the larger size allows the doll to have a joint with more flexibility)
g2 had pretty similar gimmicks to g1 but also had some light up ponies, so maybe the takaras could have some with that gimmick too
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fun fact, g2 MLP was sold for a longer time in Europe and performed better there.
Generation 3
Generation 3 ponies are a pretty clear return to g1 MLP style, kinda scrapping most of the changes g2 made, other than proportionally thinning out the ponies a bit.
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g3 ponies have very similar face sculpts with bigger eyes, nearly the same legs, and their heads just a bit bigger in proportion to their body
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They do remind me a lot of the g1 Petite ponies, which were 1 inch sculptures that also had those proportionally bigger eyes and chunkier legs.
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I have here included the g1 so you can see the slight changes better! I think the main difference would be the g3 takara would be a lot rounder, smoother, and cutesy-er. While the original has the hello-kitty simple cute look, the g3 version would definitely have like eyelashes and big eyes.
The only other thing to note about the body is some bigger ears, a generally rounder face, and round feet.
There weren't many gimmicks super /unique/ to g3 but one I wanted to highlight was the Breezies. G1 did have the flutter ponys, which were ponies with butterfly/dragonfly type wings, but the breezies are like their own little species AND they have antennae. While the flutter ponies were sort of graceful and thinner than the other ponies, the breezies are like little chibi-er ponies.
A little bit Littlest Pet Shop-core, since its the early 2000s too.
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Generation 4 Generation 3.5
Before there was gen4 there was a subset of Gen3 ponies with a different and unique style. They were basically an exaggerated version of the Breezies with even bigger feet and tinier snouts. They are also VERY littlest-pet-shop-core.
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So, pretty straightforward changes
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Just an even more chibi, kid-ish style pony. I think the g3.5 ponies were even meant to be kids. So this is just an even more child-friendly, littlest pet shop type horsey.
Generation 4
So, obviously generation 4 ushered in a whole new era of My Little Pony with its unique and bright artstyle, which did need to transfer over to the ponies
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Personally, while I love g4 in a lot of ways im not a fan of the toys in the same way I am the other generations, their little noses have shrunk to specks, they're skinnier and more big-eyed than ever. Well, g3.5 was pretty big-eyed but at least those ones were like little kids.
This is such a drastic shift from g1/g3 and even g4, I would be unsure about the takaras.
So: eyes, bigger. Snout, so tiny and so smooth. Ears, bigger. Hooves are flatter and parts of the legs are just kinda featureless. a longer neck. They released a decent amount of ponies with plastic hair this gen, too.
I was struggling to come up with a doll for this one, but I finally realized I was doing it backwards. The thing that makes g4 stand out, I think, is the fact it was fundamentally designed opposite from g1. Lauren Faust, an animator, designed the ponies and the toys had to be designed around her art.
So the primary difference was considering what a tv show- a tv show concieved in the 2000s and airing in 2010s- and I did look into some kids properties from that time period as I was designing
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I think these Strawberry shortcake dolls are really close to the concept I'd want for a early 2010s mirror of MLP g4. So basically these toys but more anthro.
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I ended up making a 3D mockup so I'd be able to plan the different angles and keep them consistent.
The eyes are kind of far apart but I think thats true of the g4 pony toys as well. Again, because of the way the g4 show was stylized as animation, there was sort of cheating with the anatomy, especially on the face.
Generation 4.5
Gen 4.5 was a spinoff of gen4, just like gen3 had 3.5 where the ponies are more chibi. More big eyes with even bigger ears and a face like... a cats? instead of a horse. Hoof fluff again.
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I think this nailed the style without being as much of an outright copy. The bendy arms with fingers seem so silly but also I think that matches the vibe/artstyle.
G4.5 don't look like horses to me really at all though, they're like cats with hooves. Out of all of them we've seen so far they're suffering the most from "predator eyes" where they've gone so far as to make their eyes just face forward.
Generation 5
Generation 5 premiered with a CGI movie, so the toys that would be released are fairly on model with their movie selves except for the fact their heads are smack dab in the middle of their neck which i find extremely unsettling and dislike
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We've gone full "predator eyes" (no the predator eyes thing doesnt 100% biologically hold up but I find them freaky and I get to say it) AND full human eyebrows stenciled in like a makeup vlogger in the same color as the hair.
The ears are back to cup shaped (more horselike) but again the face is round with a little muzzle (more catlike). The hooves have really detailed feathering on the legs. Otherwise the body is mostly just structured like the g4 body (except a bit longer) just with more specific horse details.
These continued the trend of having a lot more articulated versions with moving legs as well. I think given that most dolls these days have articulated elbows and knees, it is reasonable to expect the takara g5 dolls would too.
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Again, I made a 3D model so I could keep it consistent from various angles.
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ta-daaaa heres my takara pony generations 1-5 lineup! Tell me which youuuuur favorite are. if you want.
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justacuppat · 3 days
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Decided to stick with the RH body. AJ doesn't match Toralei, and clashing oranges looked worse than the complete mismatch. It brings to mind someone wearing a horse mask, but I think it's fun.
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justacuppat · 3 days
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Introducing Mega Monster Clawdeen Wolf!
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justacuppat · 5 days
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the whistlerrrrrrrrrrr
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justacuppat · 10 days
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justacuppat · 17 days
What is Blueprint's talent?
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Her cutie mark is called an 'extended cutie mark'(which just means she's obsessed with whatever she'd doing, usually these types are in the royal court). Her talents include schematics, archatechture, and professional contriver to the crown, her cutie mark is spread across her body but hasn't developed quite yet because of her employer being a prick.
the one on the left is her sister, she paints :D
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justacuppat · 17 days
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Thinking about the haircut I gave my Twyla doll when I was younger because I thought it would be cool and the potential it could have if the hair didn't have glue seepage and wasn't cut by a literal child 💀
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justacuppat · 17 days
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Redesigns of the toy exclusive princesses Gold Lily and Sterling!
My headcanon for these two is that in an alternative universe they help unite Equestria instead of Tia and Luna. I’ve made them into the princesses of dawn (Gold Lily) and dusk (Sterling). I’ve yet to figure out how the princess switch would influence the g4 canon but Nightmare Moon wouldn’t be a thing in this verse. Some other event would have to happen for the mane 6 to meet🤔
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justacuppat · 17 days
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justacuppat · 17 days
thinking about the two bratz dolls that are girlfriends. peace and love on planet fashion
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justacuppat · 19 days
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Why do all my best restyles happen when almost everyone is asleep?
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justacuppat · 22 days
Pony armature poses practice
I didn't actually make my pony armature to just try to imitate the og pony toys. I wanted to see if I could make models of *different* poses.
But, noteably, an armature like this doesn't make new stuff perfectly! with all poses I can make with it, I would need to edit the sculpt significantly- and I would want to, anyways, because adding asymmetry and some difference is what makes the poses fun.
Anyways, I went through some of the g4 ponies which have dynamic poses to test new poses
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These poses aren't dissimilar to some of the g1 poses: Paradise pose, Truly pose, and Mimic Pose
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The difficulty, I iimagine, is creating proper balance for poses. The rearing poses aren't really balanced at all, they come with stands. The only properly "flying" pose is Paradises' pose. Although the above Twilight pose is similar to Mimic, there actually isn't a unicorn pose with a turned head.
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Another one that would be fully unbalanced as a doll, however, I really like the idea of a bucking pony toy.
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I think a shy Fluttershy pose would be cute, kind of a pegasus variation on the Gusty unicorn pose. Or the petite pony "shy pose" which would be cute in a big pony variation.
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I'd like to try a lying down pose, this is one attempt
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although I think id prefer a lying down one more like the glory and glory baby pose:
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justacuppat · 22 days
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justacuppat · 23 days
Let us suppose that the "average" horse would have equal proportions of all these parts. The degree to which each part in this poll deviates from the "average" size (20% of total) will determine how large or small that part of our horse will be (i.e a horse with only 10% in Legs will have legs half the size of the average horse).
I will draw a picture of the horse we make!
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justacuppat · 23 days
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All my mlp redesigns cause I finished watching the show and all equestrian girls
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justacuppat · 27 days
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Since I saw that they liked the other one I put this one 🫡🫡
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justacuppat · 28 days
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GAMERS! Say hi to Puzzlemint. She's a special one for coming with this plug-in game. I did not have this pony as a child and never got to try the game, but I did watch a gameplay on Youtube! Apparently, she says ''no kidding'' quite a lot. Her favorite color is yellow, like the sunshine. Very cute, I'm glad she's part of my collection! (15/🦄)
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