Started dating somebody and eventually reached the point where I was like yes. You can read my succession fanfiction ❤️
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Do you want a deal with the devil?
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Subject: Chores
Ok. Well Dad says you have to melt down your sense of identity to mold yourself in his violent image. Or your fired
- Ken
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after s4 kendall gets REALLY into drag race and his vocabulary becomes absolutely atrocious
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SARAH SNOOK + Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series for Succession S4 Awards Season sweep
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stewy hosseini: my style is miticulous
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stewy hosseini: my style is miticulous
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hey if you died right now whats your ghost outfit you cant change it be honest
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kendall and stewy are both terrible to their staff but in different ways. kendall knows everybody's name and will say hello/make polite small talk, but he is also extremely helpless, prone to screaming when he's in a mood, and will assign increasingly outlandish tasks when manic. stewy will not remember staff's name (example a jess) and generally will ask for things in a sarcastic/dickish way, sometimes not even addressing a staff member directly (again jess, offering up for the bear hug letter by telling kendall to have her do it when she's right there), and he also will ask for insane things like finding a trojan horse, but he does know how to work his own coffee machine and doesn't yell or destroy items in a rage. when they are living together though, well, then it's an 'abandon all hope ye who enter' situation.
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This hair on stewy ... thoughts. mwah
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Re: gay kendall cause i didnt want to clog your replies LOL god so many thoughts… gay kendall + all of his canon relationships… sometimes a man hurts every woman in his life because his true soulmate is another man etc… can you imagine the rava divorce in this context. deeply repressed and unhappy in his marriage and losing the chance to cling to an illusory failing heterosexual life... OR he’s so fully aware of his sexuality but still likes the idea of a wife and kids as a symbol of accomplishment and is internally like Yeah i can get with men and be married to a woman. I can make this work. then rava starts the divorce and he gets so catty and vindictive like in their actual divorce. like hold on i know why *i* want to leave you but why would *you* want to leave me. you’re not divorcing me, because actually, im divorcing you, etc. god so many possibilities….. Haunted by visions of gay kendall
oh kendall is the LAST person to know he's gay. like he thinks everyone is just. kinda faking how much they are attracted to women. looking for pussy like techno-gatsby is just another part of the performance of masculinity to him, and, well, he has gotten pretty good at all of the other parts, so? like he has spent his teen years listening to stewy talk about boobs and ass without really getting it but learning how that Supposed to sound while just. thinking that Everyone gets kinda worked up when their bro slaps his shoulder, or has a few buttons undone so his newly-grown chest hair is showing, or is. wearing shorts. kendall isn't a prude, he can admit when his bro looks good. no he doesn't really like looking at playboy models but he gets really worked up when he watches porn, but he Gotta see the guy, cause he is like, the one who is Really Doing stuff, so. (also insert my manic ramblings about teen kenstewy watching porn together)
he mentally compartmentalized All Of The Gay Shit (the things he can't rationalize into being just normal bro stuff) as just something he does when he is Off his Game, when he is drunk or high or just Off, this is what he does when he is weak and weird and like, he likes to do that, because there is something fucking fundamentally wrong with him and he has to work really hard to Fix It, and then he will be Normal. "Rava, c'mon, I'm clean (and I no longer fuck around with men), please why can’t you give me one more chance!"
and like, later on in his life, he has this kind of like, detached understanding that Gay People Are Okay, Actually, and he is Progressive and so he knows that some people are Homos, and it's Normal, but like. not when he does it. there are normal gay people, and they are all happily monogamous/married, or they are like, Cool (like stewy), they are all Normal, while kendall is a Not. kendall gets high off his ass and sucks dick in club bathrooms. kendall likes to be called a piece of shit and get railed bareback. he is not Normal. HE is a fucking queer.
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ok but like kendall is never beating the deep in the closet allegations (in MY opinion) because like EVERYTHING in his marriage reeks of desperate attempts to perform normalcy in some way and fucking. win being a person. like he wants to be a good father and husband SO badly but he only wants that as a concept. he wants to be the ceo he wants to be a better father than logan he wants to be a better husband than logan but he doesn't. want to father his children. he doesn't want to be with his wife. like. I am still thinking about his attempt at getting back with rava when he first became ceo. he. he really thought he was going to finally win at being normal. performing well as a businessman and performing well as a father and husband are the same thing in his mind. he never fucking asks himself what would actually make him, the person he ACTUALLY FUCKING IS, happy. this is closet case behavior.
his other relationships with women follow similar patterns, although rava is obviously unique by the virtue of being his wife and therefore forever connected in his mind to a Perfect vision of his own life. He mostly dates women as a way to assert himself and his masculinity and prowess, with the notable exception of Naomi, who he clings to desperately because she ALSO works as a conduit for his idealized version of himself (a more progressive one, a more emotionally healthy one, the version of himself that isn't desperately lonely). I think it is important to note that the period of his relationship with Naomi and his general whistle-blower era is also a period when he makes an attempt to reconnect with his children again. but that all goes to shit when he inevitably fails to live up to the expectation he set for himself (because. that always happens) and finds that!! well!! he is still fucking himself!!!! no matter how much he twists and turns he can’t fucking do it! he can't win being a person! he can't! the performance is draining and he is alone and he is tired and no matter how hard he tries he is still an addict, he is still "screwy", he is still a fuck-up, he is still the person that failed to fucking drown when he should have!
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had a day where i read a lot of rené girard and briefly got into it, before realising he is peter thiel's fave theorist and snapping out of it. It did however make me want to write a kenstewy about mimetic desire, bc those are the most mimetic desire motherfuckers alive
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I have been absent bc I have been """doing a graduate degree"" and ""finding meaning and happiness in life""". But u know what? I am HOME for christmas and the obsession can start again
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someone brought up succession to me the other day. And I had to pretend to be Excessively Normal about it
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I really missed my calling, I should have been a fanfic writer in the late 00s / early teens when like...putting your characters through the most heinous suffering possible was de rigueur
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that one poll about if you'd be friends w someone who cheated and the comments/tags were an all out blood bath got me thinking so
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