kathryn-133 · 22 days
That's so adorable.
Windbreaker Trivia - First Years
Japanese school systems group kids born from April 2nd to April 1st of the following year in the same class.
(For example, kids born from April 2nd, 2000 to April 1st, 2001 would be in the same class.)
So, for the six main first years in Bofurin, the oldest to youngest would be:
-Tsugeura (5/15)
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-Kiryu (8/19)
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-Nirei (9/21)
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-Sugishita (11/3)
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-Suo (3/28)
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-Sakura (4/1)
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This would mean Sakura is not only the youngest first year, but he's also the youngest in the entire school.
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kathryn-133 · 6 months
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kathryn-133 · 6 months
I do not want to derail conversations about Martin and Jessica but lowkey Geoff Johns's treatment of Jack annoys me too. Something about actually seeing Hal's relationship with his big brother (and *sighs* helping him advertise his election campaign while dressed as Green Lantern which may be immoral) and especially their dynamic in Spectre makes me like
Damn, Jack did not deserve this at all. AND he gets to be the only Jordan family member still dead?!
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kathryn-133 · 10 months
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Combining two minds into one makes a battery. I'll draw out your full potential.
We'll be great partners.
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kathryn-133 · 10 months
“It’s ok. I won’t leave you to die alone”
Okumura Koushuu to Sawamura Eijun, his upperclassmen when they were about to lose.
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It’s such a beautiful moment. He’s younger than him, it’s his first game and everything is going so terribly bad, and he made a promise that he couldn’t keep (that he would catch everything for him and that Sawamura shouldn’t worry). So instead of just crumbling or giving up on the guy no one on the team fully put their trust in. The same guy he put his trust in. The guy that won him over with his heart and spirit and love for the sport, he tells him instead that if they crash and burn they will do that together. If they get humiliated, they will do that together too. And if this is going to be the end of their game, they are gonna end it together because “I’s ok. I won’t leave you to die alone.”
It’s one of the most powerful moments I have ever read in a sports manga. It’s not something ridiculous like fighting words that’s suddenly going to save the day. It’s not false bravado. It’s just a kid telling another kid he looks up to that he won’t abandon him even if the going get’s tough and it sounded really heartfelt from a kid that could never express himself well, and so so powerful in a single moment that made them both feel so very human.
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kathryn-133 · 10 months
- Chapter 238: Beyond the limit
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- Chapter 250: Kept you waiting
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kathryn-133 · 11 months
i think hal deserves to be short but he also deserves to be tall its very conflicting
TRUEE the hal that lives in my brain is like 5'10 or so but I think his height should be situational and should depend on whatever's funniest at the time
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kathryn-133 · 11 months
I love that transfem Hal is canon under two different writers <3 we all know she's so gender
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kathryn-133 · 11 months
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random batlantern sketches
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kathryn-133 · 11 months
JLA polycule confirmed!
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Superman: the Man of Steel #96
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kathryn-133 · 11 months
DC version of AO3 is called Tales of Our Own??
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(Far Sector: Green Lantern)
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kathryn-133 · 1 year
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Don’t get me wrong, this is a super cute moment and everything its just that
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It keeps happening!!!
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kathryn-133 · 1 year
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No one’s ever coming back in a body bag because I settled for half a job!
Hal Jordan in Legends of the DC Universe (1998) #28
(Steven Grant, Gil Kane)
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kathryn-133 · 1 year
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This is a world of rare and fierce beauty. May we both live to appreciate it fully.
Henry Lee Jordan, an ancestor of Hal Jordan, and Abin Sur in Legends of the DC Universe (1998) #20
(Steven Grant, Mike Zeck)
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kathryn-133 · 1 year
are Bruce and Khoa the same age? that's what I assumed from seeing their history together but it's also said that Bruce knew Khoa since Khoa was at least 15 and started beating him at their fights when Bruce was 20, but according to the dc wiki Bruce was 19 when he started training. was Bruce's age when he started training changed back to 14 like it was preboot according to the wiki, or is he actually just 4 years older? (sorry this is so long)
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Fantastic question, but I honestly have no clue! That’s probably something only Tynion could really answer definitively (or a different writer to come onto the book later if they decided to)
From reading their stuff I kinda assumed Bruce was the older of the two but more by like a year or so, not four years.
An outside party considered them both teenagers during one of the earlier flashbacks we get of the two of them. It’s unclear exactly when this falls though. We know Khoa started using the ‘Ghostmaker’ name & wearing a mask at fifteen from the page you added from #103, and that’s when Bruce made fun of him for it, so since he’s got the eye wraps based on the mask it’s after that
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(Batman (2016) #102)
Similarly at a point before that (Khoa not wearing the Ghostmaker eye wrappings yet) Bruce says they talked about what things they hoped might exist in their adult lives, implying neither were adults yet at this earlier point. That doesn’t really work with Bruce being 19 when he starts, as he’d already technically be an adult from the moment he started training. They also definitely seem to be peers here.
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(Batman (2016) #104)
And in general the way things are phrased seems to imply they spent at least a few years training as teenagers together (“What we built ourselves into these past years” “I’m not a teenager anymore. And neither are you”) if Bruce’s training still started at 19 then he’d only have been a teenager that one year, it doesn’t really add up.
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(Batman (2016) #105)
So in general I don’t have a solid answer, but I doubt making them have a several year age difference was the goal there. They’re more implied/portrayed as peers being approx the same age while teenagers. (like as adults a four year age difference is pretty negligible, but as teenagers it’d be far more noticeable and I don’t think they made a point of showing it as a thing in the several flashbacks we got)
Especially because the Ghost Stories arc was right before Infinite Frontier started- So it was published concurrently with Death Metal- Tynion knew that was going on and continuity was changing. So I think the timeline was already being a bit fluid and perhaps he had the old age of 14 in mind and was just rolling with that.
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kathryn-133 · 1 year
Hal was a meche???
Short answer: no I just said that because all engineers are the same (annoying) to me
Long answer: he definitely has some sort of engineering degree but probably its aerospace engineering which I forgot was a thing. You need a degree to be a test pilot, and we know from the sleepers books that hal definitely went to college. Hal's also built test sims and fixed up airplanes before, so we know he has a background in mechanics and airplane design. Hence, engineering degree, but nobody's ever explicitly stated what degree he has as far as I'm aware.
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kathryn-133 · 1 year
I read through the first issue of Green Lantern 1990, and man, Bruce really liked Hal at that time.
He openly welcomed Hal back and asked Hal to join them again. And you know Bruce Wayne is never the social or friendly type.
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He thought highly of Hal.
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And he actually cared about Hal's feelings.
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Considering that this happened before the Zero Hour event, I actually think that it's hard for Bruce to trust Hal again because he used to trust and respect Hal a lot - which is not easy for an emotionally distant guy like him.
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