kazemi-archive · 2 months
this is the end of the zorosprincess queue <33 reach out, and you can come find me again <33
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kazemi-archive · 2 months
Happy Thursday 🌻 how are you? Just here to remind you that you’re special and I hope you’re thriving!
hi nonnie! this probably wont be thursday anymore when this comes out but i want you to know this made me smile so much. thank you for this <3 i hope you have a beautiful week
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kazemi-archive · 2 months
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kazemi-archive · 2 months
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elle baby !!! ily <33 this made me smile im giving you smooches!!! mwah mwah
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kazemi-archive · 2 months
Archived Interaction Tags
☾ Mochi’s Moon ☽ ☾ Vie’s Moon ☽ ☾ Bee’s Moon ☽ ☾ Nini’s Moon ☽ ☾ Cat’s Moon ☽ ☾ Aika’s Moon ☽ ☾ Nana’s Moon ☽ ☾ Kae’s Moon ☽ ☾ Luna’s Moon ☽ ☾ Esther’s Moon ☽ ☾ Hope’s Moon ☽ ☾ Natasha’s Moon ☽ ☾ Kendy’s Moon ☽ ☾ Nesi’s Moon ☽ ☾ Risu’s Moon ☽ ☾ Kisa’s Moon ☽ ☾ Rae’s Moon ☽ ☾ Laura’s Moon ☽ ☾ Elle’s Moon ☽ ☾ Haley’s Moon ☽ ☾ Liz’s Moon ☽ ☾ Jelly Belly ☽ ☾ Andes Mint ☽ ☾ Extragalactic ☽ ☾ Ursa Major ☽ ☾ Stellar Twin ☽ ☾ Stardust ☽ ☾ Lem’s Moon ☽ ☾ Char’s Moon ☽ ☾ Lena’s Moon ☽ ☾ Coco’s Moon ☽ ☾ Dilly’s Moon ☽ ☾ Gliese 504 b ☽ ☾ 🎶 anon ☽ ☾ Shooting Star ☽ ☾ Radiant ☽ ☾ Earthshine ☽ ☾ The Sun ☽
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kazemi-archive · 2 months
i’m not posting over there yet. bc i will have an ocd fit. because i had a plan. but please know. if i boop you from there, its me boooing my nose against yours like a cat
omg okay. so apparently i have to start using my new account today bc no way im missing out on getting that lil black kitty paw….
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kazemi-archive · 2 months
hey. i'm curious. what made you pick that name as your alias? Please tell me cuz i think just like blog url there is a little story behind it.
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
reading blog is set up <3 if you'd like to follow just shoot me an ask or dm <33 (none of the other accounts are even remotely set up though aha)
i will still be semi-active here for the time being as well
hey y'all. i'm gonna be moving blogs at some point. it won't be now, it'll be a slow process. i'm going to be separating out into multiple blogs and running from a "main blog" this time.
i love this blog and have so many ties to the memories i've made with it. but this also carries a lot of memories that i'd like to detach from as well.
the blogs will be going up one by one and not all at once. if you would like to come join me on the blogs as they go up shoot me a dm and/or an ask and i'll give you the users as they go public. just not comfortable posting them up yet <3 so i won't be following people from the new one until i have it fully set up and i'll still be around here
tl;dr im moving blogs slowly (not officially yet). message me if you'd like me to give you the new ones as i make them active.
fanart blog is first <33
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
resources blog is set up <3 if you'd like to follow just shoot me an ask or dm <33 (none of the other accounts are even remotely set up though aha)
i will still be semi-active here for the time being as well
hey y'all. i'm gonna be moving blogs at some point. it won't be now, it'll be a slow process. i'm going to be separating out into multiple blogs and running from a "main blog" this time.
i love this blog and have so many ties to the memories i've made with it. but this also carries a lot of memories that i'd like to detach from as well.
the blogs will be going up one by one and not all at once. if you would like to come join me on the blogs as they go up shoot me a dm and/or an ask and i'll give you the users as they go public. just not comfortable posting them up yet <3 so i won't be following people from the new one until i have it fully set up and i'll still be around here
tl;dr im moving blogs slowly (not officially yet). message me if you'd like me to give you the new ones as i make them active.
fanart blog is first <33
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
so emotional and for what reason. lobotomize me.
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
sometimes. people say things. that are just like soooo wild to me. like... what distorted reality are you living in?
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
do i live alone? yes. did i also just whine out loud and have a little mini tantrum going "i wanna go to sleep! i don't wanna be a human anymore! i don't wanna work tomorrow!" out loud? also yes. i'm having a moment.
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
doctor took my weight today and made me take a paper with weight loss recipes and started talking to me about eating less calories a day because i’m 200lbs and he wants me down to 160lbs. thought i was fine. but now i can’t stop thinking bout it.
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
happy leap day y’all. i’m so sleepy but i hope yall have had/have a good day 💜
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
2d men who manhandle you into their lap without even asking you….you’re not in any sort of relationship with them…only know them as a friend of a friend maybe ….they don’t go any further with you than that but if you squirm, try to wriggle your way off of them they pull you right back to where you started with a single hand on your hip. ask you what’s the rush darling? you not enjoying the party? why don’t you try sticking it out a little longer then we’ll find somewhere quiet to settle down in for the night
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kazemi-archive · 3 months
Hestia: Goddess of the hearth and the home, you are another symbol of chastity amongst the Greek gods. Stepping down from Olympus to allow a place for another god instead, you are known for your humble and selfless nature. It is perhaps impossible for anyone to loathe you, simply because you practice great kindness and forgiveness and do not hold as much of an ego as the other gods are known to do. As a person I have likely never met, I advise you to put more worth to yourself, to restrain yourself from treating everyone with equal kindness, for not all are deserving of it. At times, it is allowed to be selfish, and at times, it is necessary, in fact. You must take care of yourself as equally as you take care of others
which greek god are you (but somewhat detailed)
My best friend made a quiz! I'm gonna start a chain because she'd like that and I can. This was mine,
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No pressure at all :)
@coffee-without-anesthetics @lastdivantruther @bunniezai @spiderbends @irish-journal @someonebeatmetotheseusernames @shroom-sprouts @lyloneliness @lotus-pear
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