justkiddingjjk · 3 months
Okay, store has been updated and what better group of individuals to drop first than the MLA? Anyhow, as usual you can find the link HERE!
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(And thank you to anyone who bought anything when I reopened. Thank you to anyone who shared/reblogged/liked my post. Thank you to anyone who looked at the site, and thanks to anyone who took a second to read the post. Any amount of interaction helps tremendously and is GREATLY appreciated😭💕)
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justkiddingjjk · 3 months
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If I caught your attention, hear me out!
I've opened my art store back up and am testing the waters with some very simple bracelets. There is one of each and I chose to do simple LOV characters (staying away from the big 3 of course). Just a prototype drop until I get a feel for things. Link HERE
So if you're looking to help a creator out then please consider buying my dumb little crafts (the shipping is free because I pay that myself, and you get a free gift with your purchase).
More notes under the cut:
-I'll be back to writing here very soon as well. I'll be looking toward getting back into the flow after grieving and finding myself again.
-Hopefully if the store does well this time then I'll be able to post more than 5 products there. This is great news since I won't need to update it much and also so everyone can have more options
-Although this isn't my art blog, I'm going to be posting store updates here more often so please bear with me
-I want to give a big thanks to anyone that reached out to me after my loss with encouraging or supportive words. I want you to know it meant the entire world to me. Also thank you to everyone else for being patient with me while I was on Hiatus. Let's get this show back on the road!
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
*slightly backs away to fix it back poorly* and maybe if you don't mind a Lil thing about Papanin and itadori X reader thing because I'm a sucker for those, it can be whatever you want, I don't mind, I just want to live with husband kento and spoil the hell out of that pink haired boy (if you don't want to it can be with Gojo and megumi, I love those too)
Anyway back to my hole of shame and unexciting, good lucky on your New blog! Love it! *jumps onto a Black hole*
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~Nanami's S/O and Yuji~
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headcanon|scenario|letter|fake text|drabble
-Your kindness was no surprise to him. In fact, it had been what drawn him to you so early on in the relationship. He was tired, worn out and you were always that light at the end of the tunnel. Always stepping into his part of the office to see if he needed any extra help had suddenly shifted to you bringing him little gifts and lunches. On a day he was working while sick you still found time in your mountain of work to slip some throat lozenges onto his desk along with a carbonated drink and a kind note. He was thinking of ways to repay you and settled on taking you out to dinner one night (his treat). The rest was history.
-Although your kindness was no surprise, your affinity to having a parent-like nature was something that seemed to hit like a truck. It seemingly came out of nowhere one day when you were introduced to Yuji Itadori. While at first it came off as you just being kind as usual, it shifted to a more nurturing tone the longer it went on for. You never mentioned anything about wanting to have a child (or adopt), or anything like this. The two of you discussed getting a small house pet one time before but it never came to pass. There was nothing like seeing you in this form for him.
-Every time he had Itadori over, you would interrupt several times to offer the boy something to eat or drink. You'd become excited when he told you beforehand that Yuji would be over because now this meant you had time to plan for a dinner the 3 of you could enjoy together as you got to know the boy more and more. There was a certain type of softness that shown in you for Yuji more differently than it did for Nanami. It was gladly received for the boy since he seemed to lack any parental figures in his life at the moment. He'd even taken a day or two to sleep over rather than be at the dorms. You'd done laundry for him, made the boys both breakfast, and sent Yuji on his way with a bagged lunch as though he was heading off to kindergarten.
-Seeing you like this with Itadori made Nanami begin to wonder about what parenthood would be like in the future? Maybe he could...no not yet. There was still more time to enjoy as a couple first. Besides, children can tend to be troublesome in his opinion. However, it was reassuring to know you'd be ready later down the line.
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
Hiii your writing is super cute <3 Can I request a mahito x reader scenario where he finds out what tickling is and tries to wreck you, only for him to get pinned and destroyed instead? cute or spicier, whatever you’re comfortable with~~
(Thank you tons! I hope to be able to them some form of justice here and hopefully things only get better bit by bit!)
~Mahito Tickling his S/O~
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headcanon|scenario|letter|fake text|drabble
"What are you doing here?" You ask incredulously when you open the door to your favorite familiar face. Just moments ago he said he was halfway across town. How exactly did he get here so fast? Mahito smiled innocently at you. "I took a short cut." You move to the side so he can enter the apartment and get cozy. For the past month or so you'd taken to showing him some of your favorite movies and shows. He knew a lot but still it felt like not much at all. His curiosity couldn't be quenched most of the time so this was a fun way for you two to bond as a couple and for him to dip his toes into pop culture.
You search on the screen for a romantic comedy and he watches happily from the bed, his arms behind his head and a content smile on his face. When you finally settle on the option you press play and waste no time in scurrying to the kitchen to gather a few snacks. Although he doesn't need to eat necessarily, he still finds himself dipping his hands into the chip bag with you. Perhaps it was just that he wanted to mimic your actions like cats tend to do with their owners. He found no pleasure or relief in eating but it was something the two of you could do together in the moment.
About 28 minutes into the movie you noticed a small shift in his behavior. He wasn't any less relaxed, but was instead more focused. He sat up slightly and his pupils dilated as he locked focus with the scene in front of him. You held back your laughter. He often did this when he was logging some sort of new information in his brain for the first time. You noticed when he would try eating something new or even when reading, often pulling the book closer to his eyes and scanning over the page 2 to 3 times in a row. The scene he currently felt drawn to was a simple tickle fight. "Is it painful?" He asks shortly after the scene ends, turning to look at you for an answer. You think for a second before replying. "No, not exactly. Well it could be uncomfortable for some people if you do it especially for too long at a time. It's a weird thing to explain." He slowly nods as he thinks for a second longer. "If it's uncomfy then why do some people do it? Like the two on the screen?" You smile at him and reach up to poke his nose playfully. "Because it's funny haha! As long as you respect your partner's boundaries then it can be a fun thing to do. It doesn't feel good to everyone but it's...well I don't know how to explain. Would you like to see?"
Without warning he pins you to the mattress and scans your eyes for any sign of discomfort. "Mahi, this isn't exactly what I meant when I asked if you wanted to tr-" Again without warning he stopped you in your words and started tickling you. His fingers wiggled probably a million miles an hour and you couldn't seem to get away from them no matter how you tried. He was beyond pleased to hear you laughing for him. So much so that he didn't notice you starting to beg for mercy between your laughter. He only really stopped when he noticed something was wrong and you started choking on your own saliva. Quickly he frowns and lifts you to sit upward, watching intently as you gather your breath. You smile mischievously and pull the exact same move on him. At first you're smiling at the confusion on his face but then you begin laughing at the sound of him laughing as well. His mind formulates reasoning behind the act of tickling and can only settle on synthetic dopamine/joy being force produced by actions of another human being you enjoy the company of. You laugh lightly before pulling him into a hug. "Maybe let's lighten up on the tickle fight for a little while." You both try to catch your breath for a second.
"Ha, I think I may have to agree!" He hugs back tightly.
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(I wanted to add some spice so it could be best of both worlds but ended up making it too fluffy. I'm sorry anon!)
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
Nah I relate so much with reading jjk fics but only seeing through gifs/spoilers 😳 whole ass mood.
Anyways may I request headcannons of Geto with shy innocent reader. She has no idea what curses are, she’s just an average citizen living life. Meanwhile Geto loves her naive nature and teases her a lot.
Thank you so much and good luck with the new blog ♥️
(It's honestly so real. The only reason I didn't want to read it was so me and my friends could get together and watch a new episode every week as like a friends night. But with me being on the webs, spoilers are inevitable. My knowledge is a field with a ton of blank holes scattered about lol. Anyhow, I hope it's okay I left the reader open a bit so a wide group of people could insert themselves into it. Thank you so much for the ask!)
~Geto's Innocent Little Interest~
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headcanon|scenario|letter|fake text|drabble
-Pet? No that's not exactly right. Although your purity and idiocy to the world around you often resembles that of a small puppy. Pet wasn't the right word to describe it. Interest? Certainly he was interested in you of course. You behaved in a way that was a bit peculiar and endearing to say the least. Lover, significant other? Maybe he should start calling you that. He didn't claim you as his partner but he didn't want anyone else doing so either. The thought of someone possible taking advantage of you, poisoning you and your happiness, or simply taking up more of your time than him? This alone was enough to send him into a flying rage. Significant other...he'd settled on the title without even telling you a single thing.
-Speaking of telling you not a single thing, you were in the dark about a lot of stuff. This seemed to make him happier than you would know. He'd preferred to keep you as innocent as possible because the joy you radiated from your ignorance was like no other. You, in simple terms, were ignorant. And what do the humans say about that? "Ignorance is bliss" he mumbled to himself as he watched you skip along the sidewalk and right into his arms. He gave the best hugs, you claimed. He smiled at just the smell of your perfume/cologne. You'd done up your appearance just for him perhaps? You looked so good today he'd be sure to keep an eye out for anyone that lingered too long on you.
-"Tell me again what curses are, Y/N?" He asks as the two of you walk along the sidewalk together. You thoughtfully place a finger on your chin and hum. "Hmmm...curses are like hexes that a magical being like a wizard or witch can place on you. Like the movies right?" He chuckles and shakes his head. "I suppose you might float away with the wind considering there was no brain in there to help weigh you down." He teased. You scoffed and playfully punched his side. He loved doing that to you. Teasing you was his favorite thing to do because you never seemed to take it to heart. The two of you could have a good laugh over this and he'd get to see that smile of yours on full display.
-His other favorite things to do with you included watching you go about your everyday life as if danger was present around every corner. He was still not the safest person to be around but you had no clue about that. How lucky would you feel if you knew? Would you thank him for being ever present to protect you from other cursed spirits if you knew about this stuff? He likes to think/dream that you would. He watches you go about your life as though there were no problems at all. You make your drink in the morning, you read and do house chores. You drive, walk, dance, shower, sing, eat, sleep. You do all of these things and perhaps so freely with him that he sometimes find himself forgetting he wasn't a human like you.
-Unbeknownst to you, your naivety was something to be cherished and preserved for as long as possible. The minute you find out the truth about the world around you is the moment everything would change. Maybe it was inevitable considering the coming events he had planned. Still, he'd work hard to ensure you remained in the dark as long as possible.
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
I came over from your mha blogs and I was really happy that one of my fav mha villain writers is dipping toes into jjk 💕
May I request Mahito x reader where Mahi and reader are ‘friends’ who have feelings for each other (but havent admitted to it), and then one day Mahi learns about the concept if kissing and wants to experiment with reader?
Much love to you! 💙
(Thank you! I've been drowning in my other interests lately and really truly wanted to see if venturing out would help lol. After all, even before the villain blog I was pushing an akatsuki one for several years. Life changes but writing stays the same as far as interests go!)
~Mahito's Experimentation~
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headcanon|scenario|letter|fake text|drabble
It's difficult for him to place a finger on just what exactly about you gained his interest. From day one, things had been different when it came to you. He was interested in a lot of things, but with you it would seem his curiosity ran much deeper. For specifics, he was mostly intrigued by the way you made him feel. His emotions with you were recognizable at first. Sure there was the curiosity, then the content feeling of having you around often. The happiness he felt when he opened up and spoke with you on different topics that you then returned the favor on would be his favorite emotion. There was a secret new feeling bubbling up lately that he couldn't quite specify. After a while of sitting and thinking to himself late one evening, he'd pushed through every known emotion on the list. He cycles through the idea of possibly harming you or using you in the future. When it turns out he didn't have any interest in doing so, he's settled on a form of longing perhaps?
When the two of you weren't in each others presence it was when he felt this gut feeling warp itself into a nasty type of sadness. When he couldn't spend even longer with you, it became a shortened form of anger or annoyance. When you were back in his arm the metaphorical dark cloud that hovered above him had seemed to dissipate quickly. Still unsure of what to call you, he'd settled on the common title of 'friend'. After all, that's what you were right? You smile and reach out to him with one gentle hand, cupping his cheek and ignoring the longing in your heart for something more than this. "Are you okay today? You're in your thoughts more than usual." You ask his with genuine worry etched into your features. He hums quietly at your words. "Yes of course. I'm just thinking..." He smiles and you chuckle lightly. "You always are huh?" You tease him before turning your attention back to the phone in your free hand. When you release his face he feels that small bubble of annoyance begin to pop up. He wants you to hold him like that a little longer, but doesn't say anything regarding the act. If the two of you were friends then why exactly does his body react to you the way it does. He considers himself to be friends with the others.
Geto can be used an an example.
He doesn't long for Geto's touch. He could care less about how long the two of them have spent apart from each other. Yet he enjoys conversation and company all the same. Why were you so different from this?
Mahito mourns for the time you two have to spend apart the next day. You've got business to attend to and won't return home until later that evening. He fears his emotions may possibly overtake him if he doesn't figure something out here soon. It was only when he was reading a particular romance novel that he'd accidentally picked up in his collection of books that he realized perhaps there was more he could be doing with him time and you. Romance, couples, dating, kissing, sex, families...all unimportant upon first glace. Yet, how could he explain so many of the humans partaking in this kind of stuff? Very well, he'd experiment with this odd behavior and perhaps he could find some sort of reward or revelation within it. He'd made up his mind by the time you stepped through your doorway. The whole of dinner time was uncomfortably quiet for you. He always stared at you in a way of curiosity but never for such a long time before. You'd never taken a minute to admit how you truly felt about him so having your love interest bore his eyes into your side wasn't exactly the most relaxing situation to begin with. What he chose to do next had you frozen for the better half of the next 3 minutes.
Without warning or words, Mahito reached out and gently grabbed either side of your face with both his hands. He was careful to to startle you any further than he already had. He'd slowly leaned closer to you, monitoring your lips before placing his with them softly. He was terrible at kissing. He'd watched no videos and only had the book to guide him. His eyes were widened the entire time, observing the way you stared at him in panic. He finally pulled away when he realized he was moving his lips, just sitting them on top of yours and waiting for what would happen next. "A kiss." he utters plainly with a small triumphant smile on his face. You could only scoff before bursting into laughter. "A kiss? I wouldn't exactly call it that." He hadn't known why you were laughing so hard but the sound of your joy made him chuckle a bit too. He'd done the experiment totally and completely wrong yet he was pleased with the end results. He knew he liked the feeling of your lips on his, and you hadn't exactly rejected him either. If anything, you were cooking up your own plan to show him how kissing should be done. He'd eagerly await your next move with no complaint in sight.
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
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Don't mind the mess!
It's almost 3 a.m. and I'm half asleep trying to finish setting up this blog/getting things organized. Please feel free to continue sending any asks you may think of for the time being. I will get to them soon!🩷🌸
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
~Fake Texts~
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
~Ask Megumi~
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
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-Mahito Tickling his S/O
-Mahito's Experimentation Kissing S/O
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
~Character Letters~
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
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-Geto's Innocent Little Interest
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
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(Bolded content on the individual lists indicates Smut will be involved so viewer beware and Minors DNI. Last Updated as of 1/27/2024. Blog rules can be located here.*Be sure to head over to the "Ask Megumi" section or feel free to send in an ask for a personalized response. Thank you and enjoy!)
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-Character Letters-
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-Drabbles & Fake Texts-
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-Ask Megumi-
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
~Smut Rules~
(Ground Rules for the dirty stuff in general. This might also change in the future as I explore what I can and can't do without messing it up somehow. Meaning in short: I may add more to my 'will do' list but don't expect my 'will not' list to get too lose)
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I will not write:
-Non consenting …Yknow? 🍇
-Hate fucking (I just can’t... yet)
-Threesomes (eventually might)
-Anything to do with poop, pee, or vomit
-Out of the box stuff like necrophilia or whatever
-Nothing underage, and no incest please (nothing for Panda)
-No over the top degradation. I WILL venture into it slightly with rough stuff.
-Alpha Beta Omega thingy. I’m sorry, I have no clue how to!!!
-And whatever I can’t think of right now, I’ll let you know if I won’t write it. (sometimes it doesn’t come to me unless I read a request based on whatever it is
I will write:
-Daddy kinks I guess
-Fluffier stuff
-Aye, make up sex is alright
-Rough stuff. I’ll do pet play to an extent (TO A DEGREE or whatever). A little bit of restraint, orgasm denial, spanking, rough talk, a tiny bit of choking, hair pulling, biting etc. Probably nothing too over the top until I get better at it please.
-Phone sex/Video sex (blah blah)
-Dirty talk is included in the list
-And some stuff I can’t think of once again, I’ll let you know if it’s okay or whatever.
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justkiddingjjk · 4 months
"You can't just write for JJk if you're an 'anime only' surviving off of Twitter/X Spoilers and only knowing half of what's going on in the story???"
"I can, and I just did." Anyway...have a quick peek at the rules:
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~Who Do I Write For~
(including a list of characters that I may possibly add to in the future depending on how things go. Some of these characters due to age I prefer to only write as platonic friendships. Therefore, their names are bolded to indicate this. Other characters are a different story. Also there will be NO smut for Panda so please keep that in mind. Thank you!)
-Kento Nanami
-Satoru Gojo
-Toji Fushiguro
-Maki Zenin
-Mai Zenin
-Megumi Fushiguro
-Aoi Todo
-Toge Inumaki
-Ryomen Sukuna
-Shoko Ieiri
-Choso Kamo
-Suguru Geto
-Yuta Okkotsu
-Nobara Kugisaki
-Yuji Itadori
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