kazamishunn · 2 months
“bRinG iT oN fRostED TiPs!1!1!1!”
this should NOT be that funny 😭😭😭 but bestie it looks like more than just the tips are frosted 💀
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kazamishunn · 4 months
Curious to see what Tumblr thinks, and depending on how it goes I'll do the other OG Brawlers- (maybe I'll draw them with the most popular votes)-
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kazamishunn · 5 months
@marukrawler i cant believe i didnt see this post until now but here are some reasons why i honestly am shun kazamis #1 stan.
1) i love that in his own way, he is loyal to his friends and helps them out despite how shitty dan was to him (especially in the MS1 if i remember correctly i havent watched in years). he helps dan in their battle against masquerade, even though he wasnt dans friend anymore at that point. he helps dan in NV the second time he battles gus when dans struggling (again lol). he even indirectly helps ace when hes struggling in their tag team agaisnt volt and lync. ace be getting mad when shuns only trying to help. like excuse you if it werent for shun youd be losing but go off
2) skyress lol thats it. my queen.
3) shuns hair attenna. need i say more
4) he's intuitive and smart. imo i think he's the smartest one on the show. obviously not like tech smart like marucho but there were many times in the show where he was the only one to pick up on something which saved himself from shitty situations.
- ex: being the only one to realize hal g was tricking everyone when he was impersonating kato to get to wavern and pretending to be tricked like the others
again, being the only one to not fall the vexos trap when the vexos impersonated mira and dan which ace and marucho. mylene and volt would later ambush them and they would all be captured of course (i mean he ended up getting captured anyway but at least he didnt fall for the initial base).
-being the only one at first to suspect somethings off with ren and getting confirmation from fabia.
5) kinda love that hes cocky in his own little way. at some in NV2 ace is like we need to look for mira and shuns like fuck that we need to focus on the mission and ace got so mad ill try to find a screenshot of what im talking about its so funny to me
6) relate to him in an uncanny way. i lost my mother when i was around shuns age and i remember being 12 and prolonging her death by trying to talk to her as much as i can while she was in her hospital bed even though i knew she was almost at her end. i saw myself in shun; after she died, i was a recluse. i pushed my friends away and insisted i needed to be alone and i didnt need anyone because i only needed myself. after years of ✨therapy✨ i realized i needed my friends and that they needed me too. i shared a lot of charactersitcs with shun. i was quiet. never apoke unless spoken too. i was intelligent (well i still like to think myself). physically, i did competitive gymnastics up until college, which forced me to be light on my feet, kinda like shun so thats always a little fun.
getting tired so i will post more tomorrow or whenever i have time 1L is rough right now lol but yeah these are my reasons why i love shun. i hope theyre suffient to see why.
i need shun stans to list things abt shun kazami that they like other than him being a ninja and those times he fought a bakugan
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kazamishunn · 5 months
okay i need shun and ace content like badly. i have read every fic, seen every fanart i need more
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kazamishunn · 7 months
What do you hate the most about Shun?
his dumb fucking grappling hook. boi where do u even keep it?? mf's got hammerspace.
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kazamishunn · 7 months
i have such obscure bakugan ships that may not even be worth sharing but i definitely can say that i dont really ship dan with anyone bc i find him to be too insufferable 😭
edit: okay but season 3 dan was actually great. he was considerate and all around great guy. jake gets the reward of most insufferable character in the show though. i cannot believe that he and spectra and julio share the same VA bc wow so different.
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kazamishunn · 11 months
okay bakugan community would anyone be interested in a watch party of either season 1 and/or 2 of bakugan?
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kazamishunn · 1 year
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kazamishunn · 1 year
it also makes me unnecessarily sad that bakugan never lived up to same standard/popularity as pokemon but at the same time, im glad it didnt. i love this little niche community
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kazamishunn · 1 year
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maruren art on maruren monday. . .that's a first 😳
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kazamishunn · 1 year
sometimes i think about this scene in the dub thats only available in the extended version where shun is saying goodbye to skyress before she and the others go back to vestroia w drago and hes crying and it makes me emotional every time. why did the writers of this show like making him suffer every chance they can get goddamn.
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kazamishunn · 1 year
okay i caved. welcome to my bakugan blog. i love bakugan so much that i decided to make a separate blog just dedicated to it. posts will be irregular bc im a 1L student so please enjoy the occasional posts of me sharing my headcanons no one has asked for. i hope you enjoy:3
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